Newest at the top
2025-03-26 11:05:37 +0100 | dsrt^ | ( (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-26 11:04:09 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-26 10:53:48 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) (Quit: WeeChat 4.5.2) |
2025-03-26 10:51:49 +0100 | hattckory | (~hattckory@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-26 10:46:54 +0100 | hattckory | (~hattckory@ |
2025-03-26 10:40:14 +0100 | pavonia | (~user@user/siracusa) (Quit: Bye!) |
2025-03-26 10:39:30 +0100 | sprotte24 | ( |
2025-03-26 10:39:14 +0100 | sprotte24 | ( (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-26 10:36:35 +0100 | __monty__ | (~toonn@user/toonn) toonn |
2025-03-26 10:35:11 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-26 10:32:16 +0100 | Digitteknohippie | Digit |
2025-03-26 10:30:51 +0100 | lxsameer | (~lxsameer@Serene/lxsameer) lxsameer |
2025-03-26 10:30:51 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-26 10:27:46 +0100 | Digit | (~user@user/digit) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-26 10:25:08 +0100 | Digitteknohippie | (~user@user/digit) Digit |
2025-03-26 10:21:30 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-26 10:19:27 +0100 | Digit | (~user@user/digit) Digit |
2025-03-26 10:18:36 +0100 | Digit | (~user@user/digit) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-26 10:18:10 +0100 | machinedgod | ( (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-26 10:05:21 +0100 | akegalj | ( akegalj |
2025-03-26 10:03:12 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-26 09:59:27 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) andrewchawk |
2025-03-26 09:59:03 +0100 | zungi | (~tory@user/andrewchawk) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-26 09:57:58 +0100 | kuribas | ( kuribas |
2025-03-26 09:56:25 +0100 | chele | (~chele@user/chele) chele |
2025-03-26 09:49:08 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-26 09:45:06 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-26 09:45:00 +0100 | hattckory | ( (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-26 09:43:40 +0100 | emmanuelux | (~emmanuelu@user/emmanuelux) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-26 09:39:36 +0100 | hattckory | ( |
2025-03-26 09:35:24 +0100 | hattckory | (~hattckory@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-26 09:34:50 +0100 | storopoli | (m-h2v7u5@user/storopoli) () |
2025-03-26 09:34:00 +0100 | sprotte24 | ( |
2025-03-26 09:30:47 +0100 | hattckory | (~hattckory@ |
2025-03-26 09:30:20 +0100 | hattckory | ( (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-26 09:25:16 +0100 | merijn | (~merijn@ merijn |
2025-03-26 09:24:17 +0100 | tomsmeding | . o O ( all of them ) |
2025-03-26 09:23:35 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | (that begs the question in what timezone _you_ live) |
2025-03-26 09:20:57 +0100 | <Leary> | Yeah, I didn't think to try that---thanks for the fix anyway. |
2025-03-26 09:18:58 +0100 | storopoli | (m-h2v7u5@user/storopoli) storopoli |
2025-03-26 09:17:36 +0100 | ft | ( (Quit: leaving) |
2025-03-26 09:15:00 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | geekosaur: just pinging you here too in case you're interested |
2025-03-26 09:14:35 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | Leary: if this happens again, I just realised that `% :q` should also have worked |
2025-03-26 09:11:21 +0100 | lortabac | (~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) |
2025-03-26 09:09:45 +0100 | storopoli | (m-h2v7u5@user/storopoli) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-26 09:06:56 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | it's a gigantic time zone |
2025-03-26 09:06:39 +0100 | peterbecich | ( (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-26 09:06:32 +0100 | aman | (~aman@user/aman) aman |
2025-03-26 09:06:10 +0100 | <mauke> | classic central europe |
2025-03-26 09:05:38 +0100 | aetepe | (~aetepe@ aetepe |