
2023-03-30 00:31:38 +0200fnurglewitz(uid263868@id-263868.lymington.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2023-03-30 01:10:36 +0200chomwitt(~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a0f:e00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2023-03-30 01:22:55 +0200mncheck(~mncheck@ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2023-03-30 01:49:43 +0200catman(~catman@user/catman)
2023-03-30 01:53:27 +0200catman(~catman@user/catman) (Client Quit)
2023-03-30 04:10:59 +0200[Leary](~Leary]@user/Leary/x-0910699) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2023-03-30 04:28:33 +0200td_(~td@i53870923.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2023-03-30 04:30:26 +0200td_(~td@i53870922.versanet.de)
2023-03-30 06:01:59 +0200m5zs7k(aquares@web10.mydevil.net) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2023-03-30 06:03:54 +0200m5zs7k(aquares@web10.mydevil.net)
2023-03-30 07:21:25 +0200stellacy(~stellacy@gateway/tor-sasl/stellacy) (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-03-30 07:28:25 +0200chomwitt(~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a0f:e00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)
2023-03-30 08:39:13 +0200mncheck(~mncheck@
2023-03-30 10:22:55 +0200[Leary](~Leary]@user/Leary/x-0910699)
2023-03-30 10:26:14 +0200stellacy(~stellacy@gateway/tor-sasl/stellacy)
2023-03-30 10:27:21 +0200stellacy(~stellacy@gateway/tor-sasl/stellacy) (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-03-30 10:28:20 +0200stellacy(~stellacy@gateway/tor-sasl/stellacy)
2023-03-30 10:29:08 +0200ft(~ft@p4fc2a88b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: leaving)
2023-03-30 10:54:25 +0200mncheck(~mncheck@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2023-03-30 11:24:19 +0200tridactyl(~tridactyl@user/tridactyl)
2023-03-30 11:25:25 +0200 <tridactyl> hello, is there a developer online? i was wondering why xmonad uses xlib instead of xcb
2023-03-30 11:25:39 +0200liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768)
2023-03-30 11:26:08 +0200 <tridactyl> was it easier to use xlib for the creation of xmonad or some other reason?
2023-03-30 11:29:01 +0200 <liskin> tridactyl: I guess there may not have been Haskell xcb bindings back in 2007, but X11 bindings were shipped with compiler
2023-03-30 11:29:48 +0200 <liskin> X11 haskell lib was split into a separate project at some point, that may have actually happened before 2007, but there probably still was an "official" vibe to it :-)
2023-03-30 11:31:32 +0200 <liskin> oh, git history looks like the split happened because xmonad devs needed to make a lot of changes to it
2023-03-30 11:38:03 +0200 <tridactyl> really, I hadn't thought of that
2023-03-30 11:39:20 +0200 <tridactyl> but can you tell me if the developers have done any kind of comparative test? i see in many places on the internet that xcb is faster than Xlib
2023-03-30 11:45:44 +0200 <liskin> I wouldn't know :-(
2023-03-30 11:45:49 +0200 <liskin> geekosaur is the historian here :-)
2023-03-30 11:46:02 +0200 <Solid> I doubt that this really matters; your window manager is not doing any kind of computationally intensive task
2023-03-30 11:48:23 +0200 <tridactyl> liskin no problem, thanks for answering
2023-03-30 11:52:11 +0200chomwitt(~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a0f:e00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2023-03-30 11:52:14 +0200 <tridactyl> Solid I'm not complaining, I just really wanted to know if there was a bigger reason or just historical reasons
2023-03-30 11:53:03 +0200 <Solid> historical artifacts, in that case :) and XMonad's wrapper around Xlib is way too thin for us to switch to xcb, really
2023-03-30 11:55:02 +0200 <tridactyl> that's right
2023-03-30 11:55:27 +0200 <tridactyl> thanks for explaining
2023-03-30 11:56:34 +0200 <tridactyl> well, I'm still learning how to use IRC
2023-03-30 11:56:43 +0200 <tridactyl> I don't know if I managed to mention you in my message, but I think it was worth a try
2023-03-30 11:58:25 +0200 <tridactyl> in addition, I am trying to converse more in English
2023-03-30 11:58:33 +0200 <tridactyl> so I'm sorry if there was some mistake in my messages, I'm trying to be less dependent on translation services
2023-03-30 11:59:12 +0200 <tridactyl> :-)
2023-03-30 12:12:33 +0200derpyxdhs(~derpyxdhs@user/derpyxdhs)
2023-03-30 12:22:46 +0200tridactyl(~tridactyl@user/tridactyl) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2023-03-30 12:51:53 +0200chomwitt(~chomwitt@ppp-94-69-24-223.home.otenet.gr)
2023-03-30 12:57:43 +0200derpyxdhs(~derpyxdhs@user/derpyxdhs) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2023-03-30 13:23:56 +0200 <geekosaur> I see they left, but the best answer you'll get is that sjanssen chose X11 probably because dwm was using it at the time
2023-03-30 13:24:39 +0200 <geekosaur> there was an early ticket about considering a move to xcb but even by that point it would have broken pretty much everything so it was dropped
2023-03-30 13:29:13 +0200 <geekosaur> as to performance, by the time you'd notice the difference you'll have long since been bitten by the linked lists in the StackSet
2023-03-30 15:22:03 +0200mncheck(~mncheck@
2023-03-30 16:18:02 +0200todi(~snuckls@p5dca57c0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2023-03-30 16:29:00 +0200 <todi> schreibt hir keiner
2023-03-30 16:29:43 +0200 <todi> schreibt ihr deutsch oder englisch
2023-03-30 16:30:20 +0200 <vrs> english mostly
2023-03-30 16:33:40 +0200 <todi> ok
2023-03-30 16:33:58 +0200 <todi> i can not so good english
2023-03-30 16:34:18 +0200 <todi> a little byt
2023-03-30 16:36:10 +0200 <geekosaur> I think I can understand broken English better than I can German, sorry
2023-03-30 16:37:25 +0200 <todi> chandel ???
