
2021-10-08 00:30:31 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2021-10-08 01:00:43 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> As a HS student, I can contribute a fair amount of time to a rewrite like that. I would need to become substantially more acquainted with XMonads internal workings. But, it could be a fun months-long project.
2021-10-08 01:02:27 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> My TODO list is about a month out, especially since I offered to generate screenshots this weekend. But, if someone could point me to what segments of code I should start with, I'd be happy to start fiddling with it.
2021-10-08 01:12:25 +0200spider(~spider@vps-951ce37a.vps.ovh.ca) (Quit: WeeChat 3.2)
2021-10-08 01:16:02 +0200spider(~spider@vps-951ce37a.vps.ovh.ca)
2021-10-08 02:46:21 +0200minty(~minty@pool-173-61-191-195.cmdnnj.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: WeeChat 2.8)
2021-10-08 03:43:55 +0200a6a45081-2b83(~aditya@2601:249:4300:1296:88ec:cc73:84d4:1507)
2021-10-08 04:02:55 +0200banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2021-10-08 04:14:31 +0200sundbry(~quassel@99-42-143-129.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2021-10-08 04:23:51 +0200banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc)
2021-10-08 04:36:04 +0200kaizoku[m](~kaizokuma@2001:470:69fc:105::1:102d)
2021-10-08 04:53:23 +0200electr0n(~electr0n@about/security/founder/electr0n)
2021-10-08 04:54:58 +0200td_(~td@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2021-10-08 04:56:35 +0200td_(~td@muedsl-82-207-238-110.citykom.de)
2021-10-08 05:25:40 +0200zouhair(~zouhair@
2021-10-08 05:35:17 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> There are some weird bugs I've faced when trying out new layouts.
2021-10-08 05:35:17 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Hopefully there's a safer/more reliable method to test them out after these major refactorings.
2021-10-08 05:36:48 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> I have a set of modifiers that I like to apply to all my layouts, but in using them with some layouts. Things just go to hell. The windows bug out, their borders start flickering. It's weeird.
2021-10-08 05:37:44 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> I've it mostly stable, I think (AKA removing those modifiers from the layouts that bug out). So, I'll bother with that some other time.
2021-10-08 05:46:10 +0200 <burp> oh, xmonad on HN frontpage
2021-10-08 05:46:14 +0200 <burp> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28793941
2021-10-08 05:46:26 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> \m/
2021-10-08 06:32:16 +0200thunderrd(~thunderrd@ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2021-10-08 06:45:33 +0200thunderrd(~thunderrd@
2021-10-08 08:06:38 +0200 <Solid> and half of the comments are about MacOS *shudder*
2021-10-08 08:25:16 +0200qbt(~qbt@user/edun)
2021-10-08 08:30:34 +0200cfricke(~cfricke@user/cfricke)
2021-10-08 08:33:11 +0200wonko(~wjc@
2021-10-08 08:41:32 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> oh man.
2021-10-08 08:41:33 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> not a good time.
2021-10-08 08:41:41 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> amethyst tries, bless it's heart.
2021-10-08 08:41:46 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> but. man.
2021-10-08 08:42:20 +0200benin03693230163(~benin@
2021-10-08 08:44:03 +0200 <Solid> what's amethyst?
2021-10-08 08:44:30 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> Amethyst is the OSX cough excuse me macOS re-implementation of xmonad.
2021-10-08 08:44:43 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> It gets about 60% of it right.
2021-10-08 08:44:44 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> Sorta.
2021-10-08 08:44:57 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> My last job had me stuck on a mbp for a bit before I escaped.
2021-10-08 08:45:06 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> It was......... profoundly unpleasant.
2021-10-08 08:45:28 +0200 <Solid> it's insane how much energy people put into producing free software for this proprietary dumpster fire
2021-10-08 08:45:37 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> ikr
2021-10-08 08:46:09 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> The funny thing is, I specifically talked with the recruiter saying "I can't work on a mac. Can we get a different laptop?"
2021-10-08 08:46:14 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> she said "totes."
2021-10-08 08:46:29 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> the catch was, yes, we could, but not until we joined a team permanently.
2021-10-08 08:46:40 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> While we were in "bootcamp" mode, we were stuck on macs.
2021-10-08 08:46:47 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> was utterly awful.
2021-10-08 08:50:31 +0200 <liskin> not a good time indeed :-/
2021-10-08 08:59:53 +0200 <liskin> (well, we do have 2 new sponsors since tbabej dropped the sponsors link 5 hours ago, so that's good, but I had very different plans for today than answering question at HN)
2021-10-08 09:09:45 +0200 <Solid> eh, I wouldn't bother
2021-10-08 09:16:02 +0200 <liskin> do unto others as you'd have them do unto you
2021-10-08 09:16:24 +0200 <liskin> I always love when people from the project chime into HN discussions
2021-10-08 09:21:38 +0200 <Solid> that's fair enough
2021-10-08 09:21:48 +0200 <Solid> I never really "got" HN, tbh
2021-10-08 09:23:17 +0200 <liskin> yeah, a lot of people just discard it as trash, and a lot of people discard twitter and facebook and slashdot and everything else as well
2021-10-08 09:24:01 +0200Solidseems to be one of those people
2021-10-08 09:24:17 +0200 <Solid> actually, I have read some good threads on lobste.rs
2021-10-08 09:24:22 +0200 <liskin> but every single one of these has some influence, so I believe it's good to try to use it somehow for good
2021-10-08 09:26:33 +0200 <Solid> I suppose so
2021-10-08 09:26:51 +0200 <Solid> thank god I'm not in charge of marketing for... anything :)
2021-10-08 09:27:00 +0200 <liskin> :-)
2021-10-08 09:27:20 +0200 <liskin> it's a painful learning experience for me, I must admit
2021-10-08 09:28:10 +0200 <liskin> I mean, I have no hope of ever understanding how posting a link to xmonad.org which hasn't changed in months and has been around for over a decade suddenly makes it to the front page
2021-10-08 09:28:37 +0200 <liskin> probably just a bunch of random events occurring at the same time, hm
2021-10-08 09:28:56 +0200 <liskin> I'd love a more deterministic world tbh :-)
2021-10-08 09:29:05 +0200 <Solid> or bots upvoting the link :>
2021-10-08 09:30:23 +0200 <liskin> they supposedly have systems in place to detect that
2021-10-08 09:30:41 +0200 <liskin> and then, why would you use bots to upvote a link to xmonad.org which hasn't changed in months and has been around for over a decade :-D
2021-10-08 09:31:59 +0200 <liskin> jakefromstatefar: so, you are github.com/mikenrafter ?
