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2024-09-25 00:22:19 +0200merijn(~merijn@204-220-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2024-09-25 00:15:06 +0200demcgovern(~demcgover@ (Quit: Client closed)
2024-09-25 00:13:55 +0200itaipu(~itaipu@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2024-09-25 00:12:30 +0200merijn(~merijn@204-220-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) merijn
2024-09-25 00:11:18 +0200L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) L29Ah
2024-09-25 00:09:59 +0200L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) ()
2024-09-25 00:09:41 +0200L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) L29Ah
2024-09-25 00:01:25 +0200merijn(~merijn@204-220-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2024-09-25 00:00:09 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2024-09-25 00:00:08 +0200Sgeo(~Sgeo@user/sgeo) Sgeo
2024-09-24 23:56:43 +0200merijn(~merijn@204-220-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) merijn
2024-09-24 23:56:12 +0200hgolden_(~hgolden@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2024-09-24 23:51:23 +0200takuan(~takuan@178-116-218-225.access.telenet.be) (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-09-24 23:49:40 +0200__monty__(~toonn@user/toonn) (Quit: leaving)
2024-09-24 23:46:19 +0200merijn(~merijn@204-220-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2024-09-24 23:45:07 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2024-09-24 23:43:42 +0200ljdarj(~Thunderbi@user/ljdarj) ljdarj
2024-09-24 23:43:36 +0200tremon(~tremon@ (Quit: getting boxed in)
2024-09-24 23:42:20 +0200lucy(~lucy@user/lucy) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2024-09-24 23:40:56 +0200merijn(~merijn@204-220-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) merijn
2024-09-24 23:33:51 +0200L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) ()
2024-09-24 23:30:07 +0200merijn(~merijn@204-220-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2024-09-24 23:25:09 +0200merijn(~merijn@204-220-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) merijn
2024-09-24 23:18:00 +0200ubert(~Thunderbi@ ubert
2024-09-24 23:17:51 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com) peterbecich
2024-09-24 23:17:44 +0200 <Rembane> Safety first!
2024-09-24 23:17:30 +0200target_i(~target_i@user/target-i/x-6023099) (Quit: leaving)
2024-09-24 23:15:41 +0200 <darkling> It's the only way to be sure.
2024-09-24 23:15:23 +0200 <Rembane> So everything collapses?
2024-09-24 23:14:39 +0200 <darkling> No need. You just have some observer give it a really hard stare every so often.
2024-09-24 23:14:08 +0200merijn(~merijn@204-220-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2024-09-24 23:12:56 +0200 <Rembane> Do you have iptables installed on your quantum computer?
2024-09-24 23:12:23 +0200 <EvanR> gross
2024-09-24 23:10:30 +0200 <monochrom> I entangled with myself. Are you happy now? >:)
2024-09-24 23:10:05 +0200 <monochrom> Yeah but it was strictly an intranet.
2024-09-24 23:09:45 +0200 <EvanR> are you kidding, those things are full of wormholes
2024-09-24 23:09:24 +0200 <monochrom> I was in a quantum computer, so nothing from the outside entangled with me.
2024-09-24 23:09:22 +0200merijn(~merijn@204-220-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) merijn
2024-09-24 23:09:06 +0200 <Rembane> I slept, was drunk, and wasn't even there. It was his fault!
2024-09-24 23:08:54 +0200 <EvanR> it takes a collision of black holes to get through into there
2024-09-24 23:08:39 +0200 <EvanR> I was in the LIGO detector
2024-09-24 23:08:13 +0200 <monochrom> I was in a Faraday cage.
2024-09-24 23:07:55 +0200 <EvanR> so you really have to have a good alibi to claim "no one heard it"
2024-09-24 23:07:10 +0200 <EvanR> the tree falling event's influence propagates out at the speed of light exerting causal influence on everything in the future light cone
2024-09-24 23:05:56 +0200paddymahoney(~paddymaho@pool-99-250-10-137.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
2024-09-24 23:05:07 +0200 <Rembane> Oh. Sweet! :D
2024-09-24 23:05:05 +0200JuanDaugherty(~juan@user/JuanDaugherty) (Quit: JuanDaugherty)
2024-09-24 23:03:09 +0200 <monochrom> They certainly have multitudes of messaging systems. :)
2024-09-24 23:03:03 +0200 <geekosaur> as vibration, yes
2024-09-24 23:02:47 +0200 <Rembane> Do microbiome hear?