
2022-07-26 00:01:22 +0200 <wusticality1> I wonder if 00-keyboard.conf is the wrong name - it's not clear to me if xorg will just load the first one it sees
2022-07-26 00:02:56 +0200 <wusticality1> Oh interesting, this line is in the log: `[ 36.804] (**) Option "AutoRepeat" "264 48"`
2022-07-26 00:03:08 +0200 <wusticality1> strange, i wonder why it's not working, looks like it was loaded
2022-07-26 00:03:22 +0200 <wusticality1> unless there are separate settings for X and the console?
2022-07-26 00:06:15 +0200 <geekosaur> console doesn't use that file, only xorg
2022-07-26 00:06:17 +0200 <wusticality1> or it's somehow being overridden by etc/defaults/keyboard
2022-07-26 00:06:31 +0200 <geekosaur> but /etc/defaults/keyboard is possible
2022-07-26 00:06:35 +0200geekosaurlooks
2022-07-26 00:06:46 +0200 <wusticality1> by console doesn't use that file, are you saying my terminal won't pick up those changes?
2022-07-26 00:07:24 +0200 <geekosaur> the original text console doesn't use it. terminal emulators don't use it directly, it's controlled by the X server not the individual emulator
2022-07-26 00:07:49 +0200 <geekosaur> looks like I odon't have an /etc/defaults/keyboard
2022-07-26 00:09:20 +0200 <geekosaur> on debian at least that file doesn't control autorepeat, just localization
2022-07-26 00:09:55 +0200 <geekosaur> oh whoops, wrong path. I have it and it has what the debian wiki says it should
2022-07-26 00:10:09 +0200 <geekosaur> maybe your OS supports autorepeat in there
2022-07-26 00:15:20 +0200 <wusticality1> i tried editing that file but it doesn't seem to
2022-07-26 00:15:39 +0200geekosaurmakes nopte that vscode's git integration does the wrong thing with nested git repos 😕
2022-07-26 00:17:16 +0200 <wusticality1> crazy how tough it seems to be just to change the default repeat speed :/
2022-07-26 00:18:43 +0200 <wusticality1> apparently https://wiki.debian.org/Keyboard
2022-07-26 00:18:51 +0200 <wusticality1> checked the man pages, nothing about AutoRepeat sadly
2022-07-26 00:19:02 +0200 <wusticality1> not sure what they expect you to do - xset is unreliable
2022-07-26 00:19:05 +0200 <wusticality1> kinda like xmondmap
2022-07-26 00:19:09 +0200 <wusticality1> *xmodmap
2022-07-26 00:20:26 +0200 <geekosaur> if the keyboard setting for xorg didn't work you have worse problems than xset, I think
2022-07-26 00:20:36 +0200 <geekosaur> sadly I have no idea what they might be
2022-07-26 00:22:22 +0200 <wusticality1> xset works if i just type it into my terminal
2022-07-26 00:22:25 +0200 <wusticality1> just isn't working on startup
2022-07-26 00:22:39 +0200 <wusticality1> does 00-keyboard.conf have any specific meaning?
2022-07-26 00:22:56 +0200 <wusticality1> that is to say, is it arbitrary
2022-07-26 00:27:47 +0200 <geekosaur> it's semiarbitrary. an xorg.conf is built by concatenating all the fragments in xorg.conf.d in numeric order
2022-07-26 00:28:40 +0200 <geekosaur> so the number matters but the name part is just documentation as to what the file is intended for
2022-07-26 00:29:05 +0200 <geekosaur> you night look over the other files in there to see if they have input sections of their own
2022-07-26 00:29:32 +0200 <geekosaur> *might
2022-07-26 00:31:35 +0200 <wusticality1> that xorg.conf.d directory is empty for me
2022-07-26 00:33:35 +0200 <geekosaur> mm, these days I'm pretty sure there are defaults used if nnothing is specified, so that may be okay. (well, is okay, otherwise X wouldn't start)
2022-07-26 00:34:52 +0200 <wusticality1> yeah, must be /etc/default/keyboard
2022-07-26 00:35:02 +0200 <wusticality1> i just wish i could put autorepeat into that file
2022-07-26 00:35:06 +0200 <wusticality1> it'd make all of this much simpler
2022-07-26 00:35:15 +0200 <wusticality1> i honestly wonder if the xorg one is being overwritten by that file or something
2022-07-26 00:35:28 +0200 <wusticality1> though you think it'd be just overwriting, not nuking
2022-07-26 00:35:34 +0200 <geekosaur> can't see it since it's not documented as doing anything with autorepeat
2022-07-26 00:41:31 +0200jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-07-26 00:41:35 +0200 <wusticality1> hmm
2022-07-26 00:41:46 +0200 <wusticality1> i wonder what would happen if i removed /etc/default/keyboard
2022-07-26 00:41:54 +0200 <wusticality1> would hate to totally break my system
2022-07-26 00:49:29 +0200jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net)
2022-07-26 00:51:52 +0200cyr4x3(~cyr4x3@
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2022-07-26 01:08:23 +0200srk-(~sorki@user/srk)
2022-07-26 01:09:14 +0200 <geekosaur> how long do you plan to insist that a file that is documented to have nothing to do with keyboard repeat (man 5 keyboard) is your problem?
