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2024-09-25 13:19:22 +0200kalj(~kalj@h-158-174-207-174.NA.cust.bahnhof.se) kalj
2024-09-25 13:09:21 +0200xff0x(~xff0x@2405:6580:b080:900:bae7:541b:79b5:8d8e)
2024-09-25 13:01:40 +0200lucy(~lucy@user/lucy) lucy
2024-09-25 13:00:37 +0200econo_(uid147250@id-147250.tinside.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2024-09-25 12:57:45 +0200morb(~morb@pool-108-41-100-120.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2024-09-25 12:57:17 +0200kuribas(~user@ip-188-118-57-242.reverse.destiny.be) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2024-09-25 12:55:22 +0200turlando(~turlando@user/turlando) turlando
2024-09-25 12:54:15 +0200turlando(~turlando@user/turlando) ()
2024-09-25 12:53:25 +0200morb(~morb@pool-108-41-100-120.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
2024-09-25 12:52:40 +0200lortabac(~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4)
2024-09-25 12:47:13 +0200lucy_(~lucy@user/lucy) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2024-09-25 12:45:44 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-09-25 12:44:34 +0200CiaoSen(~Jura@2a05:5800:215:5700:ca4b:d6ff:fec1:99da) CiaoSen
2024-09-25 12:43:16 +0200 <Inst> i mean in the output
2024-09-25 12:43:12 +0200 <Inst> needs parens
2024-09-25 12:42:25 +0200 <ski> (`trace` ())
2024-09-25 12:42:04 +0200Smiles(uid551636@id-551636.lymington.irccloud.com) Smiles
2024-09-25 12:41:30 +0200 <Inst> whoops, it's a bug :(
2024-09-25 12:40:48 +0200 <Inst> https://paste.tomsmeding.com/0cihXTeH
2024-09-25 12:30:19 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)
2024-09-25 12:29:45 +0200lortabac(~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2024-09-25 12:25:18 +0200morb(~morb@pool-108-41-100-120.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2024-09-25 12:23:03 +0200migas977(~migas@static.
2024-09-25 12:22:44 +0200 <lambdabot> chromatic says: My productivity increased when Autrijus told me about Haskell's trace function. He called it a refreshing desert in the oasis of referential transparency.
2024-09-25 12:22:44 +0200 <ski> @quote refreshing.desert
2024-09-25 12:19:02 +0200merijn(~merijn@ merijn
2024-09-25 12:16:54 +0200morb(~morb@pool-108-41-100-120.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
2024-09-25 12:16:14 +0200 <Inst> i'm just trying to get to the stage where i'm comfortable enough with Debug.Trace so that it can demonstrate recursion, I just don't think in terms of Debug.Trace for that
2024-09-25 12:15:15 +0200 <tomsmeding> that's not a situation you really want to be in
2024-09-25 12:15:12 +0200 <Inst> yeah, i had a phantom bug with someone's library as a consequence :(
2024-09-25 12:14:59 +0200 <tomsmeding> but it can be tempting to "forget" that the output that you're using very effectively is actually coming from trace calls
2024-09-25 12:14:27 +0200 <tomsmeding> it's an awesome debugging tool
2024-09-25 12:14:21 +0200 <tomsmeding> it's a debugging tool -- yes it says so in the name
2024-09-25 12:14:12 +0200 <Inst> i think it says so in the name?
2024-09-25 12:14:09 +0200 <tomsmeding> (whatever "production" means in your context)
2024-09-25 12:14:00 +0200 <tomsmeding> beware of relying on its behaviour for "production" code though
2024-09-25 12:13:05 +0200 <Inst> but w/e, I guess the essence of today's rant is Debug.Trace is awesome and I should use it more
2024-09-25 12:11:41 +0200 <Inst> Handle__ isn't that bad, tbh, it's mostly IORefs and MVars
2024-09-25 12:11:09 +0200 <tomsmeding> *idea
2024-09-25 12:11:07 +0200 <tomsmeding> that sounds like a bad ide
2024-09-25 12:10:43 +0200 <Inst> tomsmeding: I'm trying to extract the buffer and replace it on use.
2024-09-25 12:07:44 +0200morb(~morb@pool-108-41-100-120.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2024-09-25 12:06:54 +0200merijn(~merijn@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2024-09-25 12:06:39 +0200xff0x(~xff0x@fsb6a9491c.tkyc517.ap.nuro.jp) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2024-09-25 12:06:34 +0200lortabac(~lortabac@2a01:e0a:541:b8f0:55ab:e185:7f81:54a4)
2024-09-25 12:01:24 +0200morb(~morb@pool-108-41-100-120.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
2024-09-25 11:57:00 +0200migas977(~migas@static. (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.github.io)
2024-09-25 11:56:52 +0200misterfish(~misterfis@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2024-09-25 11:53:46 +0200 <tomsmeding> sm: the 'breakpoint' package seems to be a GHC plugin, there's also a suggestively named function at GHC.Exts.breakpoint
2024-09-25 11:53:15 +0200 <tomsmeding> you don't write to it, you read from it