2025-03-14 00:06:58 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 00:11:49 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:14:17 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:f6f2:4aaf:30ee:2a17) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:22:20 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 00:24:20 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 00:28:21 +0100 | machinedgod | (~machinedg@d108-173-18-100.abhsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:28:31 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:28:53 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:37:27 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f0b6100645e4ad0716a10ac.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving) |
2025-03-14 00:37:58 +0100 | superlink | (~kontsikou@ (Quit: leaving) |
2025-03-14 00:40:00 +0100 | yegorc | (~yegorc@user/yegorc) yegorc |
2025-03-14 00:40:22 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 00:42:43 +0100 | __monty__ | (~toonn@user/toonn) (Quit: leaving) |
2025-03-14 00:44:58 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:47:11 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:5ce6:2484:e861:ea97) |
2025-03-14 00:49:21 +0100 | Square2 | (~Square4@user/square) Square |
2025-03-14 00:52:17 +0100 | Square | (~Square@user/square) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:53:08 +0100 | acidjnk_new | (~acidjnk@p200300d6e7283f85b10ad2147dd4d665.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:55:45 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 01:00:50 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:10:24 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 01:11:07 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 01:15:20 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:15:45 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:17:36 +0100 | haskellbridge | (~hackager@syn-024-093-192-219.res.spectrum.com) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 01:26:31 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 01:27:25 +0100 | a_fantom | (~fantom@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:31:03 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:32:08 +0100 | AlexZenon | (~alzenon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 01:32:14 +0100 | AlexNoo | (~AlexNoo@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 01:33:42 +0100 | fantom | (~fantom@ |
2025-03-14 01:34:52 +0100 | haskellbridge | (~hackager@syn-024-093-192-219.res.spectrum.com) hackager |
2025-03-14 01:34:52 +0100 | ChanServ | +v haskellbridge |
2025-03-14 01:39:03 +0100 | eL_Bart0 | (eL_Bart02@dietunichtguten.org) |
2025-03-14 01:39:31 +0100 | acidjnk_new | (~acidjnk@p200300d6e7283f716c4d4e53bbbba097.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) acidjnk |
2025-03-14 01:41:55 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 01:42:02 +0100 | haskellbridge | (~hackager@syn-024-093-192-219.res.spectrum.com) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 01:46:32 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:47:49 +0100 | xff0x | (~xff0x@ai066236.d.east.v6connect.net) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:49:07 +0100 | haskellbridge | (~hackager@syn-024-093-192-219.res.spectrum.com) hackager |
2025-03-14 01:49:07 +0100 | ChanServ | +v haskellbridge |
2025-03-14 01:54:04 +0100 | acidjnk_new | (~acidjnk@p200300d6e7283f716c4d4e53bbbba097.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 01:54:13 +0100 | j1n37- | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:55:17 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) j1n37 |
2025-03-14 01:56:10 +0100 | Tuplanolla | (~Tuplanoll@91-159-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Quit: Leaving.) |
2025-03-14 01:56:29 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 01:57:17 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 02:00:48 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:03:49 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:14:57 +0100 | tabaqui | (~tabaqui@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:15:19 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 02:19:56 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:30:42 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 02:32:30 +0100 | califax | (~califax@user/califx) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 02:33:39 +0100 | califax | (~califax@user/califx) califx |
2025-03-14 02:35:45 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:40:35 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 02:40:53 +0100 | k_hachig_ | k_hachig |
2025-03-14 02:43:03 +0100 | weary-traveler | (~user@user/user363627) user363627 |
2025-03-14 02:43:33 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 02:46:04 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 02:48:27 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:50:55 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:57:28 +0100 | Square2 | (~Square4@user/square) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:01:25 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 03:05:46 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:10:08 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@84-236-65-216.pool.digikabel.hu) (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 03:10:25 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@2a01-036d-0106-4b74-1d9e-b230-a088-7b03.pool6.digikabel.hu) |
2025-03-14 03:16:48 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 03:21:05 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:28:57 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 03:30:38 +0100 | messewix | (~jmc@user/messewix) messewix |
2025-03-14 03:32:11 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 03:33:12 +0100 | izzyfalco | (~jake_pers@user/izzyfalco) izzyfalco |
2025-03-14 03:33:28 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:35:59 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:5ce6:2484:e861:ea97) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:39:01 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:47:14 +0100 | eron | (~eron@ lidenbrock |
2025-03-14 03:50:14 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 03:54:08 +0100 | jrm | (~jrm@user/jrm) (Quit: ciao) |
2025-03-14 03:54:40 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:55:48 +0100 | jrm | (~jrm@user/jrm) jrm |
2025-03-14 04:05:35 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 04:10:34 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 04:11:40 +0100 | tavare | (~tavare@ tavare |
2025-03-14 04:11:40 +0100 | tavare | (~tavare@ (Changing host) |
2025-03-14 04:11:40 +0100 | tavare | (~tavare@user/tavare) tavare |
2025-03-14 04:14:22 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 04:18:44 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 04:20:58 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 04:25:34 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 04:29:22 +0100 | olivial | (~benjaminl@user/benjaminl) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 04:29:59 +0100 | olivial | (~benjaminl@user/benjaminl) benjaminl |
2025-03-14 04:36:21 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 04:41:12 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 04:41:59 +0100 | astra | amish |
2025-03-14 04:42:03 +0100 | amish | (sid289983@id-289983.hampstead.irccloud.com) (Changing host) |
2025-03-14 04:42:03 +0100 | amish | (sid289983@user/amish) amish |
2025-03-14 04:42:13 +0100 | amish | astra |
