
2021-09-15 01:00:47 +0200 <TheWizardTower[m> Solid: 'Grats on the thesis. :)
2021-09-15 01:01:41 +0200 <Hash> Hey congratulations
2021-09-15 01:01:45 +0200 <Hash> <3
2021-09-15 02:23:16 +0200tremon(~tremon@217-63-61-89.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: getting boxed in)
2021-09-15 03:44:11 +0200abhixec(~abhixec@c-67-169-139-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
2021-09-15 04:01:23 +0200slep(~slep@cpc150002-brnt4-2-0-cust437.4-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2021-09-15 04:02:16 +0200slep(~slep@cpc150002-brnt4-2-0-cust437.4-2.cable.virginm.net)
2021-09-15 04:04:21 +0200banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2021-09-15 04:23:28 +0200td_(~td@muedsl-82-207-238-177.citykom.de) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2021-09-15 04:24:06 +0200banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc)
2021-09-15 04:25:02 +0200td_(~td@muedsl-82-207-238-063.citykom.de)
2021-09-15 06:39:13 +0200abhixec(~abhixec@c-67-169-139-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2021-09-15 07:21:21 +0200 <Solid> <3
2021-09-15 07:22:45 +0200abhixec(~abhixec@c-67-169-139-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
2021-09-15 07:41:58 +0200eblip(~eb0t@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2021-09-15 07:43:58 +0200eblip(~eb0t@
2021-09-15 07:50:50 +0200abhixec(~abhixec@c-67-169-139-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2021-09-15 08:05:21 +0200redgloboli(~redglobol@user/redgloboli) (Quit: ...enter the matrix...)
2021-09-15 08:56:27 +0200cfricke(~cfricke@user/cfricke)
2021-09-15 09:48:11 +0200benin036932301(~benin@
2021-09-15 10:17:44 +0200allbery_b(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2021-09-15 10:17:44 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by allbery_b)))
2021-09-15 10:17:47 +0200allbery_bgeekosaur
2021-09-15 11:04:05 +0200thunderrd(~thunderrd@
2021-09-15 11:28:58 +0200qbt(~edun@user/edun)
2021-09-15 12:09:48 +0200redgloboli(~redglobol@user/redgloboli)
2021-09-15 13:09:46 +0200electr0n(~electr0n@about/security/founder/electr0n) (Quit: WeeChat 3.2)
2021-09-15 13:23:17 +0200mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47)
2021-09-15 13:58:37 +0200dschrempf(~dominik@070-207.dynamic.dsl.fonira.net)
2021-09-15 14:05:16 +0200dschrempf(~dominik@070-207.dynamic.dsl.fonira.net) (Quit: WeeChat 3.2.1)
2021-09-15 14:41:41 +0200benin036932301(~benin@ (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
2021-09-15 15:18:35 +0200jokleinn(~jokleinn@user/jokleinn)
2021-09-15 16:37:34 +0200cfricke(~cfricke@user/cfricke) (Quit: WeeChat 3.2.1)
2021-09-15 16:58:56 +0200 <mc47> Solid update regarding my struggle with using stack.yaml: I had `.` in packages, and for some reason it was complaining that it can't find the xmonad library
2021-09-15 17:01:55 +0200 <Solid> ah yeah afaik then it's looking for some kind of src or lib dir
2021-09-15 17:03:48 +0200 <mc47> yeah exactly
2021-09-15 17:04:00 +0200 <mc47> so I need to bump the resolver and add X11-xft-0.3.1
2021-09-15 17:04:14 +0200 <mc47> (which I'm not gonna do, I was just making sure it works, which it does)
2021-09-15 17:05:01 +0200seschwar(~seschwar@user/seschwar)
2021-09-15 17:07:17 +0200 <mc47> btw: I stupidly deleted my unpushed changes because I was working in the train and I got confused about the symlinks
2021-09-15 17:07:37 +0200 <Solid> oof
2021-09-15 17:08:12 +0200 <mc47[m]> Oof indeed
2021-09-15 17:59:22 +0200jokleinn(~jokleinn@user/jokleinn) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2021-09-15 18:11:12 +0200abhixec(~abhixec@c-67-169-139-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
2021-09-15 18:20:29 +0200 <liskin> hm, what's looking for src or lib? a '.' in packages just means it looks for *.cabal, I think
2021-09-15 18:25:28 +0200 <Solid> ah probably
2021-09-15 18:25:37 +0200 <Solid> of course we all forgot to change our cabal files
2021-09-15 18:25:47 +0200 <Solid> and cabal still specifies a src directory
