
Newest at the top

2025-02-11 17:35:04 +0100 <EvanR> keeping it simple
2025-02-11 17:34:56 +0100 <EvanR> I've used sqlite-simple and postgres-simple
2025-02-11 17:34:26 +0100 <euouae> including their relationships
2025-02-11 17:34:20 +0100 <euouae> I was using SQLAlchemy on Python and it works nicely, I was able to declaratively put together all the tables of the schema
2025-02-11 17:34:00 +0100alfiee(~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2025-02-11 17:33:44 +0100 <euouae> library
2025-02-11 17:33:42 +0100 <euouae> does haskell have a good sql (or otherwise) database
2025-02-11 17:33:18 +0100 <tomsmeding> nor is :m or :set
2025-02-11 17:32:53 +0100 <tomsmeding> :def is unsupported in multi-mode, lol
2025-02-11 17:29:21 +0100alfiee(~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee
2025-02-11 17:28:50 +0100JeremyB99(~JeremyB99@2607:ac80:407:7:b132:8d6d:8d5:36a3)
2025-02-11 17:28:43 +0100JeremyB99(~JeremyB99@2607:ac80:407:7:b132:8d6d:8d5:36a3) (Remote host closed the connection)
2025-02-11 17:26:13 +0100CalimeroTeknik(~calimero@user/calimeroteknik) CalimeroTeknik
2025-02-11 17:26:13 +0100CalimeroTeknik(~calimero@ctkarch.org) (Changing host)
2025-02-11 17:25:23 +0100 <haskellbridge> <alexfmpe> Still a bit rough around the edges but mostly works
2025-02-11 17:24:59 +0100 <haskellbridge> <alexfmpe> Need cabal 3.12
2025-02-11 17:24:49 +0100 <haskellbridge> <alexfmpe> kaol: cabal repl all --enable-multi-repl
2025-02-11 17:22:58 +0100 <euouae> well, what seems to me like is that we have composable setters now
2025-02-11 17:22:37 +0100 <euouae> i.e. I can't hve it a -> f b anymore.
2025-02-11 17:22:31 +0100 <euouae> although now I have to have :: Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> Vec3 a -> f (Vec3 a)
2025-02-11 17:22:22 +0100 <euouae> something like: traverseVecX f (Vec3 x y z) = Vec3 <$> f x <*> pure y <*> pure z
2025-02-11 17:21:30 +0100chele__(~chele@user/chele) (Remote host closed the connection)
2025-02-11 17:18:38 +0100vanishingideal(~vanishing@user/vanishingideal) vanishingideal
2025-02-11 17:18:10 +0100JeremyB99(~JeremyB99@2607:ac80:407:7:b132:8d6d:8d5:36a3)
2025-02-11 17:18:02 +0100JeremyB99(~JeremyB99@2607:ac80:407:7:b132:8d6d:8d5:36a3) (Remote host closed the connection)
2025-02-11 17:15:06 +0100ec(~ec@gateway/tor-sasl/ec) ec
2025-02-11 17:14:36 +0100ec(~ec@gateway/tor-sasl/ec) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2025-02-11 17:13:36 +0100pavonia(~user@user/siracusa) (Quit: Bye!)
2025-02-11 17:08:03 +0100SlackCoder(~SlackCode@64-94-63-8.ip.weststar.net.ky) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2025-02-11 17:03:54 +0100Digit(~user@user/digit) Digit
2025-02-11 17:01:54 +0100JeremyB99(~JeremyB99@2607:ac80:407:7:b132:8d6d:8d5:36a3)
2025-02-11 17:01:46 +0100vanishingideal(~vanishing@user/vanishingideal) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2025-02-11 17:01:46 +0100JeremyB99(~JeremyB99@2607:ac80:407:7:b132:8d6d:8d5:36a3) (Remote host closed the connection)
2025-02-11 17:01:33 +0100Digit(~user@user/digit) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2025-02-11 17:01:25 +0100 <dminuoso> Now write a `traverseVec3X` that does the same thing, except it only applies its action to the X component of Vec3. Write variants for Y and Z too.
2025-02-11 17:00:57 +0100 <dminuoso> euouae: Perfect. Now off to the final variantÖ
2025-02-11 16:50:30 +0100merijn(~merijn@ merijn
2025-02-11 16:49:41 +0100merijn(~merijn@ (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2025-02-11 16:48:52 +0100 <euouae> dminuoso: okay, I reflected a bit on the Vec3 exercise. The <$> f-wraps the constructor, and the <*> applies f-values one by one until it is reduced to an f-value.
2025-02-11 16:47:59 +0100euouae(~euouae@user/euouae) euouae
2025-02-11 16:47:30 +0100tri(~tri@ool-44c70bcb.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2025-02-11 16:45:32 +0100alfiee(~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2025-02-11 16:43:06 +0100tri(~tri@ool-44c70bcb.dyn.optonline.net)
2025-02-11 16:41:17 +0100alfiee(~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee
2025-02-11 16:40:45 +0100merijn(~merijn@ merijn
2025-02-11 16:39:41 +0100 <haskellbridge> <sm> just add the source paths with -i, it seems like
2025-02-11 16:38:22 +0100 <haskellbridge> ... long message truncated: https://kf8nh.com/_heisenbridge/media/kf8nh.com/wEXSVISAROaeFNEYxArasFqE/RCSq550tWp4 (4 lines)
2025-02-11 16:38:22 +0100 <haskellbridge> <sm> https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/blob/fbbe897133fabbef337f30cd746386a90545f45d/Justfile#L353
2025-02-11 16:36:12 +0100 <haskellbridge> <sm> oh.. I have a ghci script that uses various ghc options like -i to load from multiple packages into ghci as if they were in one package, for better reloading
2025-02-11 16:29:21 +0100merijn(~merijn@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)