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2025-02-06 03:35:17 +0100rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2025-02-06 05:02:48 +0100L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2025-02-06 05:08:12 +0100ChubaDuba(~ChubaDuba@ ChubaDuba
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2025-02-06 10:50:31 +0100 <Solid> geekosaur: I think EwmhDesktops is more liskin's turf, but I'll take a look later
2025-02-06 10:58:57 +0100piele(~piele@tbonesteak.creativeserver.net) piele
2025-02-06 11:00:45 +0100ash3en(~Thunderbi@2a03:7846:b6eb:101:93ac:a90a:da67:f207) ash3en
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2025-02-06 11:16:54 +0100L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) L29Ah
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2025-02-06 13:50:13 +0100L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) ()
2025-02-06 13:51:59 +0100L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) L29Ah
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2025-02-06 15:03:33 +0100L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) ()
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2025-02-06 15:27:31 +0100piele(~piele@eiseth.creativeserver.net) piele
2025-02-06 15:29:10 +0100L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) L29Ah
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2025-02-06 16:56:39 +0100mc47(~yecinem@host-212-114-138-22.customer.m-online.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2025-02-06 17:07:47 +0100 <ectospasm> I am having a problem with XMonad. It exits without an error code (I see nothing about it in xmonad.errors) when I try to bring up a prompt to change or send the current window to another workspace.
2025-02-06 17:08:00 +0100 <ectospasm> i hadn't made any changes to xmonad
2025-02-06 17:08:19 +0100 <ectospasm> xmonad.hs in a while
2025-02-06 17:08:35 +0100 <ectospasm> I think it has something to do with fonts
2025-02-06 17:10:04 +0100 <ectospasm> There are two places in xmonad.hs where I refer to Xft fonts, and I changed 'xft' to 'pango' and the crashing/exiting stopped (but my prompt hotkeys don't work, either).
2025-02-06 17:10:29 +0100 <ectospasm> This started after an upgrade of my Arch Linux laptop
2025-02-06 17:11:02 +0100 <ectospasm> The only thing I saw that got upgraded was fontconfig, but I don't know how to fix this.
2025-02-06 17:12:27 +0100 <ectospasm> https://git.eldon.me/trey/XMonad/src/branch/master/xmonad.hs
2025-02-06 17:15:29 +0100 <ectospasm> xmonad 0.18.0-27 xmonad-contrib 0.18.1-12 xmonad-utils
2025-02-06 17:16:49 +0100 <ectospasm> It looks like my XMonad packages were upgraded as well.
2025-02-06 18:12:43 +0100 <L29Ah> does it work if you build xmonad and its dependencies with cabal or stack or nix?
2025-02-06 18:25:27 +0100piele(~piele@eiseth.creativeserver.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2025-02-06 18:30:08 +0100MrElendig(~Urist@archlinux/op/MrElendig) (Quit: aliens)
2025-02-06 18:31:31 +0100MrElendig(~Urist@archlinux/op/MrElendig) MrElendig
2025-02-06 18:47:50 +0100ft(~ft@p3e9bcd97.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ft
2025-02-06 18:52:06 +0100yaslam(~yaslam@user/yaslam) yaslam
2025-02-06 19:30:57 +0100piele(~piele@eiseth.creativeserver.net)
2025-02-06 19:34:00 +0100piele(~piele@eiseth.creativeserver.net) (Client Quit)
2025-02-06 19:40:38 +0100 <geekosaur> there's something you need to do after upgrading Arch packages to keep your xmonad config running, I have to check the wiki
2025-02-06 19:41:25 +0100 <geekosaur> see the boxed warning here https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Xmonad#Installation
2025-02-06 20:41:58 +0100ash3en(~Thunderbi@2a03:7846:b6eb:101:93ac:a90a:da67:f207) ash3en
2025-02-06 21:45:03 +0100ash3en(~Thunderbi@2a03:7846:b6eb:101:93ac:a90a:da67:f207) (Quit: ash3en)
2025-02-06 23:12:36 +0100haskellbridge(~hackager@syn-024-093-192-219.res.spectrum.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
2025-02-06 23:13:22 +0100 <ectospasm> geekosaur: I actually recompile xmonad before I launch it every time. I have an alias stx='xmonad --recompile && startx &> ~/.Xsession-errors' when I start X.org, so I recompile every time.
2025-02-06 23:14:11 +0100 <ectospasm> L29Ah: Sorry, that's too much work to do, so I'm not going to try that.
2025-02-06 23:16:24 +0100haskellbridge(~hackager@syn-024-093-192-219.res.spectrum.com) hackager
2025-02-06 23:19:57 +0100 <geekosaur> then I would wonder if Arch (yet again) failed to recompile dependent libraries. `ldd ~/.xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux` (if you use XDG, `ldd ~/.cache/xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux`)
2025-02-06 23:23:13 +0100 <ectospasm> https://paste.rs/a5QkP
2025-02-06 23:24:50 +0100 <geekosaur> huh, that looks fine (although I have to wonder how TH got in there)
2025-02-06 23:25:27 +0100 <ectospasm> TH?
2025-02-06 23:25:33 +0100 <geekosaur> `xmonad.errors` won't contain runtime errors, it's for compile-time (`xmonad --rebuild`) errors
2025-02-06 23:25:38 +0100 <geekosaur> Template Haskell
2025-02-06 23:25:48 +0100 <ectospasm> Ah.