2021-10-08 09:34:26 +0200 <Solid> liskin: it could be a long con from that person who said he'd help us get some initial sponsors :D
2021-10-08 09:34:48 +0200a6a45081-2b83(~aditya@2601:249:4300:1296:88ec:cc73:84d4:1507) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 09:35:02 +0200 <liskin> Solid: unlikely :-)
2021-10-08 09:35:39 +0200 <liskin> (he did send me an email this morning that he noticed the HN thread and commented about the fundraising: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28794873; we got 2 new sponsors since then)
2021-10-08 09:35:54 +0200 <liskin> oh I already said this
2021-10-08 09:44:31 +0200 <liskin> oh
2021-10-08 09:44:38 +0200 <liskin> @xmonad has a new $200.00 one time sponsor on GitHub Sponsors (@mytskine)!
2021-10-08 09:44:39 +0200 <lambdabot> Unknown command, try @list
2021-10-08 09:45:04 +0200 <Solid[m]> :o
2021-10-08 09:45:34 +0200 <liskin> so I guess tomorrow will be the day when I'll actually have to add the Named sponsors to the website :-)
2021-10-08 09:45:40 +0200 <Solid[m]> Good thing we added the tome time sponsor option :>
2021-10-08 09:45:57 +0200 <liskin> yeah, so far it's turned out good
2021-10-08 09:47:48 +0200 <Solid[m]> Any idea what we will do with the money? Because I have none :)
2021-10-08 09:48:34 +0200 <Solid[m]> Maybe it'd be a good idea to pay xmonad.org's hosting fees as a start
2021-10-08 09:48:49 +0200 <Solid[m]> s/hosting/domain/
2021-10-08 10:02:58 +0200Guest7245(~alice@pop.92-184-116-233.mobile.abo.orange.fr)
2021-10-08 10:03:20 +0200 <liskin> we can pocket it, for all the hard work that we've done over the last year
2021-10-08 10:03:33 +0200 <liskin> or we can use it to pay for work in the future
2021-10-08 10:04:41 +0200 <liskin> if we somehow magically get loads of it, I wouldn't really mind paying someone to conduct experiments with wayland, different data structures (like what I talked about last night), that sort of thing
2021-10-08 10:05:02 +0200 <liskin> and yeah, paying for the domain is a very good idea too
2021-10-08 10:05:12 +0200 <Guest7245> Hello, hmmm, I tried to use xmonad & kde, but when i try to compile it tell me "use ikde4Config instead of kde4Config", what's the difference ?
2021-10-08 10:05:39 +0200Guest7245seiryn
2021-10-08 10:07:20 +0200 <seiryn> huu, forget it, it was a type and a bad debugging information
2021-10-08 10:07:46 +0200 <liskin> seiryn: that was some productive rubber ducking indeed :-)
2021-10-08 10:08:19 +0200 <seiryn> Rubber ducking is the best way to debug
2021-10-08 10:10:17 +0200seiryn(~alice@pop.92-184-116-233.mobile.abo.orange.fr) (Quit: WeeChat 3.3)
2021-10-08 10:18:48 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2021-10-08 10:20:15 +0200seiryn(~alice@pop.92-184-116-233.mobile.abo.orange.fr)
2021-10-08 10:22:48 +0200 <Solid> :)
2021-10-08 10:24:44 +0200 <Solid> liskin: pocketing it would feel pretty weird (I don't know why) but as a poor student I suppose I wouldn't object... :)
2021-10-08 10:25:55 +0200 <liskin> oh well, cultural differences I guess
2021-10-08 10:27:23 +0200 <Solid> more like the fear that accepting money would turn this from something that's fun to do on the side to something that I have some sort of obligation towards
2021-10-08 10:27:31 +0200 <liskin> the two people working for HF in the US are comfortable pocketing $100k a year each for the value they add to the ecosystem, and Solid here would feel weird pocketing a hundred bucks for a year worth of code contributions :-D
2021-10-08 10:27:45 +0200 <Solid> :D
2021-10-08 10:27:47 +0200 <liskin> oh, right, that is a valid concern
2021-10-08 10:28:22 +0200 <liskin> I'm "lucky" to be past that, it already isn't fun for me :-)
2021-10-08 10:28:28 +0200 <liskin> *just fun
2021-10-08 10:29:14 +0200 <Solid> well that edit really makes or breaks it, doesn't it :o
2021-10-08 10:29:17 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> "If you're good at something, never do it for free."
