
2022-08-10 00:00:53 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> hmmm ok. well i guess i'm just looking for how to get from the state i have right now (partial lsp support) to full lsp support.
2022-08-10 00:00:57 +0200 <geekosaur> https://github.com/geekosaur/xmonad.hs/tree/skkukuk is my setup but it has some things you won't care about in it (like compton.conf)
2022-08-10 00:01:36 +0200 <geekosaur> basically you choose one of those build scripts, put it in the same directory as your `xmonad.hs`, name it `build`, and `chmod +x build`
2022-08-10 00:01:42 +0200 <geekosaur> then xmonad will use it
2022-08-10 00:02:44 +0200 <geekosaur> you will want to use `cabal init` or `stack init` as appropriate (and, for cabal, edit the resulting file so it's not using the whole src/app thing cabal likes to suggest)
2022-08-10 00:03:19 +0200 <geekosaur> see the example in my setup. (you can remove the dbus and utf8-string dependencies, they're specific to my local setup)
2022-08-10 00:06:11 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> ok so i get the idea of adding it making executable then it'll be used
2022-08-10 00:06:49 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> i am gonna rebuild what i had before (basically xmonad running fine, but not full lsp) then do that and see if it resolves the lsp issue.
2022-08-10 00:07:13 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> i'm not sure what you mean with cabal init there, is the idea that i have to do some kind of update after adding the build script
2022-08-10 00:07:31 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> (thanks for this help btw)
2022-08-10 00:07:54 +0200 <geekosaur> right. this should not change the xmonad side of things beyond slightly slower rebuilds because it has to go via cabal instead of directly, but the cabal information will allow lsp to find everything it wants
2022-08-10 00:08:46 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> ok nice, yeah that's best case, i'm hoping i just put this on top of what i had before and it magically works.
2022-08-10 00:08:49 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> ill report back
2022-08-10 02:22:39 +0200aliosablack(~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:ea1e:e5c0:de8:53e2) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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2022-08-10 09:01:05 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (107KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/iFVTQxAtJPCnRjAFaPFmhGsb/image.png >
2022-08-10 09:01:06 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> ok so i rebuilt the whole system to clear any potential junk. i have xmonad up and running, i can see changes i make to the config taking effect, so all looks good. i've now added the build-with-cabal.sh file to ~/.xmonad, but the lsp stuff still isn't fully functional (i get snippets and formatting, but still as you can see by the red crosses, some packages not being found):
2022-08-10 09:01:17 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (107KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/rBcJLgKheTZQkUbHciWCHeuS/image.png >
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2022-08-10 09:03:20 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> maybe i didn't quite understand the instructions, but if someone could clarify where to go from here that would be great
2022-08-10 09:04:10 +0200scardinal(~supreme@customer-212-237-101-39.ip4.gigabit.dk) (Quit: leaving)
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2022-08-10 09:10:41 +0200sogens(~sogens@
2022-08-10 09:12:02 +0200 <Lears> LSP (apparently) expects a (cabal) package, so you have to turn your config into one. The build script is just a way to make xmonad accept that change.
2022-08-10 09:12:39 +0200 <Lears> It's a consequence of the solution, not the solution itself.
2022-08-10 09:15:33 +0200sogens(~sogens@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2022-08-10 09:16:00 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> hmmm ok. thanks. i'm still not exactly clear on how to proceed from here though, bit of a noob. could you clarify how to do that next step?
