
2023-04-21 00:05:40 +0200 <jabuxas> i discovered another interesting thing, with `xmonad ... . ewmh` some windows have their border flickering and spike cpu usage for xmonad, and another thing with xmobar consuming a lot of cpu.. well i'll send a video of the first one demostrating it.
2023-04-21 00:08:21 +0200 <jabuxas> https://imgur.com/a/JNTyey4
2023-04-21 00:08:39 +0200 <geekosaur> xmobar will depend on what version, several have bugs
2023-04-21 00:09:04 +0200 <jabuxas> xmobar is 0.46
2023-04-21 00:10:02 +0200 <geekosaur> I don't know if you got my earlier one but your game window was requesting a resize the ICCCM way (we neither advertise nor support EWMH move/resize) and that may be causing it to get tiled. I'll have to dig at how we handle ConfigureRequest
2023-04-21 00:10:25 +0200 <geekosaur> liskin? know anything about xmobar 0.46?
2023-04-21 00:10:47 +0200 <jabuxas> the issue with xmobar is that it spikes very fast to 100% cpu usage when changing windows fast, it's because of the UnsafeXMonadLog monitor, if I remove it the issue goes away, could it be because "Unsafe"?
2023-04-21 00:11:00 +0200 <geekosaur> (I know practically nothing about xmobar besides that some versions are buggy. I don't use it, and it's not really part of the xmonad project)
2023-04-21 00:11:32 +0200 <geekosaur> "Unsafe" means it'll accept commands as part of what xmonad sends it
2023-04-21 00:11:48 +0200 <geekosaur> if you removed it completley then it's not accepting input from xmonad at all
2023-04-21 00:12:06 +0200 <geekosaur> sounds like it may have infelicities in rendering
2023-04-21 00:12:47 +0200 <jabuxas> geekosaur: no I didn't see that, thank you. I read somewhere that xmonad is by default is icccm, that's why without ewmh it works?
2023-04-21 00:13:21 +0200 <geekosaur> it may be, since we wouldn't be advertising ewmh support so many programs would fall back to icccm
2023-04-21 00:17:33 +0200 <jabuxas> by changing windows i mean changing window focus. with 1 xmobar the cpu doesn't straight up peaks to 100%, but with 2 running at the same time it explodes fast
2023-04-21 00:18:23 +0200 <jabuxas> imgur really lowers the video quality by a lot, what a shame
2023-04-21 00:18:50 +0200 <jabuxas> can barely see the flickering
2023-04-21 00:19:07 +0200 <geekosaur> was gonna say, I didn't see much there
2023-04-21 00:19:16 +0200 <geekosaur> (sorry, making dinner)
2023-04-21 00:19:51 +0200 <jabuxas> no problem, i'll try to find another platform to upload it - any suggestions?
2023-04-21 00:22:39 +0200 <geekosaur> nope, I generally use imgur because that's what my screenshooter uses
2023-04-21 00:28:10 +0200 <jabuxas> https://youtu.be/hlJFDnnAQP4
2023-04-21 00:28:17 +0200 <jabuxas> youtube works for high res
2023-04-21 00:29:51 +0200 <geekosaur> hm. I think you may have an actual bug there
2023-04-21 00:30:09 +0200 <geekosaur> programs are allowed to set focus to other windows, such as modal dialogs (like that one)
2023-04-21 00:30:36 +0200 <geekosaur> I don't think we try to handle that, we'll just set focus back where we think it belongs
2023-04-21 00:30:43 +0200 <geekosaur> could you file that?
2023-04-21 00:32:35 +0200 <geekosaur> not that I'm quite sure what to do about it in focus follows mouse mode
2023-04-21 00:33:11 +0200 <jabuxas> i'll try, i'm just not sure on the right wording for it
2023-04-21 00:34:46 +0200 <geekosaur> (if anyone comes on this discussion later: WM_TRANSIENT_FOR)
2023-04-21 00:41:29 +0200 <jabuxas> on the minimal configuration file, is `main = xmonad $ ewmh def` syntax correct?
2023-04-21 00:49:29 +0200 <jabuxas> #452, anything I should edit geekosaur?