2021-10-08 10:29:44 +0200 <Solid> TheWizardTower[m: that's why I program for free; I'm _not_ good at it :>
2021-10-08 10:29:54 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> snrk
2021-10-08 10:29:58 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> Well played. :)
2021-10-08 10:31:09 +0200seiryn(~alice@pop.92-184-116-233.mobile.abo.orange.fr) (Quit: WeeChat 3.3)
2021-10-08 10:31:27 +0200seiryn(~seiryn@pop.92-184-116-233.mobile.abo.orange.fr)
2021-10-08 10:31:59 +0200 <liskin> Solid: last month it really was me not being able to tell between the two, if I may be honest
2021-10-08 10:32:10 +0200 <seiryn> Sorry for all deco-reco, i try to run kde + xmonad and it doesn't work, so i keep login logut...
2021-10-08 10:32:52 +0200 <liskin> Solid: we've done most of the fun bits, and what needs to be done now is not fun, but it needs to be done, otherwise all the fun things were for nothing (well, for git cloners, but still)
2021-10-08 10:33:11 +0200 <Solid> indeed you are right
2021-10-08 10:33:33 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> @selryn what's the issue? That's the config I run, and it's mostly fine.
2021-10-08 10:33:34 +0200 <lambdabot> Unknown command, try @list
2021-10-08 10:33:38 +0200 <liskin> sunken cost fallacy, kind of
2021-10-08 10:33:51 +0200 <Solid> my hope is that the new release will bring lots of other contributors and more fun bits, though
2021-10-08 10:33:54 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> Thanks bot.
2021-10-08 10:34:47 +0200 <liskin> but I'm not a big fan of all these 80/20, "serve only paying customers", "do only the most impactful things" advices, so I will endure, but it's hard
2021-10-08 10:35:22 +0200 <liskin> anyway, 2 new (private) sponsors as europe wakes up, good
2021-10-08 10:35:44 +0200 <liskin> seiryn: my weechat filters that so I'm fine :-)
2021-10-08 10:36:02 +0200 <Solid> oh that's a good idea, actually
2021-10-08 10:36:10 +0200 <seiryn> i switch to tty2 anyway so that will not append anymore
2021-10-08 10:39:34 +0200 <seiryn> TheWizardTower[m : The issue is, xmonad doesn't run ? It's still is kde-plasma
2021-10-08 10:39:59 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> `xmonad --replace` doesn't work?
2021-10-08 10:41:55 +0200 <liskin> okay, so I posted https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28796909 and https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28797020, and there doesn't seem to be anything else really needing a reply, so I guess I can go back to my original day plan
2021-10-08 10:43:11 +0200 <liskin> (we have a parliamentary election today and tomorrow, which means it's fairly likely I will be severely depressed Sunday afternoon and the week following that because we inevitably will hand the country to oligarchs for the third time)
2021-10-08 10:46:28 +0200 <seiryn> "xmonad --replace" work but i expected it will do that at launch ?
2021-10-08 10:46:42 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> oh, right.
2021-10-08 10:46:51 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> That happened to me, too, with the latest fedora update.
2021-10-08 10:47:26 +0200 <seiryn> So what ?
2021-10-08 10:48:10 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> Something weird happened with the `KDEWM` environment variable. It isn't behaving as documentation says it ought to.
2021-10-08 10:48:22 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> I've just been running `xmonad --replace` at login. *shrug*
2021-10-08 10:49:30 +0200 <seiryn> ~like you run it after `exec startx` is the profile ?
2021-10-08 10:49:56 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> no. manually, because I'm a cave man. :)
2021-10-08 11:15:41 +0200 <seiryn> But my solution work or i need to put elsewere ?
2021-10-08 11:33:50 +0200qbt(~qbt@user/edun) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2021-10-08 11:41:56 +0200Hashstoned
2021-10-08 11:47:37 +0200stonedHash
2021-10-08 12:20:02 +0200diiyamoud(~diiyamoud@
2021-10-08 12:20:18 +0200diiyamoud(~diiyamoud@ (Client Quit)
2021-10-08 12:32:42 +0200qbt(~qbt@user/edun)
2021-10-08 12:35:01 +0200qbt(~qbt@user/edun) (Client Quit)
2021-10-08 12:37:46 +0200qbt(~qbt@user/edun)
2021-10-08 12:53:23 +0200seiryn(~seiryn@pop.92-184-116-233.mobile.abo.orange.fr) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 12:56:25 +0200qbt(~qbt@user/edun) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2021-10-08 13:28:36 +0200seiryn(~seiryn@pop.92-184-116-233.mobile.abo.orange.fr)
2021-10-08 14:03:49 +0200azg256(~user@78-56-98-5.static.zebra.lt)
2021-10-08 14:05:55 +0200zawaken(~zawaken@user/zawaken)
2021-10-08 14:07:01 +0200 <zawaken> Hi, have anyone tried compiling xmonad on RHEL 8? I'm having some issues with it.
