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2025-01-31 01:12:02 +0100 <euouae> well sure, adopting just one is good enough for me. I'll adopt more if the need arises
2025-01-31 01:11:39 +0100 <dminuoso> Though Im a flexible, and I have some alternate intuitions that I can switch to depending on the problem.
2025-01-31 01:10:43 +0100 <euouae> and it sort of occurred to me that a lot of uses of do/>>= are doing basically stuff like that
2025-01-31 01:10:39 +0100merijn(~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn
2025-01-31 01:10:34 +0100 <dminuoso> The mental model I have settled on over the years is that `Monads` model sequencing.
2025-01-31 01:10:25 +0100 <euouae> obviously it's both tiresome to manually typecheck everything when reading code & provides no intuition. the megaparsec code I saw earlier with a bunch of >>= inside a do was clear in what it was doing: it was combining a bunch of parser combinators, starting from some initial string-to-be-parsed, and outputted either a parsed data structure or parser error
2025-01-31 01:10:04 +0100 <dminuoso> euouae: Fair enough.
2025-01-31 01:08:58 +0100 <euouae> dminuoso: I'm not trying to summarize all monads or anything of the short, just to adopt a mental mode
2025-01-31 01:08:34 +0100alfiee(~alfiee@user/alfiee) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2025-01-31 01:05:18 +0100rstromlund(~user@user/rstromlund) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2025-01-31 01:04:03 +0100alfiee(~alfiee@user/alfiee) alfiee
2025-01-31 01:02:54 +0100 <monochrom> That one I agree with you. It's the equivalent of a biology tutorial saying "natural selection is described as survival of fittest"
2025-01-31 01:01:44 +0100 <dminuoso> As you could gradually introduce more instances and different "flavours"
2025-01-31 01:01:22 +0100 <dminuoso> If Monad tutorials started with just proclamining `Monads are just IO`, this would be a feasible strategy.
2025-01-31 01:01:00 +0100 <dminuoso> monochrom: Sure, but that particular wikibooks article is not about promoting any learning process.
2025-01-31 01:00:41 +0100 <monochrom> Consider how "numbers" are taught beginning with natural numbers and, eventually, if you go to math grad school, ending with algebraic number fields. Not the other way round.
2025-01-31 01:00:31 +0100rstromlund(~user@user/rstromlund) rstromlund
2025-01-31 00:59:48 +0100merijn(~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2025-01-31 00:58:45 +0100 <monochrom> I do not mind specific instances that may limit one's imagination because it is part of the learning process.
2025-01-31 00:58:40 +0100 <dminuoso> And if people stop trying to attach meaning to that word `Monad`, they get on learning Haskell much faster.
2025-01-31 00:58:09 +0100 <dminuoso> Monad is just observing that all of these things have some pattern and laws in common. There's not really any inherent meaning to it
2025-01-31 00:57:25 +0100 <dminuoso> euouae: My best recommendation is to just not worry about what Monad means at all. `IO` is about side effects. `[]` is about lists. `Maybe` is about failure. `Either A` is about exceptions. Each example is trivial to explain to any beginner
2025-01-31 00:55:16 +0100merijn(~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn
2025-01-31 00:54:52 +0100 <int-e> now I want a burrito
2025-01-31 00:54:36 +0100 <dminuoso> Comparing them to anything concrete is, at best, just likening it to that specific instance, but that prevents you from seeing what monad is about.
2025-01-31 00:54:15 +0100 <dminuoso> euouae: Monads are an abstract interface.
2025-01-31 00:52:02 +0100 <euouae> <https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Understanding_monads/State> "A monad is sometimes described as providing a value in a context." -- this is very close to what I was thinking when I said monads are like state machines
2025-01-31 00:49:59 +0100monochrom(trebla@
2025-01-31 00:47:34 +0100merijn(~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2025-01-31 00:46:35 +0100monochrom(trebla@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2025-01-31 00:44:14 +0100joeyadams(~joeyadams@syn-184-054-105-097.res.spectrum.com)
2025-01-31 00:42:51 +0100sawilagar(~sawilagar@user/sawilagar) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2025-01-31 00:42:48 +0100merijn(~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn
2025-01-31 00:38:22 +0100 <monochrom> Conjecture: Such a diagram exists iff the monad is of an algebraic effect. Cont is not an algebraic effect.
2025-01-31 00:38:06 +0100xff0x(~xff0x@2405:6580:b080:900:704:c9bd:a645:9b1d)
2025-01-31 00:37:39 +0100 <monochrom> But State is missing a diagram and that's a well-known diagram.
2025-01-31 00:36:07 +0100 <monochrom> And generally I have to understand bind first.
2025-01-31 00:35:57 +0100xff0x(~xff0x@ai096095.d.east.v6connect.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2025-01-31 00:35:39 +0100 <monochrom> You know what, I have to understand Reader and Writer first before I understand those two diagrams.
2025-01-31 00:32:46 +0100ChanServ+v haskellbridge
2025-01-31 00:32:46 +0100haskellbridge(~hackager@syn-024-093-192-219.res.spectrum.com) hackager
2025-01-31 00:31:59 +0100haskellbridge(~hackager@syn-024-093-192-219.res.spectrum.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
2025-01-31 00:31:37 +0100merijn(~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2025-01-31 00:28:15 +0100Smiles(uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) Smiles
2025-01-31 00:24:45 +0100merijn(~merijn@host-vr.cgnat-g.v4.dfn.nl) merijn
2025-01-31 00:23:03 +0100rstromlund(~user@user/rstromlund) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2025-01-31 00:22:30 +0100 <geekosaur> surely there's an appropriate DT language
2025-01-31 00:21:15 +0100 <EvanR> looking for a language for more bondage and discipline
2025-01-31 00:21:02 +0100 <int-e> please pass all the details to `const "I don't want to hear it."`
2025-01-31 00:21:02 +0100 <EvanR> haskell is famous for laissez faire programming. Terrible I'm outta here