
2022-11-13 00:12:36 +0100ghormoon(~ghormoon@ghorland.net) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
2022-11-13 00:15:15 +0100ghormoon(~ghormoon@ghorland.net)
2022-11-13 03:31:30 +0100werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2022-11-13 03:43:41 +0100werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
2022-11-13 04:04:10 +0100banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2022-11-13 04:13:54 +0100td_(~td@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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2022-11-13 04:24:22 +0100banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc)
2022-11-13 04:48:21 +0100terrorjack(~terrorjac@2a01:4f8:1c1e:509a::1) (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
2022-11-13 04:50:56 +0100terrorjack(~terrorjac@2a01:4f8:1c1e:509a::1)
2022-11-13 05:26:20 +0100ectospasm(~ectospasm@user/ectospasm) (Quit: WeeChat 3.7.1)
2022-11-13 05:29:32 +0100ectospasm(~ectospasm@user/ectospasm)
2022-11-13 06:13:21 +0100 <sheilabillycryt[> I'll help the community how to earn $30,000 within 3days and hours but you will reimburse me 10% of your dividend when you collect it. Note: only interested people should correlate, Whatsapp +1 (408) 767-7373 immediately.
2022-11-13 08:06:46 +0100werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2022-11-13 08:08:27 +0100Guest4055(~Guest40@
2022-11-13 08:10:31 +0100Guest4055(~Guest40@ (Client Quit)
2022-11-13 08:12:17 +0100werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
2022-11-13 08:57:20 +0100jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2022-11-13 09:18:54 +0100ChanServ+o Solid
2022-11-13 09:19:40 +0100sheilabillycryt[Solid (Kicked by Solid)
2022-11-13 09:20:40 +0100ChanServ-o Solid
2022-11-13 10:00:07 +0100liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768) (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)
2022-11-13 10:26:21 +0100 <xmonadtrack> xmonad-contrib Tony Zorman * v0.17.1-87-gd7499d1d: CHANGES: Reindent (22 minutes ago, 1 file, 6+ 5-) https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/commit/d7499d1db032
2022-11-13 10:26:23 +0100 <xmonadtrack> xmonad-contrib Tony Zorman * v0.17.1-88-gaf5fced7: X.A.Search: voidpackages -> voidpgks_x86_64{_musl} (19 minutes ago, 2 files, 12+ 7-) https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/commit/af5fced79ada
2022-11-13 10:26:34 +0100liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768)
2022-11-13 11:23:27 +0100 <kora9> Is it possible to specify a window position for a doFloat?
2022-11-13 11:30:59 +0100 <[Leary]> kora9: X.H.ManageHelpers.do*Float*
2022-11-13 11:32:30 +0100 <kora9> [Leary]: Thanks!
2022-11-13 11:56:50 +0100mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47)
2022-11-13 13:05:20 +0100chomwitt(~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a0a:c00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)
2022-11-13 13:16:35 +0100werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2022-11-13 14:51:22 +0100ft(~ft@p508dbd59.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-11-13 14:53:00 +0100ft(~ft@p508dbd59.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
2022-11-13 15:28:07 +0100jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net)
2022-11-13 16:11:00 +0100thyriaen(~thyriaen@2a01:aea0:dd4:470d:6245:cbff:fe9f:48b1)
2022-11-13 16:11:49 +0100thyriaen_(~thyriaen@2a01:aea0:dd4:470d:6245:cbff:fe9f:48b1)
2022-11-13 16:18:41 +0100LemanR(~LemanR@pool-74-109-28-147.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
2022-11-13 16:19:02 +0100 <LemanR> geekosaur and here