2023-03-30 16:38:23 +0200 <todi> and server
2023-03-30 16:38:35 +0200 <todi> to talk german
2023-03-30 16:39:51 +0200 <geekosaur> hm, I was hoping there was a #haskell-de to go with the other l10n channels but it appears not 😞
2023-03-30 16:40:39 +0200 <geekosaur> (actually that surprises me)
2023-03-30 16:47:11 +0200 <geekosaur> mm, looks like matrix has #haskell.de:matrix.org, use https://element.io/download since they insist on being a web app instead of simple web page
2023-03-30 16:48:51 +0200 <geekosaur> (or install Nheko via flatpak, but you probably don't want that for some quick questions)
2023-03-30 17:23:52 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2023-03-30 18:00:04 +0200sparksdrinker[m](~sparksdri@2001:470:69fc:105::3:1939) (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)
2023-03-30 18:03:54 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
2023-03-30 18:26:26 +0200malook(~Thunderbi@2a02:9b0:4029:41a8:bc64:f7ba:a6ea:a186)
2023-03-30 18:33:23 +0200Zetaeta(~Zetaeta@
2023-03-30 18:36:21 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-03-30 18:38:50 +0200malook(~Thunderbi@2a02:9b0:4029:41a8:bc64:f7ba:a6ea:a186) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2023-03-30 19:22:55 +0200L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah) ()
2023-03-30 19:26:58 +0200 <Zetaeta> Hi, I'm having trouble making a window sticky (want it to float, appear regardless of workspace and be movable with the appropriate commands). XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow.copyToAll isn't working properly on my multi-monitor setup, it always moves the window to the non-active screen.
2023-03-30 19:27:21 +0200 <Zetaeta> I've tried some other approaches to get some version of a sticky window posted here https://www.reddit.com/r/xmonad/comments/125qrv9/can_i_make_a_command_to_ignore_a_window/
2023-03-30 19:27:37 +0200 <Zetaeta> But nothing worked fully
2023-03-30 19:28:39 +0200 <Zetaeta> If anyone has any insight or alternative suggestions I'd be grateful
2023-03-30 19:34:48 +0200 <geekosaur> yeh, copyToAll can't (not just doesn't, sadly) work right with multiple monitors. I don't think we can really handle this right, the closest you can get is doIgnore but that means you can't interact with or operate on it
2023-03-30 19:42:18 +0200 <[Leary]> Shouldn't it work at least to the extent of keeping the window on the current screen? Why's it on the non-active screen? Weird.
2023-03-30 19:42:44 +0200 <Zetaeta> Is it possible to doIgnore in a command instead of a manageHook? I tried to copy its logic with ignore w = reveal w >> windows (W.delete w) >> reveal w >> withDisplay (\dpy -> io (raiseWindow dpy w)), and it works initially but degrades over time and gets messed up by fullscreen apps.
2023-03-30 19:44:52 +0200 <geekosaur> it's not enough to do that; most windows you `doIgnore` are self-managing and in particular keep themselves on top
2023-03-30 19:47:12 +0200 <geekosaur> [Leary], because the active screen is refreshed first, and both workspaces attempt to place the window but the last one wins
2023-03-30 19:50:18 +0200 <[Leary]> Hah! `windows` uses `summed_visible` to exclude already-rendered windows from the tiles, but not from the floats.
2023-03-30 19:50:36 +0200 <[Leary]> Looks pretty fixable.
2023-03-30 19:58:35 +0200 <Zetaeta> I see, thanks. I've had the most luck with XMonad.Layout.Monitor from xmonad-contrib, but the functionality to specify a rectangle for the window doesn't seem to work and the window stops rendering changes after a while (though its subwindows work fine)
2023-03-30 19:59:33 +0200 <geekosaur> hm. report that please https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/issues/new
2023-03-30 20:04:02 +0200 <Zetaeta> Sure, I'll try get a minimal reproduction of it now
2023-03-30 20:04:56 +0200 <geekosaur> the downside of a big contrib library is it contains a lot of stuff that may never have been actually used since it was submitted, so we collect bitrot 😞
2023-03-30 20:24:27 +0200Zetaeta(~Zetaeta@ (Quit: Client closed)
2023-03-30 21:15:41 +0200malook(~Thunderbi@
2023-03-30 21:21:30 +0200stackdroid18(14094@de1.hashbang.sh)
2023-03-30 21:25:29 +0200ft(~ft@p4fc2a88b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2023-03-30 21:41:58 +0200L29Ah(~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah)
2023-03-30 21:50:33 +0200chomwitt(~chomwitt@ppp-94-69-24-223.home.otenet.gr) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2023-03-30 22:17:10 +0200malook(~Thunderbi@ ()
2023-03-30 22:48:53 +0200 <xmonadtrack> New branch created: pull/445 (1 commit) https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad/pull/445
2023-03-30 23:33:48 +0200hightower2(~hightower@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)