
2024-06-01 00:02:07 +0200zetef(~quassel@2a02:2f00:5202:1200:3fa2:e908:b522:fa2f) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2024-06-01 00:03:05 +0200ekurtz(~ekurtz@ (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-06-01 00:04:58 +0200gmg(~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2024-06-01 00:06:04 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2024-06-01 00:17:23 +0200machinedgod(~machinedg@d173-183-246-216.abhsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2024-06-01 00:19:58 +0200 <haskellbridge> <sm> hey, that looks fun
2024-06-01 00:20:17 +0200 <haskellbridge> <sm> * fun. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/spoon-0.3.1/docs/Control-Spoon.html
2024-06-01 00:23:17 +0200philopsos1(~caecilius@user/philopsos) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2024-06-01 00:24:34 +0200target_i(~target_i@user/target-i/x-6023099) (Quit: leaving)
2024-06-01 00:28:56 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)
2024-06-01 00:35:15 +0200gugu256(~gugu256@lfbn-idf2-1-579-126.w86-246.abo.wanadoo.fr)
2024-06-01 00:38:25 +0200sm(~znc@plaintextaccounting/sm) ()
2024-06-01 00:39:19 +0200 <EvanR> spoonWithHandles... teaspoonWithHandles xD
2024-06-01 00:39:28 +0200 <EvanR> how many handles does your spoon need
2024-06-01 00:39:31 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2024-06-01 00:39:45 +0200 <Rembane> All the handles!
2024-06-01 00:40:15 +0200 <monochrom> Bottom = It's handles all the way down
2024-06-01 00:50:57 +0200jmdaemon(~jmdaemon@user/jmdaemon) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2024-06-01 00:51:28 +0200gugu256(~gugu256@lfbn-idf2-1-579-126.w86-246.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
2024-06-01 00:53:12 +0200machinedgod(~machinedg@d173-183-246-216.abhsia.telus.net)
2024-06-01 01:02:32 +0200sm(~znc@plaintextaccounting/sm)
2024-06-01 01:09:54 +0200ezzieyguywuf(~Unknown@user/ezzieyguywuf) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2024-06-01 01:13:19 +0200Tuplanolla(~Tuplanoll@91-159-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Quit: Leaving.)
2024-06-01 01:15:23 +0200td_(~td@i53870933.versanet.de) (Quit: waking up from the american dream ...)
2024-06-01 01:19:44 +0200amjoseph(~amjoseph@static-198-44-128-146.cust.tzulo.com) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2024-06-01 01:19:52 +0200td_(~td@i53870933.versanet.de)
2024-06-01 01:27:19 +0200phma(phma@2001:5b0:211c:60e8:6c16:6d7e:9de:d11c) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2024-06-01 01:28:52 +0200amjoseph(~amjoseph@static-198-44-128-146.cust.tzulo.com)
2024-06-01 01:39:46 +0200sawilagar(~sawilagar@user/sawilagar) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2024-06-01 01:49:11 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com)
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2024-06-01 02:21:25 +0200philopsos1(~caecilius@user/philopsos) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2024-06-01 02:22:21 +0200Lord_of_Life(~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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2024-06-01 02:41:59 +0200bontaq(~user@ool-45779c03.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2024-06-01 03:04:44 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 03:19:05 +0200Lears(~Leary@user/Leary/x-0910699)
2024-06-01 03:21:41 +0200Leary(~Leary@user/Leary/x-0910699) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 03:22:59 +0200finsternis(~X@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-06-01 03:49:06 +0200AlexNoo_(~AlexNoo@
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2024-06-01 03:50:31 +0200monochrm(trebla@
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2024-06-01 03:50:35 +0200Luj4(~Luj@2a01:e0a:de4:a0e1:be24:11ff:febc:b5b5)
2024-06-01 03:50:42 +0200fr33domlover4(~fr33domlo@towards.vision)
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2024-06-01 03:51:36 +0200rembo10_(~rembo10@main.remulis.com)
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2024-06-01 03:52:54 +0200pointlessslippe1(~pointless@ (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
2024-06-01 03:52:54 +0200Fangs(sid141280@id-141280.hampstead.irccloud.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-06-01 03:52:54 +0200xelxebar_(~xelxebar@wilsonb.com) (Quit: ZNC 1.7.2+deb3 - https://znc.in)
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2024-06-01 03:52:54 +0200Luj(~Luj@2a01:e0a:de4:a0e1:be24:11ff:febc:b5b5) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2024-06-01 03:52:54 +0200AlexNoo(~AlexNoo@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 03:52:54 +0200m1dnight(~christoph@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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2024-06-01 03:52:55 +0200mjacob(~mjacob@adrastea.uberspace.de) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 03:52:55 +0200Ranhir(~Ranhir@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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2024-06-01 03:52:55 +0200Luj4Luj
2024-06-01 03:52:57 +0200m1dnight_(~christoph@
2024-06-01 03:53:02 +0200Ranhir(~Ranhir@
2024-06-01 03:53:03 +0200pavonia_pavonia
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2024-06-01 05:25:11 +0200raehik(~raehik@rdng-25-b2-v4wan-169990-cust1344.vm39.cable.virginm.net)
2024-06-01 05:28:25 +0200m5zs7k(aquares@web10.mydevil.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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2024-06-01 05:32:52 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2024-06-01 05:43:05 +0200 <mjrosenb> no takers on my nix/ghc+js question?
