2025-03-14 00:06:58 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 00:11:49 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:14:17 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:f6f2:4aaf:30ee:2a17) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:22:20 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 00:24:20 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 00:28:21 +0100 | machinedgod | (~machinedg@d108-173-18-100.abhsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:28:31 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:28:53 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:37:27 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f0b6100645e4ad0716a10ac.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving) |
2025-03-14 00:37:58 +0100 | superlink | (~kontsikou@ (Quit: leaving) |
2025-03-14 00:40:00 +0100 | yegorc | (~yegorc@user/yegorc) yegorc |
2025-03-14 00:40:22 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 00:42:43 +0100 | __monty__ | (~toonn@user/toonn) (Quit: leaving) |
2025-03-14 00:44:58 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:47:11 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:5ce6:2484:e861:ea97) |
2025-03-14 00:49:21 +0100 | Square2 | (~Square4@user/square) Square |
2025-03-14 00:52:17 +0100 | Square | (~Square@user/square) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:53:08 +0100 | acidjnk_new | (~acidjnk@p200300d6e7283f85b10ad2147dd4d665.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 00:55:45 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 01:00:50 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:10:24 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 01:11:07 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 01:15:20 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:15:45 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:17:36 +0100 | haskellbridge | (~hackager@syn-024-093-192-219.res.spectrum.com) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 01:26:31 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 01:27:25 +0100 | a_fantom | (~fantom@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:31:03 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:32:08 +0100 | AlexZenon | (~alzenon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 01:32:14 +0100 | AlexNoo | (~AlexNoo@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 01:33:42 +0100 | fantom | (~fantom@ |
2025-03-14 01:34:52 +0100 | haskellbridge | (~hackager@syn-024-093-192-219.res.spectrum.com) hackager |
2025-03-14 01:34:52 +0100 | ChanServ | +v haskellbridge |
2025-03-14 01:39:03 +0100 | eL_Bart0 | (eL_Bart02@dietunichtguten.org) |
2025-03-14 01:39:31 +0100 | acidjnk_new | (~acidjnk@p200300d6e7283f716c4d4e53bbbba097.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) acidjnk |
2025-03-14 01:41:55 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 01:42:02 +0100 | haskellbridge | (~hackager@syn-024-093-192-219.res.spectrum.com) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 01:46:32 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:47:49 +0100 | xff0x | (~xff0x@ai066236.d.east.v6connect.net) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:49:07 +0100 | haskellbridge | (~hackager@syn-024-093-192-219.res.spectrum.com) hackager |
2025-03-14 01:49:07 +0100 | ChanServ | +v haskellbridge |
2025-03-14 01:54:04 +0100 | acidjnk_new | (~acidjnk@p200300d6e7283f716c4d4e53bbbba097.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 01:54:13 +0100 | j1n37- | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 01:55:17 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) j1n37 |
2025-03-14 01:56:10 +0100 | Tuplanolla | (~Tuplanoll@91-159-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Quit: Leaving.) |
2025-03-14 01:56:29 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 01:57:17 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 02:00:48 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:03:49 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:14:57 +0100 | tabaqui | (~tabaqui@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:15:19 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 02:19:56 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:30:42 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 02:32:30 +0100 | califax | (~califax@user/califx) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 02:33:39 +0100 | califax | (~califax@user/califx) califx |
2025-03-14 02:35:45 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:40:35 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 02:40:53 +0100 | k_hachig_ | k_hachig |
2025-03-14 02:43:03 +0100 | weary-traveler | (~user@user/user363627) user363627 |
2025-03-14 02:43:33 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 02:46:04 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 02:48:27 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:50:55 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 02:57:28 +0100 | Square2 | (~Square4@user/square) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:01:25 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 03:05:46 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:10:08 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@84-236-65-216.pool.digikabel.hu) (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 03:10:25 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@2a01-036d-0106-4b74-1d9e-b230-a088-7b03.pool6.digikabel.hu) |
2025-03-14 03:16:48 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 03:21:05 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:28:57 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 03:30:38 +0100 | messewix | (~jmc@user/messewix) messewix |
2025-03-14 03:32:11 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 03:33:12 +0100 | izzyfalco | (~jake_pers@user/izzyfalco) izzyfalco |
2025-03-14 03:33:28 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:35:59 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:5ce6:2484:e861:ea97) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:39:01 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:47:14 +0100 | eron | (~eron@ lidenbrock |
2025-03-14 03:50:14 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 03:54:08 +0100 | jrm | (~jrm@user/jrm) (Quit: ciao) |
2025-03-14 03:54:40 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 03:55:48 +0100 | jrm | (~jrm@user/jrm) jrm |
2025-03-14 04:05:35 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 04:10:34 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 04:11:40 +0100 | tavare | (~tavare@ tavare |
2025-03-14 04:11:40 +0100 | tavare | (~tavare@ (Changing host) |
2025-03-14 04:11:40 +0100 | tavare | (~tavare@user/tavare) tavare |
2025-03-14 04:14:22 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 04:18:44 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 04:20:58 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 04:25:34 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 04:29:22 +0100 | olivial | (~benjaminl@user/benjaminl) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 04:29:59 +0100 | olivial | (~benjaminl@user/benjaminl) benjaminl |
2025-03-14 04:36:21 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 04:41:12 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 04:41:59 +0100 | astra | amish |
2025-03-14 04:42:03 +0100 | amish | (sid289983@id-289983.hampstead.irccloud.com) (Changing host) |
2025-03-14 04:42:03 +0100 | amish | (sid289983@user/amish) amish |
2025-03-14 04:42:13 +0100 | amish | astra |
2025-03-14 04:51:43 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 04:56:28 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:00:46 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 05:04:56 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:05:10 +0100 | aforemny | (~aforemny@2001:9e8:6cc4:6d00:df94:f43b:f3a3:8a7) aforemny |
2025-03-14 05:06:34 +0100 | aforemny_ | (~aforemny@i59F4C5E2.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:07:07 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 05:08:21 +0100 | tusko | (uid478376@user/tusko) tusko |
2025-03-14 05:09:19 +0100 | yegorc | (~yegorc@user/yegorc) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:10:22 +0100 | pabs3 | (~pabs3@user/pabs3) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 05:12:16 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:16:50 +0100 | Unicorn_Princess | (~Unicorn_P@user/Unicorn-Princess/x-3540542) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 05:19:06 +0100 | pabs3 | (~pabs3@user/pabs3) pabs3 |
2025-03-14 05:20:52 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 05:23:08 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 05:25:36 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) j1n37 |
