
2022-03-29 00:41:10 +0200lambdabot(~lambdabot@haskell/bot/lambdabot) (Quit: ...)
2022-03-29 00:42:08 +0200lambdabot(~lambdabot@haskell/bot/lambdabot)
2022-03-29 01:10:49 +0200Guest8029(~Guest80@ (Quit: Client closed)
2022-03-29 02:05:46 +0200anastasiaromanof(~anastasia@2001:470:69fc:105::1:e7e4)
2022-03-29 02:13:20 +0200ElKowar(~ElKowar@srv-fin.xware-gmbh.de) (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))
2022-03-29 02:13:38 +0200ElKowar(~ElKowar@srv-fin.xware-gmbh.de)
2022-03-29 02:29:13 +0200steve_(~steve@ool-182c2b80.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2022-03-29 03:08:03 +0200Rockj(~rockj@chromie.geekrevolution.net) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2022-03-29 03:10:39 +0200Rockj(~rockj@chromie.geekrevolution.net)
2022-03-29 03:25:15 +0200twiclo(~twiclo@vpn.utahbroadband.com) (Quit: WeeChat 3.4)
2022-03-29 03:48:18 +0200srk-(~sorki@user/srk)
2022-03-29 03:49:39 +0200srk(~sorki@user/srk) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2022-03-29 03:51:02 +0200srk-srk
2022-03-29 04:03:50 +0200banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2022-03-29 04:22:45 +0200banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc)
2022-03-29 04:43:37 +0200terrorjack(~terrorjac@2a01:4f8:1c1e:509a::1) (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
2022-03-29 04:46:04 +0200terrorjack(~terrorjac@2a01:4f8:1c1e:509a::1)
2022-03-29 04:58:47 +0200rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@cpe001b21a2fd89-cm64777ddc63a0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
2022-03-29 05:38:55 +0200benin(~benin@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2022-03-29 06:06:36 +0200mvk(~mvk@2607:fea8:5cc3:7e00::7980) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2022-03-29 06:22:13 +0200benin(~benin@
2022-03-29 06:23:46 +0200benin5(~benin@
2022-03-29 06:26:53 +0200benin(~benin@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2022-03-29 06:26:53 +0200benin5benin
2022-03-29 06:41:59 +0200Czernobog(~Czernobog@user/czernobog) (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)
2022-03-29 06:43:50 +0200Czernobog(~Czernobog@user/czernobog)
2022-03-29 06:45:35 +0200rekahsoft(~rekahsoft@cpe001b21a2fd89-cm64777ddc63a0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2022-03-29 07:31:17 +0200JaredMohammed[m7(~jarednitr@2001:470:69fc:105::1:e808)
2022-03-29 07:57:32 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2022-03-29 08:28:08 +0200 <Solid> tdammers: shot in the dark because this often helps; do you have ewmh support enabled?
2022-03-29 08:40:04 +0200 <tdammers> I tried with and without, same result
2022-03-29 09:35:44 +0200 <abastro[m]> I'd ask again, default behavior of https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.17.0/docs/XMonad-Hooks-EwmhDesktops.html#v:se… stops working after mod+q restart. Do any of you know why?
2022-03-29 09:36:25 +0200 <abastro[m]> For a possible clue, I am using `launch` instead of `xmonad`, and calls `xmonad --recompile && xmonad --restart` on mod+q.
2022-03-29 09:37:52 +0200cfricke(~cfricke@user/cfricke)
2022-03-29 09:43:32 +0200 <Solid> can you give a reproducible example? preferrably as an issue
2022-03-29 09:46:04 +0200 <Solid> also, you almost definitely don't want to use launch
2022-03-29 09:54:28 +0200anastasiaromanof(~anastasia@2001:470:69fc:105::1:e7e4) ()
2022-03-29 10:03:10 +0200 <abastro[m]> I use cabal to build my own executable
2022-03-29 10:03:42 +0200 <abastro[m]> Hmm, how would I preferably produce a reproducible example? The way I'd make a proper issue?