2021-09-15 18:27:15 +0200 <liskin> "forgot to change"? Was I meant to change any cabal files too? :-)
2021-09-15 18:27:22 +0200 <liskin> I may be missing a bit of context here I think
2021-09-15 18:27:37 +0200 <Solid> you weren't, but me and mc47[m] certainly did :)
2021-09-15 18:27:55 +0200 <Solid> the context is stack based compiling instead of having a build file
2021-09-15 18:28:07 +0200 <Solid> the natural thing to do seems to be to move xmonad.hs from src to the parent directory
2021-09-15 18:28:17 +0200 <Solid> delete the build file and adjust the stack.yaml
2021-09-15 18:28:23 +0200 <Solid> aaaaand then forget to adjust the cabal file as well
2021-09-15 18:28:31 +0200 <liskin> well more like delete rather than adjust
2021-09-15 18:28:46 +0200 <Solid> okay, or that
2021-09-15 18:29:13 +0200 <liskin> because with the CompileStackGhc compiling, xmonad doesn't expect stack to compile the xmonad binary itself
2021-09-15 18:29:23 +0200 <liskin> perhaps that needs a bit more documentation somewhere
2021-09-15 18:29:25 +0200 <liskin> or code
2021-09-15 18:31:21 +0200 <liskin> if someone wants to use any extra libraries or something, or whatever else they'd need an actual cabal project for, then I think one way to do it that should work is to create a project and then just "import MyXMonad (main)" or something in ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
2021-09-15 18:31:54 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-09-15 18:31:56 +0200 <Solid> having a build file would probably be less work in that situation
2021-09-15 18:32:14 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2021-09-15 18:32:32 +0200 <liskin> that might well be true, yes
2021-09-15 18:33:23 +0200 <liskin> I now need to leave for beers, but I'd definitely like to discuss this further
2021-09-15 18:33:41 +0200 <liskin> as one of you said recently, if the devs can't get it working right, it's probably not documented well enough
2021-09-15 18:34:17 +0200 <Solid> yeah I think we should read through all of this "how to get me set up" docs in full at one point and fill out the planks
2021-09-15 18:34:34 +0200 <Solid> but for now, have fun with the beers :)
2021-09-15 18:34:50 +0200 <Solid> s/planks/blanks/
2021-09-15 18:35:10 +0200 <Solid> (unless there are also planks in there, in which case we'd need to fill them out as well :))
2021-09-15 18:35:13 +0200 <liskin> yeah
2021-09-15 18:35:31 +0200 <liskin> although I do have to say that I did go through those instructions once, quite thoroughly
2021-09-15 18:35:46 +0200 <liskin> as in install-arch-in-a-fresh-vm kind of thoroughly
2021-09-15 18:36:31 +0200 <liskin> so it needs another pair of eyes rather than another read through :-)
2021-09-15 18:36:38 +0200 <Solid> I believe the docs from scratch are pretty decent
2021-09-15 18:36:42 +0200 <liskin> afk now
2021-09-15 18:36:43 +0200 <Solid> but both problems arose in "convert this frankenstein setup into this shiny new thing" situations
2021-09-15 18:36:47 +0200 <Solid> aight
2021-09-15 18:36:51 +0200 <Solid> we'll continue this another day
2021-09-15 18:43:47 +0200jokleinn(~jokleinn@user/jokleinn)
2021-09-15 20:35:14 +0200jokleinn(~jokleinn@user/jokleinn) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2021-09-15 20:57:47 +0200rieper(~riepernet@sxbeta1.geo.uni-leipzig.de) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
2021-09-15 20:58:56 +0200rieper(~riepernet@sxbeta1.geo.uni-leipzig.de)
2021-09-15 21:11:07 +0200qbt(~edun@user/edun) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2021-09-15 21:15:35 +0200snowflake[m](~kobalinus@2001:470:69fc:105::f8eb)
2021-09-15 21:49:12 +0200mc47(~mc47@xmonad/TheMC47) (Quit: Leaving)
2021-09-15 22:44:13 +0200abhixec(~abhixec@c-67-169-139-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2021-09-15 23:17:55 +0200eyenx(~m-5paiux@eyenx.ch) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-09-15 23:18:11 +0200eyenx(~m-5paiux@eyenx.ch)
2021-09-15 23:22:23 +0200seschwar(~seschwar@user/seschwar) (Quit: :wq)
2021-09-15 23:41:38 +0200electr0n(~electr0n@about/security/founder/electr0n)