2025-03-14 05:28:09 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:38:33 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 05:43:09 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:46:30 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 05:50:45 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:53:55 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 05:54:05 +0100 | michalz | (~michalz@ |
2025-03-14 05:55:40 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 05:58:24 +0100 | bitdex | (~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex) bitdex |
2025-03-14 05:58:28 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 05:59:18 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) j1n37 |
2025-03-14 06:15:19 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 06:21:07 +0100 | jmcantrell | (~weechat@user/jmcantrell) (Quit: WeeChat 4.5.2) |
2025-03-14 06:22:26 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 06:29:54 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 06:32:41 +0100 | peterbecich | (~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) peterbecich |
2025-03-14 06:33:46 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 06:34:35 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-14 06:38:51 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 06:45:16 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 06:49:37 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 06:52:31 +0100 | izzyfalco | (~jake_pers@user/izzyfalco) (Quit: Using Circe, the loveliest of all IRC clients) |
2025-03-14 06:53:19 +0100 | peterbecich | (~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 06:53:36 +0100 | Flow | (~none@gentoo/developer/flow) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 06:58:13 +0100 | takuan | (~takuan@d8D86B601.access.telenet.be) |
2025-03-14 06:59:05 +0100 | xff0x | (~xff0x@2405:6580:b080:900:3552:f799:4331:aaa8) |
2025-03-14 07:00:38 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 07:01:57 +0100 | Flow | (~none@gentoo/developer/flow) flow |
2025-03-14 07:04:58 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 07:15:54 +0100 | raym | (~ray@user/raym) (Quit: rebooting...) |
2025-03-14 07:16:00 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 07:19:10 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 07:20:35 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 07:24:06 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 07:28:15 +0100 | k_hachig | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 07:31:22 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 07:36:26 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 07:40:10 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 07:45:09 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-14 07:46:46 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 07:53:36 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:00:00 +0100 | caconym | (~caconym@user/caconym) (Quit: bye) |
2025-03-14 08:00:52 +0100 | caconym | (~caconym@user/caconym) caconym |
2025-03-14 08:01:10 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 08:04:34 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 08:05:02 +0100 | <mzg> | re |
2025-03-14 08:05:39 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:06:46 +0100 | ft | (~ft@p508db291.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: leaving) |
2025-03-14 08:08:59 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:10:03 +0100 | Sgeo | (~Sgeo@user/sgeo) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 08:12:33 +0100 | Lord_of_Life_ | (~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915) Lord_of_Life |
2025-03-14 08:12:58 +0100 | weary-traveler | (~user@user/user363627) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 08:13:27 +0100 | Lord_of_Life | (~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:13:59 +0100 | Lord_of_Life_ | Lord_of_Life |
2025-03-14 08:16:33 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 08:19:50 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh |
2025-03-14 08:20:34 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 08:21:12 +0100 | CiaoSen | (~Jura@2a02:8071:64e1:7180::ac59) CiaoSen |
2025-03-14 08:21:19 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh |
2025-03-14 08:21:33 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:30:24 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) lortabac |
2025-03-14 08:31:56 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 08:34:48 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 08:36:13 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:40:00 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:47:18 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 08:50:17 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 08:51:49 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:53:51 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 08:54:29 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 08:57:06 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 08:58:37 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@2a01-036d-0106-4b74-1d9e-b230-a088-7b03.pool6.digikabel.hu) (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 08:58:59 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@2a01-036d-0106-4b74-1d9e-b230-a088-7b03.pool6.digikabel.hu) |
2025-03-14 08:59:35 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:00:08 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 09:00:22 +0100 | tcard | (~tcard@2400:4051:5801:7500:cf17:befc:ff82:5303) (Quit: Leaving) |
2025-03-14 09:02:10 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 09:06:44 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:07:42 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@2a01-036d-0106-4b74-1d9e-b230-a088-7b03.pool6.digikabel.hu) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:11:35 +0100 | tzh | (~tzh@c-76-115-131-146.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: zzz) |
2025-03-14 09:15:41 +0100 | tcard | (~tcard@2400:4051:5801:7500:cf17:befc:ff82:5303) |
2025-03-14 09:16:46 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:16:49 +0100 | chele | (~chele@user/chele) chele |
2025-03-14 09:16:50 +0100 | j1n37- | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) j1n37 |
2025-03-14 09:17:32 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 09:21:58 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:24:05 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 09:31:24 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:32:10 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: ash3en) |
2025-03-14 09:32:55 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 09:33:06 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) andrewchawk |
2025-03-14 09:35:40 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 09:37:17 +0100 | eron | (~eron@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 09:37:29 +0100 | AlexNoo | (~AlexNoo@ |
2025-03-14 09:39:33 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:39:51 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:40:34 +0100 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) sord937 |
2025-03-14 09:41:13 +0100 | aforemny | (~aforemny@2001:9e8:6cc4:6d00:df94:f43b:f3a3:8a7) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:41:19 +0100 | aforemny_ | (~aforemny@2001:9e8:6cca:8600:7a2a:146f:5c60:4ad0) aforemny |
2025-03-14 09:45:34 +0100 | tremon | (~tremon@ tremon |
2025-03-14 09:47:33 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@p3ee0f37e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:47:45 +0100 | tusko | (uid478376@user/tusko) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2025-03-14 09:50:48 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@p200300f1cf3ebf002411defffe902013.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) krei-se |
2025-03-14 09:50:59 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 09:55:48 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 09:56:50 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 09:57:52 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 09:59:23 +0100 | mrvdb | (~mrvdb@2001:19f0:5000:8582:5400:ff:fe07:3df5) (Quit: ZNC 1.9.0 - https://znc.in) |
2025-03-14 10:00:16 +0100 | mrvdb | (~mrvdb@ mrvdb |
2025-03-14 10:00:20 +0100 | ljdarj | (~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) ljdarj |
2025-03-14 10:03:36 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@p200300f1cf3ebf002411defffe902013.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 10:04:53 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) MyNetAz |
2025-03-14 10:16:22 +0100 | AlexNoo | (~AlexNoo@ (Quit: Leaving) |
2025-03-14 10:16:43 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:a4bf:688f:d6c0:3b98) |