2022-08-10 09:16:48 +0200cfricke(~cfricke@user/cfricke)
2022-08-10 09:16:55 +0200sogens(~sogens@gateway/vpn/pia/sogens)
2022-08-10 09:19:01 +0200 <Solid> you need a cabal file; something that looks a little bit like https://gitlab.com/slotThe/dotfiles/-/blob/master/xmonad/.config/xmonad/xmonadrc.cabal
2022-08-10 09:21:49 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> ohhh ok i see there is also a cabal in what geekosaur sent, i'll try adding this and restarting
2022-08-10 09:22:00 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> thank you
2022-08-10 09:27:02 +0200totte(~totte@h-82-196-112-155.A166.priv.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2022-08-10 09:28:22 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> i'm not sure what happened but that seems to have totally broken it lol
2022-08-10 09:28:23 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (3KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/eiNdwlnrBepiuawISUQPNkCO/image.png >
2022-08-10 09:28:31 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> now the lsp doesn't seem to work at all
2022-08-10 09:28:55 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> and even when i remove the script and cabal an reboot the lsp stays fully broken
2022-08-10 09:29:29 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> what i did was place the cabal file in ~/.xmonad
2022-08-10 09:31:39 +0200aliosablack(~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc15:5e00:d0f9:9fe4:8717:f94d)
2022-08-10 09:39:16 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (31KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/PDqaTHaDzeBmqIuiqpshqlVn/image.png >
2022-08-10 09:39:17 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> not sure if this is helpful, but when i added the cabal file and the lsp fully broke, the output of `:LspInfo` became:
2022-08-10 09:39:29 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (31KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/viuVbvnSzEkkJWFIlgQTosPf/image.png >
2022-08-10 09:40:04 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> before that it was successfully attaching haskell lsp, but just not finding everything
2022-08-10 09:45:17 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> I've not used LSPs on nvim, but have you checked `:h nvim-lsp-installer-quickstart`?
2022-08-10 09:47:56 +0200mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47)
2022-08-10 09:51:40 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> yeah it just tells you to call the setup function, which i do in my lsp setup. if i open an elm file, or bash or smth it'll give automatically load up the relevant lsp stuff.
2022-08-10 09:51:58 +0200 <geekosaur> note that if you're using my cabal file, you need to remove the dbus and utf8-string dependencies. don't forget to also remove the comma at the end of line 23
2022-08-10 09:52:23 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> ok i'll try that one.
2022-08-10 09:52:53 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> to be clear, geekosaur. all i'm aiming for here is add your cabal and your script to ~/.xmonad, then restart xmonad?
2022-08-10 09:53:13 +0200 <geekosaur> yes
2022-08-10 09:53:24 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> thx
2022-08-10 09:53:24 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> (add making the appropriate edits to the cabal, as you said)
2022-08-10 09:53:25 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> ok
2022-08-10 09:53:46 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> s/add/and/
2022-08-10 09:53:48 +0200 <geekosaur> I don't know if hls has cache information that may need to be removed
2022-08-10 09:54:05 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> if you tell me where to look i can poke around
2022-08-10 09:54:10 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> that seems highly likely
2022-08-10 09:54:28 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> i tried getting rid of dist-newstyle and letting it regen but that didn't fix it
2022-08-10 09:54:48 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> i assume some weird thing maybe got cached if i remove changes, reboot, and it's stays broke.
2022-08-10 09:55:44 +0200 <geekosaur> doesn't look like it does
2022-08-10 09:56:34 +0200 <geekosaur> oh, sorry. ~/.cache/ghcide is the cache directory (ghcide is the old name for lsp)
2022-08-10 09:58:08 +0200 <geekosaur> gah, it's 0400, I need to be asleep ๐Ÿ˜ž
2022-08-10 09:59:01 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> ok yeah i added both files, removed the last 2 lines and the command, still getting same error
2022-08-10 09:59:15 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> i can clear that dir tho
2022-08-10 10:01:39 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> also cleared ghcide, still same error, i have no clue how this got busted so badly. literally was working fine except lsp wasn't finding some things, now lsp is fully broken, and all i did was add those 2 files to /.xmonad. i could try reinstalling arch and strating over maybe, idk i'm pretty far over my head trying to fix this lsp thing.
2022-08-10 10:01:58 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> and yes it is late, thanks very much for the help tho
2022-08-10 10:02:06 +0200 <Solid> what's the error message that lsp gives you?