2022-03-29 10:53:43 +0200 <Solid[m]> The `xmonad` function definitely works with stack, cabal, build files, basically everything you can imagine
2022-03-29 10:53:57 +0200 <Solid[m]> * stack, cabal, `build, * build` files,
2022-03-29 10:54:50 +0200 <Solid[m]> See e.g. INSTALL.md for examples of stack/cabal configs and even build scripts
2022-03-29 10:55:33 +0200 <Solid[m]> So, tbh, I'd first stop using `launch` and see if that fixes the problem
2022-03-29 10:56:42 +0200 <abastro[m]> Hmm, I see. I wanted to have less bloat, but I guess I have no way out.
2022-03-29 10:57:17 +0200 <abastro[m]> Would `recompile` and `restart` work just as good?
2022-03-29 11:00:06 +0200narendranath344[(~narendran@2001:470:69fc:105::1:62ba) (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)
2022-03-29 11:00:14 +0200liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768) (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)
2022-03-29 11:01:30 +0200 <abastro[m]> No, it still doesn't work if I use `xmonad`.
2022-03-29 11:01:50 +0200 <abastro[m]> For reference, I am calling `restart`. Would that be a problem?
2022-03-29 11:13:36 +0200mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47)
2022-03-29 11:14:38 +0200harlchen[m](~harlchent@2001:470:69fc:105::1:3b28)
2022-03-29 11:26:15 +0200dschrempf(~dominik@070-207.dynamic.dsl.fonira.net)
2022-03-29 11:36:35 +0200 <mc47> abastro[m] please provide a reproducible example :) it's hard to follow what's happening
2022-03-29 11:36:48 +0200liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768)
2022-03-29 11:38:06 +0200widelec-BB(~widelec@cpe-109-207-144-181.docsis.tczew.net.pl)
2022-03-29 11:43:23 +0200widelec-BB(~widelec@cpe-109-207-144-181.docsis.tczew.net.pl) ( )
2022-03-29 12:38:50 +0200 <Ether[m]> Does anyone for Godsake know how to use monocle layout with this module; https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.17.0/docs/XMonad-Layout-WindowNavigation.html
2022-03-29 12:39:15 +0200 <Ether[m]> This lacks a lot of documentation :(
2022-03-29 12:39:41 +0200 <Ether[m]> Does anyone use it? If so how do you move around in monocle?
2022-03-29 12:50:18 +0200benin(~benin@ (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
2022-03-29 12:53:49 +0200 <fizzie> I use https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.17.0/docs/XMonad-Actions-Navigation2D.html which would seem to offer similar primitives, but I only use the BinarySpacePartition where it works the way you'd expect. Would any "2D" navigation scheme work for monocle/full really?
2022-03-29 13:01:14 +0200redgloboli(~redglobol@user/redgloboli) (Quit: ...enter the matrix...)
2022-03-29 13:03:07 +0200redgloboli(~redglobol@user/redgloboli)
2022-03-29 13:12:22 +0200redgloboli(~redglobol@user/redgloboli) (Quit: ...enter the matrix...)
2022-03-29 13:13:04 +0200redgloboli(~redglobol@user/redgloboli)
2022-03-29 13:30:12 +0200benin(~benin@
2022-03-29 13:31:15 +0200benin(~benin@ (Client Quit)
2022-03-29 13:33:10 +0200JaredMohammed[m7(~jarednitr@2001:470:69fc:105::1:e808) ()
2022-03-29 13:36:36 +0200 <Ether[m]> <fizzie> "I use https://hackage.haskell...." <- Will it work?
2022-03-29 13:42:29 +0200benin(~benin@
2022-03-29 13:49:02 +0200benin(~benin@ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2022-03-29 13:49:24 +0200 <fizzie> I don't know (like I said, I only use BSP), but I would expect not. The whole concept is about how to navigate among *visible* windows. If your layout just shows one full-screen window, I don't think any of those strategies on finding which window's "left" (/right/up/down) of the current one would do anything.
2022-03-29 13:49:34 +0200 <fizzie> For the once-in-a-blue-moon situation when I actually have >1 window in a Full layout, I just use the default mod-j/k bindings that move focus in the stack order.
2022-03-29 13:49:56 +0200benin(~benin@
2022-03-29 14:03:15 +0200 <Solid[m]> yeah I don't see the advantages of 2D navigation in a layout that... has no 2-dimensional structure
2022-03-29 14:21:09 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2022-03-29 15:42:24 +0200 <Ether[m]> Is it possible to stop new window from getting the focus?