2025-03-14 10:16:55 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 10:21:04 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 10:23:37 +0100 | Smiles | (uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) Smiles |
2025-03-14 10:25:29 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 10:25:52 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 10:30:58 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:b15e:8323:1d1c:aa91) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 10:31:19 +0100 | JamesMowery1 | (~JamesMowe@ip68-228-212-232.ph.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 10:35:10 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 10:35:25 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 10:37:52 +0100 | tavare | (~tavare@user/tavare) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 10:41:28 +0100 | __monty__ | (~toonn@user/toonn) toonn |
2025-03-14 10:41:31 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 10:46:31 +0100 | AlexNoo | (~AlexNoo@ |
2025-03-14 10:46:38 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Quit: Reconnecting) |
2025-03-14 10:46:45 +0100 | AlexZenon | (~alzenon@ |
2025-03-14 10:46:53 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 10:48:32 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) MyNetAz |
2025-03-14 10:59:26 +0100 | ubert | (~Thunderbi@2a02:8109:ab8a:5a00:9b2c:81c3:7d2a:699c) ubert |
2025-03-14 11:02:16 +0100 | alecs | (~alecs@nat16.software.imdea.org) alecs |
2025-03-14 11:02:32 +0100 | alecs | (~alecs@nat16.software.imdea.org) (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 11:02:51 +0100 | alecs | (~alecs@nat16.software.imdea.org) alecs |
2025-03-14 11:07:48 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 11:07:55 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@pool-99-227-155-93.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 11:10:44 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:12:03 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:12:20 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 11:12:28 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@pool-99-227-155-93.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:13:47 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@tmo-122-100.customers.d1-online.com) krei-se |
2025-03-14 11:25:38 +0100 | acidjnk | (~acidjnk@p200300d6e71c4f49ed02b7dcae5e99bf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) acidjnk |
2025-03-14 11:27:08 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 11:28:18 +0100 | Square3 | (~Square@user/square) Square |
2025-03-14 11:28:25 +0100 | Square2 | (~Square4@user/square) Square |
2025-03-14 11:29:11 +0100 | saimazoon | (~hrtz@user/haritz) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:32:50 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:35:27 +0100 | haritz | (~hrtz@82-69-11-11.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) |
2025-03-14 11:35:30 +0100 | haritz | (~hrtz@82-69-11-11.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Changing host) |
2025-03-14 11:35:30 +0100 | haritz | (~hrtz@user/haritz) haritz |
2025-03-14 11:35:47 +0100 | raym | (~ray@user/raym) raym |
2025-03-14 11:40:13 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 11:40:18 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 11:40:54 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 11:41:37 +0100 | vpan | (~vpan@mail.elitnet.lt) |
2025-03-14 11:44:33 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:50:06 +0100 | kuribas | (~user@ip-188-118-57-242.reverse.destiny.be) kuribas |
2025-03-14 11:50:14 +0100 | Square2 | (~Square4@user/square) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:53:33 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 11:56:20 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:57:47 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:a4bf:688f:d6c0:3b98) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:57:56 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-14 11:59:53 +0100 | krei-se- | (~krei-se@p200300f1cf11bb002411defffe902013.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) krei-se |
2025-03-14 12:00:02 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@tmo-122-100.customers.d1-online.com) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:00:09 +0100 | pavonia | (~user@user/siracusa) (Quit: Bye!) |
2025-03-14 12:03:01 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:f9c8:57ad:13f8:80c2) |
2025-03-14 12:04:00 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) |
2025-03-14 12:05:09 +0100 | rvalue- | (~rvalue@user/rvalue) rvalue |
2025-03-14 12:06:09 +0100 | rvalue | (~rvalue@user/rvalue) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:07:21 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:f9c8:57ad:13f8:80c2) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:09:45 +0100 | rvalue- | rvalue |
2025-03-14 12:10:16 +0100 | krei-se- | (~krei-se@p200300f1cf11bb002411defffe902013.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:10:45 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2287:b300:8975:b29a:2f76:2b6a) jespada |
2025-03-14 12:12:10 +0100 | CiaoSen | (~Jura@2a02:8071:64e1:7180::ac59) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:13:55 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 12:13:57 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 12:18:30 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:20:55 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 12:21:13 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 12:22:21 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@tmo-122-100.customers.d1-online.com) krei-se |
2025-03-14 12:27:16 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 12:32:04 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:32:42 +0100 | Smiles | (uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2025-03-14 12:39:16 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 12:43:54 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:45:57 +0100 | Catty | catties |
2025-03-14 12:46:19 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) |
2025-03-14 12:52:47 +0100 | ljdarj | (~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 12:59:13 +0100 | wootehfoot | (~wootehfoo@user/wootehfoot) wootehfoot |
2025-03-14 12:59:21 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 13:03:11 +0100 | tabaqui | (~tabaqui@ tabaqui |
2025-03-14 13:03:15 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 13:08:12 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 13:25:00 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 13:26:18 +0100 | CiaoSen | (~Jura@2a02:8071:64e1:7180::ac59) CiaoSen |
2025-03-14 13:28:16 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 13:29:49 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 13:35:04 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@2607:fea8:351d:ef0:1dae:32e7:eb8f:9ff5) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 13:36:33 +0100 | weary-traveler | (~user@user/user363627) user363627 |
2025-03-14 13:37:57 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2287:b300:8975:b29a:2f76:2b6a) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2025-03-14 13:42:18 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: ash3en) |
2025-03-14 13:43:24 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-14 13:45:56 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2287:b300:8975:b29a:2f76:2b6a) jespada |
2025-03-14 13:47:00 +0100 | user363627 | (~user@user/user363627) user363627 |
2025-03-14 13:47:38 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2287:b300:8975:b29a:2f76:2b6a) (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 13:47:51 +0100 | weary-traveler | (~user@user/user363627) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 13:50:11 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) andrewchawk |
2025-03-14 13:53:33 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2287:b300:14dd:3f9b:b5e:2a0a) jespada |
2025-03-14 14:03:23 +0100 | mange | (~user@user/mange) (Quit: Zzz...) |
2025-03-14 14:07:39 +0100 | bitdex | (~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex) (Quit: = "") |
2025-03-14 14:09:23 +0100 | JuanDaugherty | (~juan@user/JuanDaugherty) JuanDaugherty |
2025-03-14 14:13:49 +0100 | rvalue | (~rvalue@user/rvalue) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 14:14:23 +0100 | rvalue | (~rvalue@user/rvalue) rvalue |
2025-03-14 14:14:23 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 14:14:28 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 14:18:35 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 14:20:51 +0100 | chele | (~chele@user/chele) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 14:21:24 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) MyNetAz |
