
2022-08-27 00:26:27 +0200bla(~bla@
2022-08-27 00:27:46 +0200thyriaen(~thyriaen@2a02:8109:8340:686c:c35d:10d0:cfbe:fcc0)
2022-08-27 00:28:25 +0200 <thyriaen> I am trying to setup my xmonad enviournment - do you have a good starting point to get polybar up and running with xmonad ? ( no overlapping windows, autoloading on startup ) ?
2022-08-27 00:29:30 +0200 <geekosaur> should I bother repeating what I told you last time?
2022-08-27 00:30:06 +0200 <geekosaur> "overlapping windows" is https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.17.0/docs/XMonad-Hooks-ManageDocks.html
2022-08-27 00:30:17 +0200 <geekosaur> this isn't going to change if you keep asking
2022-08-27 00:30:24 +0200 <thyriaen> ohh thanks - i think i did not quite catch your answer last time
2022-08-27 00:30:47 +0200 <thyriaen> and i just run polybar with a startup hook ?
2022-08-27 00:31:51 +0200 <geekosaur> as for autoloading, https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-0.17.0/docs/XMonad-Core.html#v:spawn
2022-08-27 00:32:02 +0200 <geekosaur> either in main or a startupHook
2022-08-27 00:32:15 +0200 <thyriaen> ok perfect thanks
2022-08-27 00:32:23 +0200 <thyriaen> i think with this i can start get something going
2022-08-27 00:32:31 +0200 <thyriaen> i will try my luck :p
2022-08-27 00:33:26 +0200 <geekosaur> for it to know about windows, you want either https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.17.0/docs/XMonad-Hooks-EwmhDesktops.html (easier) or https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.17.0/docs/XMonad-Hooks-StatusBar-PP.html plus some dbus glue and xmonad-log feeding polybar (significantly harder)
2022-08-27 00:34:07 +0200 <thyriaen> i already have ewmh enabled
2022-08-27 00:34:12 +0200 <thyriaen> and i read somewhere about the dbus
2022-08-27 00:34:21 +0200 <thyriaen> i don't need dbus with ewmh ?
2022-08-27 00:34:58 +0200 <geekosaur> nope
2022-08-27 00:35:03 +0200 <thyriaen> perfect
2022-08-27 00:35:15 +0200 <thyriaen> but all this stuff i will go to once i have a bar running
2022-08-27 00:35:17 +0200 <geekosaur> you only need dbus if you want to control what polybar shows directly with X.H.StatusBar.PP
2022-08-27 00:35:24 +0200 <thyriaen> ok
2022-08-27 00:36:03 +0200 <geekosaur> if you use EWMH it'll do it itself, but you may want to customize its display which requires the StatusBar stuff and dbus and xmonad-log
2022-08-27 00:36:33 +0200 <thyriaen> what do you mean by customize its display ?
2022-08-27 00:36:39 +0200 <geekosaur> sorry for being a bit grumpy btw. I am not having a good day, and I could have sworn I responded quickly the last time you asked so … a bit grumpy
2022-08-27 00:36:58 +0200 <thyriaen> no worries - maybe it just slipped through for some reason
2022-08-27 00:37:14 +0200 <geekosaur> not helped by fighting panic attacks for the past few hours because *sigh* that's my life
2022-08-27 00:37:28 +0200 <thyriaen> i had those too in the last 2 weeks
2022-08-27 00:37:35 +0200 <thyriaen> for the first time ever
2022-08-27 00:40:42 +0200 <thyriaen> alrighty
2022-08-27 00:40:46 +0200 <thyriaen> thanks for the link
2022-08-27 00:41:03 +0200 <thyriaen> i will now hop over to my xmonad machine and will try to set it up
2022-08-27 00:41:15 +0200 <thyriaen> have a good nighty night and see you around when i have more questsions :p
2022-08-27 00:41:34 +0200 <thyriaen> take care of yourself - do what makes you feel good inside
2022-08-27 00:42:13 +0200thyriaen(~thyriaen@2a02:8109:8340:686c:c35d:10d0:cfbe:fcc0) (Quit: Leaving)
2022-08-27 00:51:09 +0200jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-08-27 01:01:23 +0200thyriaen(~thyriaen@2a02:8109:8340:686c:f4bb:adc9:da23:30c9)
2022-08-27 01:01:30 +0200 <thyriaen> howdy - it's me again :p
2022-08-27 01:03:07 +0200 <geekosaur> yes?