2022-11-13 16:19:42 +0100 <geekosaur> I'd actually put the startup one in .xinitrc (or .xsession if your distro has unified them)
2022-11-13 16:20:02 +0100 <geekosaur> but if you want to do it in xmonad.hs you can do it in the startupHook
2022-11-13 16:20:09 +0100 <geekosaur> you'd still use spawn
2022-11-13 16:20:44 +0100 <LemanR> k so look up startupHook and from there it sounds like it's going to be trivial after reading
2022-11-13 16:24:37 +0100 <geekosaur> the bigger question might be xmonad keybindings, since you might want those to change with the keymap. I think there's a module for that but I'm not sure
2022-11-13 16:25:52 +0100 <geekosaur> https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.17.1/docs/XMonad-Actions-KeyRemap.html
2022-11-13 16:25:53 +0100 <LemanR> Well I'm also beginning to learn haskell so I'm only writing things I can personally read and communicate specifically (mostly to myself) what the code is doing. I will add multi-layouts but later. I read some code on that and was just like deeeeerrrrrrrp lol
2022-11-13 16:34:26 +0100 <geekosaur> I used xmonad to learn haskell. flip side I already understood X11 so I could use that to orient
2022-11-13 16:38:28 +0100rpana(~rpana@
2022-11-13 16:41:25 +0100LemanR(~LemanR@pool-74-109-28-147.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Client closed)
2022-11-13 16:45:31 +0100LemanR(~LemanR@pool-74-109-28-147.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
2022-11-13 16:52:22 +0100 <LemanR> I'm looking this up now but in case I'm going about this wrong, I see hooks look automatically setup, if I wanted to see the code for a hook like myTerminal where would I find this? my xmonad dir (inside .config) only has the xmonad.hs file
2022-11-13 16:52:28 +0100thyriaen(~thyriaen@2a01:aea0:dd4:470d:6245:cbff:fe9f:48b1) (Quit: Leaving)
2022-11-13 16:52:32 +0100thyriaen_(~thyriaen@2a01:aea0:dd4:470d:6245:cbff:fe9f:48b1) (Quit: Leaving)
2022-11-13 16:52:34 +0100 <LemanR> understanding what hooks are doing would help me reason about my code (i'm very detailed oriented)
2022-11-13 16:53:53 +0100 <LemanR> following https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3noK4GTmyMw atm (distrotube intro to xmonad) but he starts using myTerminal which is just there and atm I guess works by magic lol hence why I want to see what is setting myTerminal and how xmonad knows setting it to xterm or alacritty 'knows' that I mean the terminal and not something else
2022-11-13 16:54:51 +0100kaskal-(~kaskal@089144200035.atnat0009.highway.a1.net) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2022-11-13 16:57:38 +0100mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5ce3:8500::4b68)
2022-11-13 16:57:43 +0100 <geekosaur> there's a `terminal = myTerminal` somewhere in the config record, if you're using one of the commonly tossed-around xmonad.hs files, and mod-shift-enter uses that definition to launch a terminal
2022-11-13 16:59:28 +0100thyriaen(~thyriaen@2a01:aea0:dd4:470d:6245:cbff:fe9f:48b1)
2022-11-13 17:00:38 +0100 <LemanR> I'm starting from scratch so this is what I have so far https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3noK4GTmyMw
2022-11-13 17:06:24 +0100 <LemanR> omg I just saw my copy/paste didn't copy lol one sec
2022-11-13 17:06:39 +0100 <LemanR> http://dpaste.com/8ZNGG5SUG
2022-11-13 17:07:36 +0100 <geekosaur> interesting, that doesn't have a terminal definition at all
2022-11-13 17:08:02 +0100 <LemanR> I made it from touch, so literally from the minimal. I have basic functionality atm.
