Newest at the top
2025-03-11 03:08:24 +0100 | hattckory | (~hattckory@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-11 03:04:35 +0100 | paotsaq | ( (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-11 03:01:40 +0100 | ljdarj | (~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-11 03:01:13 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2025-03-11 03:00:21 +0100 | merijn | ( (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-11 02:56:54 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-11 02:56:44 +0100 | machinedgod | ( (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-11 02:56:00 +0100 | merijn | ( merijn |
2025-03-11 02:55:42 +0100 | Unicorn_Princess | (~Unicorn_P@user/Unicorn-Princess/x-3540542) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-11 02:53:44 +0100 | Digit | (~user@user/digit) Digit |
2025-03-11 02:52:10 +0100 | hattckory | (~hattckory@ |
2025-03-11 02:46:21 +0100 | hgolden | (~hgolden@2603:8000:9d00:3ed1:6ff3:8389:b901:6363) hgolden |
2025-03-11 02:44:48 +0100 | merijn | ( (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-11 02:43:36 +0100 | hgolden | (~hgolden@2603:8000:9d00:3ed1:6ff3:8389:b901:6363) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2025-03-11 02:40:16 +0100 | merijn | ( merijn |
2025-03-11 02:38:41 +0100 | xff0x | ( |
2025-03-11 02:36:44 +0100 | merijn | ( (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-11 02:36:37 +0100 | Digit | (~user@user/digit) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2025-03-11 02:29:54 +0100 | merijn | ( merijn |
2025-03-11 02:21:18 +0100 | peterbecich | ( (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
2025-03-11 02:20:15 +0100 | hattckory | ( (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2025-03-11 02:18:43 +0100 | merijn | ( (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-11 02:18:01 +0100 | Tuplanolla | ( (Quit: Leaving.) |
2025-03-11 02:16:01 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-11 02:15:20 +0100 | hattckory | ( |
2025-03-11 02:14:33 +0100 | merijn | ( merijn |
2025-03-11 02:11:08 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-11 02:03:43 +0100 | merijn | ( (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-11 01:59:36 +0100 | gmg | (~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
2025-03-11 01:59:09 +0100 | merijn | ( merijn |
2025-03-11 01:57:13 +0100 | harveypwca | (~harveypwc@2601:246:d080:f6e0:34b5:bbb2:c6c:1ef6) (Quit: Leaving) |
2025-03-11 01:53:09 +0100 | peterbecich | ( peterbecich |
2025-03-11 01:52:37 +0100 | xff0x | (~xff0x@2405:6580:b080:900:f933:3317:5967:9ba3) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
2025-03-11 01:48:20 +0100 | merijn | ( (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-11 01:43:46 +0100 | merijn | ( merijn |
2025-03-11 01:42:39 +0100 | hattckory | (~hattckory@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-11 01:37:36 +0100 | hattckory | (~hattckory@ |
2025-03-11 01:32:51 +0100 | merijn | ( (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2025-03-11 01:29:59 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2025-03-11 01:28:24 +0100 | merijn | ( merijn |
2025-03-11 01:27:18 +0100 | acidjnk_new | ( (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2025-03-11 01:25:44 +0100 | alfiee | (~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee |
2025-03-11 01:21:10 +0100 | <monochrom> | (I'm also secretly hoping you to ask an inevitable followup question after I said "even explanation has multiple orders". :) ) |
2025-03-11 01:19:50 +0100 | <monochrom> | I'm OK if you say: Write in programming language order, add special comment markers to tell the blogifier how to turn it into a blog post. That counts too. |
2025-03-11 01:17:14 +0100 | merijn | ( (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
2025-03-11 01:15:40 +0100 | sprotte24 | ( (Quit: Leaving) |
2025-03-11 01:13:02 +0100 | merijn | ( merijn |
2025-03-11 01:10:27 +0100 | <monochrom> | I have not done literate programming for a long time. But I am saying what doesn't count as literate programming. |
2025-03-11 01:09:33 +0100 | <monochrom> | The latter implies that you will not write one source file and one document file, you will only write one file for both. The former implies Knuth's web file format. |
2025-03-11 01:08:26 +0100 | <monochrom> | Literate programming has two fundamentalist axioms. One is from Knuth's "you write for humans primarily, oh it happens to be readable by the computer too". One is from software engineering's DRY. |