2022-08-10 10:02:19 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> now it's this
2022-08-10 10:02:20 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (3KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/RUmhVnlPXtBSkttpXXnJnETq/image.png >
2022-08-10 10:02:35 +0200 <Solid> I mean HLS itself, not neovim
2022-08-10 10:02:35 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> but i could get it back to this by re-installing arch i'm sure:
2022-08-10 10:02:56 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> i'm not sure how i would see something like that
2022-08-10 10:03:21 +0200 <Solid> easiest way would probably be to just run `haskell-language-server-wrapper` in the project directory
2022-08-10 10:04:04 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (55KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/sVhKVvSwOjUDjPEknNPfgDqV/image.png >
2022-08-10 10:04:09 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> it's complaining about the hie
2022-08-10 10:04:23 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> i will add, i have tried the basic stuff here
2022-08-10 10:04:26 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> like implicit-hie
2022-08-10 10:04:54 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> (not on this install, but on a previous install where i got this error complaining about the hie.yaml)
2022-08-10 10:04:59 +0200 <Solid> don't worry about having an hie.yaml; HLS is normally smart enough to figure this out by itself
2022-08-10 10:05:17 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> hm ok
2022-08-10 10:05:18 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-08-10 10:06:30 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> What's xmonad-bse? Does that package exist? (Maybe meant to be xmonad, base?)
2022-08-10 10:06:40 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> that came from geekosaur
2022-08-10 10:06:47 +0200 <Solid> seems like cabal can't even build the project
2022-08-10 10:06:50 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> oh wait one sec i may have misspoke
2022-08-10 10:07:27 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> yeah i have no clue why it would not build
2022-08-10 10:07:34 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> incase you missed the earlier stuff..
2022-08-10 10:07:49 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> this was the initial state i had it in
2022-08-10 10:08:03 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> after a fresh arch install and just putting the basic xmonad stuff on there
2022-08-10 10:08:05 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (103KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/GJAwqjTwWSLSKgLuyiroNdxx/image.png >
2022-08-10 10:08:24 +0200 <Solid> It's really hard to debug things from pictures; do you have a repo somewhere or something?
2022-08-10 10:08:24 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> you can see the lsp is connecting fine, it's just not finding some of the packages,
2022-08-10 10:09:12 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> i could easiely build one, or i could hop on screenshare (if matrix has that?)
2022-08-10 10:09:28 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> What's the terminal output when you build it?
2022-08-10 10:09:51 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> is that just cabal build in the relevant dir
2022-08-10 10:09:58 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> Yes
2022-08-10 10:10:28 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> complained about update
2022-08-10 10:10:31 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> running cabal update..
2022-08-10 10:11:05 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (74KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/vIPNnzeguVZUwMqHmMAmeKNq/image.png >
2022-08-10 10:13:01 +0200 <Solid> oh, you're trying to build git
2022-08-10 10:13:49 +0200 <Solid> that's not on hackage yet, so cabal naturally can't build it and fails; you're probably going to have to point it to the git repo or a local directory somehow (I don't use cabal without stack, so I don't know how to do this)
2022-08-10 10:15:23 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> so i have tried this way also
2022-08-10 10:15:24 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> https://xmonad.org/INSTALL.html#build-using-cabal-install
2022-08-10 10:15:47 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> For now you could try replacing the version dependencies to allow whatever is the most recent version in hackage
2022-08-10 10:16:03 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> in the cabal file?
2022-08-10 10:16:30 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> Yes. Something like xmonad ^>= 0.17 && < 0.18, and the same for xmonad-contrib
2022-08-10 10:16:34 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> But I'm not familiar with cabal either
2022-08-10 10:17:07 +0200 <Lears> ^>= 0.17 should work; the rest is redundant.
2022-08-10 10:17:10 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> looks as though that's how it's set up
2022-08-10 10:17:12 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (47KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/cfQoXSddonzEtdwGbBfygZRN/image.png >
2022-08-10 10:17:29 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> oh ok, sry sent that before lears' message came through
2022-08-10 10:17:46 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> oh but if it's redundant then i guess that makes no diff
2022-08-10 10:17:53 +0200 <Lears> No, the issue is the 0.9
2022-08-10 10:18:02 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> oh ok
2022-08-10 10:18:04 +0200 <Lears> That's not on hackage yet, so cabal doesn't find it.
2022-08-10 10:18:33 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> sry when you said redundant i thought you meant it like
2022-08-10 10:18:39 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> extra info that makes no diff
2022-08-10 10:18:45 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> changing it
2022-08-10 10:19:18 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> hey it's doing something, this is great! :p
2022-08-10 10:19:19 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> It's the && < 0.18 that's redundant, because 0.18 doesn't exist yet.