2024-06-01 05:44:59 +0200xigua(~xigua@user/xigua) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-06-01 05:45:13 +0200xigua(~xigua@user/xigua)
2024-06-01 05:56:08 +0200aforemny(~aforemny@2001:9e8:6ce2:0:e082:74dd:a9a3:528e)
2024-06-01 05:56:43 +0200aforemny_(~aforemny@2001:9e8:6cc1:ba00:d457:6638:99ad:96fc) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2024-06-01 05:59:33 +0200 <EvanR> can you please repeat the question
2024-06-01 06:01:12 +0200 <Lears> mjrosenb: It wasn't very precisely posed. All I can say is that running the `nix-shell` invocation at the top of the readme doesn't produce any errors on my machine (though I did kill it for taking too long).
2024-06-01 06:02:20 +0200poscat(~poscat@user/poscat) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 06:05:07 +0200Square(~Square@user/square) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2024-06-01 06:12:27 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com)
2024-06-01 06:17:26 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 06:20:45 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com)
2024-06-01 06:27:00 +0200takuan(~takuan@178-116-218-225.access.telenet.be)
2024-06-01 06:28:29 +0200 <mjrosenb> Lears: the one for the javascript? `nix-shell ~/ghc.nix --arg withEMSDK true`?
2024-06-01 06:28:32 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 06:32:16 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com)
2024-06-01 06:39:27 +0200amjoseph(~amjoseph@static-198-44-128-146.cust.tzulo.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-06-01 06:39:42 +0200amjoseph(~amjoseph@static-198-44-128-146.cust.tzulo.com)
2024-06-01 06:41:13 +0200 <Lears> mjrosenb: No, I only tried the one that didn't require cloning the repo. But poking around a bit more, I guess you either want `nix-shell ~/ghc.nix/shell.nix --arg withEMSDK true` or `nix-shell ~/ghc.nix --attr devShells.<system>.default --arg withEMSDK true`.
2024-06-01 06:44:34 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 06:45:36 +0200 <Lears> In the "Legacy nix-commands support" section it notes "be careful to specify the path to the shell.nix, not to the default.nix." They didn't heed their own advice.