2022-03-29 15:43:33 +0200 <Ether[m]> When I spawn a terminal and then another the new instance gets focus. This is good but makes it important for navigation2d to know which window is in the left.
2022-03-29 15:44:11 +0200 <Ether[m]> Also documentation should have mentioned that. I had to dig into 100 of configs to figure it out.
2022-03-29 15:44:27 +0200 <geekosaur> https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.16/docs/XMonad-Hooks-InsertPosition.html
2022-03-29 15:44:38 +0200 <Ether[m]> s/important/impossible/
2022-03-29 15:45:09 +0200 <Ether[m]> Cool!
2022-03-29 15:45:24 +0200 <Ether[m]> How do I tell it to not focus on the new window?
2022-03-29 15:48:14 +0200 <Ether[m]> It shows the default behavior only.
2022-03-29 15:49:04 +0200 <Ether[m]> Master is default
2022-03-29 15:49:10 +0200 <Ether[m]> End
2022-03-29 15:49:11 +0200 <geekosaur> add `<+> insertPosition Above Older`, I think. the two behaviors are separate, so it may be `insertPosition Below Newer` instead
2022-03-29 15:49:12 +0200 <Ether[m]> Below
2022-03-29 15:50:02 +0200 <Ether[m]> Will try both
2022-03-29 15:51:38 +0200 <geekosaur> sorry, I haven't used it so I don't know exactly howit behaves :)
2022-03-29 15:55:06 +0200 <abastro[m]> Does calling `restart` cause some problem?
2022-03-29 15:57:38 +0200 <geekosaur> it shouldn't
2022-03-29 15:58:00 +0200 <geekosaur> it's just synchronous, so it can cause noticeable delays
2022-03-29 15:59:07 +0200 <geekosaur> well, that part doesn't, but the full sequence is `xmonad --recompile && xmonad --restart` and te compile can take a while, and the restart *must* wait for the compile to finish successfully
2022-03-29 15:59:30 +0200 <geekosaur> so we do it the shell way rather than locking up the whole wm during the compile part
2022-03-29 16:05:00 +0200 <abastro[m]> Hm, wait I was not specifying enough
2022-03-29 16:05:21 +0200 <abastro[m]> What I wanted to say was, my programs won't gain focus after it alerts
2022-03-29 16:05:32 +0200 <abastro[m]> After calling `restart` function.
2022-03-29 16:07:40 +0200 <Ether[m]> manage Hook = insert Position Below Newer <+> myManageHook
2022-03-29 16:08:01 +0200 <Ether[m]> Works! But navigation2d doesn't change behavior!
2022-03-29 16:13:45 +0200 <Ether[m]> geekosaur how do I implement the directional focus shown in; https://youtu.be/70IxjLEmomg
2022-03-29 16:14:10 +0200 <Ether[m]> I got the dotfiles to work. How do I port it?
2022-03-29 16:15:39 +0200 <geekosaur> I don'tknow, I'm not really familiar with navigation2D
2022-03-29 16:34:51 +0200 <Ether[m]> Any suggestions?
2022-03-29 16:35:27 +0200 <Ether[m]> https://github.com/altercation/dotfiles-tilingwm
2022-03-29 16:35:33 +0200 <Ether[m]> He has a github
2022-03-29 17:14:51 +0200twiclo(~twiclo@2604:7b80:2000:1069:52fc:cedd:fbeb:10c)
2022-03-29 17:15:11 +0200 <twiclo> Does anyone know of a fix for dmenu showing up on the last screen if you're launching it on a new desktop that doesn't have anything on it yet?