2022-08-10 10:19:26 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> OH
2022-08-10 10:19:29 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> ok i see
2022-08-10 10:19:59 +0200 <Lears> Rather, it's implied by ^.
2022-08-10 10:20:28 +0200 <Lears> If I'm not mistaken.
2022-08-10 10:20:53 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> idk
2022-08-10 10:20:54 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> i don't know the whole versioning syntax, i guess it will be implied by ^ until the current verison is higher than .18?
2022-08-10 10:21:17 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> haskell's version stuff has always been kinda arcane to me, it's one of those thing i need to like sit down and properly learn at some point
2022-08-10 10:22:34 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> ok...
2022-08-10 10:22:40 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> so it got through almost the whole build
2022-08-10 10:22:41 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> till this
2022-08-10 10:22:41 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (40KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/aQUkRjgjoshmUgmdWcaGdJqC/image.png >
2022-08-10 10:23:10 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> gonna add the dep
2022-08-10 10:23:14 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> try again
2022-08-10 10:23:45 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> I find there's sometimes a bit of trail and error with dependencies
2022-08-10 10:23:50 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> *trial
2022-08-10 10:24:02 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> But the error messages don't tend to be too bad
2022-08-10 10:24:05 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> yeah i think this is just cause i'm using the darcs templaite
2022-08-10 10:24:14 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> yeah this is what i'm used to seeing
2022-08-10 10:24:33 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> i think i just pulled a template that calls things that geekosaur didn't need in his cabal
2022-08-10 10:25:00 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> HLS should also be able to tell you when you need to add / remove dependencies, once you have it working.
2022-08-10 10:25:16 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> really?
2022-08-10 10:25:24 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> ohh you mean like in file
2022-08-10 10:26:19 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> I get it inline next to module imports, but I use emacs so nvim may be different.
2022-08-10 10:27:17 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> yeah i started wanted nvim for like use in servers (super easy to pull down a config, and terminal based works everywhere), speed (faster than vsc) and mostly config via lua (not as good as config via haskell, but still way more flexible than what i had before with vsc)
2022-08-10 10:27:51 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> you can get that stuff in nvim, i think it looks a bit better in vsc, but maybe there are ways to get it nicer in nvim if you know your way around
2022-08-10 10:28:07 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> right now i just get indicators and i press gl to reveal more
2022-08-10 10:29:41 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> WOW ok...
2022-08-10 10:29:46 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> i don't wanna speak too soon, but i am pretty sure you all got it working
2022-08-10 10:29:55 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (110KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/OBdQApJaBHzwlWisGagvGGIh/image.png >
2022-08-10 10:30:16 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> the feedback isn't errors bout finding stuff anymore, just seems like normal lsp feedback
2022-08-10 10:30:17 +0200isaacthekind[m]uploaded an image: (37KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/euKXoLvDjBFpwrxpptKOhvRc/image.png >
2022-08-10 10:30:29 +0200 <isaacthekind[m]> thank you, this has been owning me for like 3 days
2022-08-10 10:31:01 +0200 <quarkQuark[m]111> Yay!
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2022-08-10 16:44:41 +0200sogens(~sogens@
2022-08-10 17:15:11 +0200sogens(~sogens@ (Quit: WeeChat 3.5)
2022-08-10 17:16:39 +0200sogens(~sogens@gateway/vpn/pia/sogens)
2022-08-10 17:26:41 +0200logzet(~quassel@2001:9e8:e53a:7700:dabb:c1ff:fed3:a1b9)
2022-08-10 17:58:25 +0200Quelklef(~Quelklef@2600:100d:bf06:1800:52cc:d4b5:1694:d7f7)
2022-08-10 17:58:41 +0200 <Quelklef> hello!
2022-08-10 18:01:14 +0200 <Quelklef> I've written some code for myself that I think would be a good addition to xmonad-contrib
2022-08-10 18:01:21 +0200 <Quelklef> CONTRIBUTING.md says to ask about it here first
2022-08-10 18:02:08 +0200 <Quelklef> basically it's "two-dimensional workspaces, plus you can have workspaces share windows"
2022-08-10 18:03:26 +0200 <Quelklef> it's implemented as a mostly plug-and-play extension using ExtensibleConfig and ExtensibleState
2022-08-10 18:03:33 +0200 <Quelklef> is this something that sounds like it would be good in xmonad-contrib?