2025-03-14 14:28:12 +0100 | tcard | (~tcard@2400:4051:5801:7500:cf17:befc:ff82:5303) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 14:28:25 +0100 | tcard | (~tcard@2400:4051:5801:7500:cf17:befc:ff82:5303) tcard |
2025-03-14 14:31:36 +0100 | ljdarj | (~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) ljdarj |
2025-03-14 14:31:42 +0100 | Unicorn_Princess | (~Unicorn_P@user/Unicorn-Princess/x-3540542) Unicorn_Princess |
2025-03-14 14:38:39 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@tmo-122-100.customers.d1-online.com) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 14:39:35 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 14:39:51 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 14:40:54 +0100 | JuanDaugherty | ColinRobinson |
2025-03-14 14:42:24 +0100 | CiaoSen | (~Jura@2a02:8071:64e1:7180::ac59) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2025-03-14 14:45:01 +0100 | Tisoxin6 | (~Ikosit@user/ikosit) Ikosit |
2025-03-14 14:45:33 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2287:b300:14dd:3f9b:b5e:2a0a) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2025-03-14 14:46:03 +0100 | Tisoxin6 | Ikosit |
2025-03-14 14:48:36 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2277:bd00:e966:5c97:ee3a:b4f7) jespada |
2025-03-14 14:50:08 +0100 | messewix | (~jmc@user/messewix) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 14:50:15 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 14:50:32 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 14:53:46 +0100 | sabathan | (~sabathan@amarseille-159-1-12-107.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 14:57:26 +0100 | sabathan | (~sabathan@amarseille-159-1-12-107.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
2025-03-14 14:58:18 +0100 | tv | (~tv@user/tv) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 15:00:00 +0100 | acidjnk | (~acidjnk@p200300d6e71c4f49ed02b7dcae5e99bf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 15:00:13 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 15:00:55 +0100 | ft | (~ft@p508db291.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ft |
2025-03-14 15:04:37 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 15:08:34 +0100 | ystael | (~ystael@user/ystael) ystael |
2025-03-14 15:11:28 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:eb38:3cc7:a5de:ee1b) |
2025-03-14 15:17:52 +0100 | krei-se | (~krei-se@tmo-122-100.customers.d1-online.com) krei-se |
2025-03-14 15:21:50 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 15:25:09 +0100 | ColinRobinson | (~juan@user/JuanDaugherty) (Quit: praxis.meansofproduction.biz (juan@acm.org)) |
2025-03-14 15:25:23 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@bras-base-toroon0964w-grc-83-174-88-30-17.dsl.bell.ca) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 15:28:32 +0100 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:28:32 +0100 | infohazards | (~user@user/fmira) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:28:32 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:28:32 +0100 | califax | (~califax@user/califx) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:28:32 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:28:46 +0100 | alp | (~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:eb38:3cc7:a5de:ee1b) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:28:53 +0100 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) sord937 |
2025-03-14 15:28:55 +0100 | infohazards | (~user@user/fmira) fmira |
2025-03-14 15:28:57 +0100 | califax | (~califax@user/califx) califx |
2025-03-14 15:28:57 +0100 | messewix | (~jmc@user/messewix) messewix |
2025-03-14 15:29:01 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) andrewchawk |
2025-03-14 15:29:17 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh |
2025-03-14 15:32:57 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 15:34:48 +0100 | Smiles | (uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) Smiles |
2025-03-14 15:46:13 +0100 | acidjnk | (~acidjnk@p200300d6e71c4f49ed02b7dcae5e99bf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) acidjnk |
2025-03-14 15:46:22 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 15:46:37 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 15:48:28 +0100 | tabemann_ | (~tabemann@172-13-49-137.lightspeed.milwwi.sbcglobal.net) |
2025-03-14 15:48:33 +0100 | tabemann | (~tabemann@172-13-49-137.lightspeed.milwwi.sbcglobal.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 15:50:46 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 15:58:16 +0100 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 15:58:36 +0100 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) sord937 |
2025-03-14 16:02:57 +0100 | tv | (~tv@user/tv) tv |
2025-03-14 16:09:56 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f15fc004c5e1e0b75aa1cd6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 16:13:53 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | % import Data.Kind |
2025-03-14 16:13:53 +0100 | <yahb2> | <no output> |
2025-03-14 16:14:00 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | % data Strange = Strange Type |
2025-03-14 16:14:00 +0100 | <yahb2> | <no output> |
2025-03-14 16:14:44 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | I know that with -XDataKinds, e.g. `Strange Int` is a type of kind `Strange`. Can I create _values_ of type `Strange`? |
2025-03-14 16:14:49 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | surely not, right? |
2025-03-14 16:15:03 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 16:16:51 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | the GHC diagnostics when you try are a bit odd, though -- looks like some heuristic that doesn't quite apply here: |
2025-03-14 16:16:56 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | % Strange 'a' |
2025-03-14 16:16:56 +0100 | <yahb2> | <interactive>:351:9: error: [GHC-83865] ; • Expected a type, but ‘'a'’ has kind ‘Char’ ; • In the first argument of ‘Strange’, namely ‘'a'’ ; In the expression: Strange 'a' ; In... |
2025-03-14 16:17:19 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | it talks about types and kinds, whereas I'm very solidly in a value context |
2025-03-14 16:18:59 +0100 | <enikar> | the constructor Strange expects a Type, it is its definition, isn't it? |
2025-03-14 16:19:11 +0100 | <Leary> | % :t Strange undefined |
2025-03-14 16:19:11 +0100 | <yahb2> | Strange undefined :: Strange |
2025-03-14 16:19:15 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | yes -- but that makes no sense in a value context! |
2025-03-14 16:19:23 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | Leary: right. :P |
2025-03-14 16:19:32 +0100 | <geekosaur> | % :k Strange |
2025-03-14 16:19:32 +0100 | <yahb2> | Strange :: * |
2025-03-14 16:19:34 +0100 | <Leary> | It expects a value of type `Type`, of which there is one. |
2025-03-14 16:19:46 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | % data Strange' = Strange' !Type |
2025-03-14 16:19:46 +0100 | <yahb2> | <no output> |
2025-03-14 16:19:56 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | % Strange' undefined |
2025-03-14 16:19:56 +0100 | <yahb2> | <interactive>:363:1: error: [GHC-39999] ; • No instance for ‘Show Strange'’ ; arising from a use of ‘Yahb2Defs.limitedPrint’ ; • In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: ; ... |
2025-03-14 16:20:02 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | % Strange' undefined `seq` () |
2025-03-14 16:20:02 +0100 | <yahb2> | *** Exception: Prelude.undefined ; ; HasCallStack backtrace: ; undefined, called at <interactive>:365:10 in interactive:Ghci80 |
2025-03-14 16:20:09 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | here, Strange' now has 0 values? |
2025-03-14 16:20:42 +0100 | <kuribas> | tomsmeding: no, because haskell has no runtime values that are types. |
2025-03-14 16:21:00 +0100 | <kuribas> | tomsmeding: but I would rename the constructor to avoid confusion. |
2025-03-14 16:21:04 +0100 | <kuribas> | like MkStrange. |
2025-03-14 16:21:05 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | oh, sure |
2025-03-14 16:21:32 +0100 | <geekosaur> | consider that `data` always defines something of kind `Type`, but can be parameterized by any kind |
2025-03-14 16:21:39 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | I wonder why GHC has not re-redeclared TYPE as `type data` instead of `data` (`Type` is just `type Type = TYPE 'LiftedRep`) |
2025-03-14 16:31:55 +0100 | comerijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn |
2025-03-14 16:34:41 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 16:35:41 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 16:38:12 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) (Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1) |
