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2024-05-13 20:09:11 +0200 <cheater> i do want it *built* during a normal local or CI build so that the Help module gets typechecked
2024-05-13 20:09:05 +0200 <glguy> You can make it a test component of your package if it building is part of your testing process
2024-05-13 20:08:36 +0200 <glguy> You might even make it buildable:False by default if it's not something a user of the library needs
2024-05-13 20:08:29 +0200raehik(~raehik@rdng-25-b2-v4wan-169990-cust1344.vm39.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2024-05-13 20:08:23 +0200 <cheater> nah it's a lib
2024-05-13 20:08:09 +0200 <glguy> Is your example an executable, then you'd make an extra executable target in the cabal file
2024-05-13 20:07:53 +0200 <cheater> (if any) (this sounds a little tough)
2024-05-13 20:07:44 +0200 <cheater> glguy: what suggestions do you have for that?
2024-05-13 20:07:12 +0200 <glguy> cheater: you'd just need to make sure that your examples didn't get compiled into the library itself. Users of the library shouldn't be including your examples
2024-05-13 20:04:14 +0200 <cheater> or maybe Foo.Bar.Help
2024-05-13 20:03:59 +0200 <cheater> like if i'm writing a reference impl of Foo.Bar.Baz
2024-05-13 20:00:57 +0200 <cheater> [Leary]: what about putting the code right next to module Foo.Bar.Baz in something like Foo.Bar.Reference ?
2024-05-13 19:58:18 +0200gentauro(~gentauro@user/gentauro)
2024-05-13 19:57:59 +0200hgolden(~hgolden@2603:8000:9d00:3ed1:2678:8497:aa5c:7fa9)
2024-05-13 19:57:40 +0200hgolden(~hgolden@2603:8000:9d00:3ed1:2678:8497:aa5c:7fa9) (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-05-13 19:52:46 +0200gentauro(~gentauro@user/gentauro) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-05-13 19:52:28 +0200TheCoffeMaker(~TheCoffeM@user/thecoffemaker)
2024-05-13 19:49:43 +0200waleee(~waleee@h-176-10-144-38.NA.cust.bahnhof.se)
2024-05-13 19:49:22 +0200rosco(~rosco@yp-146-6.tm.net.my)
2024-05-13 19:48:40 +0200TheCoffeMaker(~TheCoffeM@user/thecoffemaker) (Excess Flood)
2024-05-13 19:48:35 +0200falafel_(~falafel@173-245-203-52.iad.as54203.net) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2024-05-13 19:47:16 +0200TheCoffeMaker(~TheCoffeM@user/thecoffemaker)
2024-05-13 19:44:29 +0200TheCoffeMaker(~TheCoffeM@user/thecoffemaker) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2024-05-13 19:42:16 +0200Tuplanolla(~Tuplanoll@91-159-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
2024-05-13 19:39:33 +0200ocra8(ocra8@user/ocra8)
2024-05-13 19:38:34 +0200todi(~todi@p57803331.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2024-05-13 19:37:41 +0200__monty__(~toonn@user/toonn)
2024-05-13 19:32:52 +0200 <zzz> what's going on with this table's formatting? https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/joachim/ghc2024/proposals/0000-ghc2024.rst#8wh…
2024-05-13 19:32:11 +0200Miroboru(~myrvoll@178-164-114.82.3p.ntebredband.no) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2024-05-13 19:21:27 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2024-05-13 19:20:53 +0200 <[Leary]> You can put such a module in extra-source-files, or embed the code in your docs and use 'doctest'.
2024-05-13 19:17:30 +0200 <cheater> divinating recommendations out of test suites is like reading poetry that's been translated to german, then to hungarian
2024-05-13 19:16:54 +0200 <cheater> tests aren't it
2024-05-13 19:16:29 +0200 <cheater> what are y'all approaches to the following? you have a piece of code (library) which is complex to use. you want to write a hello world for it that is self sufficient. do you put that in a separate module somewhere?
2024-05-13 19:13:12 +0200pavonia(~user@user/siracusa) (Quit: Bye!)
2024-05-13 19:09:17 +0200euleritian(~euleritia@dynamic-176-003-078-122.176.3.pool.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2024-05-13 19:03:01 +0200__monty__(~toonn@user/toonn) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2024-05-13 19:02:38 +0200destituion(~destituio@2a02:2121:2c4:e7b9:2895:2152:25e1:7ece) (Quit: Quit)
2024-05-13 19:01:55 +0200xal(~xal@mx1.xal.systems)
2024-05-13 19:01:13 +0200econo_(uid147250@id-147250.tinside.irccloud.com)
2024-05-13 18:51:24 +0200sawilagar(~sawilagar@user/sawilagar) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2024-05-13 18:48:10 +0200mdpete(~mdpete@ ()
2024-05-13 18:43:09 +0200rosco(rosco@gateway/vpn/airvpn/rosco) (Client Quit)
2024-05-13 18:41:14 +0200rosco(rosco@gateway/vpn/airvpn/rosco)
2024-05-13 18:40:31 +0200xal(~xal@mx1.xal.systems) (Client Quit)
2024-05-13 18:38:24 +0200xal(~xal@mx1.xal.systems)
2024-05-13 18:37:59 +0200titibandit(~titibandi@user/titibandit)
2024-05-13 18:37:51 +0200xal(~xal@mx1.xal.systems) (Client Quit)
2024-05-13 18:37:14 +0200xal(~xal@mx1.xal.systems)
2024-05-13 18:36:31 +0200xal(~xal@mx1.xal.systems) (Client Quit)