2022-08-10 18:04:17 +0200 <Quelklef> an XMonad.Hooks.WorkspacesIn2D module or something
2022-08-10 18:09:06 +0200Quelklef(~Quelklef@2600:100d:bf06:1800:52cc:d4b5:1694:d7f7) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2022-08-10 18:14:49 +0200 <geekosaur> what is the difference from XMonad.Actions.Plane?
2022-08-10 18:33:41 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
2022-08-10 18:44:49 +0200EnlightenedUser(~Enlighten@ip5f5af2d7.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
2022-08-10 18:46:05 +0200dschrempf(~dominik@070-207.dynamic.dsl.fonira.net)
2022-08-10 18:48:04 +0200sogens2(~sogens@
2022-08-10 18:50:32 +0200 <EnlightenedUser> Howdy friends, my xmonad.hs seems to be the issue that my enlightenment applications are completely transparent being rendered without content ( i am on a fresh fedora install and just installed terminology ) on a different wm on the same machine terminology runs fine - https://hastebin.com/halatetopu.lua
2022-08-10 18:50:33 +0200sogens(~sogens@gateway/vpn/pia/sogens) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2022-08-10 18:58:15 +0200 <geekosaur> if you're not using XMonad.Hooks.Fade{Inactive,Windows} then xmonad knows exactly nothing about transparency. transparency is normally up to the window itself, since the window manager can't know what opacity the application rendering the window wants
2022-08-10 19:00:51 +0200sogens2(~sogens@ (Quit: WeeChat 3.5)
2022-08-10 19:18:19 +0200Jade1(~Jade1@ip-178-201-128-039.um46.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
2022-08-10 19:21:59 +0200 <Jade1> Is it normal that when switching workspaces my background flashes for a split second?
2022-08-10 19:21:59 +0200 <Jade1> In my compositor I have fading disabled but when quickly switching workspaces I can see my background for short times
2022-08-10 19:22:17 +0200sogens(~sogens@
2022-08-10 19:23:33 +0200 <geekosaur> yes, it's entirely possible you can spot the background between when the old workspace's windows are unmapped and the new one's are mapped
2022-08-10 19:23:45 +0200 <geekosaur> compositing actually helps to minimize this
2022-08-10 19:24:51 +0200 <geekosaur> @ask Quelklef What's the difference between your WorkspacesIn2D and XMonad.Actions.Plane?
2022-08-10 19:24:51 +0200 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
2022-08-10 19:26:12 +0200 <Jade1> geekosaur, so there's no way to make it "cover" it up in order to be 100% covered when just switching workspaces?
2022-08-10 19:26:21 +0200 <geekosaur> there is not
2022-08-10 19:26:27 +0200 <Jade1> because the flash is really annoying
2022-08-10 19:26:30 +0200 <Jade1> ah ok thank you
2022-08-10 19:26:37 +0200 <Jade1> I might go back to fading then
2022-08-10 19:26:41 +0200 <Jade1> it covers it up well
2022-08-10 19:26:44 +0200 <geekosaur> hypothetically we could map the new windows before unmapping the old but that's not what X.O.windows currently does
2022-08-10 19:27:20 +0200 <Jade1> ok thanks!
