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2024-05-07 16:28:59 +0200 <Franciman> multi-types is related to linear logic and resource management
2024-05-07 16:28:52 +0200 <Franciman> EXACTLY
2024-05-07 16:28:36 +0200 <Franciman> that's where things get kinda interesting :D
2024-05-07 16:28:30 +0200 <Franciman> ski: eheheh, you can use the non-idempotence to count the number of occurrences of a term
2024-05-07 16:28:28 +0200tromp(~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2024-05-07 16:28:15 +0200 <Franciman> i was in the bathroom
2024-05-07 16:28:13 +0200 <Franciman> sorry here i am
2024-05-07 16:25:29 +0200lg188(~lg188@ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2024-05-07 16:24:51 +0200danse-nr3(~danse-nr3@
2024-05-07 16:24:27 +0200danse-nr3(~danse-nr3@ (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-05-07 16:22:53 +0200johnw(~johnw@
2024-05-07 16:22:40 +0200johnw(~johnw@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2024-05-07 16:21:40 +0200 <ski> mm, so they're gathered together
2024-05-07 16:19:31 +0200ats49(~ats@ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2024-05-07 16:19:24 +0200 <ncf> so, no, but yes
2024-05-07 16:19:03 +0200 <ncf> seems like contexts are assignments of multisets to variables
2024-05-07 16:17:47 +0200 <ski> now i'm wondering whether contexts can include multiple typings for the same identifier (and whether the function abstraction just removes one of them)
2024-05-07 16:16:38 +0200 <ski> right
2024-05-07 16:16:26 +0200ski's still skimming back and forth a bit
2024-05-07 16:16:11 +0200 <ncf> ax rule for multi types is on page 8
2024-05-07 16:16:10 +0200 <ski> mhm
2024-05-07 16:16:03 +0200 <ncf> that's the "set types" system
2024-05-07 16:15:11 +0200 <ski> (see `ax', page 4)
2024-05-07 16:14:59 +0200 <ski> well, i guess weakening does seem to be implicitly included in rules with zero premisses
2024-05-07 16:14:37 +0200tri(~tri@ool-18bbef1a.static.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2024-05-07 16:13:57 +0200 <ski> modulo presence of modalities like "of course", of course
2024-05-07 16:13:46 +0200 <ski> i suppose must, with no weakening
2024-05-07 16:12:32 +0200 <ncf> s/can/must/?
2024-05-07 16:12:17 +0200 <ncf> s/term/function input/
2024-05-07 16:12:08 +0200 <ncf> so if a term has type [τ, τ] you can use it twice, basically
2024-05-07 16:12:00 +0200ats49(~ats@
2024-05-07 16:11:46 +0200 <ncf> ski: it seems like the non-idempotence makes a difference because you additionally remove weakening and contraction
2024-05-07 16:10:03 +0200tri(~tri@ool-18bbef1a.static.optonline.net)
2024-05-07 16:09:59 +0200 <ski> they might just be swapping and thrashing a bit
2024-05-07 16:09:35 +0200 <danse-nr3> we lost Franciman i am afraid...
2024-05-07 16:09:09 +0200 <ski> ("LL" referring to "Linear Logic")
2024-05-07 16:09:00 +0200 <ski> "The multi set semantics is in fact exactly the relational semantics of LL restricted to the image of the (CbN) encoding of λ-terms." sounds interesting
2024-05-07 16:08:53 +0200demon-cat(~demon-cat@dund-15-b2-v4wan-169642-cust1347.vm6.cable.virginm.net)
2024-05-07 16:05:55 +0200 <ski> Franciman : hm, also, if you have intersection of `tau' and `tau', how does that differ from simply `tau' (so wherein does the non-idempotence lie) ?
2024-05-07 16:05:05 +0200ezzieyguywuf(~Unknown@user/ezzieyguywuf)
2024-05-07 16:03:28 +0200 <ski> the same run-time value to be simultaneously of all the relevant types (so more like type-erasure for polymorphism, or subsumption for subtyping) ?
2024-05-07 16:03:23 +0200ezzieyguywuf(~Unknown@user/ezzieyguywuf) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2024-05-07 16:03:22 +0200 <ski> Franciman : yea, anyway. the point of my question was really kinda asking about which kind of operational semantics you want .. do you want to pass around multiple values, for a term of an intersection type (and then picking out a part of the intersection corresponds to projecting out the desired value out of those, so more like ad hoc overloading, except also resolvable at run-time) ? or do you intend for
2024-05-07 16:01:49 +0200euleritian(~euleritia@dynamic-176-004-187-187.176.4.pool.telefonica.de)
2024-05-07 16:01:16 +0200micro(~micro@user/micro)
2024-05-07 16:00:20 +0200 <ncf> ski: well i was looking at notes.pdf, i assume they describe the same system
2024-05-07 15:59:41 +0200 <danse-nr3> i don't know much about multi-types, but intersection types look like interfaces from what i quickly found? Aren't haskell classes something like that?
2024-05-07 15:59:41 +0200euleritian(~euleritia@ip4d16fc38.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2024-05-07 15:59:30 +0200 <ski> "this seems like a restriction of linear logic to just ⊗ and ⊸" -- the aforementioned paper ?
2024-05-07 15:56:36 +0200 <danse-nr3> fanciest brackets i have seen in a while...