
2023-11-06 02:04:42 +0100hightower3(~hightower@169-216.dsl.iskon.hr)
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2023-11-06 04:15:35 +0100[Leary](~Leary]@user/Leary/x-0910699) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2023-11-06 04:39:01 +0100td_(~td@i5387091C.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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2023-11-06 10:45:00 +0100Manu38(~Manu38@casperdock.inrialpes.fr)
2023-11-06 10:45:02 +0100 <Manu38> Hi
2023-11-06 10:46:52 +0100 <Manu38> I am using `XPropertyLog` in my `xmobar` to display the value of a X11 property (the current layout of my keyboard : azerty or bepo). It works perfectly except the fact that I am not able to include an icon along with the text in the same way I am doing with standard Xmobar plugins like `Battery` for example.
2023-11-06 10:47:34 +0100 <Manu38> In these plugins, to have an icon, I am using things like `<fn=1>\xf004</fn>` in the template paramater.
2023-11-06 10:47:54 +0100 <Manu38> Anyone here using `XPropertyLog` with an icon ?
2023-11-06 11:39:13 +0100 <liskin> Yeah I'm using icons in XPropertyLog, works flawlessly
2023-11-06 11:40:02 +0100ft(~ft@p4fc2a529.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: leaving)
2023-11-06 11:47:22 +0100 <Manu38> liskin : I'll then check again your config, even if mine is config file while yours is pure haskell.
2023-11-06 11:50:11 +0100 <Manu38> The thing is that if I add an icon in the `-t` option of a plugin it works fine. It does not work when I add it directly in the `template` "field" of my xmobar config.
2023-11-06 11:50:33 +0100td_(~td@i53870928.versanet.de) (Quit: waking up from the american dream ...)
2023-11-06 11:51:02 +0100 <liskin> Perhaps you want to elaborate on what "does not work" means exactly?
2023-11-06 11:51:25 +0100 <liskin> If we know what you're seeing instead of what you expect to be seeing, it'd be much easier to offer advice.
2023-11-06 11:51:30 +0100 <Manu38> The icon is not displayed, and I have weird square symbols instead of it.
2023-11-06 11:51:49 +0100 <liskin> Well then that's clearly a character encoding issue isn't it?
2023-11-06 11:52:30 +0100 <liskin> Either you're having the good old double-utf-8 issue, or your locale isn't set properly.
2023-11-06 11:53:11 +0100 <Manu38> Don't know since I have no issue with icons when they are specified inside plugins directly.
2023-11-06 11:53:12 +0100 <liskin> (s/set/generated/, possibly)
2023-11-06 11:53:52 +0100 <liskin> If it works in xmobar directly then it's more likely a double encoding issue
2023-11-06 12:04:39 +0100 <Manu38> liskin correct me if I am wrong, but looking here https://github.com/liskin/dotfiles/blob/home/.xmonad/xmobar.hs I don't see that you are using icons along with XPropertyLog.
2023-11-06 12:05:36 +0100 <liskin> Manu38: uh, what? looking at xmobar.hs you won't be able to tell whether I am or I am not
2023-11-06 12:06:20 +0100 <Manu38> Ok, then I definitely missunderstood something :)
2023-11-06 12:07:01 +0100 <liskin> anyway, looking at my config you won't find much I thnk
2023-11-06 12:07:13 +0100 <Manu38> To me `xmobar.hs` fully includes the configuration of your status bar.
2023-11-06 12:07:23 +0100 <liskin> what you need to be looking at is exactly how the data gets from xmonad to xmobar
2023-11-06 12:07:39 +0100 <liskin> and I mean the full sequence of functions involved
2023-11-06 12:08:14 +0100 <liskin> and also versions of these, as the fixes for the double encoding issues went in in late 2020/early 2021, and perhaps some distros might be shipping old crap
2023-11-06 12:08:21 +0100 <Manu38> Oh I understand your point. My problem is not on the part sent by Xmonad to Xmobar with `UnsafeXMonadLog`. This is fine.
2023-11-06 12:09:07 +0100 <liskin> So where is it?
2023-11-06 12:09:15 +0100 <liskin> 10:46 <Manu38> I am using `XPropertyLog` in my `xmobar` to display the value of a X11 property (the current layout of my keyboard : azerty or bepo). It works perfectly except the fact that I am not able to include an icon along with the text in the same way I am doing with standard Xmobar plugins like `Battery` for example.
2023-11-06 12:10:21 +0100 <Manu38> On the part of my Xmobar showing my XProperty
2023-11-06 12:10:47 +0100 <Manu38> Said differently
2023-11-06 12:11:47 +0100 <liskin> wtf
2023-11-06 12:11:54 +0100 <Manu38> In line 24 of your `xmobar.hs` file, I would like to have ` [ "<fn=1>\xf004</fn> %_XMOBAR_DND%" ]` instead of just ` [ "%_XMOBAR_DND%" ]`
2023-11-06 12:12:19 +0100 <Manu38> To have an icon just before showing the text of the property.
2023-11-06 12:12:23 +0100 <Manu38> Am I clear ?
2023-11-06 12:12:38 +0100 <liskin> yeah that should just work
2023-11-06 12:13:28 +0100 <liskin> so you're seeing no icons in xmobar whatsoever anywhere?
2023-11-06 12:13:52 +0100 <Manu38> Cool if I am clear and sorry for the complexity of this dialog :(
2023-11-06 12:14:08 +0100 <Manu38> No I am seeing icons, wait let me show you a screeshot
2023-11-06 12:18:13 +0100 <Manu38> https://postimg.cc/64w5Yj2v
2023-11-06 12:19:28 +0100 <Manu38> Here the problem is just before the date.