2023-04-21 00:51:42 +0200 <geekosaur> syntax is correct, yes
2023-04-21 00:52:01 +0200 <geekosaur> I'm reviewing how to identify modal dialogs via ICCCM
2023-04-21 00:52:59 +0200 <geekosaur> seems good enough
2023-04-21 00:54:43 +0200 <jabuxas> good :)
2023-04-21 01:17:53 +0200 <jabuxas> i uploaded some more videos demonstrating then the other 3 bugs, namely xmobar, league client being tiled, and #450
2023-04-21 01:29:04 +0200 <xmonadtrack> New xmonad-contrib branch created: pull/811 (1 commit) https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/pull/811
2023-04-21 01:40:15 +0200mncheck(~mncheck@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2023-04-21 01:49:58 +0200noze`(~user@2001:41d0:a:21f1::1)
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2023-04-21 02:44:58 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
2023-04-21 04:05:20 +0200td_(~td@i53870923.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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2023-04-21 04:33:42 +0200srk(~sorki@user/srk) (Quit: ZNC 1.8.1 - https://znc.in)
2023-04-21 04:34:02 +0200srk(~sorki@user/srk)
2023-04-21 05:03:05 +0200td_(~td@i53870924.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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2023-04-21 05:21:04 +0200L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2023-04-21 05:49:28 +0200[Leary](~Leary]@user/Leary/x-0910699) (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-04-21 05:49:44 +0200[Leary](~Leary]@user/Leary/x-0910699)
2023-04-21 06:08:06 +0200[Leary](~Leary]@user/Leary/x-0910699) (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-04-21 06:08:21 +0200[Leary](~Leary]@user/Leary/x-0910699)
2023-04-21 07:38:44 +0200 <Solid[m]> mc47 liskin geekosaur [Leary] +1 for merging the core PR (after the issues with Repeatable et.al. are fixed), but I also think that we shouldn't merge the manageHook stuff, as breaking every user config that ever used windows (even in a 1.0 release) seems like a very bad idea
2023-04-21 07:39:01 +0200 <Solid[m]> and mc47 congratulations :)
2023-04-21 08:24:02 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2023-04-21 08:25:45 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
2023-04-21 08:47:50 +0200mncheck(~mncheck@
2023-04-21 09:00:51 +0200T_X(~T_X@diktynna.open-mesh.org) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2023-04-21 09:01:00 +0200T_X(~T_X@diktynna.open-mesh.org)
2023-04-21 09:27:10 +0200ft(~ft@p4fc2a88b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: leaving)
2023-04-21 10:17:22 +0200cfricke(~cfricke@user/cfricke)
2023-04-21 11:00:09 +0200liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768) (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)
2023-04-21 11:00:09 +0200unclechu(~unclechu@2001:470:69fc:105::354) (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)
2023-04-21 11:09:58 +0200mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47)
2023-04-21 11:10:21 +0200 <mc47> Thanks Solid!
2023-04-21 11:10:36 +0200liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768)
2023-04-21 11:10:50 +0200unclechu(~unclechu@2001:470:69fc:105::354)
2023-04-21 11:13:13 +0200 <mc47> On an unrelated note, my friend who works at TNG reached out and told me if one of us could present a talk/workshop about xmonad there. The hackathon is probably during summer
2023-04-21 11:14:28 +0200 <mc47> Not sure I can attend since I'll probably be travelling during the time
2023-04-21 12:32:24 +0200malook(~Thunderbi@2a02:9b0:404d:2c48:cd5b:8fd3:a852:6df1)
2023-04-21 12:35:52 +0200 <liskin> geekosaur: we do handle ConfigureRequest, and I have an upcoming PR to contrib to customize that handling
2023-04-21 12:36:19 +0200 <liskin> Unlikely to help jabuxas though
2023-04-21 12:36:25 +0200 <liskin> mc47: what's tng.
2023-04-21 12:37:02 +0200 <mc47> It's a company based in Munich, they organize the MuniHac hackathon
2023-04-21 12:40:40 +0200 <liskin> I see
2023-04-21 12:54:42 +0200 <mc47[m]> Solid @slot-:matrix.org came last year, I wanted to come but I literally couldn't get out of bed
2023-04-21 13:02:50 +0200Magician(deepy@user/deepy)
2023-04-21 13:04:22 +0200deepy(deepy@user/deepy) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2023-04-21 13:06:35 +0200malook(~Thunderbi@2a02:9b0:404d:2c48:cd5b:8fd3:a852:6df1) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2023-04-21 13:18:16 +0200 <liskin> https://maintainermonth.github.com/schedule
2023-04-21 13:18:42 +0200 <liskin> and there's more: https://github.com/community/maintainers/discussions/315
2023-04-21 13:18:49 +0200 <liskin> (I don't think I have the capacity for any of this)
2023-04-21 13:30:54 +0200horzion(~horzion@ProtonDB/horzion)
2023-04-21 13:32:40 +0200 <horzion> i am trying to figure out to make zoom less annoying to handle. it always opens 2-3 totally black windows whenever switching rooms that disappear automatically. it also opens a black window when someone shares their screen and it opens a permanent white window for some notifications while everything else stays in one winodw (with exception of the chat, that sometimes opens in an own window)
