
2023-01-08 00:13:24 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:85e2:4f2b:c50c:70cf) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2023-01-08 00:26:04 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:85e2:4f2b:c50c:70cf)
2023-01-08 00:31:03 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:85e2:4f2b:c50c:70cf) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2023-01-08 00:39:12 +0100tremon(~tremon@83-85-213-108.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: getting boxed in)
2023-01-08 00:42:58 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:85e2:4f2b:c50c:70cf)
2023-01-08 00:47:23 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:85e2:4f2b:c50c:70cf) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2023-01-08 00:59:04 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:85e2:4f2b:c50c:70cf)
2023-01-08 01:03:40 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:85e2:4f2b:c50c:70cf) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2023-01-08 01:16:18 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:85e2:4f2b:c50c:70cf)
2023-01-08 03:29:35 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:85e2:4f2b:c50c:70cf) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2023-01-08 04:04:04 +0100banc(banc@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/banc) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2023-01-08 04:08:56 +0100td_(~td@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2023-01-08 04:10:42 +0100td_(~td@
2023-01-08 04:24:00 +0100banc(banc@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/banc)
2023-01-08 05:18:29 +0100lokesh1197(~Thunderbi@
2023-01-08 05:33:26 +0100lokesh1198(~Thunderbi@
2023-01-08 05:33:54 +0100lokesh1197(~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2023-01-08 05:33:54 +0100lokesh1198lokesh1197
2023-01-08 05:45:12 +0100jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2023-01-08 06:06:14 +0100[Leary](~Leary]@user/Leary/x-0910699) (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-01-08 06:06:34 +0100[Leary](~Leary]@user/Leary/x-0910699)
2023-01-08 07:28:48 +0100werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2023-01-08 07:29:27 +0100werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
2023-01-08 08:18:47 +0100lokesh1197(~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2023-01-08 09:42:58 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:85e2:4f2b:c50c:70cf)
2023-01-08 10:19:50 +0100mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47)
2023-01-08 10:32:20 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:85e2:4f2b:c50c:70cf) (Quit: WeeChat 3.7.1)
2023-01-08 11:57:50 +0100mncheckm(~mncheck@
2023-01-08 12:50:11 +0100thyriaen(~thyriaen@2a01:aea0:dd4:4bae:6245:cbff:fe9f:48b1)
2023-01-08 12:52:31 +0100 <thyriaen> i have some windows i set for example by: doRectFloat ( W.RationalRect (1 % 5) (1 % 6) (3 % 5) (2 % 3) ) is it possible to define it not by percent but by pixel ?
2023-01-08 12:52:47 +0100 <thyriaen> because i have 3 different screens and i want the window to have the same size on all 3
2023-01-08 13:00:28 +0100tremon(~tremon@83-85-213-108.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)
2023-01-08 13:09:04 +0100 <vrs> is there a nice way of running an action (such as cleaning up a temporary workspace) when the last window on a workspace is closed?
2023-01-08 13:10:26 +0100dmn_(~dmn_@ip-078-094-075-193.um19.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
2023-01-08 13:17:47 +0100 <dmn_> http://pastie.org/p/7zQ7Itws7r3NVEaQoNi7do Does anyone see by chance my error? I got two physical Monitors - each of them need two DP cables and each of the monitors have it's own GPU. The first one works fine - both panels are grouped together and work as expected. For the second physical monitor I got a odd behaviour, that I do not understand:
2023-01-08 13:17:48 +0100 <dmn_> the first (DP-1-0) panel shows nothing, the second panel (DP-1-2) is working fine. Moving the mouse from the working DP-0 to DP-1 works fine, even moving the mouse to DP-1-2 works and it 'takes time' to move through DP-1-0, but nothing is shown on DP-1-0....     Gladly any debug help...
2023-01-08 13:47:33 +0100 <Solid> thyriaen: there is nothing premade I don't think, and in general resizing by pixels exactly will be very difficult because not all program may have single-pixel resize increments
2023-01-08 13:48:03 +0100 <Solid> There is [XMonad.Layout.FixedColumn](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib/docs/XMonad-Layout-FixedColumn.html) which you could probably copy the logic of, plus the equivalent thing for the height
2023-01-08 13:48:22 +0100 <Solid> But I reckon many graphical applications would not _exactly_ be the same on different monitors
2023-01-08 14:01:02 +0100 <vrs> dmn_: you usually shouldn't need two DP cables unless you're on a pretty old version of DP?
2023-01-08 14:01:27 +0100 <vrs> 1.3 or 1.4 already supports 8K I believe
2023-01-08 14:03:17 +0100 <dmn_> vrs I think the monitor just requires it - I can do it with 1 cable, but then I get 30Hz refresh rate - sadly
2023-01-08 14:10:58 +0100 <vrs> what happens if you connect only the second (weird-acting) monitor? could it be the GPU?
2023-01-08 14:12:35 +0100 <dmn_> I swapped cables/monitors/cards - liek tried very combination - always the 'secondary' monitor will have the issue on the first panel. I can get the second physical monitor working just fine if I change the order of the outputs
2023-01-08 14:13:10 +0100 <dmn_> oki .. this is even better ... the panel just came on ...
2023-01-08 14:13:51 +0100 <dmn_> I don't get it .. for a random reason the terminal I started on boot up is now visible .. don't know when it happend ..
2023-01-08 14:13:54 +0100 <dmn_> what a fun ..
2023-01-08 14:14:40 +0100 <dmn_> hmmm - the monitors went to sleep at one point - maybe sleep and wakeup fixes it?:)
2023-01-08 14:15:33 +0100 <dmn_> is there a command to trigger the monitor into sleep mode?