2025-03-14 04:51:43 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 04:56:28 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:00:46 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 05:04:56 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:05:10 +0100 | aforemny | (~aforemny@2001:9e8:6cc4:6d00:df94:f43b:f3a3:8a7) aforemny |
2025-03-14 05:06:34 +0100 | aforemny_ | (~aforemny@i59F4C5E2.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:07:07 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 05:08:21 +0100 | tusko | (uid478376@user/tusko) tusko |
2025-03-14 05:09:19 +0100 | yegorc | (~yegorc@user/yegorc) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:10:22 +0100 | pabs3 | (~pabs3@user/pabs3) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 05:12:16 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:16:50 +0100 | Unicorn_Princess | (~Unicorn_P@user/Unicorn-Princess/x-3540542) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 05:19:06 +0100 | pabs3 | (~pabs3@user/pabs3) pabs3 |
2025-03-14 05:20:52 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 05:23:08 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 05:25:36 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) j1n37 |
2025-03-14 05:28:09 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:38:33 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 05:43:09 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:46:30 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 05:50:45 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:53:55 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 05:54:05 +0100 | michalz | (~michalz@ |
2025-03-14 05:55:40 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 05:58:24 +0100 | bitdex | (~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex) bitdex |
2025-03-14 05:58:28 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:59:18 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) j1n37 |
2025-03-14 06:15:19 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 06:21:07 +0100 | jmcantrell | (~weechat@user/jmcantrell) (Quit: WeeChat 4.5.2) |
2025-03-14 06:22:26 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 06:29:54 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 06:32:41 +0100 | peterbecich | (~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) peterbecich |
2025-03-14 06:33:46 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 06:34:35 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-14 06:38:51 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 06:45:16 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 06:49:37 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 06:52:31 +0100 | izzyfalco | (~jake_pers@user/izzyfalco) (Quit: Using Circe, the loveliest of all IRC clients) |
2025-03-14 06:53:19 +0100 | peterbecich | (~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 06:53:36 +0100 | Flow | (~none@gentoo/developer/flow) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 06:58:13 +0100 | takuan | (~takuan@d8D86B601.access.telenet.be) |
2025-03-14 06:59:05 +0100 | xff0x | (~xff0x@2405:6580:b080:900:3552:f799:4331:aaa8) |
2025-03-14 07:00:38 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 07:01:57 +0100 | Flow | (~none@gentoo/developer/flow) flow |
2025-03-14 07:04:58 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 07:15:54 +0100 | raym | (~ray@user/raym) (Quit: rebooting...) |
2025-03-14 07:16:00 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 07:19:10 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 07:20:35 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 07:24:06 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 07:28:15 +0100 | k_hachig | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 07:31:22 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 07:36:26 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 07:40:10 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 07:45:09 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-14 07:46:46 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 07:53:36 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:00:00 +0100 | caconym | (~caconym@user/caconym) (Quit: bye) |
2025-03-14 08:00:52 +0100 | caconym | (~caconym@user/caconym) caconym |
2025-03-14 08:01:10 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 08:04:34 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 08:05:02 +0100 | <mzg> | re |
2025-03-14 08:05:39 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:06:46 +0100 | ft | (~ft@p508db291.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: leaving) |
2025-03-14 08:08:59 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:10:03 +0100 | Sgeo | (~Sgeo@user/sgeo) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 08:12:33 +0100 | Lord_of_Life_ | (~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915) Lord_of_Life |
2025-03-14 08:12:58 +0100 | weary-traveler | (~user@user/user363627) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 08:13:27 +0100 | Lord_of_Life | (~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:13:59 +0100 | Lord_of_Life_ | Lord_of_Life |
2025-03-14 08:16:33 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 08:19:50 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh |
2025-03-14 08:20:34 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 08:21:12 +0100 | CiaoSen | (~Jura@2a02:8071:64e1:7180::ac59) CiaoSen |
2025-03-14 08:21:19 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh |
2025-03-14 08:21:33 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:30:24 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) lortabac |
2025-03-14 08:31:56 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 08:34:48 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 08:36:13 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:40:00 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:47:18 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 08:50:17 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 08:51:49 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:53:51 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 08:54:29 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:57:06 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 08:58:37 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@2a01-036d-0106-4b74-1d9e-b230-a088-7b03.pool6.digikabel.hu) (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 08:58:59 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@2a01-036d-0106-4b74-1d9e-b230-a088-7b03.pool6.digikabel.hu) |
2025-03-14 08:59:35 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:00:08 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 09:00:22 +0100 | tcard | (~tcard@2400:4051:5801:7500:cf17:befc:ff82:5303) (Quit: Leaving) |
2025-03-14 09:02:10 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 09:06:44 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:07:42 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@2a01-036d-0106-4b74-1d9e-b230-a088-7b03.pool6.digikabel.hu) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:11:35 +0100 | tzh | (~tzh@c-76-115-131-146.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: zzz) |
2025-03-14 09:15:41 +0100 | tcard | (~tcard@2400:4051:5801:7500:cf17:befc:ff82:5303) |
2025-03-14 09:16:46 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:16:49 +0100 | chele | (~chele@user/chele) chele |
2025-03-14 09:16:50 +0100 | j1n37- | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) j1n37 |