2023-04-21 14:21:25 +0200cfricke(~cfricke@user/cfricke) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2023-04-21 15:15:59 +0200 <Solid[m]> mc47 if you can tell me the time I can tell you if I'm available
2023-04-21 15:16:18 +0200 <Solid[m]> summer is also conference season, but I hope I can squeeze it in somehow
2023-04-21 15:22:04 +0200 <mc47> I'll keep you updated :+1:
2023-04-21 15:24:27 +0200ft(~ft@p4fc2a88b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2023-04-21 15:40:11 +0200rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@bras-base-orllon1122w-grc-04-174-88-193-177.dsl.bell.ca)
2023-04-21 15:46:40 +0200rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@bras-base-orllon1122w-grc-04-174-88-193-177.dsl.bell.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2023-04-21 16:02:38 +0200rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@bras-base-orllon1122w-grc-04-174-88-193-177.dsl.bell.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2023-04-21 16:08:47 +0200rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@bras-base-orllon1122w-grc-04-174-88-193-177.dsl.bell.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-04-21 16:12:13 +0200rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@bras-base-orllon1122w-grc-04-174-88-193-177.dsl.bell.ca)
2023-04-21 16:17:22 +0200rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@bras-base-orllon1122w-grc-04-174-88-193-177.dsl.bell.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-04-21 16:22:00 +0200rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@bras-base-orllon1122w-grc-04-174-88-193-177.dsl.bell.ca)
2023-04-21 16:28:08 +0200 <xmonadtrack> xmonad-contrib Mahdi Seyedan {Brandon S Allbery KF8NH} * v0.17.1-152-gcf00d2d2: Add CenterMainFluid layout (16 hours ago, 3 files, 104+ 0-) https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/commit/cf00d2d2371a
2023-04-21 16:33:24 +0200malook(~Thunderbi@
2023-04-21 17:09:17 +0200mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47) (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-04-21 17:32:25 +0200jabuxas(~jabuxas@user/jabuxas) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2023-04-21 17:34:08 +0200jabuxas(~jabuxas@user/jabuxas)
2023-04-21 17:44:28 +0200rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@bras-base-orllon1122w-grc-04-174-88-193-177.dsl.bell.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2023-04-21 17:54:35 +0200rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@bras-base-orllon1122w-grc-04-174-88-193-177.dsl.bell.ca)
2023-04-21 18:00:07 +0200liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768) (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)
2023-04-21 18:00:07 +0200unclechu(~unclechu@2001:470:69fc:105::354) (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)
2023-04-21 18:37:55 +0200thunderrd(~thunderrd@
2023-04-21 18:40:05 +0200thunderrd(~thunderrd@ (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-04-21 18:46:17 +0200 <geekosaur> well, haven't solved the modal dialog issue (if in fact we can solve it; there's a reason Windows, which uses modal dialogs extensively, uses click-to-focus), but have fixed most of the glitches in debugEvents
2023-04-21 18:46:25 +0200 <geekosaur> (still testing locally)
2023-04-21 18:46:29 +0200liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768)
2023-04-21 18:46:43 +0200unclechu(~unclechu@2001:470:69fc:105::354)
2023-04-21 18:51:08 +0200thunderrd(~thunderrd@
2023-04-21 18:57:10 +0200 <jabuxas> i can get the logs on that dialog if needed
2023-04-21 18:57:51 +0200 <jabuxas> i'm thinking about ditching xmobar but still don't know a good bar or if i really want one
2023-04-21 18:58:40 +0200 <geekosaur> I don't think more logs will help. focus-follows-mouse is just fundamentally incompatible with Windows-style modals (where the application actively transfers focus to the modal)
2023-04-21 18:59:08 +0200 <geekosaur> gtk modals for e.g. logins just deactivate the app window so you can't do anything if you focus it
2023-04-21 18:59:22 +0200 <geekosaur> polybar is a common replacement for xmobar
2023-04-21 19:00:06 +0200horzion(~horzion@ProtonDB/horzion) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2023-04-21 19:28:13 +0200Guest52(~Guest52@p5b320eed.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2023-04-21 19:28:13 +0200malook(~Thunderbi@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2023-04-21 19:31:25 +0200 <Guest52> Hi, I have a problem using the rescreenHook. I have set it up so that autorandr --change gets executed on afterRescreenHook. It works but only once.
2023-04-21 19:31:25 +0200 <Guest52> After I detach my external monitor it switches back to my undocked profile (laptop monitor only output). If I connect my external monitor again I have to manually execute autorandr --change.
2023-04-21 19:32:02 +0200 <Guest52> If I recompile xmonad it works ahain. But only for one execution.
