Newest at the top
2025-03-17 07:56:34 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-17 07:54:19 +0100 | euleritian | ( |
2025-03-17 07:53:24 +0100 | euleritian | ( (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2025-03-17 07:52:19 +0100 | duckworld | (~duckworld@user/duckworld) duckworld |
2025-03-17 07:49:36 +0100 | duckworld | (~duckworld@user/duckworld) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-17 07:41:32 +0100 | euleritian | ( |
2025-03-17 07:40:46 +0100 | euleritian | (~euleritia@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-17 07:33:44 +0100 | euleritian | (~euleritia@ |
2025-03-17 07:33:26 +0100 | euleritian | ( (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-17 07:33:00 +0100 | euleritian | ( |
2025-03-17 07:32:26 +0100 | euleritian | ( (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-17 07:27:02 +0100 | harveypwca | (~harveypwc@2601:246:d080:f6e0:34b5:bbb2:c6c:1ef6) (Quit: Leaving) |
2025-03-17 07:26:34 +0100 | euleritian | ( |
2025-03-17 07:26:21 +0100 | euleritian | ( (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-17 07:21:09 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-17 07:17:34 +0100 | takuan | ( |
2025-03-17 07:16:53 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-17 07:06:44 +0100 | wildsalander | ( (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-17 07:05:05 +0100 | Sgeo | (~Sgeo@user/sgeo) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-17 06:42:02 +0100 | bilegeek__ | (~bilegeek@2600:1008:b08e:bb9c:6d7d:2bd8:d779:bc6e) (Quit: Leaving) |
2025-03-17 06:40:19 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) MyNetAz |
2025-03-17 06:35:25 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-17 06:35:04 +0100 | wildsalander | ( |
2025-03-17 06:34:54 +0100 | wildsalander | ( (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-17 06:34:31 +0100 | peterbecich | ( (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-17 06:33:08 +0100 | lol_ | (~lol@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-17 06:32:45 +0100 | dtman34_ | (~dtman34@2601:447:d000:1f5e:5ed:4e8c:420f:e376) dtman34 |
2025-03-17 06:32:37 +0100 | dtman34 | ( (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-17 06:32:22 +0100 | harveypwca | (~harveypwc@2601:246:d080:f6e0:34b5:bbb2:c6c:1ef6) HarveyPwca |
2025-03-17 06:32:22 +0100 | jcarpenter2 | (~lol@2603:3016:1e01:b960:c0f1:1eb8:93b0:299a) |
2025-03-17 06:31:09 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-17 06:31:08 +0100 | wildsalander | ( |
2025-03-17 06:25:32 +0100 | tavare | (~tavare@user/tavare) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-17 06:17:36 +0100 | fris | ( () |
2025-03-17 06:12:49 +0100 | raym | (~ray@user/raym) raym |
2025-03-17 06:12:09 +0100 | peterbecich | ( peterbecich |
2025-03-17 06:09:30 +0100 | jcarpenter2 | (~lol@2603:3016:1e01:b960:ac5c:b821:dffb:b6c1) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-17 06:07:17 +0100 | lol_ | (~lol@ |
2025-03-17 06:03:33 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <dmjio> You gotta just trust the laws, lots of things are Monads, that are seemingly different ("Maybe", "[]", "((->) a"), "State s") but they all have this one thing in common, they obey the monad laws. L/R identity and associativity |
2025-03-17 06:03:08 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <dmjio> there's a good blog post on this |
2025-03-17 06:02:45 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <dmjio> the intuition comes when you manually write out each instance, that's the "proof" of the law, that's not enforced by the compiler |
2025-03-17 06:02:20 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <dmjio> You gotta just trust the laws, lots of things are Monads, that are seemingly different ("Maybe", "[]", "((->) a"), "State") but they all have this one thing in common, they obey the monad laws. L/R identity and associativity |
2025-03-17 05:59:56 +0100 | <NewtonTrendy> | . |
2025-03-17 05:58:10 +0100 | <haskellbridge> | <dmjio> NewtonTrendy: Anything that can be made a law-abiding instance of Monad, is a Monad 🤷 |
2025-03-17 05:56:34 +0100 | pavonia | (~user@user/siracusa) (Quit: Bye!) |
2025-03-17 05:55:19 +0100 | <EvanR> | an abstraction. Alternatively the type (env ->) is a monad. So if you know what that is you know what "a monad" is |
2025-03-17 05:54:40 +0100 | michalz | (~michalz@ |
2025-03-17 05:52:31 +0100 | bilegeek__ | (~bilegeek@2600:1008:b08e:bb9c:6d7d:2bd8:d779:bc6e) bilegeek |
2025-03-17 05:51:07 +0100 | <NewtonTrendy> | who am i kidding i dont know what a monad is |
2025-03-17 05:51:05 +0100 | MyNetAz | (~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz) (Remote host closed the connection) |