
2022-07-10 00:00:24 +0200 <zawaken-> If this bug were to happen, would it be regardless of how your config looks? because I have XMonad up on my VM now, but without Dbus (I use it for Polybar and eww)
2022-07-10 00:00:32 +0200 <geekosaur[m]> but if you're on 8.10.7 then this can't be the issue since it involves optimization of join points and 8.10.7 doesn't have join points
2022-07-10 00:01:53 +0200 <zawaken-> I can send you a link to my dotfile repository if you want to see exactly what commit I am on as well as my config.
2022-07-10 00:02:26 +0200 <zawaken-> It is the same across systems though, so this might be some quirky Gentoo dbus behaviour
2022-07-10 00:02:38 +0200 <geekosaur[m]> that's unclear. one user can reproduce it with any non-default config (`xmonad def` being the default config). others can only reproduce it under specific circumstances. it seems to rely on heap layout, which makes sense because if it can't rearrange the heap to reclaim the memory for something else then there wouldn't be a problem (this seems to happen with my config, for example; I've never managed to reproduce the crash)
2022-07-10 00:03:15 +0200 <geekosaur[m]> do you have a session log? it may depend on how your session starts, but it's often `~/.xsession-errors`
2022-07-10 00:04:37 +0200 <zawaken-> ~/.xsession-errors doesn't exist for me, but I can cook up a Xorg.0.log, aswell as a xmonad.erros
2022-07-10 00:04:42 +0200 <zawaken-> xmonad.errors
2022-07-10 00:05:34 +0200noex_(~null@2600:8804:14e0:104::1e13) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2022-07-10 00:07:13 +0200chomwitt(~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0d:4a00:eb52:69a9:fa15:908e)
2022-07-10 00:07:31 +0200noex_(~null@2600:8804:14e0:104:8804:14e0:104:0)
2022-07-10 00:12:45 +0200 <geekosaur[m]> neither of those is the right log (the first is the server log, the second is for recompilation errors)
2022-07-10 00:13:38 +0200 <geekosaur[m]> if you use `startx` then any errors will be on the original console (try CTRL+ALT+F1). otherwise you'll have to look up the display manager you use and see where it logs session errors
2022-07-10 00:15:23 +0200mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5ce3:8500::909a) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2022-07-10 00:16:12 +0200 <zawaken-> https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/xorg#Session_log_redirection this should suffice no?
2022-07-10 00:17:45 +0200 <zawaken-> I'll see if I can get something out of that.
2022-07-10 00:20:33 +0200 <zawaken-> I think what might have happened, is that I have used a dbus-launch command that doesn't work as it should.
2022-07-10 00:20:44 +0200 <zawaken-> It seems like it might work as it should now
2022-07-10 00:21:16 +0200 <zawaken-> So pebcak
2022-07-10 00:22:02 +0200 <geekosaur[m]> maybe. seems like the dbus bindings should handle that better
2022-07-10 00:23:27 +0200 <geekosaur[m]> looks like they should at least throw an exception, but the example code doesn't pay attention to exceptions or error returns
2022-07-10 00:23:39 +0200 <zawaken-> It doesn't work if I put it straight as 'exec xmonad', but with exec dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session xmonad it seems to work well
2022-07-10 00:25:01 +0200 <zawaken-> this was the part that didn't work, and now I understand why: DESKTOP="dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session xmonad" \n exec "${DESKTOP}"
2022-07-10 00:25:15 +0200 <geekosaur[m]> hm, `--sh-syntax` and `--exit-with-session` shouldn't do anything there. they're intended for using it as `eval dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session`
2022-07-10 00:25:28 +0200 <geekosaur[m]> (`eval`, not `exec`)
2022-07-10 00:26:17 +0200 <zawaken-> I think I got it from a bug report somewhere, a good while ago, and he used it, dbus-launch xmonad should probably be enough then?