2023-04-21 19:33:00 +0200Guest52(~Guest52@p5b320eed.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit)
2023-04-21 19:33:54 +0200 <geekosaur> liskin? I kinow 0 about afterRescreenHook
2023-04-21 20:15:21 +0200Guest52(~Guest52@p200300d2771c89bde2711b4575fa82c0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2023-04-21 20:21:48 +0200jabuxas(~jabuxas@user/jabuxas) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2023-04-21 20:23:41 +0200jabuxas(~jabuxas@user/jabuxas)
2023-04-21 20:27:19 +0200Guest52(~Guest52@p200300d2771c89bde2711b4575fa82c0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Client closed)
2023-04-21 20:40:31 +0200jabuxas(~jabuxas@user/jabuxas) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2023-04-21 20:42:29 +0200horzion(~horzion@ProtonDB/horzion)
2023-04-21 20:48:39 +0200Guest52(~Guest52@p200300d2771c89bde2711b4575fa82c0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2023-04-21 20:50:10 +0200Guest52(~Guest52@p200300d2771c89bde2711b4575fa82c0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit)
2023-04-21 21:06:08 +0200horzion(~horzion@ProtonDB/horzion) (Quit: Off praying to the Omnissiah)
2023-04-21 22:08:09 +0200jabuxas(~jabuxas@user/jabuxas)
2023-04-21 22:29:43 +0200Guest8(~Guest8@p200300d2771c89bd98be690d4e23634c.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2023-04-21 22:36:36 +0200horzion(~horzion@ProtonDB/horzion)
2023-04-21 22:37:31 +0200Guest8(~Guest8@p200300d2771c89bd98be690d4e23634c.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Client closed)
2023-04-21 22:42:01 +0200 <geekosaur> think I got all the debugEvents bugs sorted. want to add one prop before making a PR
2023-04-21 22:42:22 +0200 <geekosaur> found a bug in DebugWindow in the process, which I need to figure out more
2023-04-21 22:43:26 +0200 <geekosaur> and I think I found why adding STICKY to my manageHook causes windows to randomly follow me around: for some reason mate-panel is marked sticky and this confuses xmonad
2023-04-21 22:44:45 +0200horzion(~horzion@ProtonDB/horzion) (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-04-21 22:49:49 +0200horzion(~horzion@ProtonDB/horzion)
2023-04-21 22:51:17 +0200 <horzion> i am trying to get gparted running, but when executed nothing appears. on kde it would ask me for my password. i am guessing i am missing something with polkit? i looked for a solution in the wiki, but didnt come to a solution yet, but feel close. maybe someone can give me the push i need?
2023-04-21 22:54:01 +0200 <geekosaur> https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Polkit#Authentication_agents
2023-04-21 22:55:03 +0200horzion(~horzion@ProtonDB/horzion) (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-04-21 23:00:58 +0200horzion(~horzion@ProtonDB/horzion)
2023-04-21 23:01:38 +0200 <horzion> yeah, i looked up the thing with user agents, but somehow the kde one doesnt want to start?
2023-04-21 23:02:42 +0200 <geekosaur> the gnome and kde ones almost certainly want a full desktop environment and may require their desktop environment. I'd try the LXDE one first
2023-04-21 23:03:22 +0200 <geekosaur> it's also I think possible to run the polkit agent directly but I don't know how well that will work since it comes from a private directory and has no UI that I'm aware of
2023-04-21 23:03:37 +0200 <geekosaur> (I run xmonad with Mate so I get its polkit agent)
2023-04-21 23:05:56 +0200 <horzion> i see
2023-04-21 23:06:32 +0200 <jabuxas> i always used lxqt-policykit-agent, works standalone good enough
2023-04-21 23:06:53 +0200 <horzion> wouldnt it conflict with kdes one?
2023-04-21 23:07:39 +0200 <jabuxas> no since kde's one won't really start if you're not using kde, and they're different programs so it wouldn't uninstall kde's
2023-04-21 23:07:39 +0200 <geekosaur> are you runningt xmonad under kde? in that case you should get kde's; the window manager wouldn't affect that
2023-04-21 23:09:36 +0200 <horzion> nah i am not. but if its in .xinitrc it would iirc. but i just put the polkit in my autostart hook
2023-04-21 23:09:42 +0200 <horzion> well, startup hook
2023-04-21 23:09:47 +0200 <horzion> and works like a charm
2023-04-21 23:09:50 +0200 <horzion> thank you very much
2023-04-21 23:22:21 +0200horzion(~horzion@ProtonDB/horzion) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2023-04-21 23:22:35 +0200horzion(~horzion@ProtonDB/horzion)
2023-04-21 23:29:07 +0200horzion(~horzion@ProtonDB/horzion) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2023-04-21 23:47:22 +0200mncheck(~mncheck@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)