2024-06-01 06:47:48 +0200machinedgod(~machinedg@d173-183-246-216.abhsia.telus.net) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2024-06-01 06:48:39 +0200monochrom(trebla@ (Quit: ZNC 1.9.0+deb2build3 - https://znc.in)
2024-06-01 06:51:29 +0200machinedgod(~machinedg@d173-183-246-216.abhsia.telus.net)
2024-06-01 06:53:25 +0200monochrom(trebla@
2024-06-01 06:57:13 +0200philopsos1(~caecilius@user/philopsos) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2024-06-01 06:58:04 +0200causal(~eric@
2024-06-01 07:12:19 +0200xff0x(~xff0x@2405:6580:b080:900:75ce:7dd6:5a9:4d8a) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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2024-06-01 07:24:39 +0200waleee(~waleee@h-176-10-144-38.NA.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 07:45:30 +0200kadir(~user@
2024-06-01 07:45:52 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)
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2024-06-01 07:49:38 +0200raehik(~raehik@rdng-25-b2-v4wan-169990-cust1344.vm39.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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2024-06-01 08:42:36 +0200mei(~mei@user/mei) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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2024-06-01 08:54:01 +0200zer0bitz_zer0bitz
2024-06-01 08:55:40 +0200jcarpenter2(~lol@2603:3016:1e01:b940:3dad:a55c:b7ef:b746) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2024-06-01 08:55:53 +0200phma(phma@2001:5b0:211c:d168:4d73:dd50:ac71:9c42) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2024-06-01 08:57:09 +0200lol_(~lol@2603:3016:1e01:b940:ddd9:d9a8:9614:5623) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 09:05:52 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com)
2024-06-01 09:06:18 +0200tolt(~weechat-h@li219-154.members.linode.com) (Quit: WeeChat 4.2.2)
2024-06-01 09:06:34 +0200tolt(~weechat-h@li219-154.members.linode.com)
2024-06-01 09:06:36 +0200Leary(~Leary@user/Leary/x-0910699)
2024-06-01 09:07:21 +0200wootehfoot(~wootehfoo@user/wootehfoot) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-06-01 09:08:07 +0200Lears(~Leary@user/Leary/x-0910699) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2024-06-01 09:08:09 +0200tolt_(~weechat-h@li219-154.members.linode.com)
2024-06-01 09:11:39 +0200tolt(~weechat-h@li219-154.members.linode.com) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 09:16:25 +0200phma_phma
2024-06-01 09:17:40 +0200wheatengineer(~frederik@p200300f63f3bd200fc4477f4e7e8b3e6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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2024-06-01 09:38:06 +0200[exa](~exa@user/exa/x-3587197)
2024-06-01 09:38:45 +0200Tuplanolla(~Tuplanoll@91-159-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
2024-06-01 09:55:43 +0200euleritian(~euleritia@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2024-06-01 09:56:24 +0200ddellacosta(~ddellacos@ool-44c73d29.dyn.optonline.net)
2024-06-01 09:59:26 +0200euleritian(~euleritia@dynamic-176-006-178-254.176.6.pool.telefonica.de)
2024-06-01 10:02:18 +0200FinnElija(~finn_elij@user/finn-elija/x-0085643) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2024-06-01 10:04:21 +0200FinnElija(~finn_elij@user/finn-elija/x-0085643)
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2024-06-01 10:08:46 +0200kadir(~user@ (Quit: ERC 5.6-git (IRC client for GNU Emacs 30.0.50))
2024-06-01 10:11:30 +0200sawilagar(~sawilagar@user/sawilagar)
2024-06-01 10:15:47 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 10:22:51 +0200mesaoptimizer(~mesaoptim@user/PapuaHardyNet)
2024-06-01 10:26:31 +0200gmg(~user@user/gehmehgeh)
2024-06-01 10:28:12 +0200tzh(~tzh@c-76-115-131-146.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: zzz)
2024-06-01 10:33:33 +0200Sgeo(~Sgeo@user/sgeo) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-06-01 10:35:39 +0200raehik(~raehik@rdng-25-b2-v4wan-169990-cust1344.vm39.cable.virginm.net)
2024-06-01 10:37:49 +0200remedan_(~remedan@ip-62-245-108-153.bb.vodafone.cz)
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2024-06-01 10:51:31 +0200remedan(~remedan@ip-62-245-108-153.bb.vodafone.cz)