2022-07-10 00:26:41 +0200 <geekosaur[m]> yes, if you';re not running anything else that might want access to dbus
2022-07-10 00:27:48 +0200 <zawaken-> Yeah only xmonad as far as I know
2022-07-10 00:28:13 +0200 <geekosaur[m]> but if you launch a couple of terminals in the background and then exec xmonad, those terminals wouldn't have access to dbus unless you used the `eval` thing
2022-07-10 00:28:56 +0200 <zawaken-> Ah, makes sense. My .xinitrc is quite simple
2022-07-10 00:31:52 +0200 <zawaken-> Thank you very much for the help :D
2022-07-10 00:44:06 +0200mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5ce3:8500::909a)
2022-07-10 00:57:28 +0200zawaken-zawaken
2022-07-10 00:59:48 +0200chomwitt(~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0d:4a00:eb52:69a9:fa15:908e) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2022-07-10 01:47:03 +0200steve__(~steve@ool-182c2b80.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2022-07-10 03:52:03 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2022-07-10 04:04:45 +0200banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2022-07-10 04:10:20 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2022-07-10 04:23:19 +0200banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc)
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2022-07-10 04:49:45 +0200terrorjack(~terrorjac@2a01:4f8:1c1e:509a::1) (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
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2022-07-10 05:03:50 +0200jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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2022-07-10 06:59:28 +0200mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5ce3:8500::909a)
2022-07-10 07:18:40 +0200 <Solid> why, would you look at that
2022-07-10 07:18:59 +0200 <Solid> just sitting at the gate idly and apparently Arch has updated to 0.17.0 finally
2022-07-10 07:22:13 +0200 <Solid> this sets up an interesting situation; depending on how fast they will upgrade to 9.2.3 it might be quite essential for us to release 0.17.1 with #404 (what a fitting PR number, btw :)
2022-07-10 07:22:50 +0200 <Solid> though supposedly a fix for ghc/#21708 should land in 9.2.4, which would be quite ideal for us
2022-07-10 07:29:23 +0200mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5ce3:8500::909a) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2022-07-10 09:09:21 +0200jason(~sogens@
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2022-07-10 10:17:40 +0200neoatnebula(~neoatnebu@2405:204:54a9:eba6:1421:52f5:b9ff:42ec)
2022-07-10 10:17:58 +0200neoatnebula(~neoatnebu@2405:204:54a9:eba6:1421:52f5:b9ff:42ec) (Client Quit)
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2022-07-10 11:19:05 +0200steve__(~steve@ool-182c2b80.dyn.optonline.net)
2022-07-10 13:27:23 +0200Jade1(~Jade1@ip-178-201-128-039.um46.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
2022-07-10 13:27:46 +0200alternateved(~alternate@
2022-07-10 13:34:06 +0200Jade1(~Jade1@ip-178-201-128-039.um46.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: Client closed)
2022-07-10 13:57:13 +0200Jade1(~Jade1@ip-178-201-128-039.um46.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
2022-07-10 13:57:55 +0200 <Jade1> How can you integrate xmonad with vim? I use the HLS with CoC but it's telling me all the XMonad modules do not exist (whbich makes sense for it to do that)
2022-07-10 13:58:22 +0200 <Jade1> How can I make it so it recognises these modules?
2022-07-10 14:14:34 +0200 <geekosaur> how did you install xmonad? (although HLS should detect stack at least)
2022-07-10 14:15:03 +0200 <Jade1> Through pacman
2022-07-10 14:16:34 +0200 <geekosaur> o.O arch may have its problems but that should be dead simple for HLS to spot
2022-07-10 14:17:04 +0200 <geekosaur> in any case the folks in #haskell-language-server can probably help better than we can
2022-07-10 14:17:05 +0200 <Jade1> I mean the `xmonad.hs` is decoupled from the main project
2022-07-10 14:17:13 +0200 <Jade1> so it'd make sense for it to not work
2022-07-10 14:17:15 +0200 <Jade1> right?
2022-07-10 14:17:39 +0200 <geekosaur> then it'd not work for any new project that uses some library
2022-07-10 14:18:09 +0200 <geekosaur> I mean, maybe it needs a dummy cabal file or something, but the xmonad modules are globally installed
2022-07-10 14:18:17 +0200 <Jade1> hm ok
2022-07-10 14:18:20 +0200 <geekosaur> so it should have no trouble finding them
2022-07-10 14:18:35 +0200 <Jade1> But arent dependencies local?
2022-07-10 14:18:55 +0200 <Jade1> When I install a module it shouldn't automatically be imported to all my projects
2022-07-10 14:18:56 +0200 <Jade1> right?
2022-07-10 14:19:09 +0200 <Jade1> >  maybe it needs a dummy cabal
2022-07-10 14:19:10 +0200 <Jade1> How would I do this?