2022-03-29 17:20:33 +0200dschrempf(~dominik@070-207.dynamic.dsl.fonira.net) (Quit: WeeChat 3.4.1)
2022-03-29 17:31:27 +0200cfricke(~cfricke@user/cfricke) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2022-03-29 17:44:38 +0200gdd(~gdd@ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2022-03-29 17:46:29 +0200gdd(~gdd@
2022-03-29 17:49:02 +0200benin(~benin@ (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
2022-03-29 18:00:09 +0200liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768) (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)
2022-03-29 18:04:42 +0200twiclo(~twiclo@2604:7b80:2000:1069:52fc:cedd:fbeb:10c) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2022-03-29 18:05:13 +0200twiclo(~twiclo@2604:7b80:2000:1069:cde9:e3cf:754c:100d)
2022-03-29 18:13:27 +0200 <Ether[m]> <twiclo> "Does anyone know of a fix for..." <- What do you mean by last screen?
2022-03-29 18:13:38 +0200 <Ether[m]> Are you on a multi monitor setup?
2022-03-29 18:14:24 +0200 <Ether[m]> You could use rofi, which can be easily configured to change this behavior.
2022-03-29 18:19:03 +0200gdd(~gdd@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2022-03-29 18:19:11 +0200 <twiclo> Yeah this is a multi monitor set up. If I move to a new monitor that has nothing on it then dmenu appears on the last monitor I was on
2022-03-29 18:19:24 +0200liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768)
2022-03-29 18:20:51 +0200gdd(~gdd@
2022-03-29 18:23:43 +0200twiclo(~twiclo@2604:7b80:2000:1069:cde9:e3cf:754c:100d) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2022-03-29 18:24:41 +0200twiclo(~twiclo@2604:7b80:2000:1069:52fc:cedd:fbeb:10c)
2022-03-29 18:31:06 +0200 <geekosaur> that is normal
2022-03-29 18:31:31 +0200 <geekosaur> you have to not merely move a mouse to a monitor but focus it; that's what the (default) mod-w/e/r bindings are for
2022-03-29 18:31:41 +0200 <liskin> Solid[m], mc47[m], geekosaur: https://blog.opencollective.com/google-season-of-docs-2022/ - is this of interest or do we think we have good enough docs already? :-)
2022-03-29 18:32:08 +0200 <geekosaur> I think we can always use better docs, and I've been sitting on that emailfrom them
2022-03-29 18:32:24 +0200 <liskin> oh crap applications are closed already :-/
2022-03-29 18:32:49 +0200 <geekosaur> you might have noticed I tend to add issues for doc things I notice as I go along, then catch up on them later
2022-03-29 18:32:50 +0200 <liskin> the blog post was published 4 days before the deadline, and applications had been open since feb 23
2022-03-29 18:32:57 +0200 <liskin> never mind then :-/
2022-03-29 18:33:01 +0200 <twiclo> geekosaur: Right, so on my left monitor I select my far right (mod+r) which has nothing on it. Then I launch dmenu and it shows on my center monitor
2022-03-29 18:33:05 +0200 <geekosaur> wow, then they also sent the email late
2022-03-29 18:33:12 +0200 <geekosaur> odd
2022-03-29 18:33:33 +0200 <geekosaur> that may be something dmenu is doing, then
2022-03-29 18:33:41 +0200 <twiclo> This didn't happen on i3
2022-03-29 18:34:08 +0200 <twiclo> I would just think that since there's nothing to actually select on the monitor that it's not "selected" according to dmenu
2022-03-29 18:52:02 +0200 <geekosaur> how is dmenu being run to display windows? dmenu_run shows programs; dmenu by itself takes a list of menu items on its stdin and doesn't know about windows
2022-03-29 18:52:44 +0200 <geekosaur> (I installed dmenu locally and so far can't reproduce your issue)
2022-03-29 18:53:45 +0200 <geekosaur> huh. just repro-d it
2022-03-29 18:59:27 +0200 <geekosaur> what's interesting is I used XMonad.Prompt.Shell to run it and that showed upon the correct monitor
2022-03-29 18:59:57 +0200 <geekosaur> also dmenu doesn't go through the window manager so we shouldn't have any control over where it shows up
2022-03-29 19:02:32 +0200 <geekosaur> _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP is correct
2022-03-29 19:03:11 +0200 <twiclo> Okay so you're saying if I run it through Shell I should be fine? Odd but it works
2022-03-29 19:03:50 +0200 <geekosaur> no, that's how I'm reproducing it, not using a keybind. and the Shell prompt shows up in the right place but dmenu doesn't
2022-03-29 19:04:21 +0200 <twiclo> Weird
2022-03-29 19:07:28 +0200 <geekosaur> I'm running out of time to look into this, I'm about to be kicked out of my apt. for a few hours (bedbug spraying, again)
2022-03-29 20:06:24 +0200 <twiclo> Geekosaur I'll submit an issue. Thanks for looking into it
2022-03-29 20:08:40 +0200 <fizzie> I've noticed that too. And that moving the mouse to the "empty" monitor makes the prompt appear on that.