2024-06-01 10:58:21 +0200wheatengineer(~frederik@p200300f63f3bd200fc4477f4e7e8b3e6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-06-01 11:00:50 +0200econo_(uid147250@id-147250.tinside.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2024-06-01 11:01:18 +0200lxsameer(~lxsameer@Serene/lxsameer)
2024-06-01 11:03:27 +0200danse-nr3(~danse-nr3@
2024-06-01 11:05:32 +0200danse-nr3(~danse-nr3@ (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-06-01 11:33:56 +0200 <lxsameer> b
2024-06-01 12:07:17 +0200wootehfoot(~wootehfoo@user/wootehfoot)
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2024-06-01 12:21:20 +0200L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) ()
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2024-06-01 12:26:54 +0200califax_(~califax@user/califx)
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2024-06-01 12:39:21 +0200L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah)
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2024-06-01 13:03:08 +0200ChaiTRex(~ChaiTRex@user/chaitrex) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2024-06-01 13:11:29 +0200bontaq(~user@ool-45779c03.dyn.optonline.net)
2024-06-01 13:26:56 +0200Taneb0Taneb
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2024-06-01 14:57:36 +0200AlexNoo_AlexNoo
2024-06-01 14:59:23 +0200michalz(~michalz@
2024-06-01 15:00:47 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2024-06-01 15:02:11 +0200chexum(~quassel@gateway/tor-sasl/chexum) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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2024-06-01 15:09:19 +0200acidjnk(~acidjnk@p200300d6e714dc50c5d26c84eddccd81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2024-06-01 15:11:10 +0200__monty__(~toonn@user/toonn)
2024-06-01 15:12:00 +0200Midjak(~MarciZ@
2024-06-01 15:12:02 +0200rosco(~rosco@ (Quit: Lost terminal)
2024-06-01 15:12:34 +0200 <Midjak> Hi
2024-06-01 15:13:44 +0200 <Midjak> Is it possible to make as a subset of Integer ? say a type on the range 0-42 or 3-9
2024-06-01 15:14:12 +0200 <Midjak> *a type as a subset of integer
2024-06-01 15:15:55 +0200 <Midjak> There is a library range but I would like to make my own type
2024-06-01 15:16:47 +0200 <jackdk> A library like refined or rerefined is probably your best best, if you're talking about "integer known to be within bounds" and not "interval arithmetic"
2024-06-01 15:17:04 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)
2024-06-01 15:18:28 +0200gmg(~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-06-01 15:19:33 +0200 <Midjak> thanks. I am not sure about the difference between this two concepts
2024-06-01 15:19:48 +0200gmg(~user@user/gehmehgeh)
2024-06-01 15:20:08 +0200 <Midjak> I am looking refined
2024-06-01 15:20:52 +0200andrei_n(~andrei.n@2a02:a03f:c091:a800:4a0:d3:f22e:82ec)
2024-06-01 15:21:45 +0200 <Midjak> There is no type for Zn modulo sets ? it's not necessarily what I'm looking for, but I'm curious to know if it exists.
2024-06-01 15:22:14 +0200rosco(~rosco@
2024-06-01 15:24:01 +0200 <Midjak> a type in haskell for ring of integer modulo m I mean
2024-06-01 15:24:16 +0200 <Midjak> (have just checked)
2024-06-01 15:25:17 +0200euleritian(~euleritia@dynamic-176-006-176-036.176.6.pool.telefonica.de)
2024-06-01 15:25:49 +0200 <Midjak> refined looks what I want anyway
2024-06-01 15:26:54 +0200 <ncf> there's a few libraries for modular arithmetic
2024-06-01 15:27:06 +0200 <Midjak> ok
2024-06-01 15:29:15 +0200danza(~francesco@
2024-06-01 15:32:21 +0200 <Midjak> I found this one https://hackage.haskell.org/package/modular-arithmetic- interesting
2024-06-01 15:32:31 +0200 <Midjak> thank you
2024-06-01 15:37:34 +0200andrei_n(~andrei.n@2a02:a03f:c091:a800:4a0:d3:f22e:82ec) (Quit: Leaving)
2024-06-01 15:41:04 +0200euphores(~SASL_euph@user/euphores) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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2024-06-01 15:58:20 +0200ddellacosta(~ddellacos@ool-44c73d29.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 16:01:49 +0200L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) ()
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2024-06-01 17:01:10 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)
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2024-06-01 17:31:13 +0200pavonia(~user@user/siracusa) (Quit: Bye!)
