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2024-05-07 22:37:34 +0200madariaga(~madariaga@user/madariaga)
2024-05-07 22:34:27 +0200barak(~barak@2a0d:6fc2:68c1:7200:3cf2:a87d:a02b:3e21) (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-05-07 22:32:25 +0200TheCoffeMaker(~TheCoffeM@user/thecoffemaker)
2024-05-07 22:27:54 +0200peterbecich(~Thunderbi@syn-047-229-123-186.res.spectrum.com)
2024-05-07 22:23:51 +0200madariaga(~madariaga@user/madariaga) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2024-05-07 22:23:17 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)
2024-05-07 22:19:10 +0200TheCoffeMaker(~TheCoffeM@user/thecoffemaker) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2024-05-07 22:18:47 +0200madariaga(~madariaga@user/madariaga)
2024-05-07 22:16:21 +0200madariaga(~madariaga@user/madariaga) (Client Quit)
2024-05-07 22:16:03 +0200 <EvanR> (you can't even undefine ..... it)
2024-05-07 22:15:36 +0200 <EvanR> (this should put an end to the convo)
2024-05-07 22:15:34 +0200madariaga(~madariaga@user/madariaga)
2024-05-07 22:14:57 +0200 <EvanR> x is a value which can only be used with the function isx and this sentence defining itself
2024-05-07 22:13:48 +0200phma(~phma@2001:5b0:212a:9dd8:b0f:f357:db6e:4d49) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-05-07 22:13:43 +0200 <EvanR> oh
2024-05-07 22:13:39 +0200 <EvanR> then you can't even create your own custom kind list
2024-05-07 22:13:37 +0200 <cheater> could this work?
2024-05-07 22:13:37 +0200 <tomsmeding> then I make a polykinded list type lol
2024-05-07 22:13:30 +0200 <cheater> is that a thing?
2024-05-07 22:13:27 +0200 <cheater> hmm
2024-05-07 22:13:21 +0200 <EvanR> make a custom kind and don't export the kind xD
2024-05-07 22:13:19 +0200 <cheater> right
2024-05-07 22:13:08 +0200tri(~tri@ool-18bbef1a.static.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2024-05-07 22:13:05 +0200 <tomsmeding> I concur with monochrom
2024-05-07 22:13:03 +0200 <tomsmeding> covered that with unboxed ints above
2024-05-07 22:12:45 +0200 <cheater> wouldn't making MySpecialType a different kind than Type be a good way of stopping that from happening?
2024-05-07 22:12:44 +0200 <monochrom> It is perhaps acceptable. This is why the better answer is asking back "what is the motivation?" like I did.
2024-05-07 22:12:29 +0200 <cheater> so like
2024-05-07 22:12:24 +0200 <cheater> i was just getting to that
2024-05-07 22:12:18 +0200 <cheater> right
2024-05-07 22:12:10 +0200 <tomsmeding> then you can still put x in a list
2024-05-07 22:11:59 +0200 <cheater> 4. export x, isx, and not MySpecialType
2024-05-07 22:11:40 +0200 <cheater> 3. add isx :: MySpecialType -> Bool
2024-05-07 22:11:27 +0200 <cheater> 2. add x :: MySpecialType
2024-05-07 22:11:22 +0200 <cheater> 1. start a new module
2024-05-07 22:11:07 +0200 <cheater> energizer: it's easy to create something like this in the following way
2024-05-07 22:09:42 +0200demon-cat(~demon-cat@dund-15-b2-v4wan-169642-cust1347.vm6.cable.virginm.net)
2024-05-07 22:08:50 +0200waleee(~waleee@h-176-10-144-38.NA.cust.bahnhof.se)
2024-05-07 22:08:49 +0200causal(~eric@
2024-05-07 22:08:36 +0200 <EvanR> oh yeah, only goes in left pocket is a good one
2024-05-07 22:08:32 +0200tri(~tri@ool-18bbef1a.static.optonline.net)
2024-05-07 22:07:40 +0200 <EvanR> as if anyone you presented it to could see some identifying mark and it was a vast conspiracy
2024-05-07 22:07:32 +0200 <monochrom> Oh I'm just sharpening the analogy. I'm with you. :)
2024-05-07 22:07:00 +0200 <EvanR> yeah but imagine if it was a real legal tender $20 USD note, or canadian if necessary, it just doesn't work
2024-05-07 22:06:57 +0200 <monochrom> In which case the better analogy is "$20 coupon but you can only put it in your left pocket not the right pocket" which is WTF and that would be right, WTF.
2024-05-07 22:05:58 +0200 <monochrom> But s/$20 bill/$20 coupon/ and that one is a pretty common thing IRL. :)
2024-05-07 22:05:10 +0200 <monochrom> You can always remember x. Then it exists in your mind, and no one can take it away. Or use it wrong. :)
2024-05-07 22:05:06 +0200 <glguy> Maybe we need universities to run introduction to deprogramming courses
2024-05-07 22:04:52 +0200 <EvanR> constructively speaking
2024-05-07 22:04:33 +0200 <EvanR> that would not satisfy one of the goals "x exists"