2025-03-14 09:17:32 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 09:21:58 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:24:05 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 09:31:24 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:32:10 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: ash3en) |
2025-03-14 09:32:55 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 09:33:06 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) andrewchawk |
2025-03-14 09:35:40 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 09:37:17 +0100 | eron | (~eron@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 09:37:29 +0100 | AlexNoo | (~AlexNoo@ |
2025-03-14 09:39:33 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:39:51 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:40:34 +0100 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) sord937 |
2025-03-14 09:41:13 +0100 | aforemny | (~aforemny@2001:9e8:6cc4:6d00:df94:f43b:f3a3:8a7) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:41:19 +0100 | aforemny_ | (~aforemny@2001:9e8:6cca:8600:7a2a:146f:5c60:4ad0) aforemny |
2025-03-14 09:45:34 +0100 | tremon | (~tremon@ tremon |
2025-03-14 09:47:33 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@p3ee0f37e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:47:45 +0100 | tusko | (uid478376@user/tusko) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2025-03-14 09:50:48 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@p200300f1cf3ebf002411defffe902013.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) krei-se |
2025-03-14 09:50:59 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 09:55:48 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:56:50 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 09:57:52 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 09:59:23 +0100 | mrvdb | (~mrvdb@2001:19f0:5000:8582:5400:ff:fe07:3df5) (Quit: ZNC 1.9.0 - https://znc.in) |
2025-03-14 10:00:16 +0100 | mrvdb | (~mrvdb@ mrvdb |
2025-03-14 10:00:20 +0100 | ljdarj | (~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) ljdarj |
2025-03-14 10:03:36 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@p200300f1cf3ebf002411defffe902013.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 10:04:53 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) MyNetAz |
2025-03-14 10:16:22 +0100 | AlexNoo | (~AlexNoo@ (Quit: Leaving) |
2025-03-14 10:16:43 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:a4bf:688f:d6c0:3b98) |
2025-03-14 10:16:55 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 10:21:04 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 10:23:37 +0100 | Smiles | (uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) Smiles |
2025-03-14 10:25:29 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 10:25:52 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 10:30:58 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 10:31:19 +0100 | JamesMowery1 | (~JamesMowe@ip68-228-212-232.ph.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 10:35:10 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 10:35:25 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 10:37:52 +0100 | tavare | (~tavare@user/tavare) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 10:41:28 +0100 | __monty__ | (~toonn@user/toonn) toonn |
2025-03-14 10:41:31 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 10:46:31 +0100 | AlexNoo | (~AlexNoo@ |
2025-03-14 10:46:38 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Quit: Reconnecting) |
2025-03-14 10:46:45 +0100 | AlexZenon | (~alzenon@ |
2025-03-14 10:46:53 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 10:48:32 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) MyNetAz |
2025-03-14 10:59:26 +0100 | ubert | (~Thunderbi@2a02:8109:ab8a:5a00:9b2c:81c3:7d2a:699c) ubert |
2025-03-14 11:02:16 +0100 | alecs | (~alecs@nat16.software.imdea.org) alecs |
2025-03-14 11:02:32 +0100 | alecs | (~alecs@nat16.software.imdea.org) (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 11:02:51 +0100 | alecs | (~alecs@nat16.software.imdea.org) alecs |
2025-03-14 11:07:48 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 11:07:55 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@pool-99-227-155-93.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 11:10:44 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:12:03 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:12:20 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 11:12:28 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@pool-99-227-155-93.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:13:47 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@tmo-122-100.customers.d1-online.com) krei-se |
2025-03-14 11:25:38 +0100 | acidjnk | (~acidjnk@p200300d6e71c4f49ed02b7dcae5e99bf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) acidjnk |
2025-03-14 11:27:08 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 11:28:18 +0100 | Square3 | (~Square@user/square) Square |
2025-03-14 11:28:25 +0100 | Square2 | (~Square4@user/square) Square |
2025-03-14 11:29:11 +0100 | saimazoon | (~hrtz@user/haritz) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:32:50 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:35:27 +0100 | haritz | (~hrtz@82-69-11-11.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) |
2025-03-14 11:35:30 +0100 | haritz | (~hrtz@82-69-11-11.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Changing host) |
2025-03-14 11:35:30 +0100 | haritz | (~hrtz@user/haritz) haritz |
2025-03-14 11:35:47 +0100 | raym | (~ray@user/raym) raym |
2025-03-14 11:40:13 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 11:40:18 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 11:40:54 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 11:41:37 +0100 | vpan | (~vpan@mail.elitnet.lt) |
2025-03-14 11:44:33 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:50:06 +0100 | kuribas | (~user@ip-188-118-57-242.reverse.destiny.be) kuribas |
2025-03-14 11:50:14 +0100 | Square2 | (~Square4@user/square) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:53:33 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 11:56:20 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:57:47 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:a4bf:688f:d6c0:3b98) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:57:56 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:59:53 +0100 | krei-se- | (~krei-se@p200300f1cf11bb002411defffe902013.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) krei-se |
2025-03-14 12:00:02 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@tmo-122-100.customers.d1-online.com) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:00:09 +0100 | pavonia | (~user@user/siracusa) (Quit: Bye!) |
2025-03-14 12:03:01 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:f9c8:57ad:13f8:80c2) |
2025-03-14 12:04:00 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) |
2025-03-14 12:05:09 +0100 | rvalue- | (~rvalue@user/rvalue) rvalue |
2025-03-14 12:06:09 +0100 | rvalue | (~rvalue@user/rvalue) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:07:21 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:f9c8:57ad:13f8:80c2) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:09:45 +0100 | rvalue- | rvalue |
2025-03-14 12:10:16 +0100 | krei-se- | (~krei-se@p200300f1cf11bb002411defffe902013.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:10:45 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2287:b300:8975:b29a:2f76:2b6a) jespada |