2023-01-08 14:19:36 +0100 <vrs> don't know but the first place I'd look is the sysfs of the associated GPU
2023-01-08 14:41:51 +0100lokesh1197(~Thunderbi@
2023-01-08 15:08:05 +0100jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net)
2023-01-08 15:23:19 +0100lokesh1197(~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2023-01-08 15:40:58 +0100 <ChaoticMist[m]> How can I have xmonad launch an application with user variables? (variables defined within the .zshrc of my setup)
2023-01-08 15:42:08 +0100 <ChaoticMist[m]> Need the described setup for a neovim plugin (ChatGPT.nvim) to recognize the temporary key generated by my nix setup
2023-01-08 15:42:55 +0100 <geekosaur> `spawn "source .zshrc; ..."`
2023-01-08 15:44:08 +0100 <geekosaur> ideally you'd arrange for X11 to do your setup but that depends how your system is set up (I have no clue how you'd arrange this on nixos, for example)
2023-01-08 15:45:13 +0100 <geekosaur> I stick https://github.com/geekosaur/xmonad.hs/blob/skkukuk/10profile in /etc/X11/Xsession.d on debian/ubuntu/mint
2023-01-08 15:47:46 +0100 <ChaoticMist[m]> I guess I got to dig into environment.variables in nixos to find out how to properly do this
2023-01-08 15:48:11 +0100 <ChaoticMist[m]> Because earlier setup (read it directly by root) was making it world-readable.. something that is not desired
2023-01-08 17:00:10 +0100unclechu(~unclechu@2001:470:69fc:105::354) (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)
2023-01-08 19:11:31 +0100 <thyriaen> Solid, doesn't have to be pixel perfect - i just have a screen that is 16:9 and one that is 9:16 so when i use percentages all windows are gobbled up
2023-01-08 19:11:45 +0100unclechu(~unclechu@2001:470:69fc:105::354)
2023-01-08 19:33:36 +0100 <geekosaur> sleep mode: xset -force dpms on
2023-01-08 19:45:31 +0100 <vrs> ChaoticMist[m]: debian has .xsessionrc for this
2023-01-08 19:46:20 +0100 <vrs> geekosaur: how would xmonad source variables when it all happens in a spawn?
2023-01-08 19:47:32 +0100 <vrs> also xset dpms on ime doesn't necessarily turn off the screen, it just sets it to zero brightness (or at least I recall that happening)
2023-01-08 19:47:38 +0100 <geekosaur> "launch an application" is spawn. you can have the spawn grab the variables. otherwise you would either wrap xmonad startup in a script which did the sourcing, or do something like I pointed to with the `10profile` link
2023-01-08 19:47:59 +0100 <geekosaur> then your monitor doesn't support dpms
2023-01-08 19:48:31 +0100 <ChaoticMist[m]> vrs: Should be the same for nixos then because it's simply linux, just with extra / reproducible steps
2023-01-08 19:49:22 +0100 <vrs> ChaoticMist[m]: .xsessionrc is debian specific (it's something they do within the shell scripts they distribute), however there's a good chance that nix has a similar mechanism
2023-01-08 19:50:00 +0100 <ChaoticMist[m]> It has environment.variables but the side-effect of that is a world-readable zshrc that contains the secret key
2023-01-08 19:50:16 +0100 <ChaoticMist[m]> I can stitch something up later or ask for help and see what a saner solution is
2023-01-08 19:50:33 +0100 <vrs> I suppose you can also just source your vars in your .xsession, should be similar, after that you just need xmonad to read the vars if desired (but the env inherits automatically so that shouldn't be necessary)
2023-01-08 19:50:49 +0100 <vrs> I assume your usecase is launching graphical applications that get their secret key from the env?
2023-01-08 19:52:41 +0100 <vrs> if having it in an owner-readable profile (as opposed to world-readable) is not secure enough, I fear you'll have to roll something with keyrings
2023-01-08 19:52:57 +0100lokesh1197(~Thunderbi@
2023-01-08 20:00:50 +0100 <ChaoticMist[m]> <vrs> "I assume your usecase is..." <- Neovide is what I am trying to launch + have it recognize OPENAI_API_KEY for chatgpt.nvim
2023-01-08 20:01:16 +0100 <ChaoticMist[m]> So I suspect that you are right when speaking of keyring
2023-01-08 20:01:20 +0100 <ChaoticMist[m]> s/keyring/keyrings/
2023-01-08 20:01:49 +0100mncheckm(~mncheck@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2023-01-08 20:04:59 +0100 <vrs> I mean if you're fine with having it show up in every application's env, then source it in .xsession, otherwise yeah keyring
2023-01-08 20:07:55 +0100lokesh1197(~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2023-01-08 20:19:23 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc)
2023-01-08 20:25:50 +0100abhixec(~abhinav@c-67-169-139-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2023-01-08 20:26:59 +0100 <Solid> thyriaen: I guess the easiest solution would be to query the monitor's size and then swap the h and w values based on that?
2023-01-08 21:00:29 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2023-01-08 21:28:25 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc)
2023-01-08 21:33:26 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2023-01-08 21:41:42 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc)
2023-01-08 21:56:35 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2023-01-08 21:57:49 +0100dmn_(~dmn_@ip-078-094-075-193.um19.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: Client closed)
2023-01-08 22:10:00 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc)
2023-01-08 22:14:32 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2023-01-08 22:26:39 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc)
2023-01-08 22:31:45 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2023-01-08 22:43:27 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc)
2023-01-08 22:47:51 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2023-01-08 22:49:07 +0100defjam(~defjam@2a02:c7e:2807:b900:cc65:3053:ec90:ffbc)
2023-01-08 23:09:23 +0100mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47) (Remote host closed the connection)
2023-01-08 23:39:11 +0100justachejustReddy