2022-08-10 19:28:28 +0200 <geekosaur> (and doing so might alter the stacking order and cause other obscure issues)
2022-08-10 19:28:53 +0200 <Jade1> alright
2022-08-10 19:34:55 +0200EnlightenedUser(~Enlighten@ip5f5af2d7.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Client closed)
2022-08-10 19:43:18 +0200Jade1(~Jade1@ip-178-201-128-039.um46.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: Client closed)
2022-08-10 19:44:23 +0200ml|(~ml|@user/ml/x-5298235) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2022-08-10 19:52:59 +0200sogens(~sogens@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2022-08-10 19:57:26 +0200sogens(~sogens@
2022-08-10 19:58:32 +0200 <geekosaur> @tell EnlightenedUser for what it's worth I can duplicate it with terminology on my system. I presume that means it's looking for something that it doesn't autostart, that is presumably part of the enlightenment desktop
2022-08-10 19:58:33 +0200 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
2022-08-10 20:01:53 +0200ml|(~ml|@user/ml/x-5298235)
2022-08-10 20:06:45 +0200 <geekosaur> @tell EnlightenedUser it turns out that it's not using an opacity of 0; it's hanging before it can render anything, which also means the window can't be selected or etc. in particular I saw no shell associated with the window here
2022-08-10 20:06:46 +0200 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
2022-08-10 20:10:18 +0200dschrempf(~dominik@070-207.dynamic.dsl.fonira.net) (Quit: WeeChat 3.6)
2022-08-10 20:12:34 +0200sogens(~sogens@ (Quit: WeeChat 3.5)
2022-08-10 20:13:48 +0200sogens(~sogens@
2022-08-10 20:26:45 +0200sogens(~sogens@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2022-08-10 20:28:02 +0200sogens(~sogens@gateway/vpn/pia/sogens)
2022-08-10 20:32:38 +0200sogens(~sogens@gateway/vpn/pia/sogens) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2022-08-10 20:36:07 +0200Quelklef(~Quelklef@
2022-08-10 20:37:25 +0200sogens(~sogens@
2022-08-10 20:40:09 +0200 <Quelklef> geekosaur, good question
2022-08-10 20:40:42 +0200 <Quelklef> I've never used XMonad.Actions.Plane before
2022-08-10 20:40:53 +0200 <Quelklef> I'll try it out
2022-08-10 20:41:03 +0200 <geekosaur> keep in mind that I'm not saying "we already have that"; Plane is a huge ungainly hack that very few people trust
2022-08-10 20:41:03 +0200 <Quelklef> off the bat, it looks similar except that it doesn't have this workspace-combining feature mine does
2022-08-10 20:41:09 +0200 <Quelklef> oh, is it?
2022-08-10 20:43:11 +0200 <geekosaur> well, I think the code is small, the *hack* is big ๐Ÿ™‚
2022-08-10 20:43:26 +0200 <geekosaur> it abuses the StackSet something fierce
2022-08-10 20:43:28 +0200 <Quelklef> what's hacky about it? :O
2022-08-10 20:43:30 +0200 <Quelklef> ahh
2022-08-10 20:43:49 +0200 <Quelklef> well, I don't touch StackSet directly
2022-08-10 20:43:58 +0200 <Quelklef> my implementation is on top of Workspaces
2022-08-10 20:44:00 +0200 <geekosaur> that already makes it sound better
2022-08-10 20:44:14 +0200 <geekosaur> well, Workspace is part of StackSet
2022-08-10 20:44:19 +0200 <Quelklef> it's slightly hacky, but in the "your output will be weird if you miss" a step way, not the "your xmonad will break if you do it wrong" way
2022-08-10 20:44:31 +0200 <Quelklef> "... if you miss a step"*
2022-08-10 20:44:33 +0200 <geekosaur> but forcibly swapping out Stacks is โ€ฆ fragile
2022-08-10 20:45:14 +0200 <geekosaur> (a Workspace being the combination of a Layout and a Maybe Stack)
2022-08-10 20:46:01 +0200 <Quelklef> to be clear by "on top of workspaces" i mean on top of workspace IDs
2022-08-10 20:46:44 +0200 <Quelklef> I call out to stuff like (windows . greedyView)
2022-08-10 20:48:13 +0200 <Quelklef> oh, this is interesting
2022-08-10 20:48:27 +0200 <Quelklef> so Planes takes your existing set of workspace IDs and fits it onto a 2d grid
2022-08-10 20:48:33 +0200 <geekosaur> yes
2022-08-10 20:48:50 +0200 <Quelklef> mine requires control of generating the workspace ids
2022-08-10 20:49:19 +0200 <geekosaur> so it's closer to something like IndependentScreens?
2022-08-10 20:49:46 +0200 <geekosaur> which treats actual workspace tags as <screenid>_<wsid> and gives you wrappers to manipulate each
2022-08-10 20:49:50 +0200 <Quelklef> > Utility functions for simulating independent sets of workspaces on each screen (like dwm's workspace model), using internal tags to distinguish workspaces associated with each screen.