2021-10-08 14:08:39 +0200wonko(~wjc@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2021-10-08 15:09:46 +0200seiryn(~seiryn@pop.92-184-116-233.mobile.abo.orange.fr) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2021-10-08 15:11:15 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2021-10-08 15:20:05 +0200FOSSHuman[m](~lol111mat@2001:470:69fc:105::1:ad7) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 15:20:05 +0200MatrixTravelerb4(~voyagert2@2001:470:69fc:105::22) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:05 +0200Mellow[m](~mellow210@2001:470:69fc:105::8c62) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
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2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200mc47[m](~mc47matri@2001:470:69fc:105::733) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200sibi(~sibi@2001:470:69fc:105::8ab) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200triumphofdeath[m(~triumphof@2001:470:69fc:105::a5c) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200ServerStatsDisco(~serversta@2001:470:69fc:105::1a) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200Alee[m](~alee1449m@2001:470:69fc:105::6d38) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200MarkJames[m](~thingsmar@2001:470:69fc:105::1:3b1) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200Tisoxin(~ikosit@user/ikosit) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200cjbaylisstheythe(~cjbayliss@2001:470:69fc:105::bade) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200Arcanus[m](~archanusm@2001:470:69fc:105::f953) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200HAL[m](~evadk8mat@2001:470:69fc:105::3ed0) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200Drishal[m](~drishalma@2001:470:69fc:105::a36) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200ormaaj(~ormaaj@user/ormaaj) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200ThatOneLutenist(~nathanmcc@2001:470:69fc:105::cd69) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:06 +0200M-elo-[m](~gilganixm@2001:470:69fc:105::3d09) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:07 +0200yuu[m](~yuumatrix@2001:470:69fc:105::8a6) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:07 +0200iffsid(~iffsid@2001:470:69fc:105::a3e) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 15:20:07 +0200ms[m](~msmatrixp@2001:470:69fc:105::2b48) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
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2021-10-08 15:20:07 +0200syntactic_sugar[(~syntactic@2001:470:69fc:105::b4af) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:07 +0200felixfahrbahn[m](~felixfahr@2001:470:69fc:105::1:7e0) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:07 +0200unrooted(~unrooted@2001:470:69fc:105::a4a) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:07 +0200Industrial[m](~industria@2001:470:69fc:105::eb9) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:07 +0200jakefromstatefar(~jakefroms@2001:470:69fc:105::15ef) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:08 +0200kaizoku[m](~kaizokuma@2001:470:69fc:105::1:102d) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 15:20:08 +0200KittyOwO[m](~wrinklehu@2001:470:69fc:105::84e) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2021-10-08 15:20:08 +0200dkasak[m](~dkasakter@2001:470:69fc:105::a34) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
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2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200craige[m](~craigemcw@2001:470:69fc:105::35f1) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200SimonWeiss[m](~weiss-dma@2001:470:69fc:105::bebd) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200rednaZ[m](~r3dnazmat@2001:470:69fc:105::ba70) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200unclechu(~unclechu@2001:470:69fc:105::354) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
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2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200cyber-trekker[m](~cyber-tre@2001:470:69fc:105::f773) (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200vojjvoda[m](~vojjvodam@2001:470:69fc:105::cefe) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200Las[m](~lasmatrix@2001:470:69fc:105::74e) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200ninjanoob454[m](~ninjanoob@2001:470:69fc:105::1:75e) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200Solid[m](~slot-matr@2001:470:69fc:105::1:a84) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200YusefAslam[m](~yusz1matr@2001:470:69fc:105::1:12c) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200M0x604[m](~M0x604mat@2001:470:69fc:105::e21c) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:20:09 +0200TheWizardTower[m(~thewizard@2001:470:69fc:105::a5b) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2021-10-08 15:21:45 +0200Solid[m](~slot-matr@2001:470:69fc:105::1:a84)
2021-10-08 15:21:57 +0200jakefromstatefar(~jakefroms@2001:470:69fc:105::15ef)
2021-10-08 15:27:27 +0200qbt(~qbt@user/edun)
2021-10-08 15:28:25 +0200SimonWeiss[m](~weiss-dma@2001:470:69fc:105::bebd)
2021-10-08 15:28:25 +0200unrooted(~unrooted@2001:470:69fc:105::a4a)
2021-10-08 15:28:25 +0200rednaZ[m](~r3dnazmat@2001:470:69fc:105::ba70)
2021-10-08 15:28:25 +0200Tisoxin(~ikosit@user/ikosit)
2021-10-08 15:28:25 +0200mewfree[m](~mewfreema@2001:470:69fc:105::c904)
2021-10-08 15:28:25 +0200elonsroadster[m](~elonsroad@2001:470:69fc:105::d121)
2021-10-08 15:28:25 +0200ormaaj(~ormaaj@user/ormaaj)
2021-10-08 15:28:37 +0200ThatOneLutenist(~nathanmcc@2001:470:69fc:105::cd69)
2021-10-08 15:28:37 +0200MarkJames[m](~thingsmar@2001:470:69fc:105::1:3b1)
2021-10-08 15:28:37 +0200syntactic_sugar[(~syntactic@2001:470:69fc:105::b4af)
2021-10-08 15:28:37 +0200sibi(~sibi@2001:470:69fc:105::8ab)
2021-10-08 15:28:37 +0200cjbaylisstheythe(~cjbayliss@2001:470:69fc:105::bade)
2021-10-08 15:28:37 +0200mekeor[m](~mekeormat@2001:470:69fc:105::17e4)
2021-10-08 15:28:37 +0200irishlucklinux[m(~irishluck@2001:470:69fc:105::3818)
2021-10-08 15:29:48 +0200dkasak[m](~dkasakter@2001:470:69fc:105::a34)