2025-03-14 16:40:08 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 16:43:43 +0100 | infinity0 | (~infinity0@pwned.gg) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 16:44:09 +0100 | alecs | (~alecs@nat16.software.imdea.org) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 17:02:22 +0100 | yegorc | (~yegorc@user/yegorc) yegorc |
2025-03-14 17:03:14 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 17:04:39 +0100 | infinity0 | (~infinity0@pwned.gg) infinity0 |
2025-03-14 17:10:48 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 17:11:07 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 17:13:44 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: ash3en) |
2025-03-14 17:14:06 +0100 | floyza | (~gavin@h69-11-148-150.kndrid.broadband.dynamic.tds.net) gdown |
2025-03-14 17:16:52 +0100 | <yin> | is anyone here familiar with speedscope? i'm trying to import a .prof file but i get "unrecognized file format" |
2025-03-14 17:17:40 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@2804:d59:896c:b400:be5c:fe42:c5ff:26b3) euandreh |
2025-03-14 17:17:55 +0100 | euphores | (~SASL_euph@user/euphores) (Quit: Leaving.) |
2025-03-14 17:18:01 +0100 | <comerijn> | yin: It's been a while |
2025-03-14 17:18:09 +0100 | yegorc | (~yegorc@user/yegorc) (Leaving) |
2025-03-14 17:18:22 +0100 | <comerijn> | yin: But last time I did you needed to post-process the output from GHC |
2025-03-14 17:18:46 +0100 | <comerijn> | yin: https://mpickering.github.io/posts/2019-11-07-hs-speedscope.html |
2025-03-14 17:19:03 +0100 | <comerijn> | I dunno if that's changed since then |
2025-03-14 17:21:25 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 17:23:35 +0100 | ubert | (~Thunderbi@2a02:8109:ab8a:5a00:9b2c:81c3:7d2a:699c) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 17:25:31 +0100 | comerijn | merijn |
2025-03-14 17:25:35 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 17:28:04 +0100 | euphores | (~SASL_euph@user/euphores) euphores |
2025-03-14 17:28:31 +0100 | euandreh1 | (~Thunderbi@ euandreh |
2025-03-14 17:29:00 +0100 | T0NN | (~T0NN@ |
2025-03-14 17:29:53 +0100 | T0NN | (~T0NN@ (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 17:30:13 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 17:30:32 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 17:31:13 +0100 | T0NN | (~T0NN@ |
2025-03-14 17:32:11 +0100 | T0NN | (~T0NN@ (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 17:32:24 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@2804:d59:896c:b400:be5c:fe42:c5ff:26b3) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-14 17:32:24 +0100 | euandreh1 | euandreh |
2025-03-14 17:32:36 +0100 | <yin> | merijn: ty |
2025-03-14 17:35:16 +0100 | T0NN | (~T0NN@2404:c0:2a10::1027:e242) |
2025-03-14 17:35:59 +0100 | T0NN | (~T0NN@2404:c0:2a10::1027:e242) () |
2025-03-14 17:36:49 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2277:bd00:e966:5c97:ee3a:b4f7) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2025-03-14 17:40:28 +0100 | <yin> | is there a more current alternative? |
2025-03-14 17:40:48 +0100 | econo_ | (uid147250@id-147250.tinside.irccloud.com) |
2025-03-14 17:40:57 +0100 | <merijn> | Not sure, you can try asking in #ghc |
2025-03-14 17:43:51 +0100 | Smiles | (uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2025-03-14 17:45:50 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:445:e330:651c:18b8) |
2025-03-14 17:47:29 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f178d004c5e1e0b75aa1cd6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 17:48:05 +0100 | sprotte24___ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f178d00a8beb803116be859.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 17:50:09 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f15fc004c5e1e0b75aa1cd6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 17:52:06 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f178d004c5e1e0b75aa1cd6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2025-03-14 17:52:21 +0100 | tzh | (~tzh@c-76-115-131-146.hsd1.or.comcast.net) tzh |
2025-03-14 17:53:33 +0100 | aman | (~aman@user/aman) aman |
2025-03-14 17:56:54 +0100 | Smiles | (uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) Smiles |
2025-03-14 17:58:17 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 17:58:31 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 17:58:31 +0100 | <byorgey> | c_wraith: just saw your comment about diagrams not being updated since GHC 9.0. I'm curious where you're getting that from (i.e. is there something that should be updated that I missed?) but in general, no, that is not the case, I try to keep diagrams relatively up-to-date |
2025-03-14 17:59:00 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-14 17:59:33 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh |
2025-03-14 18:00:56 +0100 | <merijn> | ok, so it's been a while since I was actively writing Haskell. Did HLS become less of a PITA to install since I last attempted to use it? |
2025-03-14 18:01:00 +0100 | <c_wraith> | byorgey: it came from me messing up my dependencies |
2025-03-14 18:02:18 +0100 | jmcantrell | (~weechat@user/jmcantrell) jmcantrell |
2025-03-14 18:03:04 +0100 | <c_wraith> | byorgey: in particular, I didn't need to pull in diagrams-svg, and I missed that diagrams-core has a different version bound range than the rest. |
2025-03-14 18:03:10 +0100 | <geekosaur> | merijn, these days ghcup installs it for you and it just works, ignoring editor-side nonsense |
2025-03-14 18:03:37 +0100 | <geekosaur> | although it's about to be broken by ghc 9.6.7 and 9.12.2, I think |
2025-03-14 18:03:51 +0100 | <merijn> | geekosaur: I'm guessing I should suck it up and start using ghcup then >.> |
2025-03-14 18:04:03 +0100 | mrmr | (~mrmr@user/mrmr) mrmr |
2025-03-14 18:04:21 +0100 | <geekosaur> | I've found it a much nicer experience than manual management of ghc etc. installs |
2025-03-14 18:04:39 +0100 | <c_wraith> | byorgey: and diagrams-core < 1.5 does require GHC < 9 |
2025-03-14 18:04:51 +0100 | <merijn> | geekosaur: I had a really nice and simple system for that, though :p |
2025-03-14 18:05:55 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <sm> ghcup is pretty simple too ? |
2025-03-14 18:05:56 +0100 | <geekosaur> | I did too, until hvr went away 😞 |
2025-03-14 18:07:22 +0100 | peterbecich | (~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) peterbecich |
2025-03-14 18:07:57 +0100 | <merijn> | sm: The problem isn't the simplicity of the tool or not. It's that I (unlike 90% of the world, seemingly) hate adjust my shell environment to tools, rather than the other way around :p |
2025-03-14 18:08:22 +0100 | <merijn> | sm: And I had a setup I was happy with for years before ghcup existed and I refuse to adapt :p |
2025-03-14 18:08:44 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2277:bd00:e966:5c97:ee3a:b4f7) jespada |
2025-03-14 18:08:47 +0100 | <c_wraith> | all you're doing is putting the GHC binaries in your path. it's not like it's rvm or something |
2025-03-14 18:09:56 +0100 | <merijn> | c_wraith: I mean, that's all I was doing before too :p |
2025-03-14 18:10:08 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 18:10:23 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 18:10:29 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 18:10:55 +0100 | <c_wraith> | now rvm was a terrifying experience. change directories and a bunch of scripts automatically run to update your environment |
2025-03-14 18:11:14 +0100 | <merijn> | c_wraith: oof |
2025-03-14 18:11:40 +0100 | <merijn> | I already get an aneurysm when installers/programs try to automatically adjust my .profile |
2025-03-14 18:12:06 +0100 | <merijn> | because they always do things that 1) don't work and/or 2) break my .profile |
2025-03-14 18:13:26 +0100 | <mauke> | which one was it that adds an unterminated line to .profile? was that ghcup? |
2025-03-14 18:13:34 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <sm> I think the underlying problem is that shell configuration management sucks |
2025-03-14 18:14:36 +0100 | <merijn> | The main problem is "most people don't want to actually configure and/or manage their shell, so their shell files are a pile of garbage they keep appending too" |
2025-03-14 18:14:58 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 18:15:01 +0100 | <merijn> | and then people start developing tools that assume "my shell config is a pile of garbage, so everyone else's must be too" |
2025-03-14 18:15:47 +0100 | <merijn> | mauke: My .profile ends up execing tmux, so if they append to it, that code never even gets reached >.> |
2025-03-14 18:17:51 +0100 | <mauke> | easy to fix, at least |
