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2024-07-08 03:30:25 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com)
2024-07-08 03:37:16 +0200 <lain`> i wish there was decent documentation for anything
2024-07-08 03:41:01 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2024-07-08 03:42:30 +0200hueso(~root@user/hueso)
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2024-07-08 04:05:24 +0200barthandelous01(barth@triton.blinkenshell.org)
2024-07-08 04:16:07 +0200 <probie> lain`: What counts as decent documentation?
2024-07-08 04:19:19 +0200 <lain`> describing how something works in detail, documentation for each function saying what it's for if it's not obvious, examples of how to use the library in a realish situation, and a guide to learning the concepts of a library for the perspective of someone who doesn't know anything about it
2024-07-08 04:19:25 +0200 <lain`> probie: ^
2024-07-08 04:19:39 +0200 <lain`> s/for/from
2024-07-08 04:20:32 +0200 <lain`> this is good documentation, imo https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/orleans/grains/observers
2024-07-08 04:23:18 +0200dysthesis(~dysthesis@user/dysthesis) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2024-07-08 04:24:25 +0200 <lain`> or this https://hexdocs.pm/ecto/getting-started.html
2024-07-08 04:30:36 +0200 <joeyadams> I'm going to go out on a limb and say Aeson's documentation is excellent from this standpoint: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/aeson/docs/Data-Aeson.html
2024-07-08 04:33:57 +0200 <lain`> yeah, there are some exceptions
2024-07-08 04:34:05 +0200 <joeyadams> For sure. What bad example did you run across?
2024-07-08 04:34:34 +0200td_(~td@i53870903.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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2024-07-08 04:52:19 +0200 <lain`> it wasn't just one, but the lens and mtl documentation aren't ideal imo
2024-07-08 04:54:25 +0200 <lain`> it can be hard to find examples of even fairly simple/common things that aren't like 8 years old and don't compile anymore
2024-07-08 04:54:31 +0200 <lain`> in general
2024-07-08 05:04:47 +0200euleritian(~euleritia@dynamic-176-003-015-111.176.3.pool.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2024-07-08 05:27:35 +0200 <EvanR> documentation is overrated, I want it all trashed and a single snippet that shows the library doing 1 useful but highly specific task
2024-07-08 05:27:55 +0200 <EvanR> as god intended
2024-07-08 05:44:45 +0200euleritian(~euleritia@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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2024-07-08 06:55:59 +0200machinedgod(~machinedg@d173-183-246-216.abhsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-07-08 07:08:16 +0200 <Axman6> lain`: many libraries rely heavily on types, and lens is a good example of that; many of the types tell you a lot about what they could possibly do, without needing to explain much in words - but learning how to know what the types mean is something that takes time and use of the library. The basics of lens are trivial, but it is a library with a very broad range of applications, and in many cases a lot of depth too.
2024-07-08 07:12:41 +0200 <lain`> i mean, people won't nessecarily intuit the depth, even if it's intended to be used that way by the authors.
2024-07-08 07:13:28 +0200 <lain`> even if what a function literally does is understandable, why it's there and what place it has in the design isn't always obvious. i think that's the kind of thing that examples and tutorials can help with.
2024-07-08 07:18:27 +0200 <lain`> the lens readme doesn't even say what a lens *is*.
2024-07-08 07:24:09 +0200krei-se(~krei-se@p5085d24b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-07-08 07:25:02 +0200krei-se(~krei-se@p5085d24b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2024-07-08 07:28:26 +0200califax(~califax@user/califx) (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-07-08 07:28:43 +0200 <Axman6> What is a lens?
2024-07-08 07:28:46 +0200califax(~califax@user/califx)
2024-07-08 07:29:17 +0200 <Axman6> it's not a thing that a README is going to be able to clearly explain, it's an idea that has taken up many hour long talks explaining
2024-07-08 07:29:43 +0200 <haskellbridge> <maerwald> lain`: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens-5.3.2/docs/Control-Lens-Lens.html#v:lens
2024-07-08 07:29:48 +0200 <Axman6> Some things are just complex ideas, and expecting a half page explanation that's useful for using something isn't always going to be possible
2024-07-08 07:30:23 +0200Sgeo(~Sgeo@user/sgeo) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-07-08 07:30:35 +0200 <haskellbridge> <maerwald> Axman6: don't agree
2024-07-08 07:30:56 +0200 <haskellbridge> <maerwald> The documentation of lens just isn't very good for beginners
2024-07-08 07:31:00 +0200 <lain`> i mean, you can look at the racket lens docs https://docs.racket-lang.org/lens/lens-intro.html#%28tech._lens%29
2024-07-08 07:31:33 +0200 <Axman6> Sure, I'm not saying things can't be improved, but that's actually quite a lot of motivation needed to explain why they even should exist in the first place
2024-07-08 07:31:45 +0200 <haskellbridge> <maerwald> And it wasn't written for beginners anyway. The API doesn't consider "beginner issues". It's just not the use case
2024-07-08 07:31:58 +0200 <Axman6> Yep
2024-07-08 07:32:07 +0200 <lain`> i mean
2024-07-08 07:32:14 +0200 <lain`> what does "beginner" even mean
2024-07-08 07:32:17 +0200 <haskellbridge> <maerwald> But you can write a beginner friendly lens library
2024-07-08 07:32:22 +0200 <lain`> beginner to haskell?
2024-07-08 07:32:28 +0200 <jackdk> https://diataxis.fr/ has an interesting breakdown on the front page, differentiating "tutorials", "how-to guides", "explanations" and "reference material"
2024-07-08 07:32:58 +0200acidjnk_new3(~acidjnk@p200300d6e72cfb54f9d6478c2267a5ca.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2024-07-08 07:33:51 +0200 <haskellbridge> <maerwald> lain`: Someone who isn't into the academic foundations of lenses.