2023-11-06 12:20:04 +0100 <liskin> so what does the config look like then?
2023-11-06 12:20:22 +0100td_(~td@i53870926.versanet.de)
2023-11-06 12:22:40 +0100 <Manu38> `template = " <fn=1>\xf073</fn>%date%"`
2023-11-06 12:23:56 +0100 <Manu38> with `Run Date "<fc=#b5c9e5> %a %Y-%m-%d</fc> <fc=#8be9fd><fn=1>\xf017</fn> %H:%M:%S</fc>" "date" 10`
2023-11-06 12:25:17 +0100 <Manu38> And if I move the icon from `template` to the `Run Date` like below it is ok :
2023-11-06 12:25:18 +0100 <Manu38> `Run Date "<fc=#b5c9e5><fn=1>\xf073</fn> %a %Y-%m-%d</fc> <fc=#8be9fd><fn=1>\xf017</fn> %H:%M:%S</fc>" "date" 10`
2023-11-06 12:25:43 +0100 <liskin> any chance we can see the whole thing?
2023-11-06 12:26:21 +0100 <Manu38> Sure, 2 sec
2023-11-06 12:28:49 +0100 <Manu38> Here it is https://pastebin.com/MThMi6vi
2023-11-06 12:29:53 +0100 <Manu38> The problem is on line 48, the keyboard icon is not properly displayed, but instead it is shown as 6 rectangles (like the rectangles in front of the date in my previous screenshot)
2023-11-06 12:31:37 +0100 <liskin> right, I understand now
2023-11-06 12:32:28 +0100 <Manu38> Again, sorry I should have posted the whole thing since the beginning instead of trying to explain the problem with my bad english.
2023-11-06 12:32:56 +0100 <liskin> you were right I don't do this in my config
2023-11-06 12:33:01 +0100 <liskin> but I just tried and it just works :-)
2023-11-06 12:33:52 +0100 <liskin> can you paste the whole config that *does not* work
2023-11-06 12:34:24 +0100 <Manu38> The one I pasted above is the one that does not work
2023-11-06 12:35:08 +0100 <Manu38> But I am on Ubuntu, which often late with its packages, and maybe I have this problem of double encoding you where mentionning.
2023-11-06 12:35:11 +0100 <liskin> you said it only doesn't work if you move the icon to the template
2023-11-06 12:35:16 +0100 <liskin> and there are no icons in the template there
2023-11-06 12:35:58 +0100 <Manu38> There is an icon, the keyboard one, line 48
2023-11-06 12:36:02 +0100 <Manu38> `<fn=1>\xf11c</fn>`
2023-11-06 12:36:16 +0100 <Manu38> After the action.
2023-11-06 12:36:57 +0100 <liskin> ah, that one
2023-11-06 12:37:50 +0100 <liskin> I was looking for one before the date, as that was in the screenshot
2023-11-06 12:38:48 +0100 <Manu38> Sorry, the screenshot was from tests I did. But you got the issue now I think.
2023-11-06 12:39:02 +0100 <Manu38> I mean, you understood the issue.
2023-11-06 12:39:44 +0100 <liskin> yeah, I do understand it, I just can't reproduce it with the xmobar version I have
2023-11-06 12:40:25 +0100 <Manu38> I can resume it by : icons specified by things like `<fn=1>\xf11c</fn>` in the `template` field of the xmobar config are not displayed properly.
2023-11-06 12:40:58 +0100 <Manu38> I have version 0.36
2023-11-06 12:41:30 +0100 <liskin> what I'd suggest you do is create the absolute minimal xmobar config that reproduces it (e.g. just two things in the template - an icon and %date% and then an icon in date's command definition) and if that still doesn't work then report it to xmobar upstream
2023-11-06 12:43:06 +0100 <Manu38> Yes.
2023-11-06 12:43:10 +0100 <Manu38> Thank you very much.
2023-11-06 12:46:26 +0100 <liskin> it's possible you're actually just running into the double encoding bug
2023-11-06 12:46:36 +0100 <liskin> the fix for that one went in in 0.38
2023-11-06 12:46:42 +0100 <liskin> (April 2021)
2023-11-06 12:47:51 +0100 <liskin> it's a bit strange though
2023-11-06 12:48:27 +0100 <liskin> UTF8.isUTF8Encoded "\xf11c" is False, so that shouldn't happen
2023-11-06 13:20:45 +0100 <Manu38> Ok. That's not crucial at all for me :)
2023-11-06 13:21:10 +0100 <Manu38> I was just asking about this "bug" here to better understand.
2023-11-06 13:21:50 +0100 <Manu38> I can live my Xmonad life without my keyboard icon, since I know "bepo" and "azerty" words are related to my keyboard :)
2023-11-06 13:23:47 +0100 <liskin> you can also just try updating xmobar…
2023-11-06 13:24:10 +0100 <liskin> (personally I'd recommend 0.44 as later versions use a different font rendering code which might break all sorts of stuff)
2023-11-06 13:24:50 +0100 <Manu38> I guess then that I would have to recompile it, right ?
2023-11-06 13:26:39 +0100 <liskin> Suppose so, dunno where you got the current one.
2023-11-06 13:27:11 +0100 <Manu38> from Ubuntu's package manager :)
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2023-11-06 20:11:38 +0100 <Solid> [Leary]: if you have time, would you be so kind and help a new and stupid user with the nix flake? :)
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