2025-03-14 18:18:12 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-14 18:20:03 +0100 | <merijn> | But over the years I've created a lovingly crafted setup with scripts to update/setup new machines, etc. so tools trampling all over that is a pet peeve |
2025-03-14 18:21:13 +0100 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) (Quit: sord937) |
2025-03-14 18:23:53 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <maerwald> Appending stuff to shell config is optional |
2025-03-14 18:24:15 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <maerwald> The rest is FUD |
2025-03-14 18:27:29 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh |
2025-03-14 18:29:05 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 18:29:07 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 18:29:18 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh |
2025-03-14 18:29:18 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ |
2025-03-14 18:29:42 +0100 | <merijn> | maerwald: I think we already left ghcup in that discussion ;) |
2025-03-14 18:30:05 +0100 | <merijn> | I don't think anyone meant ghcup did that |
2025-03-14 18:33:13 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 18:35:55 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:445:e330:651c:18b8) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 18:36:17 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:445:e330:651c:18b8) |
2025-03-14 18:40:09 +0100 | kuribas | (~user@ip-188-118-57-242.reverse.destiny.be) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 18:50:02 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p5b039601.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 18:50:06 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ euandreh |
2025-03-14 18:51:18 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2025-03-14 18:51:57 +0100 | sprotte24___ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f178d00a8beb803116be859.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2025-03-14 18:53:06 +0100 | <merijn> | hmm, is there any good github action setups for running tests? Apparently the old haskell-ci generated setup I was using is broken on the github action runners |
2025-03-14 18:55:23 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p5b039601.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 18:56:14 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 18:56:21 +0100 | euandreh1 | (~Thunderbi@ euandreh |
2025-03-14 18:56:37 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 18:56:38 +0100 | euandreh1 | euandreh |
2025-03-14 18:56:39 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p5dd5dcc5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 18:57:05 +0100 | Sgeo | (~Sgeo@user/sgeo) Sgeo |
2025-03-14 18:57:27 +0100 | vpan | (~vpan@mail.elitnet.lt) (Quit: Leaving.) |
2025-03-14 19:00:12 +0100 | <int-e> | merijn: try the git version of haskell-ci (they've more or less stopped uploading to hackage) |
2025-03-14 19:00:34 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:02:31 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: euandreh) |
2025-03-14 19:03:41 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ euandreh |
2025-03-14 19:03:43 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f054f0041e3c51abbee77e7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 19:04:29 +0100 | <merijn> | int-e: I'll give that a try |
2025-03-14 19:05:33 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p5dd5dcc5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:07:26 +0100 | j1n37 | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) j1n37 |
2025-03-14 19:07:32 +0100 | j1n37- | (~j1n37@user/j1n37) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:08:16 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f054f0041e3c51abbee77e7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:08:28 +0100 | <Leary> | merijn: There's also https://github.com/Kleidukos/get-tested |
2025-03-14 19:09:42 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f17710050e27d87556d9471.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 19:11:26 +0100 | <merijn> | Leary: from the start of the readme that seems to require a single cabal file |
2025-03-14 19:11:34 +0100 | <merijn> | So that's a non-starter |
2025-03-14 19:12:00 +0100 | <merijn> | Somewhat relatedly: Did hackage get something resembling a proper UI for multi-library packages when I wasn't looking the past year? |
2025-03-14 19:13:41 +0100 | LainExperiments | (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) LainExperiments |
2025-03-14 19:14:12 +0100 | <Leary> | Looks to've; I saw this recently: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/monoidmap |
2025-03-14 19:14:28 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f3ba600b05794efbc074254.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 19:14:54 +0100 | <Leary> | Though it seems like you have to build and upload the docs of dependencies manually if you want them to link. |
2025-03-14 19:15:31 +0100 | <merijn> | \o/ |
2025-03-14 19:15:32 +0100 | <merijn> | Thank god |
2025-03-14 19:17:08 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f17710050e27d87556d9471.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:17:58 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | o wow |
2025-03-14 19:18:12 +0100 | m1dnight | (~m1dnight@d8D861908.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:18:16 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | super nice, now have dependencies split out over components. :3 |
2025-03-14 19:18:20 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <Liamzee> this is really cool |
2025-03-14 19:19:07 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <Liamzee> sm: since you know the hackage devs? |
2025-03-14 19:20:36 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:445:e330:651c:18b8) (Quit: Leaving) |
2025-03-14 19:25:54 +0100 | <__monty__> | merijn: TBF .profile is for env setup, why wouldn't you put starting Tmux in the appropriate rc file? |
2025-03-14 19:29:51 +0100 | <merijn> | __monty__: .profile is "what gets executed on shell login" |
2025-03-14 19:29:58 +0100 | <merijn> | __monty__: It is *absolutely* the correct place |
2025-03-14 19:30:12 +0100 | <merijn> | rc files are for interactive non-login shells |
2025-03-14 19:30:47 +0100 | <merijn> | tomsmeding: I can finally kill the maintenance nightmare that is updating several packages in lockstep >.> |
2025-03-14 19:31:19 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | can you depend on sublibraries now in cabal packages too |
2025-03-14 19:31:21 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | ? |
2025-03-14 19:31:44 +0100 | <merijn> | You've been able to do that since 2022, afaik? |
2025-03-14 19:31:49 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | cool |
2025-03-14 19:32:01 +0100 | <merijn> | If you use an appropriately new cabal-version, obv |
2025-03-14 19:32:05 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | right |
2025-03-14 19:36:37 +0100 | peterbecich | (~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:41:58 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 19:46:30 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:53:19 +0100 | user363627 | (~user@user/user363627) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 19:53:29 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 19:53:45 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ euandreh |
2025-03-14 19:54:24 +0100 | peterbecich | (~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) peterbecich |
2025-03-14 19:55:49 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f3ba600b05794efbc074254.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 19:58:36 +0100 | euandreh1 | (~Thunderbi@ euandreh |
2025-03-14 19:59:06 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f082100b05794efbc074254.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 20:00:05 +0100 | caconym | (~caconym@user/caconym) (Quit: bye) |
2025-03-14 20:00:15 +0100 | euandreh | (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:00:16 +0100 | euandreh1 | euandreh |
2025-03-14 20:00:48 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:00:50 +0100 | caconym | (~caconym@user/caconym) caconym |
2025-03-14 20:08:21 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f0ad5004cde9681c361e4a5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 20:09:23 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f082100b05794efbc074254.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:10:03 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f0ad5004cde9681c361e4a5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 20:12:17 +0100 | tremon | (~tremon@ (Quit: getting boxed in) |