2024-06-01 17:36:56 +0200machinedgod(~machinedg@d173-183-246-216.abhsia.telus.net)
2024-06-01 17:45:38 +0200raehik(~raehik@rdng-25-b2-v4wan-169990-cust1344.vm39.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 17:53:51 +0200econo_(uid147250@id-147250.tinside.irccloud.com)
2024-06-01 17:56:07 +0200harveypwca(~harveypwc@2601:246:d080:b40:1889:d9bf:2dd8:b288)
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2024-06-01 17:59:32 +0200acidjnk(~acidjnk@p200300d6e714dc29c5d26c84eddccd81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2024-06-01 18:03:31 +0200euleritian(~euleritia@ip4d16fc38.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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2024-06-01 18:07:19 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)
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2024-06-01 18:15:56 +0200 <lxsameer> do you have anything against using the effectful library?
2024-06-01 18:39:54 +0200yin(~yin@user/zero)
2024-06-01 18:41:09 +0200Unicorn_Princess(~Unicorn_P@user/Unicorn-Princess/x-3540542)
2024-06-01 18:42:01 +0200 <yin> Midjak: data N = N0 | N1 | N2 | N3 | N4 | N5 | N6 | N7 | N8 | N9 | N10 | N11 | N12 | N13 | N14 | N15 | N16 | N17 | N18 | N19 | N20 | N21 | N22 | N23 | N24 | N25 | N26 | N27 | N28 | N29 | N30 | N31 | N32 | N33 | N34 | N35 | N36 | N37 | N38 | N39 | N40 | N41 | N42
2024-06-01 18:42:07 +0200tzh(~tzh@c-76-115-131-146.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
2024-06-01 18:42:52 +0200 <danza> do you have anything against it lxsameer?
2024-06-01 18:44:35 +0200 <lxsameer> danza: no, but I'm a haskell noob
2024-06-01 18:44:57 +0200 <lxsameer> I want to know whether it has any downsides or things like that
2024-06-01 18:45:21 +0200 <danza> i guess you answered yourself
2024-06-01 18:45:44 +0200 <lxsameer> danza: how?
2024-06-01 18:46:33 +0200 <glguy> lxsameer: I don't have anything "against" it, but I certainly wouldn't use it without a compelling reason that I haven't had yet.
2024-06-01 18:47:26 +0200 <lxsameer> glguy: interesting. Do you manually implement the effect system?
2024-06-01 18:47:34 +0200 <glguy> no
2024-06-01 18:47:55 +0200 <lxsameer> glguy: what do you use? mtl?
2024-06-01 18:47:58 +0200 <yin> Midjak: on a more serious note, you can look into refinement types: https://goto.ucsd.edu/~nvazou/refinement_types_for_haskell.pdf
2024-06-01 18:48:33 +0200 <glguy> lxsameer: I don't use mtl. If I'm using transformers is for a very local purpose or behind a newtype to help build an application-specific abstraction.
2024-06-01 18:49:12 +0200 <lxsameer> ah I see
2024-06-01 18:52:52 +0200 <monochrom> I think that danza means that a beginner need not worry about effect systems so early.
2024-06-01 18:53:17 +0200 <lxsameer> thank you
2024-06-01 18:53:52 +0200 <monochrom> But I can also see that in "the real world" there is a religion that tells beginners to rush ahead, skip basics, jump straight to "best practice of advanced most elite experts".
2024-06-01 18:54:31 +0200 <lxsameer> I see what you mean
2024-06-01 18:54:53 +0200 <glguy> Though in this case complex effect systems aren't a best practice for elite experts though they're a more advanced topic
2024-06-01 18:55:11 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2024-06-01 18:55:15 +0200 <monochrom> For example how the js and node.js people, the rust people, the java people, ... everyone, tell beginners "day 1: learn our package system, learn our project file format". As if the priority is not to learn the language itself first.
2024-06-01 18:56:16 +0200 <EvanR> because all languages are the same and only differ in the library support community and hype train
2024-06-01 18:56:17 +0200 <Midjak> thanks yin I will read this paper. I found this article which give a good idea of refinement types http://nikita-volkov.github.io/refined/ But I will read this paper thank you
2024-06-01 18:56:43 +0200 <EvanR> horse racing and we're basing all wagers on the name of the horse xD
2024-06-01 18:57:53 +0200 <monochrom> I can see the attraction of that religion. Many beginners expect to just cargo-cult an existing complete project and just change 5 lines of code.