2021-10-08 15:29:48 +0200Las[m](~lasmatrix@2001:470:69fc:105::74e)
2021-10-08 15:29:48 +0200liskin[m](~liskinmat@2001:470:69fc:105::768)
2021-10-08 15:29:48 +0200ServerStatsDisco(~serversta@2001:470:69fc:105::1a)
2021-10-08 15:29:48 +0200unclechu(~unclechu@2001:470:69fc:105::354)
2021-10-08 15:29:48 +0200MatrixTravelerbo(~voyagert2@2001:470:69fc:105::22)
2021-10-08 15:29:48 +0200Industrial[m](~industria@2001:470:69fc:105::eb9)
2021-10-08 15:29:48 +0200iffsid(~iffsid@2001:470:69fc:105::a3e)
2021-10-08 15:29:48 +0200denbrahe[m](~denbrahem@2001:470:69fc:105::19c0)
2021-10-08 15:29:48 +0200Alee[m](~alee1449m@2001:470:69fc:105::6d38)
2021-10-08 15:29:48 +0200craige[m](~craigemcw@2001:470:69fc:105::35f1)
2021-10-08 15:29:48 +0200yuu[m](~yuumatrix@2001:470:69fc:105::8a6)
2021-10-08 15:29:49 +0200KittyOwO[m](~wrinklehu@2001:470:69fc:105::84e)
2021-10-08 15:29:49 +0200ms[m](~msmatrixp@2001:470:69fc:105::2b48)
2021-10-08 15:29:49 +0200jakub[m]1(~jakubfami@2001:470:69fc:105::a43)
2021-10-08 15:29:49 +0200VarikValefor[m](~varikvale@2001:470:69fc:105::a5d)
2021-10-08 15:29:49 +0200cyber-trekker[m](~cyber-tre@2001:470:69fc:105::f773)
2021-10-08 15:29:49 +0200M-elo-[m](~gilganixm@2001:470:69fc:105::3d09)
2021-10-08 15:29:49 +0200felixfahrbahn[m](~felixfahr@2001:470:69fc:105::1:7e0)
2021-10-08 15:30:00 +0200TheWizardTower[m(~thewizard@2001:470:69fc:105::a5b)
2021-10-08 15:30:00 +0200YusefAslam[m](~yusz1matr@2001:470:69fc:105::1:12c)
2021-10-08 15:30:00 +0200dumuzid[m](~dumuzidma@2001:470:69fc:105::4388)
2021-10-08 15:30:00 +0200antilambda[m](~antilambd@2001:470:69fc:105::a2b)
2021-10-08 15:30:00 +0200triumphofdeath[m(~triumphof@2001:470:69fc:105::a5c)
2021-10-08 15:30:00 +0200x7and7[m](~haidermir@2001:470:69fc:105::e7ba)
2021-10-08 15:30:00 +0200Arcanus[m](~archanusm@2001:470:69fc:105::f953)
2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200kaizoku[m](~kaizokuma@2001:470:69fc:105::1:102d)
2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200Mellow[m](~mellow210@2001:470:69fc:105::8c62)
2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200M0x604[m](~M0x604mat@2001:470:69fc:105::e21c)
2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200vojjvoda[m](~vojjvodam@2001:470:69fc:105::cefe)
2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200jceb[m](~jcebmatri@2001:470:69fc:105::1396)
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2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200abhixec[m](~abhixecma@2001:470:69fc:105::a2a)
2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200FOSSHuman[m](~lol111mat@2001:470:69fc:105::1:ad7)
2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200eezo[m](~eezomatri@2001:470:69fc:105::1:7)
2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200diaspora[m](~diasporae@2001:470:69fc:105::93e)
2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200HAL[m](~evadk8mat@2001:470:69fc:105::3ed0)
2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200ninjanoob454[m](~ninjanoob@2001:470:69fc:105::1:75e)
2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200mc47[m](~mc47matri@2001:470:69fc:105::733)
2021-10-08 15:30:01 +0200Drishal[m](~drishalma@2001:470:69fc:105::a36)
2021-10-08 15:35:31 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> <liskin> "jakefromstatefarm: so, you are..." <- Yes
2021-10-08 15:40:00 +0200spider(~spider@vps-951ce37a.vps.ovh.ca) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2021-10-08 15:44:42 +0200 <geekosaur> @tell seiryn for what little it's worth, I ran into that with a linux mint update and mate and ended up debugging the whole startup chain to find out what they'd changed (which turned out to be a window manager wrapper script that had to be taught about xmonad :( )
2021-10-08 15:44:42 +0200 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
2021-10-08 15:44:50 +0200seiryn(~seiryn@pop.92-184-116-233.mobile.abo.orange.fr)
2021-10-08 15:44:58 +0200 <geekosaur> timing is everything :)
2021-10-08 15:45:31 +0200 <geekosaur> (you have a @message)
2021-10-08 15:49:16 +0200seiryn(~seiryn@pop.92-184-116-233.mobile.abo.orange.fr) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2021-10-08 16:06:06 +0200azg256(~user@78-56-98-5.static.zebra.lt) (Quit: ERC (IRC client for Emacs 27.1))
2021-10-08 16:25:23 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> That HN discussion reminded me: Wayland is fast approaching... We need to do something about `WayMonad`, if we wish for the project to exist far into the future.
2021-10-08 16:25:53 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> The biggest hurdles are: A) reliance upon X11 libraries and B) segmentation of components that wayland enforces.
2021-10-08 16:25:54 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Yes?
2021-10-08 16:27:53 +0200 <liskin> not sure what you mean by B)
2021-10-08 16:28:21 +0200 <liskin> I consider the biggest hurdle that I have no damn clue about what all needs to be done :-)
2021-10-08 16:28:51 +0200 <liskin> I should probably just try using Sway for a month or something
2021-10-08 16:29:20 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> B - Wayland as a protocol separates window management from layouts, and from compositing, from input, etc.
2021-10-08 16:29:24 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Unless I'm missing something
2021-10-08 16:29:36 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> I forget where exactly the lines in the sand are.
2021-10-08 16:30:45 +0200 <liskin> isn't it the other way round? Xorg is fairly separated, whereas a Wayland compositor usually crams rendering, input, window management, layouts, … into a single process
2021-10-08 16:31:38 +0200cfricke(~cfricke@user/cfricke) (Quit: WeeChat 3.3)
2021-10-08 16:52:17 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 16:53:56 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2021-10-08 16:54:20 +0200wonko(~wjc@
2021-10-08 17:00:13 +0200qbt(~qbt@user/edun) (Quit: Leaving.)
2021-10-08 17:17:53 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 17:18:07 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2021-10-08 17:33:35 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Not that I know, I'll do some quick research.