2025-03-14 20:15:15 +0100 | LainExperiments | (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 20:16:08 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-14 20:19:22 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f0ad5004cde9681c361e4a5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 20:20:27 +0100 | aman | (~aman@user/aman) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:24:15 +0100 | LainExperiments | (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) LainExperiments |
2025-03-14 20:27:04 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f0ad5004cde9681c361e4a5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:28:16 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f180c00a8483bbf63702d71.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 20:28:23 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 20:28:49 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) andrewchawk |
2025-03-14 20:30:55 +0100 | pavonia | (~user@user/siracusa) siracusa |
2025-03-14 20:32:44 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:37:57 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f180c00a8483bbf63702d71.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:39:31 +0100 | <merijn> | argh, now my tests fail because some jerk didn't update their library |
2025-03-14 20:39:38 +0100 | <merijn> | (it me, I'm the jerk >.>) |
2025-03-14 20:40:24 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@bras-base-toroon0964w-grc-83-174-88-30-17.dsl.bell.ca) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:42:31 +0100 | Guest0 | (~Guest0@2a00:20:40:8589:e873:2ca5:e8eb:42d4) |
2025-03-14 20:42:42 +0100 | Guest0 | (~Guest0@2a00:20:40:8589:e873:2ca5:e8eb:42d4) (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 20:43:42 +0100 | Guest0 | (~Guest0@2a00:20:40:8589:e873:2ca5:e8eb:42d4) |
2025-03-14 20:45:21 +0100 | Guest0 | (~Guest0@2a00:20:40:8589:e873:2ca5:e8eb:42d4) (Client Quit) |
2025-03-14 20:47:39 +0100 | <merijn> | hmm, was there any tool to check which dependency don't match the latest released version? |
2025-03-14 20:48:34 +0100 | ljdarj1 | (~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) ljdarj |
2025-03-14 20:49:25 +0100 | wildtrees | (~user@pool-108-26-34-230.syrcny.east.verizon.net) |
2025-03-14 20:49:41 +0100 | <int-e> | maybe? `cabal install --dry-run` will tell you when it picks a version that isn't the latest? |
2025-03-14 20:50:59 +0100 | <merijn> | int-e: I already found what I was thinking of: https://packdeps.haskellers.com/feed?needle=paramtree |
2025-03-14 20:52:59 +0100 | ljdarj | (~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:52:59 +0100 | ljdarj1 | ljdarj |
2025-03-14 20:53:00 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-14 20:53:01 +0100 | <int-e> | good to know |
2025-03-14 20:57:03 +0100 | m1dnight | (~m1dnight@d8D861908.access.telenet.be) m1dnight |
2025-03-14 21:02:24 +0100 | peterbecich | (~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 21:02:37 +0100 | <merijn> | hmm, well that's interesting... |
2025-03-14 21:03:01 +0100 | <merijn> | The most recent hackage release of my library is more recent than the most recent commit on github |
2025-03-14 21:05:01 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f10c900a4acb6372127f929.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 21:06:22 +0100 | a_fantom | (~fantom@ |
2025-03-14 21:08:31 +0100 | fantom | (~fantom@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-14 21:14:07 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 21:17:26 +0100 | machinedgod | (~machinedg@d108-173-18-100.abhsia.telus.net) machinedgod |
2025-03-14 21:18:49 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 21:22:10 +0100 | <Rembane> | Time travelling Hackage! |
2025-03-14 21:22:18 +0100 | target_i | (~target_i@user/target-i/x-6023099) target_i |
2025-03-14 21:22:48 +0100 | <merijn> | More like: I published a commit from some old work laptop and never pushed that commit to github before handing in the machine :p |
2025-03-14 21:26:11 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@bras-base-toroon0247w-grc-123-70-29-50-35.dsl.bell.ca) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 21:29:09 +0100 | <int-e> | or github lost it (unlikely, but how would you know? :-) ) |
2025-03-14 21:30:11 +0100 | <merijn> | Given that I've retired a number of laptops since that last release that scenario seems more likely ;) |
2025-03-14 21:34:04 +0100 | tt12310978324354 | (~tt1231@2603:6010:8700:4a81:219f:50d3:618a:a6ee) tt1231 |
2025-03-14 21:36:20 +0100 | Googulator | (~Googulato@2a01-036d-0106-4b74-69d5-4465-d31e-01da.pool6.digikabel.hu) |
2025-03-14 21:38:29 +0100 | <merijn> | Is sqlite-simple still the way to go? A few years ago Selda seemed promising, but that seems to have mostly petered out and died |
2025-03-14 21:42:29 +0100 | <merijn> | Seems so, opaleye-sqlite seems to have died years ago, so the only competition left is persistent |
2025-03-14 21:42:54 +0100 | <EvanR> | haskelldb :sunglasses: |
2025-03-14 21:43:54 +0100 | <merijn> | How come it's the year of our lord 2025 and Haskell still doesn't have a decent SQLite library >.< |
2025-03-14 21:44:10 +0100 | <EvanR> | what's wrong with sqlite-simple again |
2025-03-14 21:44:56 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: I want something *slightly* higher level in terms of being able to define mappings between DB representation and domain data and managing migrations |
2025-03-14 21:45:12 +0100 | <merijn> | With sqlite-simple I have to handroll all the validation stuff |
2025-03-14 21:45:25 +0100 | <EvanR> | does any sqlite library have that |
2025-03-14 21:46:38 +0100 | <EvanR> | or its considered not a sqlite specific feature, it being considered a backend |
2025-03-14 21:46:39 +0100 | <merijn> | Well, a bunch try |
2025-03-14 21:47:01 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: I wouldn't consider it anything sqlite specific |
2025-03-14 21:47:02 +0100 | <EvanR> | sqlite itself definitely has nothing to help there |
2025-03-14 21:47:25 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: I mean, it's the stuff I want for ANY SQL library |
2025-03-14 21:47:28 +0100 | <EvanR> | with the bizarre untyped columns |
2025-03-14 21:47:32 +0100 | <merijn> | I just happen to want it for sqlite specifically |
2025-03-14 21:47:40 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: You're way out of date |
2025-03-14 21:47:46 +0100 | <EvanR> | ? |
2025-03-14 21:47:52 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: sqlite added support for a strict typed mode ages ago |
2025-03-14 21:47:57 +0100 | <EvanR> | when |
2025-03-14 21:48:11 +0100 | <merijn> | I'm thinking at least 2 years ago? |
2025-03-14 21:48:17 +0100 | <geekosaur> | several years ago at least but I don't recall details |
2025-03-14 21:48:33 +0100 | <merijn> | SQLite supports a strict typing mode, as of version 3.37.0 (2021-11-27) |
2025-03-14 21:48:47 +0100 | <merijn> | according to their docs |
2025-03-14 21:49:03 +0100 | <merijn> | But none of the none SQLite libraries seem to do well at this either |
2025-03-14 21:49:12 +0100 | <EvanR> | my brain will have to remap now |
2025-03-14 21:49:42 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: It was my one complaint about SQL and it's been fixed for years ;) |
2025-03-14 21:49:58 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: It's still opt-in, but at least you can |
2025-03-14 21:50:35 +0100 | <merijn> | BEAM, hasql, and haskelldb (still) look nightmarish to me. Persistent is more work than it helps |
2025-03-14 21:50:50 +0100 | <merijn> | opaleye's sqlite support is dead for a decade |
2025-03-14 21:51:03 +0100 | <merijn> | Selda looked promising, but seems to have died before going anywhere a few years ago |
2025-03-14 21:51:30 +0100 | <merijn> | So the options seem to be sqlite-simple, persistent, or giving up :p |
2025-03-14 21:53:21 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2277:bd00:e966:5c97:ee3a:b4f7) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com) |
2025-03-14 21:53:29 +0100 | <merijn> | I was hoping to not first have to invent my own SQL library before working on what I was actually planning too xD |
2025-03-14 21:53:34 +0100 | <EvanR> | haskell ORM |
2025-03-14 21:53:44 +0100 | <EvanR> | it would be the killer app |
2025-03-14 21:53:47 +0100 | <merijn> | I definitely do *not* want an ORM |
2025-03-14 21:53:54 +0100 | <EvanR> | haskell on a horse |
2025-03-14 21:53:55 +0100 | <merijn> | I want, the opposite thing |
2025-03-14 21:54:14 +0100 | LainExperiments | (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) (Quit: Client closed) |
2025-03-14 21:54:31 +0100 | <merijn> | Really I just want an easy to define a schema for database interaction with automatic checks |