2022-08-10 20:49:52 +0200 <lambdabot> <hint>:1:51: error: parse error on input โ€˜ofโ€™
2022-08-10 20:49:55 +0200 <Quelklef> yes, that sounds right
2022-08-10 20:50:12 +0200 <Quelklef> I generate workspaces tags with format "y/x:name"
2022-08-10 20:50:34 +0200 <Quelklef> and then expose an Endo PP for rendering them correctly
2022-08-10 20:54:07 +0200 <Quelklef> although come to think of it I'm not sure that's really necessary
2022-08-10 20:54:34 +0200 <Quelklef> it's a nice default implementation, but I think I could relax the API to give users completely control over workspace IDs if they want it
2022-08-10 20:54:37 +0200alternateved(~user@staticline-31-183-149-36.toya.net.pl)
2022-08-10 20:59:24 +0200sogens(~sogens@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2022-08-10 21:01:01 +0200sogens(~sogens@gateway/vpn/pia/sogens)
2022-08-10 21:15:06 +0200alternateved(~user@staticline-31-183-149-36.toya.net.pl) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-08-10 21:59:32 +0200qbt(~qbt@user/edun) (Quit: WeeChat 3.5)
2022-08-10 22:07:13 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> geekosaur: you've got to help me now
2022-08-10 22:07:23 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> I need to fix this.
2022-08-10 22:07:50 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> I just checked the same config file that day on my other machine running endeavorOS and xmobar was working fine
2022-08-10 22:08:03 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> I replicated the same setup on my main machine
2022-08-10 22:08:23 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> i installed xmonad-git and xmonad-contrib-git from aur and then xmobar from pacman
2022-08-10 22:08:54 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> but it still won't work on my main machine with a brand new installation
2022-08-10 22:10:17 +0200 <geekosaur> I'm not sure how I'm supposed to help you. I can't compare your two installations to see how they differ
2022-08-10 22:17:31 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> geekosaur: there must be something we cud do
2022-08-10 22:17:38 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> can Solid help?
2022-08-10 22:18:14 +0200 <geekosaur> probably not at this point. if you have all your xmonad and xmobar stuff the same then I'd next start comparing environment variables and such
2022-08-10 22:18:55 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> what should i look for?
2022-08-10 22:20:50 +0200 <geekosaur> initially I'd just compare shell startup files and such. except I seem to recall you decided to mess with /etc/environment on one system (although if it's the one you reinstalled, that won't matter any more)
2022-08-10 22:21:02 +0200 <geekosaur> iirc you run fish so you also need to check its special files
2022-08-10 22:21:54 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> ill change to bash and see
2022-08-10 22:23:53 +0200 <geekosaur> (anything in ~/.config/fish, including fish_variables)
2022-08-10 22:25:21 +0200 <geekosaur> fwiw I (like a number of other people here, and indeed on github) keep my master set of dotfiles on github and can easily compare them that way
2022-08-10 22:26:40 +0200 <geekosaur> like, if something behaves differently on two of my systems I can git diff both against my dotfiles repo
2022-08-10 22:26:57 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> https://github.com/zim0369/dots
2022-08-10 22:27:19 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> i changed my shell to bash
2022-08-10 22:27:42 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> i just installed endeavorOS a few hours ago
2022-08-10 22:27:45 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> still no xmobar
2022-08-10 22:28:09 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> wait
2022-08-10 22:28:36 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> there's no xmobarrc but xmobar starts just fine from the terminal
2022-08-10 22:29:06 +0200 <geekosaur> xmobar has a built in default
2022-08-10 22:30:00 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> i didn't do much after the fresh install
2022-08-10 22:30:18 +0200 <zim0369[m]1> installed required packages and started with startx thats all
2022-08-10 22:52:59 +0200sogens(~sogens@gateway/vpn/pia/sogens) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2022-08-10 22:53:26 +0200sogens(~sogens@
2022-08-10 23:02:06 +0200mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5ce3:8500::a1ec)
2022-08-10 23:16:29 +0200mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-08-10 23:32:49 +0200sogens(~sogens@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2022-08-10 23:52:18 +0200Quelklef(~Quelklef@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)