2021-10-08 17:33:37 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> know of*
2021-10-08 17:41:33 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Mh, yeah, it's the opposite. What you said. https://wayland.freedesktop.org/architecture.html
2021-10-08 17:41:54 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> So, perhaps we need to locate a suitable set of wayland libraries in haskell.
2021-10-08 17:42:05 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Or, make them (probably not fun).
2021-10-08 17:42:35 +0200 <liskin> jakefromstatefar: if you're interested in this, you should probably start researching here: https://github.com/L-as/waymonad
2021-10-08 17:43:06 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> I looked there a while back. But it looked dead.
2021-10-08 17:43:13 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> I'll look again, I guess
2021-10-08 17:43:21 +0200 <liskin> doesn't really matter if all you need is learning
2021-10-08 17:45:25 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> True
2021-10-08 17:46:00 +0200mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47)
2021-10-08 17:47:37 +0200 <geekosaur> L-as is the live one, ongy's is the dead one
2021-10-08 17:48:32 +0200 <geekosaur> although it's based on a dead dependency
2021-10-08 17:49:47 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Yeah, I see that now.
2021-10-08 17:50:00 +0200 <liskin> ongy replied to one of my HN comments, btw: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28798799
2021-10-08 17:50:18 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> They have a matrix room, so I'm inquiring about their wayland libraries and challenges they faced.
2021-10-08 17:51:24 +0200mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47) (Quit: Leaving)
2021-10-08 17:51:35 +0200 <liskin> it should be noted that none of the original developers of waymonad are in that matrix room, so not sure what answers you'll get
2021-10-08 17:51:43 +0200mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47)
2021-10-08 17:52:18 +0200 <liskin> I think Ivan elonsroadster[m] was involved back then as well, and is now back on xmonad, so he might know a bit about challenges
2021-10-08 17:53:21 +0200liskinis now writing an xmobar plugin in bash, lol
2021-10-08 17:53:43 +0200 <elonsroadster[m]> I never got waymonad fully working
2021-10-08 17:54:30 +0200 <liskin> oh, I must have mistaken you for LSLeary
2021-10-08 17:54:32 +0200 <liskin> sorry!
2021-10-08 17:55:04 +0200 <liskin> LSLeary contributed some great stuff to xmonad and apparently also has commits in waymonad, but went completely AWOL a couple years ago :-(
2021-10-08 17:57:35 +0200seschwar(~seschwar@user/seschwar)
2021-10-08 18:14:56 +0200 <liskin> jakefromstatefar: I see you invited me to a Matrix space, but I don't have any Matrix client that is comfortable enough for frequent usage (I don't believe any such client exists at all), so I'm not sure I'll be able to participate in that space actively :-/
2021-10-08 18:16:24 +0200Drishal[m]uploaded an image: (253KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/ISPaIQOALvCtPyODnURYUIgW/Screenshot_2…(1).jpg >
2021-10-08 18:16:33 +0200 <Drishal[m]> Damm Google knows I use xmoand
2021-10-08 18:17:22 +0200 <liskin>
2021-10-08 18:21:41 +0200 <geekosaur> google sees all, knows all
2021-10-08 18:21:48 +0200 <geekosaur> the panopticon of the internet
2021-10-08 18:40:25 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
2021-10-08 18:53:37 +0200 <FOSSHuman[m]> I am definitely going to sponsor XMonad when I have some money, XMonad-contrib is really amazing aswell
2021-10-08 19:00:36 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 19:01:45 +0200 <liskin> https://github.com/liskin/dotfiles/commit/75dfc057c33480ee9d3300d4d02fb79a986ef3a5#diff-87ceeecfb9…
2021-10-08 19:01:51 +0200 <liskin> what have I done :-D
2021-10-08 19:03:01 +0200 <liskin> (I could probably write a blog post describing how to write xmobar plugins in bash, but… time)
2021-10-08 19:04:00 +0200 <mc47> God :D
2021-10-08 19:04:08 +0200 <mc47> that's brilliant
2021-10-08 19:06:10 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
2021-10-08 19:06:19 +0200 <mc47> I'm not a bash wizard but I can kinda see what you're doing
2021-10-08 19:13:41 +0200geekosaurwould probably do it in perl, but.
2021-10-08 19:14:05 +0200 <geekosaur> (or in haskell, it's fairly simple after all)
2021-10-08 19:18:21 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Or nim, it's a nice scripting lang.
2021-10-08 19:23:18 +0200 <Solid> liskin: that is so horrible it's amazing :D
2021-10-08 19:24:19 +0200 <Solid> (btw, according to my logs LSLeary was last seen on 2020-03-13 (this seems oddly pandemic related, I hope it's not))
2021-10-08 19:24:37 +0200 <geekosaur> I didn't see anything horrible about it (aside from, well, bash)
2021-10-08 19:24:50 +0200 <geekosaur> clear and concice, as bash code goes
2021-10-08 19:25:02 +0200 <geekosaur> *concise
2021-10-08 19:25:22 +0200 <Solid> not horrible as in "horrible code", more like horrible as in "writing an xmobar plugin in bash" :)
2021-10-08 19:27:44 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> For those not in #waymonad:matrix.org, but still interested:
2021-10-08 19:27:47 +0200jakefromstatefaruploaded an image: (179KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/jupiterbroadcasting.com/twFQGzGRStvJPlBwaXkkuQSb… >
2021-10-08 19:30:04 +0200 <geekosaur> hm, I was under the impression they wanted to start over because wlroots was an ugly broken hack
2021-10-08 19:33:52 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2021-10-08 19:37:13 +0200 <liskin> I don't really know why, but I consider perl to be a bit of a dead end these days, so I don't use it any more; also, I absolutely hate the way function arguments are passed in it
2021-10-08 19:38:05 +0200 <liskin> it'd probably be more "right" to write it in haskell, but I'd have to migrate my xmobar config from xmobarrc to compiled, and then… it'd almost certainly be longer
2021-10-08 19:38:28 +0200 <liskin> bash is fairly concise once one learns it properly
2021-10-08 19:45:36 +0200 <Solid> that's fair
2021-10-08 19:55:02 +0200 <geekosaur> I'm an olde phart™ so I still like perl with all its freakishness
2021-10-08 19:55:25 +0200 <geekosaur> then again I invented the perl 4 hack for nested structures, so.