2024-07-08 07:36:28 +0200 <lain`> i mean, i feel like that's kind of just an excuse to provide poor documentation
2024-07-08 07:38:08 +0200machinedgod(~machinedg@d173-183-246-216.abhsia.telus.net)
2024-07-08 07:38:29 +0200 <lain`> it's not like doing so would make it harder for people who know a lot about lenses to use the library
2024-07-08 07:40:10 +0200 <lain`> if someone doesn't *want* to provide documentation aimed at people who don't follow the research of the subject, that's fine, but it doesn't change the fact that they could. and that many other things do.
2024-07-08 07:40:54 +0200 <lain`> and i think even for people who understand it, good documentation will make it easier to learn the library
2024-07-08 07:41:22 +0200 <lain`> even if someone can figure out how something works from looking at the types, that doesn't mean it won't take extra time compared to it being explained well alongside examples
2024-07-08 07:50:35 +0200 <haskellbridge> <maerwald> The maintainer of lens gives away commit rights willingly. So you probably can contribute such documentation easily
2024-07-08 07:51:06 +0200 <haskellbridge> <maerwald> But I doubt that will happen without an engaged contributor who cares about this specifically
2024-07-08 08:02:23 +0200 <haskellbridge> <sm> optics is a lens alternative with good docs, I've heard
2024-07-08 08:03:20 +0200 <jackdk> The main difficulty I have with optics is that I really like being able to provide lenses without incurring the `lens` dependency
2024-07-08 08:03:24 +0200 <haskellbridge> <sm> more generally I think some haskell libs with good docs do exist,
2024-07-08 08:06:43 +0200 <haskellbridge> <sm> and making that attribute more visible (eg on hackage and flora and in reviews/ecosystem overviews) will help encourage that
2024-07-08 08:11:04 +0200 <haskellbridge> <sm> * package reviews and ecosystem
2024-07-08 08:11:24 +0200 <haskellbridge> <sm> oops, irc, sorry
2024-07-08 08:12:31 +0200 <haskellbridge> <sm> though with the latest bridge I seem to remember the policy was that matrix edits are fine
2024-07-08 08:12:57 +0200 <jackdk> They show up as additional messages but at least it's clear that it's an edit.
2024-07-08 08:15:01 +0200 <haskellbridge> <maerwald> jackdk: optics support van laarhoven too. So you can still do that as a library author
2024-07-08 08:15:33 +0200 <jackdk> so it means that VL optics are usable by both? good to know
2024-07-08 08:16:31 +0200takuan(~takuan@178-116-218-225.access.telenet.be)
2024-07-08 08:22:37 +0200 <haskellbridge> <maerwald> https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optics-vl-0.2.1/docs/Optics-VL.html
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2024-07-08 10:09:20 +0200sprout(~quassel@2a02-a448-3a80-0-45f5-cd70-d2c3-af5d.fixed6.kpn.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2024-07-08 10:10:07 +0200sprout(~quassel@2a02-a448-3a80-0-b42c-a95b-6a4b-b4d1.fixed6.kpn.net)
2024-07-08 10:16:06 +0200gmg(~user@user/gehmehgeh)
2024-07-08 10:20:54 +0200chele(~chele@user/chele)
2024-07-08 10:24:43 +0200danse-nr3(~danse-nr3@
2024-07-08 10:31:28 +0200_[_________]_(~oos95GWG@user/oos95GWG) (Quit: _[_________]_)
2024-07-08 10:31:37 +0200[_________](~oos95GWG@user/oos95GWG)
2024-07-08 10:33:04 +0200mreh(~matthew@host86-160-168-12.range86-160.btcentralplus.com)
2024-07-08 10:38:07 +0200cfricke(~cfricke@user/cfricke)
2024-07-08 10:40:26 +0200Tuplanolla(~Tuplanoll@91-159-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
2024-07-08 11:04:31 +0200 <EvanR> lain`, lens is an abstract thing, which means "what it is" might take one sentence and be incomprehensible, or take a whole blog post and not be entirely right. See "what's a monad"
2024-07-08 11:06:43 +0200reki(~reki@
2024-07-08 11:08:44 +0200reki(~reki@ (Client Quit)
2024-07-08 11:08:59 +0200 <danse-nr3> simple lenses can be considered as dry "getters/setters/modifiers"
2024-07-08 11:11:43 +0200 <mreh> any Reflexers in the chat that use obelisk?
2024-07-08 11:14:40 +0200cpressey(~weechat@
2024-07-08 11:14:54 +0200gmg(~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-07-08 11:15:40 +0200gmg(~user@user/gehmehgeh)
2024-07-08 11:16:35 +0200mreh(~matthew@host86-160-168-12.range86-160.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2024-07-08 11:17:19 +0200mreh(~matthew@host86-160-168-12.range86-160.btcentralplus.com)
2024-07-08 11:17:38 +0200 <danse-nr3> "reflexers"... that's not a query yielding many results
2024-07-08 11:18:55 +0200 <mreh> danse-nr3: It's a *sharp intake of breath* web framework. https://reflex-frp.org/
2024-07-08 11:19:03 +0200cpressey(~weechat@ (Client Quit)
2024-07-08 11:19:36 +0200 <danse-nr3> i know what it is but thanks
2024-07-08 11:20:08 +0200 <danse-nr3> i just meant it's unlikely many of us specialise in that, you'd better target obelisk users probably
2024-07-08 11:20:35 +0200 <mreh> #reflex-frp isn't a thing on here, I might have to go over to the dark side
2024-07-08 11:20:53 +0200cpressey(~weechat@
2024-07-08 11:22:27 +0200acidjnk_new(~acidjnk@p200300d6e72cfb54f9d6478c2267a5ca.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)