2022-08-27 01:03:27 +0200 <thyriaen> could you maybe take a look at my xmonad.hs - https://paste.sqt.wtf/2bf5c6@raw i don't understand where xmonad get's the unfocussed border color from - it is not theNormalBorderColor but some sort of darker version of the activeColor i have defined
2022-08-27 01:04:17 +0200 <thyriaen> it would be nice if it could be the myNormalBorderColor i have defined instead
2022-08-27 01:05:07 +0200 <geekosaur> windowNavigation overrides the border colors. you can use a WNConfig to change that
2022-08-27 01:05:33 +0200 <geekosaur> (see configurableNavigation)
2022-08-27 01:06:57 +0200 <thyriaen> ah ok
2022-08-27 01:06:58 +0200 <thyriaen> thanks
2022-08-27 01:09:48 +0200 <thyriaen> hmm i can't find a explanation of wnconfig here: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.11/docs/XMonad-Layout-WindowNavigation.html#t…
2022-08-27 01:10:45 +0200 <geekosaur> uh, why are you using the docs from 0.11?
2022-08-27 01:11:31 +0200sogens(~sogens@
2022-08-27 01:11:36 +0200 <thyriaen> i was asking the same why i got redirected there
2022-08-27 01:12:29 +0200 <geekosaur> but the docs in 0.17 are still a bit opaque. you can't set it directly, you use the functions just above it to build a WNConfig that either uses a custom color for navigation, or uses brightness (which is what you're seeing), or noNavigateBorders for it to leave things alone
2022-08-27 01:13:45 +0200 <thyriaen> i don't follow because i can't find the documentation entry
2022-08-27 01:16:39 +0200 <geekosaur> sigh, documentation hasn't been fixed in git either
2022-08-27 01:16:48 +0200 <geekosaur> meaning there still isn't any
2022-08-27 01:16:53 +0200 <thyriaen> oh
2022-08-27 01:17:20 +0200 <geekosaur> `navigateColor` gives you a WNConfig which uses a specified color to indicate the windows you can reach from the current one
2022-08-27 01:18:15 +0200 <geekosaur> `navigateBrightness` gives you a WNConfig which changes the brightness of the focused window color to indicate those windows. (This is the default and is why you are seeing the focus color dimmed.)
2022-08-27 01:18:27 +0200 <geekosaur> `noNavigateBorders` leaves the borders alone
2022-08-27 01:18:35 +0200 <thyriaen> noNavigateBorders will leave everything as is
2022-08-27 01:18:40 +0200 <thyriaen> which is what i wont
2022-08-27 01:18:42 +0200 <thyriaen> want
2022-08-27 01:18:45 +0200 <thyriaen> it returns a config
2022-08-27 01:18:49 +0200 <geekosaur> right
2022-08-27 01:19:08 +0200 <geekosaur> and you can pass that WNConfig to configurableNavigation, which you then use in place of windowNavigation
2022-08-27 01:19:13 +0200 <thyriaen> so all i have to do is instead of windowNavitagion $... i just do configurableNavigation noNavigateBorders $ ... right ?
2022-08-27 01:19:42 +0200 <geekosaur> yes
2022-08-27 01:20:11 +0200sogens(~sogens@ (Quit: WeeChat 3.5)
2022-08-27 01:20:24 +0200 <thyriaen> unfortunatly it did no have the desired effect
2022-08-27 01:20:32 +0200 <thyriaen> do i have to reboot ?
2022-08-27 01:20:40 +0200 <geekosaur> did you mod-q?
2022-08-27 01:20:43 +0200 <thyriaen> yea
2022-08-27 01:20:55 +0200 <thyriaen> but some color specific options only change on reboot
2022-08-27 01:21:02 +0200 <thyriaen> for example tab color or font
2022-08-27 01:21:08 +0200 <geekosaur> this should change the type so it should reload.
2022-08-27 01:21:25 +0200 <geekosaur> the ones that don't you can press mod-shift-space to force the layout to be recomputed
2022-08-27 01:21:26 +0200 <thyriaen> still darker version
2022-08-27 01:21:30 +0200 <geekosaur> it won't hurt to try that
2022-08-27 01:21:57 +0200 <thyriaen> also no effect
2022-08-27 01:22:18 +0200 <geekosaur> what version of xmonad? 0.17.0 has a bug that causes color issues with windowNavigation; it's fixed in git
2022-08-27 01:22:39 +0200 <thyriaen> 0.17.0
2022-08-27 01:22:40 +0200 <geekosaur> althoiugh I would expect it to be black instead of just darker in that case
2022-08-27 01:23:17 +0200 <thyriaen> how can i use a navigateColor to set the border myself ?