2022-07-10 14:19:22 +0200 <geekosaur> not imported, but globally installed modules are visible everywhere
2022-07-10 14:19:35 +0200 <geekosaur> this is part of what went wrong with original cabal
2022-07-10 14:20:09 +0200 <Jade1> ok
2022-07-10 14:20:16 +0200 <Jade1> yeah I'm not sure
2022-07-10 14:20:34 +0200 <geekosaur> https://github.com/geekosaur/xmonad.hs/blob/skkukuk/xmonad-bsa.cabal
2022-07-10 14:21:09 +0200jao(~jao@cpc103048-sgyl39-2-0-cust502.18-2.cable.virginm.net)
2022-07-10 14:21:13 +0200 <geekosaur> which isn't a dummy since I actually use cabal with a build script, but if you don't use a build script it won';t be doing anything but telling HLS what's going on
2022-07-10 14:23:38 +0200raghavgururajan(ea769b8000@user/raghavgururajan) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-07-10 14:27:30 +0200 <zawaken> The way I've set up hls, is with a hie.yaml in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRECTORY/xmonad ($HOME/.xmonad/ if installed with pacman I'm pretty sure) with this content: http://ix.io/43Zi
2022-07-10 14:28:04 +0200 <geekosaur> pacman doesn';t touch hime directories and shouldn't care if you choose to use .config/xmonad instead
2022-07-10 14:28:20 +0200 <geekosaur> but if you';re already using .xmonad then you can keep using it
2022-07-10 14:28:53 +0200 <zawaken> Does xmonad also default to XDG_CONFIG_DIR/xmonad now?
2022-07-10 14:29:14 +0200 <zawaken> if it doesn't find .xmonad/xmonad.hs? that hasn't been my experience at least
2022-07-10 14:29:18 +0200 <geekosaur> it uses whichever dir has an xmonad.hs in it
2022-07-10 14:33:09 +0200 <zawaken> hmm, I've tried this before, but it doesn't seem to work (~/.xmonad may have existed still when I tried, but without xmonad.hs), also XDG_CONFIG_DIR should probably be XDG_CONFIG_HOME
2022-07-10 14:33:59 +0200 <geekosaur> its behavior floated around a bit in various versions, but as of 0.17 it should use whichhever of ~/.config/xmonad or ~/.xmonad has an xmonad.hs in it, or if you have XMONAD_{CONFIG,DATA,CACHE}_DIR envars set (all three required) then you can point it elsewhere
2022-07-10 14:34:43 +0200 <geekosaur> in any case I think this is an HLS question now and you need to consult with #haskell-language-server
2022-07-10 14:35:25 +0200 <zawaken> Ah, that's cool, everything that moves from $HOME to $HOME/.config makes me happy
2022-07-10 14:42:43 +0200Jade1(~Jade1@ip-178-201-128-039.um46.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: Client closed)
2022-07-10 14:44:51 +0200Jade1(~Jade1@ip-178-201-128-039.um46.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
2022-07-10 15:01:19 +0200 <Zedgamer9128[m]> Can xmonad layout be changed when only one windows is open
2022-07-10 15:01:29 +0200 <Zedgamer9128[m]> * is open automatically
2022-07-10 15:01:38 +0200 <Zedgamer9128[m]> * Can xmonad layout be changed when only one window is open automatically
2022-07-10 15:04:32 +0200 <geekosaur> X.L.IfMax
2022-07-10 15:05:00 +0200 <geekosaur> but as you noted yesterday it has a bug that will require quite a lot of work to fix properly 😞
2022-07-10 15:05:44 +0200 <Zedgamer9128[m]> what bug?