2024-06-01 18:58:06 +0200 <yin> Midjak: depending on the current state of dependent haskell (which i'm not sure about) you can also explore some interesting type-level possibilites
2024-06-01 18:58:30 +0200 <monochrom> It's a quick way of making money. I just don't subscribe to that attitude.
2024-06-01 18:58:57 +0200 <Midjak> Yes I'm just starting to familiarize myself with newtype, so I think I'm going to make some progress here.
2024-06-01 18:59:40 +0200 <danza> the rest of the beginners just expect to click the right buttons on what they cargo-culted long ago
2024-06-01 19:00:19 +0200 <Midjak> cargo is a good package system :-)
2024-06-01 19:01:00 +0200 <Midjak> just kidding of course
2024-06-01 19:01:12 +0200 <danza> careful you are fueling the hyped-package-systems hypothesis
2024-06-01 19:02:14 +0200 <danza> just thrashing of course
2024-06-01 19:05:40 +0200lisq(~quassel@lis.moe) ()
2024-06-01 19:05:50 +0200lisq(~quassel@lis.moe)
2024-06-01 19:06:45 +0200 <danza> i don't know, i feel a bit odd to mention hype about package systems. Maybe there is something i am missing here, but they seem to be that type of infrastructure that hardly gets undeserved credit?
2024-06-01 19:07:18 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)
2024-06-01 19:07:43 +0200 <monochrom> I am not against package systems. I am against s/learn/cargo-cult/
2024-06-01 19:08:53 +0200yin(~yin@user/zero) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 19:08:55 +0200 <danza> but some tools are designed not to require learning
2024-06-01 19:09:01 +0200 <monochrom> Package systems get lateral damage from me because, rightfully, a serious project is very likely to need 100 libraries from the community repo. But then cargo-culting implies that the beginner mimics that too.
2024-06-01 19:09:11 +0200 <Midjak> I don't feel most of beginner refuse to learn and prefer apply recipe from experts. It's not my case anyway
2024-06-01 19:09:18 +0200 <EvanR> package systems, cargo culting, I see what you did there
2024-06-01 19:09:51 +0200 <monochrom> Not my fault that the rust people chose that name. It's their pun. :)
2024-06-01 19:10:10 +0200 <Midjak> good documentation is just hard to find
2024-06-01 19:10:30 +0200 <monochrom> And even when I speak against cargo-culting I am sure I can stop no one.
2024-06-01 19:10:45 +0200 <Midjak> maybe for this reason
2024-06-01 19:10:50 +0200 <monochrom> So, s/some tools/some ways of life/
2024-06-01 19:11:32 +0200 <danza> the number of libraries depends on their granularity and, albeit "library" as a concept was created when they used to be bigger, i see no reason why they would forever stay so
2024-06-01 19:12:33 +0200 <monochrom> No, Midjak, IMO that's the effect not the cause. First, a couple decades ago we got an influx of people who didn't want to learn, and they became the majority. Then, with no market for good docs, good docs went extinct.
2024-06-01 19:13:33 +0200 <danza> it's sad but i must recall there haven't really been many incentives for free quality
2024-06-01 19:14:36 +0200 <Midjak> yes too bad. the problem is also the publishing crisis caused by copying. It's a real problem. 10 years ago, we had some very good books.
2024-06-01 19:15:55 +0200danza_(~francesco@
2024-06-01 19:17:18 +0200 <danza_> do you think that was caused by copying? Where by "copying" you mean?
2024-06-01 19:17:32 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2024-06-01 19:18:42 +0200 <Midjak> I mean book are easy to find in their numeric version on internet. So authors and editors have no interest to publish book
2024-06-01 19:19:04 +0200danza(~francesco@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 19:19:23 +0200 <lxsameer> EvanR: monochrom thanks for the insight folks. To share my point of view as an haskell noob. I value experience of others. I like to have different views on things from libs to lang features it helps me grow
2024-06-01 19:20:21 +0200 <danza_> i see, i am a bit skeptical about that analysis Midjak
2024-06-01 19:22:15 +0200 <Midjak> On the other hand, there were a lot of bad books back then too.
2024-06-01 19:25:19 +0200sefidel(~sefidel@user/sefidel) (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-06-01 19:26:17 +0200 <Midjak> I don't know I have the feeling I'm running out of them, but on the other hand I'm becoming more and more demanding.