2022-08-27 01:24:32 +0200 <geekosaur> configurableNavigation (navigateColor "blue") $ ...
2022-08-27 01:24:46 +0200 <thyriaen> can i use hex instead of blue ?
2022-08-27 01:25:19 +0200 <geekosaur> yes
2022-08-27 01:25:26 +0200 <thyriaen> ok i think i gotta reboot here
2022-08-27 01:25:30 +0200 <thyriaen> cause also no effect :p
2022-08-27 01:25:58 +0200 <geekosaur> that sounds like the color bug in 0.17.0
2022-08-27 01:26:07 +0200 <thyriaen> did i undbind the mod shift space thing in my cfg ?
2022-08-27 01:26:09 +0200 <geekosaur> is there any chance you can upgrade to the git version?
2022-08-27 01:26:38 +0200 <thyriaen> only if i compile from source i think
2022-08-27 01:31:17 +0200 <geekosaur> what distro are you on?
2022-08-27 01:31:24 +0200 <thyriaen> fedora 36
2022-08-27 01:31:38 +0200 <geekosaur> hm. dunno about that
2022-08-27 01:32:11 +0200 <geekosaur> but I do think you'll have problems with windowNavigation and border colors until we get 0.17.1 out and distros pick it up
2022-08-27 01:32:24 +0200 <geekosaur> (release currently planned for Sep 3/4)
2022-08-27 01:32:44 +0200 <thyriaen> ok
2022-08-27 01:32:50 +0200 <thyriaen> i will wait then
2022-08-27 01:33:07 +0200 <thyriaen> how quickly does it get packaged with distros usually ?
2022-08-27 01:33:30 +0200 <thyriaen> is it the job of the distro or does xmonad push it to them ?
2022-08-27 01:41:06 +0200sagax(~sagax_nb@
2022-08-27 01:50:20 +0200 <geekosaur> it's up to the distro
2022-08-27 01:50:30 +0200 <geekosaur> they took forever to get 0.17.0 packaged 😞
2022-08-27 01:51:26 +0200mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5ce3:8500::a1ec)
2022-08-27 01:51:51 +0200jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net)
2022-08-27 01:51:54 +0200thyriaen(~thyriaen@2a02:8109:8340:686c:f4bb:adc9:da23:30c9) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-08-27 01:52:10 +0200thyriaen(~thyriaen@2a02:8109:8340:686c:f4bb:adc9:da23:30c9)
2022-08-27 01:52:37 +0200thyriaen(~thyriaen@2a02:8109:8340:686c:f4bb:adc9:da23:30c9) (Client Quit)
2022-08-27 02:14:50 +0200sogens(~sogens@
2022-08-27 02:20:26 +0200tremon(~tremon@83-84-18-241.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: getting boxed in)
2022-08-27 03:15:44 +0200TravisAthougies[(~tathougie@2001:470:69fc:105::2:6fbd) ()
2022-08-27 03:54:58 +0200steve__(~steve@ool-182c2b80.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2022-08-27 04:02:03 +0200catman(~catman@user/catman) (Quit: WeeChat 3.6)
2022-08-27 04:03:36 +0200banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2022-08-27 04:13:55 +0200td_(~td@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2022-08-27 04:15:41 +0200td_(~td@
2022-08-27 04:16:35 +0200catman(~catman@user/catman)
2022-08-27 04:19:03 +0200bla(~bla@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2022-08-27 04:19:24 +0200blaa(~bla@
2022-08-27 04:23:28 +0200banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc)
2022-08-27 05:39:21 +0200rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@bras-base-wdston4533w-grc-02-142-113-160-8.dsl.bell.ca) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2022-08-27 05:51:56 +0200mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5ce3:8500::a1ec) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2022-08-27 06:37:39 +0200jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2022-08-27 07:02:17 +0200OpenSourcelinux
2022-08-27 09:19:44 +0200sagax(~sagax_nb@ (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-08-27 10:35:05 +0200alternateved(~user@staticline-31-183-146-203.toya.net.pl)
2022-08-27 10:40:03 +0200wonko(~wjc@2a0e:1c80:2::130)
2022-08-27 11:23:30 +0200benin0(~benin@
2022-08-27 11:31:37 +0200benin08(~benin@2401:4900:2325:11d7:d46:f407:3146:a2f1)
