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2024-09-28 11:20:30 +0200DigitteknohippieDigit
2024-09-28 10:47:18 +0200Digit(~user@user/digit) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2024-09-28 10:46:36 +0200Digitteknohippie(~user@user/digit) Digit
2024-09-28 10:44:32 +0200ash3en(~Thunderbi@2a03:7846:b6eb:101:93ac:a90a:da67:f207) ash3en
2024-09-28 06:07:59 +0200td_(~td@ td_
2024-09-28 06:06:29 +0200td_(~td@i53870909.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2024-09-28 04:24:32 +0200wisconsin(~user@73.red-83-53-186.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-09-28 04:15:00 +0200td_(~td@i53870909.versanet.de) td_
2024-09-28 04:13:29 +0200td_(~td@i5387092C.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2024-09-28 01:22:51 +0200alp_(~alp@2001:861:e3d6:8f80:995f:117d:7c12:db9c) (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-09-28 00:50:47 +0200 <wisconsin> geekosaur: thanks, very kind to fill in that issue to enhance docs.
2024-09-28 00:48:39 +0200 <geekosaur> https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/issues/906
2024-09-28 00:45:04 +0200 <wisconsin> Lears: thanks, im a bit confused about the last part as my system is not yet in flake form, just traditional. I only use flakes for dev envs. i'll try to see if i can figure it out.
2024-09-28 00:41:08 +0200geekosauris recording this discussion in a documentation request issue
2024-09-28 00:36:12 +0200 <Lears> wisconsin: By using it with the xmonad-contrib flake, as the link above details, with the system flake input like: `xmonad-contrib = { type = "git"; url = "file:///path/to/xmonad-contrib"; ref = "your-pr-branch" };`
2024-09-28 00:28:03 +0200 <wisconsin> Lears: thanks, and how do i test my xmonad-contrib in nixos once its building?
2024-09-28 00:06:03 +0200ft(~ft@p4fc2acce.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ft
2024-09-28 00:03:12 +0200ft(~ft@p4fc2acce.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2024-09-27 23:43:11 +0200ChubaDuba(~ChubaDuba@ (Quit: WeeChat 4.3.3)
2024-09-27 23:34:40 +0200 <Lears> wisconsin: If you're on NixOS, see https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/blob/master/NIX.md for an intro to using the the flake.
2024-09-27 23:33:31 +0200 <wisconsin> Lears: yes, i had done that with other WMs, pointing to locally patched branches, i'll see if can do that too.
2024-09-27 23:32:45 +0200 <Lears> Rather, I point my system flake at the local branch's.
2024-09-27 23:31:33 +0200 <Lears> There isn't really one workflow. I mostly just let `ghcid -a` rebuild with cabal when I write changes. When I'm ready to test, I point the flake's NixOS module at the local branch and rebuild my system.
2024-09-27 23:29:36 +0200 <geekosaur> I suspect it won't help much with a Nix setup since it's all very cabal + git
2024-09-27 23:28:37 +0200 <geekosaur> mine is `cabal build` until it seems to be ready, then build my config against it to test, but I have a fully cabalized config (https://github.com/geekosaur/xmonad.hs)
2024-09-27 23:26:22 +0200 <wisconsin> Lears: Thanks, I had gotten that far, but then had some trouble with cabal. what's the cabal workflow?
2024-09-27 22:24:27 +0200yaslam(~yaslam@user/yaslam) yaslam
2024-09-27 22:17:07 +0200 <Lears> wisconsin: Not that I'm aware of, but you can pretty much just `nix develop .` in your xmonad-contrib clone then use cabal like normal.
2024-09-27 22:08:54 +0200 <wisconsin> i have some minor improvements i'd like to submit to xmonad-contrib, but im unfamiliar with haskell's + nix tooling, and no longer have access to a simpler arch setup.
2024-09-27 22:07:26 +0200 <wisconsin> hi, is there a walkthrough somewhere explaining how to build and test xmonad and xmonad-contrib using nix?
2024-09-27 21:51:35 +0200ash3en(~Thunderbi@2a03:7846:b6eb:101:93ac:a90a:da67:f207) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2024-09-27 21:42:53 +0200ChubaDuba(~ChubaDuba@ ChubaDuba
2024-09-27 21:42:30 +0200ChubaDuba(~ChubaDuba@ (Quit: WeeChat 4.3.3)
2024-09-27 21:31:42 +0200yaslam(~yaslam@user/yaslam) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-09-27 21:13:44 +0200ash3en(~Thunderbi@2a03:7846:b6eb:101:93ac:a90a:da67:f207) ash3en
2024-09-27 21:05:49 +0200wisconsin(~user@73.red-83-53-186.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)
2024-09-27 21:05:18 +0200foobarz(~user@73.red-83-53-186.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Client Quit)
2024-09-27 21:05:11 +0200foobarz(~user@73.red-83-53-186.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)
2024-09-27 20:36:38 +0200ash3en(~Thunderbi@2a03:7846:b6eb:101:93ac:a90a:da67:f207) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2024-09-27 20:12:35 +0200todi(~todi@p57803331.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) todi
2024-09-27 20:11:51 +0200todi(~todi@p57803331.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Max SendQ exceeded)
2024-09-27 20:11:08 +0200_qw(~eqw@user/eqw) eqw
2024-09-27 20:11:08 +0200todi(~todi@p57803331.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) todi
2024-09-27 20:10:35 +0200wsx_wsx
2024-09-27 20:10:33 +0200PotatoGim(sid99505@id-99505.lymington.irccloud.com) (*.net *.split)
2024-09-27 20:10:32 +0200berberman_(~berberman@user/berberman) (*.net *.split)
2024-09-27 20:10:31 +0200wsx(055e6b628d@2a03:6000:1812:100::dd6) (*.net *.split)
2024-09-27 20:10:29 +0200_qw(~eqw@user/eqw) (*.net *.split)
2024-09-27 20:10:29 +0200todi(~todi@p57803331.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (*.net *.split)
2024-09-27 20:05:15 +0200PotatoGim_(sid99505@id-99505.lymington.irccloud.com)