2021-10-08 19:56:17 +0200 <liskin> which perl 4 hack?
2021-10-08 19:56:20 +0200 <geekosaur> glob abuse, mm
2021-10-08 19:57:07 +0200 <geekosaur> storing the glob reference of one structure inside another. had to do an extra glob deref to use it, but it was cleaner than the other ways of doing it
2021-10-08 19:57:18 +0200 <geekosaur> and in some sense inspired perl 5 refs
2021-10-08 19:58:11 +0200 <liskin> hm, I think I'm not old enough to have ever used perl 4, actually
2021-10-08 19:58:26 +0200 <geekosaur> I started out with perl 3
2021-10-08 19:58:47 +0200 <geekosaur> which I knew about because I was moderating comp.sources.misc whne it was released
2021-10-08 19:58:54 +0200 <liskin> I think I had a perl 4 book when I was like 15 years old or something, but when I started coding in Perl around 2002 or 3, it was probably already perl 5
2021-10-08 20:00:29 +0200 <geekosaur> first public release of python was the same week but I couldn't get into it; python 1 was rather limited
2021-10-08 20:00:56 +0200 <geekosaur> only remotely interesting part of it to me was STDWIN and it didn't take me long to figure out it was a horrid hack
2021-10-08 20:01:05 +0200 <geekosaur> (long since disowned)
2021-10-08 20:08:47 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 20:10:37 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2021-10-08 20:21:33 +0200mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 20:47:49 +0200wonko(~wjc@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2021-10-08 20:49:15 +0200wonko(~wjc@
2021-10-08 21:00:06 +0200werneta(~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 21:06:09 +0200HashRitaDivaj
2021-10-08 21:07:48 +0200yuu[m]uploaded a video: (1330KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/enZFitgUqQxjJPGAsNPbpxXJ/ffmpeg-2021-… >
2021-10-08 21:07:49 +0200 <yuu[m]> Given a workspace with 2+ windows A (master) and B in tabbed layout, and 1 floating window F. Current focus is on B. If the user changes the focus to F, xmonad changes the tabbed focus to A.
2021-10-08 21:07:49 +0200 <yuu[m]> Any idea how to fix/workaround that?
2021-10-08 21:08:03 +0200 <yuu[m]> s/+//
2021-10-08 21:10:43 +0200 <geekosaur> TrackFloating module might help, otherwise no, our float handling is atrocious and hard to fix
2021-10-08 21:11:09 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Hooks.RefocusLast and Layout.TrackFloating
2021-10-08 21:11:32 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> geekosaur: Speaking of, how would a tree datatype solve this issue?
2021-10-08 21:11:42 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Just give a separate branch for floating windows?
2021-10-08 21:12:16 +0200 <geekosaur> not sure, it was liskin's idea not mine. in any case tree datatype is for layouts not windows so I'm not sure it affects it
2021-10-08 21:12:40 +0200 <geekosaur> unless there's a distinct floating layout somrewhere instead of just a map of windows to rects
2021-10-08 21:14:36 +0200 <liskin> no, the tree would actually hold both layouts and windows
2021-10-08 21:15:13 +0200 <liskin> so we'd have a root node that wouldn't do nothing special except layout all subnodes with the full rect and then stack the resulting windows on top of one another
2021-10-08 21:15:38 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> How would it hold layouts? Just as an optional attribute at each branch, holding the layout function?
2021-10-08 21:15:39 +0200 <liskin> under this node there'd be a floating layout node, and all windows under this node would be in the floating layer, and it'd have its own focus
2021-10-08 21:15:55 +0200 <liskin> another node under the root would be the "primary" layout, where most windows will go
2021-10-08 21:16:13 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> OK, how would having 2 focus' work?
2021-10-08 21:16:14 +0200 <liskin> again, this node would remember its own focus
2021-10-08 21:16:51 +0200 <liskin> every node would just remember which of its subnodes has focus
2021-10-08 21:17:07 +0200 <liskin> thus there'd be a single window having focus
2021-10-08 21:17:08 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Could you pseudo-yaml format this idea? I'm having a hard time understanding the fullness of this concept.
2021-10-08 21:17:35 +0200 <liskin> I can try
2021-10-08 21:18:18 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> liskin: The floating layer, and sublayout layers, both hold a focus, right?
2021-10-08 21:26:45 +0200 <geekosaur> yes. and presumably only one of these layers has the focus at any one time
2021-10-08 21:27:21 +0200 <geekosaur> at one point dons tried to implement that with multiple StackSets; it didn't go well. but then the StackSet is arguably a large part of the problem
2021-10-08 21:27:26 +0200RitaDivajHash
2021-10-08 21:29:41 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Mmh, a thought just came to my head... Could this tree approach allow for shareable multiseat solution?
2021-10-08 21:30:21 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Basically, just allowing any node to set the `DISPLAY` value.
2021-10-08 21:31:01 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> And, then you could have multiple root nodes, each linked to a different TTY, or physical display.
2021-10-08 21:31:07 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> And, have the ability to interop with eachother.