2025-03-14 21:54:43 +0100 | LainExperiments | (~LainExper@user/LainExperiments) LainExperiments |
2025-03-14 21:55:12 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2277:bd00:21cc:8f16:2b0e:a0d9) jespada |
2025-03-14 21:55:17 +0100 | jmcantrell | (~weechat@user/jmcantrell) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 21:55:23 +0100 | <Rembane> | That sounds like a thing that could be useful in many other contexts too |
2025-03-14 21:56:45 +0100 | <EvanR> | someone should make a new SQL RDBMS which has this feature built in |
2025-03-14 21:56:55 +0100 | <EvanR> | so libraries can stop reinventing the wheel |
2025-03-14 21:57:23 +0100 | <merijn> | I already built this in Scala, so I guess I will just...rebuild it in SQLite >.> |
2025-03-14 21:58:30 +0100 | <EvanR> | you think that's easier than using persistent? |
2025-03-14 21:59:31 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 21:59:48 +0100 | <merijn> | If I want my code to be correct, yes :p |
2025-03-14 22:01:15 +0100 | <merijn> | EvanR: I've used persistent quite heavily before and the result is...a significant percentage of the codebase being dedicated to me handrolling my own custom migration implementation on top off persistent to ensure it actually, you know, worked. |
2025-03-14 22:03:07 +0100 | <merijn> | Unrelatedly, I'm getting bullied by GHC 9.10. Anyone know of a way to silence this error https://paste.tomsmeding.com/ozX8RUOM that is not 1) removing the import or 2) CPP? |
2025-03-14 22:03:46 +0100 | kimiamania8 | (~65804703@user/kimiamania) (Quit: PegeLinux) |
2025-03-14 22:03:54 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 22:04:08 +0100 | <int-e> | don't use -Werror |
2025-03-14 22:04:09 +0100 | kimiamania8 | (~65804703@user/kimiamania) kimiamania |
2025-03-14 22:04:59 +0100 | <merijn> | Technically that does not, in fact, silence this error :p |
2025-03-14 22:05:24 +0100 | <merijn> | They should stop randomly moving definitions around in base >.< |
2025-03-14 22:07:27 +0100 | <int-e> | merijn: oh there's always the terrible idea of having several hs-source-dirs |
2025-03-14 22:07:47 +0100 | <merijn> | int-e: github to the rescue |
2025-03-14 22:07:54 +0100 | <merijn> | I can add "import Prelude hiding (Foldable(..))" |
2025-03-14 22:08:05 +0100 | <int-e> | ohright |
2025-03-14 22:08:32 +0100 | <int-e> | actually can you? does that work with old ghcs? |
2025-03-14 22:09:03 +0100 | <int-e> | ah you can |
2025-03-14 22:09:13 +0100 | <int-e> | because the change is that foldl' was added to the Foldable class |
2025-03-14 22:09:19 +0100 | <merijn> | Depends on how you define old :p |
2025-03-14 22:09:30 +0100 | <int-e> | "older than 9.10" in this case |
2025-03-14 22:10:54 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@bras-base-toroon0247w-grc-123-70-29-50-35.dsl.bell.ca) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 22:11:21 +0100 | target_i | (~target_i@user/target-i/x-6023099) (Quit: leaving) |
2025-03-14 22:12:57 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f1a42002830799ca67052dd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 22:15:23 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f10c900a4acb6372127f929.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 22:22:34 +0100 | sprotte24_ | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f1a42002830799ca67052dd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 22:30:45 +0100 | k_hachig_ | (~k_hachig@bras-base-toroon0247w-grc-123-70-29-50-35.dsl.bell.ca) k_hachig |
2025-03-14 22:33:11 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p5b039fe3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 22:41:04 +0100 | EvanR | (~EvanR@user/evanr) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-14 22:41:32 +0100 | EvanR | (~EvanR@user/evanr) EvanR |
2025-03-14 22:44:14 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p5b039fe3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 22:46:15 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 22:46:39 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f1d9400c14d936eb8b0eb68.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 22:50:45 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 22:51:11 +0100 | JuanDaugherty | (~juan@user/JuanDaugherty) JuanDaugherty |
2025-03-14 22:56:47 +0100 | tabemann_ | tabemann |
2025-03-14 22:56:48 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f1d9400c14d936eb8b0eb68.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-14 22:57:54 +0100 | sprotte24 | (~sprotte24@p200300d16f1b4500903f0b4af2f5d164.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
2025-03-14 22:58:09 +0100 | catties | Catty |
2025-03-14 23:07:33 +0100 | bilegeek | (~bilegeek@2600:1008:b08d:a1ac:d7c1:7431:f065:3679) bilegeek |
2025-03-14 23:16:17 +0100 | weary-traveler | (~user@user/user363627) user363627 |
2025-03-14 23:18:13 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: ash3en) |
2025-03-14 23:19:52 +0100 | haritz | saimazoon |
2025-03-14 23:20:23 +0100 | wootehfoot | (~wootehfoo@user/wootehfoot) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-14 23:25:48 +0100 | ezzieyguywuf | (~Unknown@user/ezzieyguywuf) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-14 23:26:08 +0100 | michalz | (~michalz@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-14 23:26:20 +0100 | <merijn> | Is there an easy way to check whether your cabal file lists unused dependencies? |
2025-03-14 23:26:58 +0100 | Tuplanolla | (~Tuplanoll@91-159-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Tuplanolla |
2025-03-14 23:27:46 +0100 | ezzieyguywuf | (~Unknown@user/ezzieyguywuf) ezzieyguywuf |
2025-03-14 23:29:18 +0100 | jespada | (~jespada@2800:a4:2277:bd00:21cc:8f16:2b0e:a0d9) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2025-03-14 23:30:37 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | merijn: https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/latest/docs/users_guide/using-warnings.html#ghc-flag-Wunused-pac… ? |
2025-03-14 23:30:40 +0100 | <geekosaur> | they all get passed to ghc, so I'd expect `-Wunused-packages` to do it |
2025-03-14 23:30:47 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | jinx |
2025-03-14 23:31:59 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-14 23:32:18 +0100 | <geekosaur> | but afaik there's no way to do it without building, since cabal has no clue about your source code, that all gets handed off to ghc |
2025-03-14 23:33:15 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <Liamzee> you can whip up a basic OOP library in any language that supports tuples in a week, right? so that objection is dead. |
2025-03-14 23:35:25 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | Liamzee: FYI if that was a reply, it didn't come through on the irc side, so the person you are replying to didn't get pinged |
2025-03-14 23:35:53 +0100 | <geekosaur> | (scanning back while trying to find context) merijn, I think hackage multi-library packages did improve within the past year, yes. still some glitches though |
2025-03-14 23:36:30 +0100 | <geekosaur> | the bridge handles replies by prepending the display name (nick for irc) of the user being replied to |
2025-03-14 23:36:35 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-14 23:36:41 +0100 | tromp | (~textual@2a02:a210:cba:8500:d904:ecda:6ce1:ab96) (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2025-03-14 23:37:18 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <Liamzee> tomsmeding: it's just me being me and being irritating as a consequence |
2025-03-14 23:37:29 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <Liamzee> I know some guy who was complaining that Haskell didn't have dynamic objects, etc, pain to work with ADTs |
2025-03-14 23:37:44 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <Liamzee> there's HList, I guess, but you can probably make a basic and simpler object library just by using tuples and records within tuples |
2025-03-14 23:38:20 +0100 | tromp | (~textual@2a02:a210:cba:8500:2976:d855:98e3:1901) |
2025-03-14 23:38:37 +0100 | tomsmeding | has no clue which conversation this belongs to, and also it's bedtime here, so off I go :) |
2025-03-14 23:39:18 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <Liamzee> thanks for being friendly, and have a great night |
2025-03-14 23:39:34 +0100 | <merijn> | geekosaur: That's fine, I'm just trying to make sure I'm not forgetting to remove stuff now that I'm cleaning up] |
2025-03-14 23:40:12 +0100 | notdabs | (~Owner@2600:1700:69cf:9000:445:e330:651c:18b8) |
2025-03-14 23:41:26 +0100 | JuanDaugherty | (~juan@user/JuanDaugherty) (Quit: praxis.meansofproduction.biz (juan@acm.org)) |
2025-03-14 23:45:06 +0100 | gawen | (~gawen@user/gawen) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-14 23:45:08 +0100 | gawen_ | (~gawen@user/gawen) gawen |