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2025-01-13 19:09:33 +0100 <r-sta> i want to step through line by line
2025-01-13 19:09:27 +0100 <r-sta> i just need to find this loop!
2025-01-13 19:08:48 +0100 <r-sta> the code version of free climbing el chapo
2025-01-13 19:08:35 +0100 <r-sta> !!!!
2025-01-13 19:08:31 +0100 <EvanR> that you have
2025-01-13 19:08:28 +0100 <EvanR> to find out what you changed, look at the version control system
2025-01-13 19:07:55 +0100 <r-sta> still idk why it breaks now or what i changed, or why the thing that finds the bugs introduces new bugs or anything
2025-01-13 19:07:23 +0100housemate(~housemate@ housemate
2025-01-13 19:07:16 +0100 <r-sta> so the last propper run checks almost all the components
2025-01-13 19:07:03 +0100 <r-sta> no i mean, i didnt break most of it
2025-01-13 19:06:50 +0100 <r-sta> oh
2025-01-13 19:06:39 +0100 <EvanR> that you can run
2025-01-13 19:06:26 +0100 <EvanR> it's where you have a set of tests which sanity check subsections of the code
2025-01-13 19:06:17 +0100 <r-sta> problem atm is its throwing some other unknown error for some unknown reason before it even hits the loop, simply by virtue of enabling -fbreak-on-exception, which i think is lame
2025-01-13 19:05:30 +0100Smiles(uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2025-01-13 19:05:30 +0100 <r-sta> EvanR: any details on this test suite, idk what it is, but if it could be a path to finding the <<loop>> id be overjoyed
2025-01-13 19:04:52 +0100 <r-sta> (and obviously even after deleting plenty, it still throws a non-deterministic error when trying to load in the data)
2025-01-13 19:04:44 +0100gehmehgehgmg
2025-01-13 19:04:25 +0100sprotte24(~sprotte24@p200300d16f245c002d65884199a66258.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2025-01-13 19:04:23 +0100 <r-sta> testsuite!?
2025-01-13 19:01:59 +0100ash3en(~Thunderbi@2a03:7846:b6eb:101:93ac:a90a:da67:f207) (Quit: ash3en)
2025-01-13 18:59:20 +0100gehmehgeh(~user@user/gehmehgeh) gehmehgeh
2025-01-13 18:56:12 +0100gmg(~user@user/gehmehgeh) (Remote host closed the connection)
2025-01-13 18:51:30 +0100 <EvanR> I am grateful that <<loop>> exists, it could be much worse
2025-01-13 18:50:53 +0100 <EvanR> that you have
2025-01-13 18:50:48 +0100 <EvanR> run the test suite
2025-01-13 18:48:44 +0100 <r-sta> this piece of code is huge! iv no idea what changed
2025-01-13 18:48:34 +0100 <r-sta> ill never find this <<loop>>
2025-01-13 18:48:33 +0100tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2025-01-13 18:48:27 +0100 <r-sta> this SUCKS
2025-01-13 18:48:14 +0100 <r-sta> so it doesnt even crash at the same place with the breakpoints on!!
2025-01-13 18:47:57 +0100 <r-sta> rrg, now without breakpoints, ie without setting -fbreak-on-exception, it works, ie it gets through this "unknown" error
2025-01-13 18:46:02 +0100ystael(~ystael@user/ystael) ystael
2025-01-13 18:42:33 +0100 <r-sta> damn real world!
2025-01-13 18:42:28 +0100 <r-sta> so it was breaking at some memory hanging exception somewhere away from the loop
2025-01-13 18:42:11 +0100 <r-sta> so, just then my computer run out of memory, and the exception is not the loop!"
2025-01-13 18:41:57 +0100 <r-sta> man, that is the most nondeterministic thing ever
2025-01-13 18:35:18 +0100 <r-sta> at least initially because its in IO the main routine is sequential so you can do printouts after each line, but then it would be bredth first search through everything pure with trace debug which is way harder to keep track of
2025-01-13 18:32:45 +0100 <r-sta> how can i tell where the loop is!?
2025-01-13 18:30:50 +0100wootehfoot(~wootehfoo@user/wootehfoot) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2025-01-13 18:29:33 +0100 <r-sta> hmm, ok the back thing works, but it takes it to part of the code where there is no loop!
2025-01-13 18:29:14 +0100ljdarj(~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2025-01-13 18:28:42 +0100ss4(~wootehfoo@user/wootehfoot) wootehfoot
2025-01-13 18:27:42 +0100 <r-sta> thats ok i never used another language!
2025-01-13 18:27:17 +0100 <geekosaur> keep in mind that `let x = x + 1` doesn't do what you think from other languages
2025-01-13 18:27:06 +0100 <r-sta> it says, here, your ussposed to use :trace for a start, and then, this error it doesnt like so youl have to go backl
2025-01-13 18:26:55 +0100 <geekosaur> it means you have something that evaluates itself
2025-01-13 18:26:47 +0100 <r-sta> yeah it even has this special error
2025-01-13 18:26:33 +0100 <geekosaur> I should mention that <<loop>> is a special exception that doesn't behave like normal ones; it's kinda manufactured by STG
2025-01-13 18:26:33 +0100 <r-sta> Try rerunning with :trace, :back then :list