2025-03-14 12:12:10 +0100 | CiaoSen | (~Jura@2a02:8071:64e1:7180::ac59) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:13:55 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 12:13:57 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 12:18:30 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:20:55 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 12:21:13 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 12:22:21 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@tmo-122-100.customers.d1-online.com) krei-se |
2025-03-14 12:27:16 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 12:32:04 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:32:42 +0100 | Smiles | (uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2025-03-14 12:39:16 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 12:43:54 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:45:57 +0100 | Catty | catties |
2025-03-14 12:46:19 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) |
2025-03-14 12:52:47 +0100 | ljdarj | (~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:59:13 +0100 | wootehfoot | (~wootehfoo@user/wootehfoot) wootehfoot |
2025-03-14 12:59:21 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 13:03:11 +0100 | tabaqui | (~tabaqui@ tabaqui |
2025-03-14 13:03:15 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 13:08:12 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 13:25:00 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 13:26:18 +0100 | CiaoSen | (~Jura@2a02:8071:64e1:7180::ac59) CiaoSen |
2025-03-14 13:28:16 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 13:29:49 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 13:35:04 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 13:36:33 +0100 | weary-traveler | (~user@user/user363627) user363627 |
2025-03-14 13:37:57 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2287:b300:8975:b29a:2f76:2b6a) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2025-03-14 13:42:18 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: ash3en) |
2025-03-14 13:43:24 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-14 13:45:56 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2287:b300:8975:b29a:2f76:2b6a) jespada |
2025-03-14 13:47:00 +0100 | user363627 | (~user@user/user363627) user363627 |
2025-03-14 13:47:38 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2287:b300:8975:b29a:2f76:2b6a) (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 13:47:51 +0100 | weary-traveler | (~user@user/user363627) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 13:50:11 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) andrewchawk |
2025-03-14 13:53:33 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2287:b300:14dd:3f9b:b5e:2a0a) jespada |
2025-03-14 14:03:23 +0100 | mange | (~user@user/mange) (Quit: Zzz...) |
2025-03-14 14:07:39 +0100 | bitdex | (~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex) (Quit: = "") |
2025-03-14 14:09:23 +0100 | JuanDaugherty | (~juan@user/JuanDaugherty) JuanDaugherty |
2025-03-14 14:13:49 +0100 | rvalue | (~rvalue@user/rvalue) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 14:14:23 +0100 | rvalue | (~rvalue@user/rvalue) rvalue |
2025-03-14 14:14:23 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 14:14:28 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 14:18:35 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 14:20:51 +0100 | chele | (~chele@user/chele) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 14:21:24 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) MyNetAz |
2025-03-14 14:28:12 +0100 | tcard | (~tcard@2400:4051:5801:7500:cf17:befc:ff82:5303) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 14:28:25 +0100 | tcard | (~tcard@2400:4051:5801:7500:cf17:befc:ff82:5303) tcard |
2025-03-14 14:31:36 +0100 | ljdarj | (~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) ljdarj |
2025-03-14 14:31:42 +0100 | Unicorn_Princess | (~Unicorn_P@user/Unicorn-Princess/x-3540542) Unicorn_Princess |
2025-03-14 14:38:39 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@tmo-122-100.customers.d1-online.com) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 14:39:35 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 14:39:51 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 14:40:54 +0100 | JuanDaugherty | ColinRobinson |
2025-03-14 14:42:24 +0100 | CiaoSen | (~Jura@2a02:8071:64e1:7180::ac59) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2025-03-14 14:45:01 +0100 | Tisoxin6 | (~Ikosit@user/ikosit) Ikosit |
2025-03-14 14:45:33 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2287:b300:14dd:3f9b:b5e:2a0a) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2025-03-14 14:46:03 +0100 | Tisoxin6 | Ikosit |
2025-03-14 14:48:36 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2277:bd00:e966:5c97:ee3a:b4f7) jespada |
2025-03-14 14:50:08 +0100 | messewix | (~jmc@user/messewix) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 14:50:15 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 14:50:32 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 14:53:46 +0100 | sabathan | (~sabathan@amarseille-159-1-12-107.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 14:57:26 +0100 | sabathan | (~sabathan@amarseille-159-1-12-107.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
2025-03-14 14:58:18 +0100 | tv | (~tv@user/tv) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 15:00:00 +0100 | acidjnk | (~acidjnk@p200300d6e71c4f49ed02b7dcae5e99bf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 15:00:13 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 15:00:55 +0100 | ft | (~ft@p508db291.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ft |
2025-03-14 15:04:37 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 15:08:34 +0100 | ystael | (~ystael@user/ystael) ystael |
2025-03-14 15:11:28 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:eb38:3cc7:a5de:ee1b) |
2025-03-14 15:17:52 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@tmo-122-100.customers.d1-online.com) krei-se |
2025-03-14 15:21:50 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 15:25:09 +0100 | ColinRobinson | (~juan@user/JuanDaugherty) (Quit: praxis.meansofproduction.biz (juan@acm.org)) |
2025-03-14 15:25:23 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@bras-base-toroon0964w-grc-83-174-88-30-17.dsl.bell.ca) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 15:28:32 +0100 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:28:32 +0100 | infohazards | (~user@user/fmira) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:28:32 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:28:32 +0100 | califax | (~califax@user/califx) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:28:32 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:28:46 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:eb38:3cc7:a5de:ee1b) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:28:53 +0100 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) sord937 |
2025-03-14 15:28:55 +0100 | infohazards | (~user@user/fmira) fmira |
2025-03-14 15:28:57 +0100 | califax | (~califax@user/califx) califx |
2025-03-14 15:28:57 +0100 | messewix | (~jmc@user/messewix) messewix |
2025-03-14 15:29:01 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) andrewchawk |
2025-03-14 15:29:17 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh |
2025-03-14 15:32:57 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 15:34:48 +0100 | Smiles | (uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) Smiles |