2021-10-08 21:31:10 +0200 <liskin> https://on.tty-share.com/s/9uow43Ip7P0KXGKfw3zcU1w0RptHCDrbhw_2HoJhXdrfnnHHSOOYDXKnDzldl4lh264/
2021-10-08 21:31:22 +0200 <liskin> (I may need to refresh it once you connect)
2021-10-08 21:31:49 +0200 <geekosaur> jakefromstatefar, interop would be difficult because each window belongs to a specific display
2021-10-08 21:31:56 +0200 <geekosaur> enforced by X11
2021-10-08 21:33:46 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Hm, perhaps we could just leave it as an unimplemented path forward, and think more on it if/when we get rolling with wayland.
2021-10-08 21:33:52 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Not sure what the policy is there, though.
2021-10-08 21:34:40 +0200 <geekosaur> I plan to collect the discussions here and create a WIP placeholder issue
2021-10-08 21:34:59 +0200 <geekosaur> which we can brainstorm on as and when we get time/motivation
2021-10-08 21:35:23 +0200 <liskin> geekosaur: I'll send you the yaml once I'm finished with it
2021-10-08 21:35:25 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> liskin: What of allowing decoration as a separate function per-node. Meaning tabbed would be a core feature, and not something requiring more effort.
2021-10-08 21:36:10 +0200zouhair(~zouhair@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2021-10-08 21:36:31 +0200 <liskin> jakefromstatefar: yes tabbing would fit naturally into this
2021-10-08 21:36:49 +0200 <liskin> I just added a sample tabbed panes into my pseudo-yaml
2021-10-08 21:37:05 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> What if instead of using an int focus value, using a stackset/other holepunched list datatype for the windows?
2021-10-08 21:37:22 +0200 <liskin> that's an implementation detail mostly
2021-10-08 21:37:57 +0200 <liskin> for the sizes of structures that xmonad typically deals with, it doesn't really matter which is which
2021-10-08 21:38:08 +0200zouhair(~zouhair@
2021-10-08 21:39:10 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> What of background setting?
2021-10-08 21:39:25 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Are we going to include a window node for the root window inside the root node?
2021-10-08 21:40:09 +0200 <liskin> geekosaur: https://x0.at/fh6O.txt is what I have now
2021-10-08 21:40:13 +0200 <yuu[m]> <geekosaur> "TrackFloating module might help,..." <- i added trackFloating to my layout hook and it was able to handle it. thank you very much!
2021-10-08 21:40:56 +0200 <liskin> jakefromstatefar: root window is unmanaged in the X world, so no
2021-10-08 21:41:39 +0200 <liskin> we don't need to concern ourselves with setting the background
2021-10-08 21:42:00 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> ah
2021-10-08 21:57:41 +0200 <geekosaur> note also that the int we store is actually the X11 window ID, not some internal thing
2021-10-08 21:58:43 +0200 <liskin> well the int I have in that yaml is an index into the children array
2021-10-08 21:59:01 +0200 <liskin> (as that can either be windows or sublayouts)
2021-10-08 21:59:09 +0200 <geekosaur> oh
2021-10-08 21:59:17 +0200 <geekosaur> yeh, I didn't check the yaml
2021-10-08 21:59:29 +0200geekosaurkinda hates yaml
2021-10-08 22:05:30 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> It's just a means to an end of expressing this tree structure idea.
2021-10-08 22:05:32 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> In this case.
2021-10-08 22:13:37 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> With this new tree structure, how would floating windows be handled? E.g:... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/9a36e37e1684f6b8fd8e9df5b3682c0f710d…)
2021-10-08 22:14:33 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Programmatically, this should be doable - but what of doing this from the userspace level?
2021-10-08 22:14:39 +0200 <liskin> I haven't really thought about how you'd manage the structure of that tree :-)
2021-10-08 22:15:11 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> I think that floating nodes/layers should be separate from other nodes.
2021-10-08 22:15:46 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> And the `doFloat` function would merely send the window information up to the top branch, into the floating layer attribute.
2021-10-08 22:16:05 +0200 <liskin> they don't really need to be as long as there are predefined actions that correctly move the window across the tree
2021-10-08 22:16:34 +0200 <liskin> floating a window and tiling it again is already a lossy operation today, usually
2021-10-08 22:16:49 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> And, giving floating windows bounding boxes from a sublayout seems challengind.
2021-10-08 22:16:57 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> liskin: Yeah, I wasn't too worried about that.
2021-10-08 22:17:02 +0200 <geekosaur> in my layer brainstorming I had a separate floating layer which behaved as _NET_WINDOW_STATE_ABOVE (but actually between that layer and the normal one) and some notion of pushing windows between layers to the focus in the other layer
2021-10-08 22:17:05 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> challenging*
2021-10-08 22:18:55 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> Ooh, with this approach you could move windows around by paths. E.g `/**/tabbed/`.
2021-10-08 22:19:08 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> I wonder how practical things like that would be.
2021-10-08 22:30:56 +0200 <geekosaur> bleh, github really doesn't like the formatting there
2021-10-08 22:33:11 +0200 <geekosaur> whatever, I set up the WIP issue copying all this discussion into it, we can brainstorm there
2021-10-08 22:55:11 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> See the WIP issue.
2021-10-08 22:55:14 +0200 <jakefromstatefar> I added my ideas.
2021-10-08 22:56:11 +0200 <geekosaur> I get email for everything that happens in the xmonad project :)
2021-10-08 22:57:44 +0200 <geekosaur> wow, github formatted that even worse than it did mine :/
2021-10-08 23:08:26 +0200a6a45081-2b83(~aditya@2601:249:4300:1296:88ec:cc73:84d4:1507)
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2021-10-08 23:24:47 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-10-08 23:25:06 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2021-10-08 23:25:31 +0200wonko(~wjc@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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2021-10-08 23:36:47 +0200wonko(~wjc@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)