Newest at the top
2025-03-25 14:51:29 +0100 | kh0d | (~kh0d@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-25 14:51:24 +0100 | <EvanR> | monad instance |
2025-03-25 14:51:19 +0100 | <EvanR> | implementing s -> [] (a, s) |
2025-03-25 14:50:07 +0100 | <EvanR> | the more stuff the compiler accepts the less able it is to notice your nonsense |
2025-03-25 14:49:35 +0100 | <EvanR> | gotta love it |
2025-03-25 14:49:19 +0100 | <EvanR> | oh [] was a datakind I guess |
2025-03-25 14:49:04 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ ash3en |
2025-03-25 14:48:14 +0100 | ash3en | (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: ash3en) |
2025-03-25 14:48:06 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | the "inner monad" is always the penultimate argument, to fit the kind of MonadTrans |
2025-03-25 14:47:38 +0100 | <lambdabot> | s -> [] (a, s) |
2025-03-25 14:47:38 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | @unmtl StateT s [] a |
2025-03-25 14:45:57 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-25 14:45:56 +0100 | kh0d | (~kh0d@ |
2025-03-25 14:44:59 +0100 | <EvanR> | [] is the wrong kind |
2025-03-25 14:44:43 +0100 | <EvanR> | no |
2025-03-25 14:44:25 +0100 | <EvanR> | [s -> (a, [])] ? |
2025-03-25 14:44:15 +0100 | <EvanR> | squint |
2025-03-25 14:43:55 +0100 | <lambdabot> | [] -> s (a, []) |
2025-03-25 14:43:55 +0100 | <EvanR> | @unmtl StateT [] s a |
2025-03-25 14:43:50 +0100 | <lambdabot> | err: `StateT [] a' is not applied to enough arguments, giving `/\A. [] -> a (A, [])' |
2025-03-25 14:43:50 +0100 | <EvanR> | @unmtl StateT [] a |
2025-03-25 14:43:23 +0100 | <lambdabot> | s -> ([] a, s) |
2025-03-25 14:43:23 +0100 | <EvanR> | @unmtl ListT (State s) a |
2025-03-25 14:43:10 +0100 | cheater | (~Username@user/cheater) cheater |
2025-03-25 14:43:03 +0100 | kh0d | (~kh0d@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-25 14:41:59 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | the run function of what? |
2025-03-25 14:41:29 +0100 | <EvanR> | uncons :: ListT m a -> m (Maybe (a, ListT m a)) |
2025-03-25 14:41:19 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-25 14:40:52 +0100 | <EvanR> | what is the run function |
2025-03-25 14:39:23 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | to understand what's going on there, note that `data KindOfAList a = KindOfAList (Maybe (a, KindOfAList a))` is essentially equivalent to [a] |
2025-03-25 14:39:20 +0100 | <kuribas> | mixing backtracking with IO also is dangerous... |
2025-03-25 14:38:51 +0100 | Shsl-Junko-POSER | (~Shsl-Junk@ |
2025-03-25 14:38:49 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | |
2025-03-25 14:38:38 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | you can write what you just did, but it doesn't work well |
2025-03-25 14:38:22 +0100 | kh0d | (~kh0d@ kh0d |
2025-03-25 14:38:21 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | actually, the proper monad transformer for [a] is rather tricky |
2025-03-25 14:38:07 +0100 | <EvanR> | what did I just do |
2025-03-25 14:37:50 +0100 | kh0d | (~kh0d@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-25 14:37:46 +0100 | <EvanR> | s -> [IO (a, s)] |
2025-03-25 14:37:17 +0100 | <EvanR> | so you're saying you can combine this monad with others |
2025-03-25 14:35:41 +0100 | kuribas | ( kuribas |
2025-03-25 14:35:19 +0100 | kuribas` | ( (Quit: ERC (IRC client for GNU Emacs 29.3)) |
2025-03-25 14:35:10 +0100 | <EvanR> | new NonDeterm a = NonDeterm { getPossibilities :: [a] } |
2025-03-25 14:35:05 +0100 | bliminse | (~bliminse@user/bliminse) bliminse |
2025-03-25 14:34:51 +0100 | <EvanR> | gratuitous newtype |
2025-03-25 14:34:29 +0100 | <EvanR> | lol |
2025-03-25 14:34:11 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | just ignore the GHC warning |
2025-03-25 14:34:08 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | EvanR: if you put the 'empty' pattern-matching case last, i.e. after the Cons case, then it does work |
2025-03-25 14:32:32 +0100 | <EvanR> | probably for the best |
2025-03-25 14:32:24 +0100 | <tomsmeding> | ah, no |