2022-03-29 20:08:59 +0200 <fizzie> Never been sufficiently irritated by it to follow up on why, just been thinking "oh, I guess that's how it works".
2022-03-29 20:10:47 +0200 <fizzie> (My mod-{w,e,r} bindings have an extra quirk that if you try to "switch" to the already focused screen, it moves the mouse pointer to the center of that screen, so "recovery" from dmenu popping up on the wrong monitor can be accomplished without leaving the keyboard: cancel the menu, re-switch to the screen to bring the pointer along, and re-trigger the menu.)
2022-03-29 20:10:47 +0200 <twiclo> https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad/issues/384
2022-03-29 20:30:50 +0200carloratm(carloratm@tilde.club)
2022-03-29 20:30:58 +0200 <carloratm> Hi all, novice question here
2022-03-29 20:31:42 +0200 <carloratm> I would like to achieve this flow, I was wondering if that is doable in xmonad:
2022-03-29 20:33:15 +0200 <carloratm> 1. if I open any window in any workspace and it is the only one, that goes fullscreen. 2. If I open a second window in the same workspace, another layout activates (tall, for example)
2022-03-29 20:40:30 +0200 <Solid> doesn't pretty much every layout behave like full when there's only a single window?
2022-03-29 20:46:28 +0200 <carloratm> fullscreen, covering the bar and with no borders (like F11 sullscreen)
2022-03-29 20:54:23 +0200 <fizzie> The "no borders" part of that should just be a matter of using XMonad.Layout.NoBorders's `smartBorders` modifier. (Or `lessBorders` with a suitable ambiguity configuration, if you have more than one monitor and still want that to happen; the default is not to, to indicate which one has focus.)
2022-03-29 20:54:42 +0200 <fizzie> (The part about covering the bar sounds trickier.)
2022-03-29 20:59:26 +0200 <Solid> I mean, you could make a layout that just asigns a window the whole screen rectangle
2022-03-29 20:59:32 +0200 <Solid> and not have avoidStruts on that one
2022-03-29 20:59:57 +0200 <Solid> AFAIR there are some contrib modules that let you decide which layout to use depending on the number of windows
2022-03-29 21:00:25 +0200 <carloratm> ah that is interesting
2022-03-29 21:00:32 +0200 <fizzie> I've got a non-`avoidStruts` Full on my list, and yeah, that does ring some sort of a bell.
2022-03-29 21:00:57 +0200 <fizzie> XMonad.Layout.IfMax?
2022-03-29 21:01:06 +0200 <fizzie> "Provides IfMax layout, which will run one layout if there are maximum N windows on workspace, and another layout, when number of windows is greater than N."
2022-03-29 21:01:17 +0200 <Solid> ah, sounds like it
2022-03-29 21:02:04 +0200 <carloratm> thank you!
2022-03-29 21:02:23 +0200 <fizzie> So... `IfMax 1 (noBorders Full) (avoidStruts SomethingElse)` or something.
2022-03-29 22:09:40 +0200steve_(~steve@ool-182c2b80.dyn.optonline.net)
2022-03-29 22:23:38 +0200 <geekosaur> sounds right to me. (I thought of IfMax immediately on reading that.of course it's an hour later…)
2022-03-29 23:05:43 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Quit: Leaving)
2022-03-29 23:06:53 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2022-03-29 23:24:21 +0200 <abastro[m]> twiclo: twiclo
2022-03-29 23:24:54 +0200 <abastro[m]> Sorry for accidental ping.
2022-03-29 23:42:19 +0200mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47) (Remote host closed the connection)
2022-03-29 23:52:12 +0200twiclo(~twiclo@2604:7b80:2000:1069:52fc:cedd:fbeb:10c) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)