2022-07-26 01:10:30 +0200srk(~sorki@user/srk) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2022-07-26 01:11:06 +0200srk-srk
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2022-07-26 01:59:38 +0200 <wusticality1> touche
2022-07-26 02:00:26 +0200 <wusticality1> I was only speculating because I wasn't sure if maybe the /etc/default/keyboard settings totally wiped the xorg ones (even though those settings have no concept of auto repeat), that's all
2022-07-26 02:00:35 +0200 <wusticality1> Hopefully I can find some other solution eventually
2022-07-26 02:04:10 +0200 <geekosaur> if xorg took the original settings then I can only imagine some program run later is resetting them. on my setup I'd be examining mate settings because there's various mate stuff scattered through the global xinitrc even if you aren't running mate, but that's debian/ubuntu specific
2022-07-26 02:05:27 +0200 <geekosaur> (/etc/X11/Xsession.d on my system)
2022-07-26 02:06:42 +0200 <geekosaur> but you also have to check /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc, which on debian just runs the Xsession.d stuff
2022-07-26 02:07:22 +0200 <geekosaur> this sadly varies a lot between distributions so you'll have to do your own digging
2022-07-26 02:07:40 +0200 <geekosaur> (there's also an xinputrc but it also doesn't do autorepeat, it's about XIM)
2022-07-26 02:08:52 +0200Hash(~Hash@tunnel686959-pt.tunnel.tserv15.lax1.ipv6.he.net) (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
2022-07-26 02:09:16 +0200Hash(~Hash@tunnel686959-pt.tunnel.tserv15.lax1.ipv6.he.net)
2022-07-26 02:20:51 +0200Hash(~Hash@tunnel686959-pt.tunnel.tserv15.lax1.ipv6.he.net) (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
2022-07-26 02:20:56 +0200 <wusticality1> such is linux eh :)
2022-07-26 02:21:04 +0200 <wusticality1> it's pretty much the last thing I have to fix, that and scroll speed
2022-07-26 02:21:19 +0200Hash(~Hash@tunnel686959-pt.tunnel.tserv15.lax1.ipv6.he.net)
2022-07-26 02:28:51 +0200 <geekosaur> sadly, scroll speed is per application as you were told a few days ago
2022-07-26 02:29:07 +0200 <geekosaur> (pretty sure it is in Wayland, too. there's no central control for it)
2022-07-26 02:31:29 +0200 <wusticality1> oh right (have to go check my comments, haven't looked into it yet)
2022-07-26 02:31:33 +0200 <wusticality1> I wonder how gnome does that
2022-07-26 02:32:33 +0200 <geekosaur> gtk3/gnome apps probably use a common configuration hidden in dconf somewhere. but random other programs (firefox, emacs, etc.) use their own
2022-07-26 02:40:48 +0200 <geekosaur> for emacs there's some elisp configuration setting that defaulted last I checked to scrolling 5 lines per input from the scrollwheel
2022-07-26 02:41:31 +0200 <geekosaur> I wouldn't be surprised if firefox requires editing some javascript somewhere
2022-07-26 02:45:50 +0200Hash(~Hash@tunnel686959-pt.tunnel.tserv15.lax1.ipv6.he.net) (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
2022-07-26 02:58:47 +0200 <geekosaur> sigh. whne I'm the one having weird xmonad issues, there's nobody to ask…
2022-07-26 02:59:56 +0200 <geekosaur> when I mod-q, the focused window gets copied to all workspaces. this is undone when I switch workspaces. the only occurrence of `copyToAll` in my config is https://github.com/geekosaur/xmonad.hs/blob/skkukuk/xmonad.hs#L126-L127
2022-07-26 03:00:23 +0200 <geekosaur> and `manageDebug` shows the focused window doesn't have `_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY`
2022-07-26 03:01:02 +0200 <geekosaur> but that the window has been copied to all workspaces anyway
2022-07-26 03:01:59 +0200 <geekosaur> actually it's undone when I move it back to its original workspace after switching
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2022-07-26 05:55:30 +0200 <wusticality1> geekosaur: wish I could help :/
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