2025-03-14 15:46:13 +0100 | acidjnk | (~acidjnk@p200300d6e71c4f49ed02b7dcae5e99bf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) acidjnk |
2025-03-14 15:46:22 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 15:46:37 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 15:48:28 +0100 | tabemann_ | (~tabemann@172-13-49-137.lightspeed.milwwi.sbcglobal.net) |
2025-03-14 15:48:33 +0100 | tabemann | (~tabemann@172-13-49-137.lightspeed.milwwi.sbcglobal.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 15:50:46 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 15:58:16 +0100 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:58:36 +0100 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) sord937 |
2025-03-14 16:02:57 +0100 | tv | (~tv@user/tv) tv |
2025-03-14 16:09:56 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f15fc004c5e1e0b75aa1cd6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 16:13:53 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | % import Data.Kind |
2025-03-14 16:13:53 +0100 | <yahb2> | <no output> |
2025-03-14 16:14:00 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | % data Strange = Strange Type |
2025-03-14 16:14:00 +0100 | <yahb2> | <no output> |
2025-03-14 16:14:44 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | I know that with -XDataKinds, e.g. `Strange Int` is a type of kind `Strange`. Can I create _values_ of type `Strange`? |
2025-03-14 16:14:49 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | surely not, right? |
2025-03-14 16:15:03 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 16:16:51 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | the GHC diagnostics when you try are a bit odd, though -- looks like some heuristic that doesn't quite apply here: |
2025-03-14 16:16:56 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | % Strange 'a' |
2025-03-14 16:16:56 +0100 | <yahb2> | <interactive>:351:9: error: [GHC-83865] ; • Expected a type, but ‘'a'’ has kind ‘Char’ ; • In the first argument of ‘Strange’, namely ‘'a'’ ; In the expression: Strange 'a' ; In... |
2025-03-14 16:17:19 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | it talks about types and kinds, whereas I'm very solidly in a value context |
2025-03-14 16:18:59 +0100 | <enikar> | the constructor Strange expects a Type, it is its definition, isn't it? |
2025-03-14 16:19:11 +0100 | <Leary> | % :t Strange undefined |
2025-03-14 16:19:11 +0100 | <yahb2> | Strange undefined :: Strange |
2025-03-14 16:19:15 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | yes -- but that makes no sense in a value context! |
2025-03-14 16:19:23 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | Leary: right. :P |
2025-03-14 16:19:32 +0100 | <geekosaur> | % :k Strange |
2025-03-14 16:19:32 +0100 | <yahb2> | Strange :: * |
2025-03-14 16:19:34 +0100 | <Leary> | It expects a value of type `Type`, of which there is one. |
2025-03-14 16:19:46 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | % data Strange' = Strange' !Type |
2025-03-14 16:19:46 +0100 | <yahb2> | <no output> |
2025-03-14 16:19:56 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | % Strange' undefined |
2025-03-14 16:19:56 +0100 | <yahb2> | <interactive>:363:1: error: [GHC-39999] ; • No instance for ‘Show Strange'’ ; arising from a use of ‘Yahb2Defs.limitedPrint’ ; • In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: ; ... |
2025-03-14 16:20:02 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | % Strange' undefined `seq` () |
2025-03-14 16:20:02 +0100 | <yahb2> | *** Exception: Prelude.undefined ; ; HasCallStack backtrace: ; undefined, called at <interactive>:365:10 in interactive:Ghci80 |
2025-03-14 16:20:09 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | here, Strange' now has 0 values? |
2025-03-14 16:20:42 +0100 | <kuribas> | tomsmeding: no, because haskell has no runtime values that are types. |
2025-03-14 16:21:00 +0100 | <kuribas> | tomsmeding: but I would rename the constructor to avoid confusion. |
2025-03-14 16:21:04 +0100 | <kuribas> | like MkStrange. |
2025-03-14 16:21:05 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | oh, sure |
2025-03-14 16:21:32 +0100 | <geekosaur> | consider that `data` always defines something of kind `Type`, but can be parameterized by any kind |
2025-03-14 16:21:39 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | I wonder why GHC has not re-redeclared TYPE as `type data` instead of `data` (`Type` is just `type Type = TYPE 'LiftedRep`) |
2025-03-14 16:31:55 +0100 | comerijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 16:34:41 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 16:35:41 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 16:38:12 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) (Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1) |
2025-03-14 16:40:08 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 16:43:43 +0100 | infinity0 | (~infinity0@pwned.gg) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 16:44:09 +0100 | alecs | (~alecs@nat16.software.imdea.org) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 17:02:22 +0100 | yegorc | (~yegorc@user/yegorc) yegorc |
2025-03-14 17:03:14 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 17:04:39 +0100 | infinity0 | (~infinity0@pwned.gg) infinity0 |
2025-03-14 17:10:48 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 17:11:07 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 17:13:44 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: ash3en) |
2025-03-14 17:14:06 +0100 | floyza | (~gavin@h69-11-148-150.kndrid.broadband.dynamic.tds.net) gdown |
2025-03-14 17:16:52 +0100 | <yin> | is anyone here familiar with speedscope? i'm trying to import a .prof file but i get "unrecognized file format" |
2025-03-14 17:17:40 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@2804:d59:896c:b400:be5c:fe42:c5ff:26b3) euandreh |
2025-03-14 17:17:55 +0100 | euphores | (~SASL_euph@user/euphores) (Quit: Leaving.) |
2025-03-14 17:18:01 +0100 | <comerijn> | yin: It's been a while |
2025-03-14 17:18:09 +0100 | yegorc | (~yegorc@user/yegorc) (Leaving) |
2025-03-14 17:18:22 +0100 | <comerijn> | yin: But last time I did you needed to post-process the output from GHC |
2025-03-14 17:18:46 +0100 | <comerijn> | yin: https://mpickering.github.io/posts/2019-11-07-hs-speedscope.html |
2025-03-14 17:19:03 +0100 | <comerijn> | I dunno if that's changed since then |
2025-03-14 17:21:25 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 17:23:35 +0100 | ubert | (~Thunderbi@2a02:8109:ab8a:5a00:9b2c:81c3:7d2a:699c) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 17:25:31 +0100 | comerijn | merijn |
2025-03-14 17:25:35 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 17:28:04 +0100 | euphores | (~SASL_euph@user/euphores) euphores |
2025-03-14 17:28:31 +0100 | euandreh1 | (~Thunderbi@ euandreh |
2025-03-14 17:29:00 +0100 | T0NN | (~T0NN@ |
2025-03-14 17:29:53 +0100 | T0NN | (~T0NN@ (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 17:30:13 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 17:30:32 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 17:31:13 +0100 | T0NN | (~T0NN@ |
2025-03-14 17:32:11 +0100 | T0NN | (~T0NN@ (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 17:32:24 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@2804:d59:896c:b400:be5c:fe42:c5ff:26b3) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-14 17:32:24 +0100 | euandreh1 | euandreh |