2025-02-06 23:26:06 +0100 <ectospasm> Yeah, My .Xsession.errors seems to show a few lines of this: <class 'Xlib.error.BadAccess'>: code = 10, resource_id = 1323, sequence_number = 37, major_opcode = 33, minor_opcode = 0
2025-02-06 23:26:19 +0100 <ectospasm> But I'm not sure if that's coming from XMonad or autokey
2025-02-06 23:26:29 +0100 <ectospasm> Let me post my .Xsession.errors, hold on.
2025-02-06 23:27:24 +0100 <ectospasm> https://paste.rs/apr8p
2025-02-06 23:27:37 +0100 <geekosaur> that's XUngrabServer, won't be xmonad
2025-02-06 23:28:02 +0100 <geekosaur> oh wait, wrong number 🙂
2025-02-06 23:28:07 +0100 <ectospasm> That's right after I trigger the exit. I'm having a hard time calling it a crash, but X completely dies.
2025-02-06 23:28:17 +0100 <geekosaur> 33 is XGrabKey
2025-02-06 23:28:57 +0100 <geekosaur> sounds like autokey, you'd get any xmonad errors about key grabs right up front. oh, and xmonad's X errors look different from that
2025-02-06 23:30:49 +0100 <geekosaur> xmonad is throwing BadAtom at startup with XChangeProperty, but is continuing
2025-02-06 23:31:15 +0100 <geekosaur> yeh, I see no xmonad errors there
2025-02-06 23:31:34 +0100 <ectospasm> The other thing I've noticed, is my dzen2 bar at the top isn't displaying the little battery and clock widgets I'm piping through dzen2.
2025-02-06 23:31:42 +0100 <geekosaur> but it's behaving a lot like xmonad crashed/dumped core, which is usually FFI
2025-02-06 23:32:14 +0100 <ectospasm> So I don't know where to look at the core dumps. I don't see any on ~/.xmonad, and I'm not sure where else they'd be.
2025-02-06 23:33:06 +0100 <ectospasm> None in ${HOME}
2025-02-06 23:33:18 +0100 <ectospasm> And I looked in /tmp and /run earlier, couldn't find any.
2025-02-06 23:34:28 +0100 <geekosaur> it would be in $HOME, but core dumps also need to be enabled (ulimit -c unlimited)
2025-02-06 23:35:07 +0100 <geekosaur> (there's also a sysctl thing but I hope they didn't use that, especially if it's sending it to some automated crash reporter that won't be smart enough to send it to us)
2025-02-06 23:35:57 +0100 <ectospasm> I'm not aware of anything Arch does like that, I'd be surprised if they did.
2025-02-06 23:36:05 +0100 <ectospasm> Stuff like that I'd have to explicitly set up.
2025-02-06 23:36:12 +0100 <geekosaur> I would too, actually
2025-02-06 23:36:24 +0100 <geekosaur> Fedora and Ubuntu do it, it's annoying
2025-02-06 23:36:39 +0100 <ectospasm> Yeah, but they have more staff to handle such things
2025-02-06 23:36:55 +0100 <geekosaur> doesn't mean either of them forward crash dumps to us
2025-02-06 23:37:13 +0100 <ectospasm> Let me try the ulimit thing...
2025-02-06 23:38:41 +0100 <geekosaur> you need to run that at boot before xmonad starts for it to be effective; I don't know how Arch allows you to do that
2025-02-06 23:39:01 +0100 <geekosaur> if you're using ~/.xsession / ~/.xinitrc then you can put it there
2025-02-06 23:39:04 +0100 <ectospasm> Run it at boot, or just before I launch X/xinit/xmonad?
2025-02-06 23:39:17 +0100 <geekosaur> the latter
2025-02-06 23:39:30 +0100 <geekosaur> (I mean, I would actually do the former because ugh)
2025-02-06 23:39:45 +0100 <ectospasm> Yeah, I killed X, ran `ulimit -c unlimited`, then my stx (startx) alias which recompiled xmonad before startx.
2025-02-06 23:39:50 +0100 <geekosaur> but also run `ulimit -a` in a shell to see what it currently is
2025-02-06 23:39:55 +0100 <ectospasm> I don't see a core dump in ${HOME}
2025-02-06 23:40:17 +0100 <ectospasm> yeah, it says `-c unlimited`
2025-02-06 23:42:40 +0100 <geekosaur> could you have your .xinitrc do `echo "xmonad exit $?" >> ~/.xsession-errors` right after running xmonad?
2025-02-06 23:42:53 +0100 <geekosaur> (or whatever file you're starting xmonad with)
2025-02-06 23:43:16 +0100 <ectospasm> Yeah, it's .xinitrc, so put it after the exec xmonad line?
2025-02-06 23:44:17 +0100 <geekosaur> also remove the `exec` so it'll actually get run
2025-02-06 23:44:31 +0100 <ectospasm> OK
2025-02-06 23:44:44 +0100 <geekosaur> (leave the `xmonad` obviously, we just don't want .xinitrc to replace itself with xmonad and not run the diagnostic line)
2025-02-06 23:54:13 +0100 <ectospasm> Yep, so it's exit status 139, and here's the output of .Xsession-errors: https://paste.rs/gdJwA
2025-02-06 23:54:26 +0100 <ectospasm> So xmonad is dumping core, I just don't know where the core file is.
2025-02-06 23:55:15 +0100 <geekosaur> unless you're doing something weird in .xinitrc it's $HOME
2025-02-06 23:55:21 +0100 <geekosaur> xmonad itself doesn't change directory