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2023-01-21 00:25:19 +0100Azcatl(~Azcatl@2806:105e:1d:aed::5)
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2023-01-21 10:00:03 +0100HarryPrayIV[m](~harrypray@2001:470:69fc:105::2:d1ee) (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)
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2023-01-21 16:16:29 +0100qbt(~qbt@user/edun)
2023-01-21 17:40:45 +0100 <T_X> I'm trying to use the keypad numbers that are behind a modifier with a Neo keyboard layout. see the picture on the top right and then "Ebene 4" here: https://www.neo-layout.org/
2023-01-21 17:41:00 +0100unclechu(~unclechu@2001:470:69fc:105::354)
2023-01-21 17:41:40 +0100 <T_X> I tried the following two cases as shown here, and also tried removing the mod5Mask for the xK_KP_[1-9] version: https://paste.linuxlounge.net/UA
2023-01-21 17:43:08 +0100 <geekosaur> it won't be xK_KP_* because those aren't going to be base KeySyms
2023-01-21 17:43:56 +0100 <geekosaur> I assume "Ebene 1" shows the base KeySyms
2023-01-21 17:44:07 +0100 <T_X> Alt+n works fine, but with the Alt+mod4+n (=KP_4) Xmonad does not seem to catch it. in "xev" I see the following: https://paste.linuxlounge.net/CY
2023-01-21 17:45:05 +0100 <T_X> right, "Ebene 1" is level 1 for the base layer
2023-01-21 17:46:09 +0100 <geekosaur> you appear to have some mapping errors, like for 2 you have ssharp but their layout shows it on comma
2023-01-21 17:47:16 +0100 <T_X> geekosaur: I have a few intended customization, yes. ha, found my issue!
2023-01-21 17:47:30 +0100 <T_X> xmodmap helped:
2023-01-21 17:48:23 +0100 <T_X> xmodmap says: mod5 ISO_Level3_Shift (0x5c). and mod3 ISO_Level5_Shift (0xcb)
2023-01-21 17:48:53 +0100 <T_X> so using mod3Mask in Xmonad instead of mod5Mask works better :t)
2023-01-21 17:48:55 +0100 <T_X> :-)
2023-01-21 17:50:03 +0100 <T_X> looks like in the upstream merged xkbmap I was trying to add my mods onto these modifier assignments were somehow wapped compared to the old xmodmap I was using before
2023-01-21 17:51:55 +0100 <T_X> sometimes you are staring and fiddeling with an issue for hours. only to fix it in 5 minutes after writing it down and explaining the issue :D
2023-01-21 17:52:16 +0100 <geekosaur> rubber duck debugging to the rescue yet again 🙂
2023-01-21 17:52:18 +0100 <T_X> though the note that it should always be the base KeySyms definitely helped to narrow it down. thanks geekosaur
2023-01-21 17:52:25 +0100 <T_X> :-)
2023-01-21 17:57:09 +0100 <Solid> interesting that people still use neo
2023-01-21 18:19:54 +0100rundown(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:6c7a:2207:d06b:87cb) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2023-01-21 18:21:14 +0100telser(~quassel@user/telser) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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