2025-03-14 17:32:36 +0100 | <yin> | merijn: ty |
2025-03-14 17:35:16 +0100 | T0NN | (~T0NN@2404:c0:2a10::1027:e242) |
2025-03-14 17:35:59 +0100 | T0NN | (~T0NN@2404:c0:2a10::1027:e242) () |
2025-03-14 17:36:49 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2277:bd00:e966:5c97:ee3a:b4f7) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2025-03-14 17:40:28 +0100 | <yin> | is there a more current alternative? |
2025-03-14 17:40:48 +0100 | econo_ | (uid147250@id-147250.tinside.irccloud.com) |
2025-03-14 17:40:57 +0100 | <merijn> | Not sure, you can try asking in #ghc |
2025-03-14 17:43:51 +0100 | Smiles | (uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2025-03-14 17:45:50 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:445:e330:651c:18b8) |
2025-03-14 17:47:29 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f178d004c5e1e0b75aa1cd6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 17:48:05 +0100 | sprotte24___ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f178d00a8beb803116be859.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 17:50:09 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f15fc004c5e1e0b75aa1cd6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 17:52:06 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f178d004c5e1e0b75aa1cd6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2025-03-14 17:52:21 +0100 | tzh | (~tzh@c-76-115-131-146.hsd1.or.comcast.net) tzh |
2025-03-14 17:53:33 +0100 | aman | (~aman@user/aman) aman |
2025-03-14 17:56:54 +0100 | Smiles | (uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) Smiles |
2025-03-14 17:58:17 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 17:58:31 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 17:58:31 +0100 | <byorgey> | c_wraith: just saw your comment about diagrams not being updated since GHC 9.0. I'm curious where you're getting that from (i.e. is there something that should be updated that I missed?) but in general, no, that is not the case, I try to keep diagrams relatively up-to-date |
2025-03-14 17:59:00 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-14 17:59:33 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh |
2025-03-14 18:00:56 +0100 | <merijn> | ok, so it's been a while since I was actively writing Haskell. Did HLS become less of a PITA to install since I last attempted to use it? |
2025-03-14 18:01:00 +0100 | <c_wraith> | byorgey: it came from me messing up my dependencies |
2025-03-14 18:02:18 +0100 | jmcantrell | (~weechat@user/jmcantrell) jmcantrell |
2025-03-14 18:03:04 +0100 | <c_wraith> | byorgey: in particular, I didn't need to pull in diagrams-svg, and I missed that diagrams-core has a different version bound range than the rest. |
2025-03-14 18:03:10 +0100 | <geekosaur> | merijn, these days ghcup installs it for you and it just works, ignoring editor-side nonsense |
2025-03-14 18:03:37 +0100 | <geekosaur> | although it's about to be broken by ghc 9.6.7 and 9.12.2, I think |
2025-03-14 18:03:51 +0100 | <merijn> | geekosaur: I'm guessing I should suck it up and start using ghcup then >.> |
2025-03-14 18:04:03 +0100 | mrmr | (~mrmr@user/mrmr) mrmr |
2025-03-14 18:04:21 +0100 | <geekosaur> | I've found it a much nicer experience than manual management of ghc etc. installs |
2025-03-14 18:04:39 +0100 | <c_wraith> | byorgey: and diagrams-core < 1.5 does require GHC < 9 |
2025-03-14 18:04:51 +0100 | <merijn> | geekosaur: I had a really nice and simple system for that, though :p |
2025-03-14 18:05:55 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <sm> ghcup is pretty simple too ? |
2025-03-14 18:05:56 +0100 | <geekosaur> | I did too, until hvr went away 😞 |
2025-03-14 18:07:22 +0100 | peterbecich | (~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) peterbecich |
2025-03-14 18:07:57 +0100 | <merijn> | sm: The problem isn't the simplicity of the tool or not. It's that I (unlike 90% of the world, seemingly) hate adjust my shell environment to tools, rather than the other way around :p |
2025-03-14 18:08:22 +0100 | <merijn> | sm: And I had a setup I was happy with for years before ghcup existed and I refuse to adapt :p |
2025-03-14 18:08:44 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2277:bd00:e966:5c97:ee3a:b4f7) jespada |
2025-03-14 18:08:47 +0100 | <c_wraith> | all you're doing is putting the GHC binaries in your path. it's not like it's rvm or something |
2025-03-14 18:09:56 +0100 | <merijn> | c_wraith: I mean, that's all I was doing before too :p |
2025-03-14 18:10:08 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 18:10:23 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 18:10:29 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 18:10:55 +0100 | <c_wraith> | now rvm was a terrifying experience. change directories and a bunch of scripts automatically run to update your environment |
2025-03-14 18:11:14 +0100 | <merijn> | c_wraith: oof |
2025-03-14 18:11:40 +0100 | <merijn> | I already get an aneurysm when installers/programs try to automatically adjust my .profile |
2025-03-14 18:12:06 +0100 | <merijn> | because they always do things that 1) don't work and/or 2) break my .profile |
2025-03-14 18:13:26 +0100 | <mauke> | which one was it that adds an unterminated line to .profile? was that ghcup? |
2025-03-14 18:13:34 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <sm> I think the underlying problem is that shell configuration management sucks |
2025-03-14 18:14:36 +0100 | <merijn> | The main problem is "most people don't want to actually configure and/or manage their shell, so their shell files are a pile of garbage they keep appending too" |
2025-03-14 18:14:58 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 18:15:01 +0100 | <merijn> | and then people start developing tools that assume "my shell config is a pile of garbage, so everyone else's must be too" |
2025-03-14 18:15:47 +0100 | <merijn> | mauke: My .profile ends up execing tmux, so if they append to it, that code never even gets reached >.> |
2025-03-14 18:17:51 +0100 | <mauke> | easy to fix, at least |
2025-03-14 18:18:12 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-14 18:20:03 +0100 | <merijn> | But over the years I've created a lovingly crafted setup with scripts to update/setup new machines, etc. so tools trampling all over that is a pet peeve |
2025-03-14 18:21:13 +0100 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) (Quit: sord937) |
2025-03-14 18:23:53 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <maerwald> Appending stuff to shell config is optional |
2025-03-14 18:24:15 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <maerwald> The rest is FUD |
2025-03-14 18:27:29 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh |
2025-03-14 18:29:05 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 18:29:07 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 18:29:18 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh |
2025-03-14 18:29:18 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 18:29:42 +0100 | <merijn> | maerwald: I think we already left ghcup in that discussion ;) |
2025-03-14 18:30:05 +0100 | <merijn> | I don't think anyone meant ghcup did that |
2025-03-14 18:33:13 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 18:35:55 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:445:e330:651c:18b8) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 18:36:17 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:445:e330:651c:18b8) |