2024-06-01 19:28:21 +0200 <Midjak> In any case, there are people who really want to learn, and I'm one of them.
2024-06-01 19:29:45 +0200 <danza_> i am glad for you, and bad books is hardly going to be a problem. Literature shrinks slowly
2024-06-01 19:31:30 +0200 <Midjak> depends the subject. Sure theory doesn't need to have a book every year
2024-06-01 19:33:25 +0200 <danza_> i meant that the pace at with humanity loses track of literary records is slow currently. Slower that the pace at which forms of life cease to exist for instance
2024-06-01 19:33:34 +0200 <Midjak> Haskell has very good free resource on internet to learn too
2024-06-01 19:34:36 +0200 <danza_> *at which
2024-06-01 19:35:13 +0200sefidel(~sefidel@user/sefidel)
2024-06-01 19:35:20 +0200 <Midjak> it's not possible... humanity is form of life
2024-06-01 19:35:35 +0200 <Midjak> or maybe I misunderstood
2024-06-01 19:36:12 +0200 <EvanR> the search for intelligent life on earth continues
2024-06-01 19:38:59 +0200 <Midjak> Unless we envisage systems capable of maintaining themselves without humans and retaining the accumulated knowledge.
2024-06-01 19:39:05 +0200 <danza_> i wonder whether Darwin had ever imagined the principle of evolutive selection getting flipped, but someone did after him: too eager predators do not end well
2024-06-01 19:40:35 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)
2024-06-01 19:40:39 +0200 <Midjak> I think it tends towards equilibrium - there's always some prey that survives and the population regulates itself naturally.
2024-06-01 19:41:03 +0200 <Midjak> maybe that's what we're experiencing right now.
2024-06-01 19:41:11 +0200tremon(~tremon@
2024-06-01 19:41:44 +0200 <haskellbridge> <zwro> the logistic fmap
2024-06-01 19:42:12 +0200 <danza_> that sounds nice only because we can easily think of animals without empathy, therefore not worrying about turbolences in their balances
2024-06-01 19:42:38 +0200 <monochrom> lxsameer: Effect systems, especially those emphaszing algebraic effects, are poised to be the next important concept, I think. No doubt you will have to learn it one day. But they require you to learn basic concepts first.
2024-06-01 19:43:53 +0200 <lxsameer> monochrom: like what?
2024-06-01 19:44:04 +0200 <monochrom> types and continuations.
2024-06-01 19:45:52 +0200 <danza_> huh types and continuations on the same -basicity- -basicality- (okay i don't know how to spell this) line?
2024-06-01 19:46:40 +0200 <monochrom> OK! s/basic/prerequisite/ better?
2024-06-01 19:47:39 +0200 <lxsameer> ok, i know about them. obviously it might not be the right level of understanding. But I'm familiar with type theory in and a bit of category theory as well
2024-06-01 19:47:39 +0200 <danza_> continuations are not even definable in a way i find satisfying, and i never feel the need for the concept. Whereas types...
2024-06-01 19:48:16 +0200 <Midjak> too bad I was just about to ask
2024-06-01 19:48:27 +0200andrewboltachev(~andrey@
2024-06-01 19:49:46 +0200sefidel(~sefidel@user/sefidel) (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-06-01 19:50:08 +0200 <Midjak> do you talk this continaution https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuation-passing_style ?
2024-06-01 19:50:30 +0200haskellbridgezwro https://blog.poisson.chat/posts/2019-10-27-continuation-submonads.html
2024-06-01 19:50:35 +0200 <monochrom> Perhaps that's just because it's broad and vague. In every context, for every subclass apprioriate for that context, there is a precise definition. But then you get a hundred different definitions and they all look different.
2024-06-01 19:50:58 +0200 <monochrom> (while annoying they still feel like the same idea)
2024-06-01 19:51:27 +0200 <Midjak> next chapter on my reading for me
2024-06-01 19:51:48 +0200 <Midjak> I'm getting there
2024-06-01 19:52:16 +0200 <haskellbridge> <zwro> i've been "getting there" for years
2024-06-01 19:52:23 +0200 <haskellbridge> <zwro> there's no bottom
2024-06-01 19:53:10 +0200 <monochrom> For example, suppose you stay at the high level of lambda calculus terms. Suppose you have also chosen an evaluation order, and it is deterministic. Then every lambda term is uniquely factorable as redex and "the rest". Definition: continuation = "the rest", aka "context".