2022-11-13 17:08:33 +0100 <LemanR> this is kinda like a first haskell project I will add to as I continue learning haskell
2022-11-13 17:08:34 +0100 <geekosaur> so it should be using xterm unless you're on debian/ubuntu and using their package, in which case it runs "x-terminal-emulator" and installing alacritty would cause update-alternatives to register it as x-terminal-emulator
2022-11-13 17:09:06 +0100 <geekosaur> debian's fun that way
2022-11-13 17:09:17 +0100 <geekosaur> does the same with browsers (as x-www-browser)
2022-11-13 17:09:29 +0100 <Solid> LemanR: I reckon that video has a `myTerminal = "alacritty"' somewhere in the config
2022-11-13 17:09:45 +0100 <geekosaur> the video was a mistake (see "omg")
2022-11-13 17:10:04 +0100 <Solid> but above they did say they were following it
2022-11-13 17:10:39 +0100 <Solid> (btw, obligatory plug for https://xmonad.org/TUTORIAL.html because I think it explains things rather well)
2022-11-13 17:13:47 +0100 <LemanR> I just realized..........this is coding of a general programming lanuage, my answer for how some thing 'x' works is probably in one of the files I'm importing. (I am neuroscience student formally with a strong interest in computer science). Solid will read that link
2022-11-13 17:14:22 +0100 <LemanR> point being I find myself making obvious mistakes from time to time lol
2022-11-13 18:00:57 +0100rpana(~rpana@ (Quit: Client closed)
2022-11-13 18:06:36 +0100 <LemanR> still haven't found where my modules are being stored o.0
2022-11-13 18:09:16 +0100Rutherther[m](~rutherthe@2001:470:69fc:105::2:bc05)
2022-11-13 18:14:38 +0100rpana(~rpana@
2022-11-13 18:15:21 +0100LemanR(~LemanR@pool-74-109-28-147.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Client closed)
2022-11-13 18:20:09 +0100rpana(~rpana@ (Quit: Client closed)
2022-11-13 18:42:46 +0100 <Rutherther[m]> hi, I am using xmonad with xmobar with multi (3) monitor setup, on each monitor I have xmobar
2022-11-13 18:42:46 +0100 <Rutherther[m]> is there a possibility to show a visible workspace differently from the others if and only if it is on the monitor on which the xmobar is? Currently when I set ppVisible to show the workspace differently, it will be shown on all of the monitors the same way. I cannot tell which workspace is opened on which monitor.
2022-11-13 18:42:46 +0100 <Rutherther[m]> If I understand it at least slightly correctly, it seems to me like I would need to feed different inputs into each xmobar from xmonad, but I am not sure how to do that, I am using XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar and XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar.PP with dynamicEasySBs
2022-11-13 18:42:46 +0100 <Rutherther[m]> I had it like this for a while so I got used to it and usually remember what workspaces I am on, but still it would be more convenient to differentiate between them
2022-11-13 19:03:47 +0100LemanR(~LemanR@pool-74-109-28-147.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
2022-11-13 19:05:10 +0100 <LemanR> still no luck finding the modules on my file system so I can read them and learn the gist of how they work.
2022-11-13 19:05:35 +0100 <LemanR> I don't have ./xmonad/lib/
2022-11-13 19:13:47 +0100 <LemanR> I FOUND IT!!! it was in /usr/lib64/xmonad-contrib.../ghc.../XMonad
2022-11-13 19:13:55 +0100 <LemanR> ... version numbers
2022-11-13 19:15:39 +0100Guest7583(~Guest75@
2022-11-13 19:17:26 +0100Guest7583(~Guest75@ (Client Quit)
2022-11-13 19:17:41 +0100Guest40(~Guest40@
2022-11-13 19:18:41 +0100 <Guest40> hey this is guest 40 again, I am back with the solution incase someone else has the same issue. Turns out it is not an xmonad nor a gpu issue. I found that the picom configuration i was using was using a incompatible backend.
2022-11-13 19:19:03 +0100Guest40(~Guest40@ (Client Quit)
2022-11-13 19:30:49 +0100LemanR(~LemanR@pool-74-109-28-147.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Client closed)
2022-11-13 19:51:50 +0100LemanR(~LemanR@pool-74-109-28-147.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
2022-11-13 19:59:43 +0100LemanR(~LemanR@pool-74-109-28-147.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2022-11-13 20:00:25 +0100LemanR(~LemanR@pool-74-109-28-147.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
2022-11-13 20:57:13 +0100werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
2022-11-13 21:41:43 +0100LemanR(~LemanR@pool-74-109-28-147.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Client closed)
2022-11-13 22:58:41 +0100mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-11-13 23:02:21 +0100noex(~null@user/noex) (Quit: :q!)
2022-11-13 23:49:05 +0100kaskal(~kaskal@089144207012.atnat0016.highway.bob.at)