2025-03-14 18:40:09 +0100 | kuribas | (~user@ip-188-118-57-242.reverse.destiny.be) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 18:50:02 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p5b039601.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 18:50:06 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ euandreh |
2025-03-14 18:51:18 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2025-03-14 18:51:57 +0100 | sprotte24___ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f178d00a8beb803116be859.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2025-03-14 18:53:06 +0100 | <merijn> | hmm, is there any good github action setups for running tests? Apparently the old haskell-ci generated setup I was using is broken on the github action runners |
2025-03-14 18:55:23 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p5b039601.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 18:56:14 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 18:56:21 +0100 | euandreh1 | (~Thunderbi@ euandreh |
2025-03-14 18:56:37 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 18:56:38 +0100 | euandreh1 | euandreh |
2025-03-14 18:56:39 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p5dd5dcc5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 18:57:05 +0100 | Sgeo | (~Sgeo@user/sgeo) Sgeo |
2025-03-14 18:57:27 +0100 | vpan | (~vpan@mail.elitnet.lt) (Quit: Leaving.) |
2025-03-14 19:00:12 +0100 | <int-e> | merijn: try the git version of haskell-ci (they've more or less stopped uploading to hackage) |
2025-03-14 19:00:34 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:02:31 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: euandreh) |
2025-03-14 19:03:41 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ euandreh |
2025-03-14 19:03:43 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f054f0041e3c51abbee77e7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 19:04:29 +0100 | <merijn> | int-e: I'll give that a try |
2025-03-14 19:05:33 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p5dd5dcc5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:07:26 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) j1n37 |
2025-03-14 19:07:32 +0100 | j1n37- | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:08:16 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f054f0041e3c51abbee77e7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:08:28 +0100 | <Leary> | merijn: There's also https://github.com/Kleidukos/get-tested |
2025-03-14 19:09:42 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f17710050e27d87556d9471.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 19:11:26 +0100 | <merijn> | Leary: from the start of the readme that seems to require a single cabal file |
2025-03-14 19:11:34 +0100 | <merijn> | So that's a non-starter |
2025-03-14 19:12:00 +0100 | <merijn> | Somewhat relatedly: Did hackage get something resembling a proper UI for multi-library packages when I wasn't looking the past year? |
2025-03-14 19:13:41 +0100 | LainExperiments | (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) LainExperiments |
2025-03-14 19:14:12 +0100 | <Leary> | Looks to've; I saw this recently: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/monoidmap |
2025-03-14 19:14:28 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f3ba600b05794efbc074254.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 19:14:54 +0100 | <Leary> | Though it seems like you have to build and upload the docs of dependencies manually if you want them to link. |
2025-03-14 19:15:31 +0100 | <merijn> | \o/ |
2025-03-14 19:15:32 +0100 | <merijn> | Thank god |
2025-03-14 19:17:08 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f17710050e27d87556d9471.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:17:58 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | o wow |
2025-03-14 19:18:12 +0100 | m1dnight | (~m1dnight@d8D861908.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:18:16 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | super nice, now have dependencies split out over components. :3 |
2025-03-14 19:18:20 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <Liamzee> this is really cool |
2025-03-14 19:19:07 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <Liamzee> sm: since you know the hackage devs? |
2025-03-14 19:20:36 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:445:e330:651c:18b8) (Quit: Leaving) |
2025-03-14 19:25:54 +0100 | <__monty__> | merijn: TBF .profile is for env setup, why wouldn't you put starting Tmux in the appropriate rc file? |
2025-03-14 19:29:51 +0100 | <merijn> | __monty__: .profile is "what gets executed on shell login" |
2025-03-14 19:29:58 +0100 | <merijn> | __monty__: It is *absolutely* the correct place |
2025-03-14 19:30:12 +0100 | <merijn> | rc files are for interactive non-login shells |
2025-03-14 19:30:47 +0100 | <merijn> | tomsmeding: I can finally kill the maintenance nightmare that is updating several packages in lockstep >.> |
2025-03-14 19:31:19 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | can you depend on sublibraries now in cabal packages too |
2025-03-14 19:31:21 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | ? |
2025-03-14 19:31:44 +0100 | <merijn> | You've been able to do that since 2022, afaik? |
2025-03-14 19:31:49 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | cool |
2025-03-14 19:32:01 +0100 | <merijn> | If you use an appropriately new cabal-version, obv |
2025-03-14 19:32:05 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | right |
2025-03-14 19:36:37 +0100 | peterbecich | (~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:41:58 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 19:46:30 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:53:19 +0100 | user363627 | (~user@user/user363627) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 19:53:29 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 19:53:45 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ euandreh |
2025-03-14 19:54:24 +0100 | peterbecich | (~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) peterbecich |
2025-03-14 19:55:49 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f3ba600b05794efbc074254.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:58:36 +0100 | euandreh1 | (~Thunderbi@ euandreh |
2025-03-14 19:59:06 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f082100b05794efbc074254.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 20:00:05 +0100 | caconym | (~caconym@user/caconym) (Quit: bye) |
2025-03-14 20:00:15 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:00:16 +0100 | euandreh1 | euandreh |
2025-03-14 20:00:48 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:00:50 +0100 | caconym | (~caconym@user/caconym) caconym |
2025-03-14 20:08:21 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f0ad5004cde9681c361e4a5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 20:09:23 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f082100b05794efbc074254.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:10:03 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f0ad5004cde9681c361e4a5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 20:12:17 +0100 | tremon | (~tremon@ (Quit: getting boxed in) |
2025-03-14 20:15:15 +0100 | LainExperiments | (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 20:16:08 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 20:19:22 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f0ad5004cde9681c361e4a5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 20:20:27 +0100 | aman | (~aman@user/aman) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:24:15 +0100 | LainExperiments | (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) LainExperiments |
