
2024-02-11 00:25:53 +0100 <xacktm> L29Ah: surprisingly not that much, only around ~25. just passing --restart didn't do it, I had to quit-and-relog X server then --restart worked again
2024-02-11 00:26:41 +0100 <xacktm> but I did have to change some deprecated configs in between so maybe that was the blocker, idk
2024-02-11 00:27:27 +0100 <xacktm> I just saw somewhere online that the whole state of something is passed as an argument to xmonad on restart and sometimes it's too big and fails silently
2024-02-11 00:31:40 +0100 <geekosaur> that changed several versions ago, the state is stored in a temporary file and that file is passed on restart
2024-02-11 00:32:28 +0100hightower2(~hightower@ (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-02-11 00:45:33 +0100 <xacktm> ok, maybe it wasn't that issue then, since I was previously running 0.17.2 according to audit logs. hopefully it was random and I don't come across it anymore
2024-02-11 00:45:39 +0100tremon(~tremon@ (Quit: getting boxed in)
2024-02-11 00:48:39 +0100 <geekosaur> (the change was in 0.13 fwiw)
2024-02-11 04:33:29 +0100td_(~td@i53870917.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2024-02-11 04:35:17 +0100td_(~td@i5387093C.versanet.de)
2024-02-11 08:45:39 +0100L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2024-02-11 08:49:51 +0100L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah)
2024-02-11 09:00:11 +0100Natch(~natch@ (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-02-11 09:05:29 +0100Natch(~natch@c-9e07225c.038-60-73746f7.bbcust.telenor.se)
2024-02-11 10:42:31 +0100todi(~todi@p4fd1aef3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
2024-02-11 10:52:34 +0100todi(~todi@p4fd1aef3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2024-02-11 11:51:54 +0100derfflinger(~derffling@user/derfflinger)
2024-02-11 12:38:02 +0100derfflinger(~derffling@user/derfflinger) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2024-02-11 12:55:13 +0100derfflinger(~derffling@user/derfflinger)
2024-02-11 13:15:30 +0100derfflinger(~derffling@user/derfflinger) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2024-02-11 13:37:44 +0100thunderrd(~thunderrd@
2024-02-11 17:34:24 +0100scardinal(~supreme@0x573d64a9.static.cust.fastspeed.dk) (Quit: leaving)
2024-02-11 17:44:27 +0100scardinal(~supreme@0x573d64a9.static.cust.fastspeed.dk)
2024-02-11 17:45:29 +0100thunderrd(~thunderrd@ (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-02-11 18:16:11 +0100catman(~catman@user/catman) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2024-02-11 19:00:59 +0100catman(~catman@user/catman)
2024-02-11 19:09:39 +0100catman(~catman@user/catman) (Quit: WeeChat 4.3.0-dev)
2024-02-11 19:10:01 +0100catman(~catman@ool-43517299.dyn.optonline.net)
2024-02-11 19:10:01 +0100catman(~catman@ool-43517299.dyn.optonline.net) (Changing host)
2024-02-11 19:10:01 +0100catman(~catman@user/catman)
2024-02-11 23:02:47 +0100Miroboru(~myrvoll@178-164-114.82.3p.ntebredband.no)
2024-02-11 23:07:55 +0100todi(~todi@p4fd1aef3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
2024-02-11 23:10:54 +0100DangerBird(~DangerBir@dhcp-v215-170.vp.reshsg.uci.edu)
2024-02-11 23:10:56 +0100DangerBird(~DangerBir@dhcp-v215-170.vp.reshsg.uci.edu) (Remote host closed the connection)
2024-02-11 23:20:31 +0100dysthesis(~dysthesis@user/dysthesis)