2024-06-01 19:53:31 +0200sefidel(~sefidel@user/sefidel)
2024-06-01 19:53:43 +0200 <monochrom> OTOH, if you're at the asm level, then continuation is your stack and maybe also current register values.
2024-06-01 19:53:55 +0200 <Midjak> well I am on the very beginning of my dunning krugger curve
2024-06-01 19:54:12 +0200 <monochrom> And then there are delimited continuations etc etc.
2024-06-01 19:54:22 +0200 <andrewboltachev> geekosaur: just FYI yesterday's issue was caused by this line, which is definitely extra. The computation has been doubling or increasing even more, so on big pieces of data it was going out of memory (and time) https://github.com/andrewboltachev/matcher/blob/master/src/Logicore/Matcher/Core.hs#L1835
2024-06-01 19:55:38 +0200 <danza_> it almost sounds like you are chatting about recursion monochrom
2024-06-01 19:58:14 +0200 <monochrom> That would be you identifying stack with recursion. I used to do that too. Not any more.
2024-06-01 19:58:43 +0200 <danza_> "stack"?
2024-06-01 19:59:08 +0200 <monochrom> If you write code in CPS then defunctionalize it, you get a stack.
2024-06-01 20:01:23 +0200 <danza_> dunno. Just a stack and recursion are two quite distinct things to me
2024-06-01 20:02:18 +0200 <monochrom> http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgmh/bib.html#cutting shows an example. (Although, the purpose is to then tell you how to skip both CPS-transform and defunctionalization. But you can look into its references and find older Hutton papers with more examples.)
2024-06-01 20:04:13 +0200 <danza_> it starts from a concept, continuation-passing-style, that never really captured my attention. Sorry got to go now, thanks anyway
2024-06-01 20:05:37 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2024-06-01 20:06:27 +0200 <monochrom> Well I was not impressed by CPS either until that and "how to use CPS plus trampolining to work around stack limit in JS"
2024-06-01 20:06:53 +0200sudden(~cat@user/sudden) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2024-06-01 20:07:15 +0200 <Midjak> yes it's essential in FP with JS
2024-06-01 20:08:02 +0200sudden(~cat@user/sudden)
2024-06-01 20:08:21 +0200 <danza_> meh... real life will wait i guess, why do i do this?
2024-06-01 20:08:31 +0200 <Midjak> For my part, I understood that lazy evaluation solved many of these problems in Haskell
2024-06-01 20:08:47 +0200 <monochrom> It's a beautiful theory! I don't have to use it to like it. :)
2024-06-01 20:10:55 +0200L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah)
2024-06-01 20:11:18 +0200 <danza_> oh right... i am being late just to write that trampolining seems sufficient, i will skip the continuation passing style. And yeah i have to use it in order to like it, can't afford liking all the theories with no use unfortunately
2024-06-01 20:19:11 +0200danza_(~francesco@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-06-01 20:23:37 +0200bontaq(~user@ool-45779c03.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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2024-06-01 20:40:55 +0200Sgeo(~Sgeo@user/sgeo)
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2024-06-01 20:56:45 +0200TheCoffeMaker(~TheCoffeM@user/thecoffemaker) (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)
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2024-06-01 21:02:15 +0200waleee(~waleee@h-176-10-144-38.NA.cust.bahnhof.se)
2024-06-01 21:10:52 +0200euleritian(~euleritia@dynamic-176-002-133-219.176.2.pool.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2024-06-01 21:29:50 +0200cheater(~Username@user/cheater) (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
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2024-06-01 22:02:19 +0200Luj(~Luj@2a01:e0a:de4:a0e1:be24:11ff:febc:b5b5) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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2024-06-01 22:24:05 +0200Luj(~Luj@2a01:e0a:de4:a0e1:be24:11ff:febc:b5b5)
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2024-06-01 23:44:45 +0200nain(~nain@