2022-07-10 15:08:30 +0200 <geekosaur> I think that was you at least. https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/issues/75
2022-07-10 15:09:00 +0200 <geekosaur> message handling across layout "routing switches" is problematic
2022-07-10 15:10:47 +0200 <geekosaur> it works for most things, but things like decorations on windows may misfire at times
2022-07-10 15:10:54 +0200 <Zedgamer9128[m]> is this command right... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/8003e25cdb973622a6cd3453cec92ef16ffd…)
2022-07-10 15:11:34 +0200 <Zedgamer9128[m]> i want to have Full layout when only 1 window is open
2022-07-10 15:12:00 +0200 <geekosaur> looks right to me
2022-07-10 15:12:21 +0200 <geekosaur> (most layouts do that by default but I haven't played with ThreeCol and friends)
2022-07-10 15:21:07 +0200alternateved(~alternate@ (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-07-10 15:23:41 +0200alternateved(~alternate@
2022-07-10 15:32:22 +0200alternateved(~alternate@ (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-07-10 15:45:10 +0200Jade1(~Jade1@ip-178-201-128-039.um46.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: Client closed)
2022-07-10 15:45:32 +0200noex_(~null@2600:8804:14e0:104::1e13) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2022-07-10 15:46:50 +0200Jade1(~Jade1@ip-178-201-128-039.um46.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
2022-07-10 15:47:13 +0200noex_(~null@2600:8804:14e0:104:8804:14e0:104:0)
2022-07-10 15:53:58 +0200 <Jade1> I now get this error: `[coc.nvim] The "languageserver.haskell" server crashed 4 times in the last 3 minutes. The server will not be restarted.`
2022-07-10 15:54:04 +0200 <Jade1> I did nothing but reboot
2022-07-10 16:20:55 +0200Natch(~natch@c-9e07225c.038-60-73746f7.bbcust.telenor.se) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-07-10 16:25:32 +0200Jade1(~Jade1@ip-178-201-128-039.um46.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: Client closed)
2022-07-10 16:48:56 +0200lexixcx(~alex@cpc151793-shef17-2-0-cust19.17-1.cable.virginm.net)
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2022-07-10 17:27:10 +0200mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5ce3:8500::909a) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2022-07-10 17:43:10 +0200Natch(~natch@c-9e07225c.038-60-73746f7.bbcust.telenor.se)
2022-07-10 17:58:48 +0200Jade1(~Jade1@ip-178-201-128-039.um46.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
2022-07-10 18:04:55 +0200Jade1(~Jade1@ip-178-201-128-039.um46.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: Client closed)
2022-07-10 18:23:17 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by allbery_b)))
2022-07-10 18:23:17 +0200allbery_b(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2022-07-10 18:23:20 +0200allbery_bgeekosaur
2022-07-10 18:31:20 +0200lexixcx(~alex@cpc151793-shef17-2-0-cust19.17-1.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-07-10 18:57:38 +0200steve__(~steve@ool-182c2b80.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2022-07-10 19:01:21 +0200mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5ce3:8500::909a)
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2022-07-10 19:45:44 +0200kxdfd(~user@
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2022-07-10 19:48:36 +0200kxdasd(~user@
2022-07-10 19:48:45 +0200 <kxdasd> Hello, I have a problem. I updated xmonad and compiled it again, but when I did, the following error appeared
2022-07-10 19:48:52 +0200 <kxdasd> https://pastebin.com/aaPhyJVH
2022-07-10 19:50:33 +0200 <geekosaur> can you show your xmonad.hs? the standard one (insofar as there is a standard one) doesn't define magnify, but that claims one is defined
2022-07-10 19:54:19 +0200 <kxdasd> https://pastebin.com/DsNSwvP6
2022-07-10 19:54:38 +0200 <kxdasd> this is my setup
2022-07-10 19:56:08 +0200 <geekosaur> okay. ideally you'd either rename magnify or hide the imported one, since you're not using that
2022-07-10 19:57:10 +0200 <geekosaur> probably the simplest fix is to find the line saying "import XMonad.Layout.Magnifier" and add "hiding (magnify)" to it
2022-07-10 20:18:57 +0200 <kxdasd> import XMonad.Layout.Magnifier I add at the end hiding(magnify)
2022-07-10 20:19:00 +0200 <kxdasd> ?
2022-07-10 20:26:36 +0200 <geekosaur[m]> Yes
2022-07-10 20:37:41 +0200alternateved(~alternate@
2022-07-10 20:41:12 +0200kxdasd(~user@ (Quit: ERC 5.4 (IRC client for GNU Emacs 28.1))
2022-07-10 20:42:46 +0200alternateved(~alternate@ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2022-07-10 22:37:45 +0200chomwitt(~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0d:4a00:bc12:23b1:7459:b5b8)
2022-07-10 22:44:56 +0200mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5ce3:8500::909a) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2022-07-10 22:48:57 +0200mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5ce3:8500::909a)