2025-03-14 20:27:04 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f0ad5004cde9681c361e4a5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:28:16 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f180c00a8483bbf63702d71.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 20:28:23 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 20:28:49 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) andrewchawk |
2025-03-14 20:30:55 +0100 | pavonia | (~user@user/siracusa) siracusa |
2025-03-14 20:32:44 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:37:57 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f180c00a8483bbf63702d71.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:39:31 +0100 | <merijn> | argh, now my tests fail because some jerk didn't update their library |
2025-03-14 20:39:38 +0100 | <merijn> | (it me, I'm the jerk >.>) |
2025-03-14 20:40:24 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@bras-base-toroon0964w-grc-83-174-88-30-17.dsl.bell.ca) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:42:31 +0100 | Guest0 | (~Guest0@2a00:20:40:8589:e873:2ca5:e8eb:42d4) |
2025-03-14 20:42:42 +0100 | Guest0 | (~Guest0@2a00:20:40:8589:e873:2ca5:e8eb:42d4) (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 20:43:42 +0100 | Guest0 | (~Guest0@2a00:20:40:8589:e873:2ca5:e8eb:42d4) |
2025-03-14 20:45:21 +0100 | Guest0 | (~Guest0@2a00:20:40:8589:e873:2ca5:e8eb:42d4) (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 20:47:39 +0100 | <merijn> | hmm, was there any tool to check which dependency don't match the latest released version? |
2025-03-14 20:48:34 +0100 | ljdarj1 | (~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) ljdarj |
2025-03-14 20:49:25 +0100 | wildtrees | (~user@pool-108-26-34-230.syrcny.east.verizon.net) |
2025-03-14 20:49:41 +0100 | <int-e> | maybe? `cabal install --dry-run` will tell you when it picks a version that isn't the latest? |
2025-03-14 20:50:59 +0100 | <merijn> | int-e: I already found what I was thinking of: https://packdeps.haskellers.com/feed?needle=paramtree |
2025-03-14 20:52:59 +0100 | ljdarj | (~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:52:59 +0100 | ljdarj1 | ljdarj |
2025-03-14 20:53:00 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:53:01 +0100 | <int-e> | good to know |
2025-03-14 20:57:03 +0100 | m1dnight | (~m1dnight@d8D861908.access.telenet.be) m1dnight |
2025-03-14 21:02:24 +0100 | peterbecich | (~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 21:02:37 +0100 | <merijn> | hmm, well that's interesting... |
2025-03-14 21:03:01 +0100 | <merijn> | The most recent hackage release of my library is more recent than the most recent commit on github |
2025-03-14 21:05:01 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f10c900a4acb6372127f929.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 21:06:22 +0100 | a_fantom | (~fantom@ |
2025-03-14 21:08:31 +0100 | fantom | (~fantom@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 21:14:07 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 21:17:26 +0100 | machinedgod | (~machinedg@d108-173-18-100.abhsia.telus.net) machinedgod |
2025-03-14 21:18:49 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 21:22:10 +0100 | <Rembane> | Time travelling Hackage! |
2025-03-14 21:22:18 +0100 | target_i | (~target_i@user/target-i/x-6023099) target_i |
2025-03-14 21:22:48 +0100 | <merijn> | More like: I published a commit from some old work laptop and never pushed that commit to github before handing in the machine :p |
2025-03-14 21:26:11 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@bras-base-toroon0247w-grc-123-70-29-50-35.dsl.bell.ca) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 21:29:09 +0100 | <int-e> | or github lost it (unlikely, but how would you know? :-) ) |
2025-03-14 21:30:11 +0100 | <merijn> | Given that I've retired a number of laptops since that last release that scenario seems more likely ;) |
2025-03-14 21:34:04 +0100 | tt12310978324354 | (~tt1231@2603:6010:8700:4a81:219f:50d3:618a:a6ee) tt1231 |
2025-03-14 21:36:20 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@2a01-036d-0106-4b74-69d5-4465-d31e-01da.pool6.digikabel.hu) |
2025-03-14 21:38:29 +0100 | <merijn> | Is sqlite-simple still the way to go? A few years ago Selda seemed promising, but that seems to have mostly petered out and died |
2025-03-14 21:42:29 +0100 | <merijn> | Seems so, opaleye-sqlite seems to have died years ago, so the only competition left is persistent |
2025-03-14 21:42:54 +0100 | <EvanR> | haskelldb :sunglasses: |
2025-03-14 21:43:54 +0100 | <merijn> | How come it's the year of our lord 2025 and Haskell still doesn't have a decent SQLite library >.< |
2025-03-14 21:44:10 +0100 | <EvanR> | what's wrong with sqlite-simple again |
2025-03-14 21:44:56 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: I want something *slightly* higher level in terms of being able to define mappings between DB representation and domain data and managing migrations |
2025-03-14 21:45:12 +0100 | <merijn> | With sqlite-simple I have to handroll all the validation stuff |
2025-03-14 21:45:25 +0100 | <EvanR> | does any sqlite library have that |
2025-03-14 21:46:38 +0100 | <EvanR> | or its considered not a sqlite specific feature, it being considered a backend |
2025-03-14 21:46:39 +0100 | <merijn> | Well, a bunch try |
2025-03-14 21:47:01 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: I wouldn't consider it anything sqlite specific |
2025-03-14 21:47:02 +0100 | <EvanR> | sqlite itself definitely has nothing to help there |
2025-03-14 21:47:25 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: I mean, it's the stuff I want for ANY SQL library |
2025-03-14 21:47:28 +0100 | <EvanR> | with the bizarre untyped columns |
2025-03-14 21:47:32 +0100 | <merijn> | I just happen to want it for sqlite specifically |
2025-03-14 21:47:40 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: You're way out of date |
2025-03-14 21:47:46 +0100 | <EvanR> | ? |
2025-03-14 21:47:52 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: sqlite added support for a strict typed mode ages ago |
2025-03-14 21:47:57 +0100 | <EvanR> | when |
2025-03-14 21:48:11 +0100 | <merijn> | I'm thinking at least 2 years ago? |
2025-03-14 21:48:17 +0100 | <geekosaur> | several years ago at least but I don't recall details |
2025-03-14 21:48:33 +0100 | <merijn> | SQLite supports a strict typing mode, as of version 3.37.0 (2021-11-27) |
2025-03-14 21:48:47 +0100 | <merijn> | according to their docs |
2025-03-14 21:49:03 +0100 | <merijn> | But none of the none SQLite libraries seem to do well at this either |
2025-03-14 21:49:12 +0100 | <EvanR> | my brain will have to remap now |
2025-03-14 21:49:42 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: It was my one complaint about SQL and it's been fixed for years ;) |
2025-03-14 21:49:58 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: It's still opt-in, but at least you can |
2025-03-14 21:50:35 +0100 | <merijn> | BEAM, hasql, and haskelldb (still) look nightmarish to me. Persistent is more work than it helps |
2025-03-14 21:50:50 +0100 | <merijn> | opaleye's sqlite support is dead for a decade |
2025-03-14 21:51:03 +0100 | <merijn> | Selda looked promising, but seems to have died before going anywhere a few years ago |
2025-03-14 21:51:30 +0100 | <merijn> | So the options seem to be sqlite-simple, persistent, or giving up :p |