
2025-02-05 01:33:46 +0100dweller(~dweller@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2025-02-05 01:34:03 +0100dweller(~dweller@ dwelli
2025-02-05 01:38:45 +0100ElKowar8(~ElKowar@srv-fin.xware-gmbh.de) ElKowar
2025-02-05 01:40:22 +0100ElKowar(~ElKowar@srv-fin.xware-gmbh.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2025-02-05 01:41:36 +0100ElKowar(~ElKowar@srv-fin.xware-gmbh.de) ElKowar
2025-02-05 01:43:18 +0100ElKowar8(~ElKowar@srv-fin.xware-gmbh.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2025-02-05 03:35:25 +0100hightower4(~hightower@141-136-229-141.dsl.iskon.hr) hightower2
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2025-02-05 03:57:08 +0100L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) (Read error: Connection timed out)
2025-02-05 04:42:10 +0100terrorjack(~terrorjac@2a01:4f8:c17:a66e::) (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
2025-02-05 04:45:07 +0100terrorjack(~terrorjac@2a01:4f8:c17:a66e::) terrorjack
2025-02-05 05:01:38 +0100rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2025-02-05 08:06:00 +0100ft(~ft@p3e9bcd97.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: leaving)
2025-02-05 09:32:05 +0100mc47(~yecinem@p200300ee0f22d8f17d9f22863b6682b3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2025-02-05 11:36:01 +0100L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) L29Ah
2025-02-05 11:47:35 +0100ash3en(~Thunderbi@2a03:7846:b6eb:101:93ac:a90a:da67:f207) ash3en
2025-02-05 14:19:56 +0100alp(~alp@2001:861:8ca0:4940:a52d:a41b:3770:b2af) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2025-02-05 15:06:40 +0100dibblego(~dibblego@haskell/developer/dibblego) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2025-02-05 15:12:10 +0100rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@ rekahsoft
2025-02-05 15:13:53 +0100dibblego(~dibblego@haskell/developer/dibblego) dibblego
2025-02-05 17:37:04 +0100hightower4(~hightower@141-136-229-141.dsl.iskon.hr) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2025-02-05 18:01:56 +0100ash3en(~Thunderbi@2a03:7846:b6eb:101:93ac:a90a:da67:f207) (Quit: ash3en)
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2025-02-05 19:45:35 +0100ash3en(~Thunderbi@2a03:7846:b6eb:101:93ac:a90a:da67:f207) ash3en
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2025-02-05 21:38:40 +0100ChubaDuba(~ChubaDuba@ ChubaDuba
2025-02-05 21:55:57 +0100hightower2(~hightower@ (Remote host closed the connection)
2025-02-05 22:07:11 +0100beastwic1(~brian@pool-74-102-103-193.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net)
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2025-02-05 22:17:05 +0100ChubaDuba(~ChubaDuba@ (Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1)
2025-02-05 22:17:56 +0100srk-(~sorki@user/srk) srk
2025-02-05 22:18:09 +0100kaskal(~kaskal@84-115-237-124.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2025-02-05 22:18:09 +0100L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2025-02-05 22:18:09 +0100srk(~sorki@user/srk) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2025-02-05 22:18:10 +0100scardinal(~supreme@0x573d64a9.static.cust.fastspeed.dk) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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2025-02-05 22:27:40 +0100scardinal(~supreme@0x573d64a9.static.cust.fastspeed.dk) scardinal
2025-02-05 22:29:17 +0100tv(~tv@user/tv) tv
2025-02-05 22:39:29 +0100mc47(~yecinem@p200300ee0f22d8f17d9f22863b6682b3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2025-02-05 22:43:47 +0100L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) L29Ah
2025-02-05 22:46:49 +0100hightower2(~hightower@ hightower2
2025-02-05 22:51:09 +0100 <haskellbridge> <m1mir> Hi, geekosaur I'd like to ask something. Is something wrong with the contents of this PR (https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/pull/926) that I made? I'm asking because you quickly reviewed the contents of my previous few PRs and I can't really tell if something is wrong with it and that's why there were only comments from you but no reviews, or is it just coincidence and I'm just overthinking it?
2025-02-05 22:53:01 +0100Guest64(~Guest64@81-231-8-142-no600.tbcn.telia.com)
2025-02-05 22:53:12 +0100 <geekosaur> I'm still stuck on whether you mean something different by "viewport" than EWMH does, because as I told you we delete the latter because it causes too many problems
2025-02-05 23:00:29 +0100 <geekosaur> basically someone else insists it causes problems and I want them to review it
2025-02-05 23:00:58 +0100 <geekosaur> although I just noted that the comment I made was actually about WORKAREA which is a different can of worms
2025-02-05 23:01:30 +0100 <geekosaur> xmonad is, essentially, non-compliant with EWMH and we have to be careful how we set things or programs assuming EWMH semantics will break
2025-02-05 23:03:21 +0100 <geekosaur> Solid, can you check that PR over? (I'm not sure if it was you or liskin, actually, but I thought you were the primary maintainer of EwmhDesktops these days)
2025-02-05 23:04:25 +0100Guest64(~Guest64@81-231-8-142-no600.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: Client closed)
2025-02-05 23:04:29 +0100 <haskellbridge> <m1mir> I'm not 100 percent sure what viewports are, my mental model is that they are rectangles that represent something that can/is/should be drawn on screen. I tried to avoid writing code that required that understanding.
2025-02-05 23:06:27 +0100 <haskellbridge> <m1mir> I just know that (screen,workspace) pairs have a function to map them to a viewport and I was just trying to change which screen some of the hidden wiewports are mapped to
2025-02-05 23:16:35 +0100 <haskellbridge> <m1mir> You just did did very fast reviews previously so I just assumed that I just got something wrong and it was in the unknown unknowns category for me.
2025-02-05 23:30:25 +0100 <geekosaur> no, I just want more eyes on it
2025-02-05 23:30:40 +0100 <geekosaur> partly because my brain has been messed up last night and today
2025-02-05 23:31:37 +0100 <geekosaur> (confusing viewport and workarea last night being a symptom, sigh)\
2025-02-05 23:47:55 +0100 <geekosaur> (also much of the current delay is you messaged me while I was having to cut myself out of a new jacket whose zipper failed pretty much immediately)
2025-02-05 23:48:27 +0100 <haskellbridge> <m1mir> I have a different question, does haskell/xmonad have a naming convention for functions that are intended to be passed as map's first argument? I'm terrible at naming things so if there is a convention I'd like to follow it. I was thinking of names for the function that I try to add in that PR I was thinging of using "Mapper" as a sufix, but my impression is that sounds like something that does list to list...
2025-02-05 23:48:32 +0100 <haskellbridge> ... transformations instead of transforming.
2025-02-05 23:49:05 +0100 <geekosaur> `map` is too simple by itself. you may be reaching for the `Traversable` typeclass though
2025-02-05 23:50:26 +0100 <geekosaur> as for higher order functions (that is, functions that are passed to functions), they're too common and too simple in functional programming languages 🙂
2025-02-05 23:51:00 +0100 <haskellbridge> <m1mir> A similar thing happened to me recently but it wasn't a jacket but a pullover.
2025-02-05 23:51:08 +0100 <geekosaur> I mean, pretty much anything can be used as a HOF
2025-02-05 23:51:26 +0100 <geekosaur> (uh, that was a response to something in a different channel)
2025-02-05 23:56:49 +0100 <geekosaur> oh I was the one who was looking in the wrong place. still a mess 😟