2022-08-27 11:33:36 +0200benin0(~benin@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2022-08-27 11:33:37 +0200benin08benin0
2022-08-27 11:39:47 +0200benin0(~benin@2401:4900:2325:11d7:d46:f407:3146:a2f1) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2022-08-27 11:56:21 +0200alternateved(~user@staticline-31-183-146-203.toya.net.pl) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-08-27 12:11:36 +0200sogens(~sogens@ (Quit: WeeChat 3.5)
2022-08-27 12:48:03 +0200 <xmonadtrack> xmonad-contrib Tony Zorman * v0.17.0-235-gf77fb802: X.P.OrgMode: Mention more resources (6 minutes ago, 1 file, 3+ 0-) https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/commit/f77fb802ebbc
2022-08-27 13:02:51 +0200wonko(~wjc@2a0e:1c80:2::130) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2022-08-27 15:10:44 +0200alternateved(~user@staticline-31-183-146-203.toya.net.pl)
2022-08-27 15:58:56 +0200vanvik(~vanvik@ (Quit: Later)
2022-08-27 15:59:36 +0200vanvik(~vanvik@
2022-08-27 17:20:07 +0200jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net)
2022-08-27 17:34:04 +0200wonko(~wjc@2a0e:1c80:2::130)
2022-08-27 17:38:28 +0200sogens(~sogens@
2022-08-27 17:40:04 +0200jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2022-08-27 18:17:30 +0200alternateved(~user@staticline-31-183-146-203.toya.net.pl) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-08-27 18:20:33 +0200V42(~V42@eth-west-pareq2-46-193-4-100.wb.wifirst.net)
2022-08-27 18:41:24 +0200alternateved(~user@staticline-31-183-146-203.toya.net.pl)
2022-08-27 19:02:35 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> My newly launched windows aren't put on the main stack
2022-08-27 19:02:49 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> I want them to be the master window on launch
2022-08-27 19:02:55 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> what should I be doing?
2022-08-27 19:04:59 +0200alternateved(~user@staticline-31-183-146-203.toya.net.pl) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-08-27 19:05:27 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> [figured it out](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.16/docs/XMonad-Hooks-InsertPosition.html)
2022-08-27 19:48:38 +0200noex(~null@user/noex)
2022-08-27 19:56:26 +0200 <xmonadtrack> New xmonad-contrib branch created: pull/749 (1 commit) https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/pull/749
2022-08-27 19:56:26 +0200 <xmonadtrack> xmonad-contrib Brandon S Allbery KF8NH https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/pull/749 * v0.17.0-219-gcd19112f: Document `WNConfig` (8 minutes ago, 1 file, 9+ 2-) https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/commit/cd19112fcab6
2022-08-27 20:04:57 +0200jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net)
2022-08-27 20:14:00 +0200alternateved(~user@staticline-31-183-146-203.toya.net.pl)
2022-08-27 20:19:45 +0200alternateved(~user@staticline-31-183-146-203.toya.net.pl) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-08-27 20:43:23 +0200wonko(~wjc@2a0e:1c80:2::130) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2022-08-27 21:03:05 +0200ectospasm(~ectospasm@user/ectospasm) (Quit: WeeChat 3.6)
2022-08-27 21:20:05 +0200wonko(~wjc@2a0e:1c80:2::130)
2022-08-27 22:06:41 +0200nomadxxxx3(~lanomadx@
2022-08-27 22:07:53 +0200nomadxx3(~lanomadx@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2022-08-27 22:08:26 +0200wonko(~wjc@2a0e:1c80:2::130) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2022-08-27 23:03:34 +0200sagax(~sagax_nb@user/sagax)
2022-08-27 23:20:36 +0200kaskal(~kaskal@2001:4bb8:2dc:7b0e:55ee:692c:e44d:a4b0) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2022-08-27 23:23:28 +0200V42(~V42@eth-west-pareq2-46-193-4-100.wb.wifirst.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2022-08-27 23:30:47 +0200wonko(~wjc@2a0e:1c80:2::130)