
2021-07-12 00:02:15 +0200theproffesor(~theproffe@user/theproffesor) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2021-07-12 00:05:29 +0200theproffesor(~theproffe@2601:282:847f:8010::3a29)
2021-07-12 00:34:42 +0200theproffesor(~theproffe@2601:282:847f:8010::3a29) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2021-07-12 01:04:35 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-07-12 01:06:26 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2021-07-12 01:12:14 +0200cjb(~cjb@user/cjb)
2021-07-12 01:40:31 +0200tremon(~tremon@217-63-61-89.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: getting boxed in)
2021-07-12 01:58:59 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> I have terrible performance in XMonad: I can't play a fullscreen video on one screen and play a game at the same time. While it's fine in i3, dwm, awesome, ... Any ideas what I can do to fix that ?
2021-07-12 02:02:05 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> (I have an nvidia card)
2021-07-12 02:03:35 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-07-12 02:05:46 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2021-07-12 02:06:47 +0200cjbaylisstheythecjbayliss[m]
2021-07-12 02:10:13 +0200 <geekosaur> By_JumperX4[m], that would be odd unless you're running a compositor from your config
2021-07-12 02:10:36 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> nope, tried adding one, but it hasn't fixed anything
2021-07-12 02:11:37 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> geekosaur: also, the fps in game doesn't really drop, they're just not displayed
2021-07-12 02:13:58 +0200 <geekosaur> window managers are about window placement policy and have no involvement at all in window drawing, so it'd have to be a compositor or lack of some GPU initialization step that everything else is doing, but I don't know the NVidia ecosystem well enough to have any idea of what
2021-07-12 02:14:53 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> well, all I can tell is that I have and feels 130 fps in warframe while playing a video on i3, and have 130 fps but feeling 5 on xmonad :/
2021-07-12 02:15:22 +0200 <cjb> By_JumperX4[m]: are you sure you aren't using a compositor? are you using the same driver as you were under i3/etc?
2021-07-12 02:15:27 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> also the video tears like a 40 years old screen on xmonad when I brind the gam eon the screen
2021-07-12 02:15:32 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> <cjb "By_JumperX4: are you sure you ar"> yep, sure
2021-07-12 02:15:47 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> even tried with a fully default xmonad config (just a few bindings)
2021-07-12 02:15:53 +0200 <cjb> compositors will make 130fps feel like 5fps any day of the week -_-
2021-07-12 02:17:43 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> gonna make a video
2021-07-12 02:18:12 +0200 <cjb> 👍
2021-07-12 02:19:39 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> I take warframe as an example, but it does that with every game, just that warframe is one of the most resource-expensive I have
2021-07-12 02:22:01 +0200By_JumperX4[m]uploaded a video: (7503KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/kde.org/34f2a631429b219d433cc51ee80d1829bae97f97… >
2021-07-12 02:22:58 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> here you can clearly see the difference
2021-07-12 02:25:02 +0200 <cjb> wow! ouch! yeah, not fun.
2021-07-12 02:25:21 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> That's with a GTX 1060
2021-07-12 02:25:44 +0200 <cjb> yeah a 1060 should run warframe with ease.
2021-07-12 02:25:54 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> Yea
2021-07-12 02:25:57 +0200 <cjb> and play videos at the same time
2021-07-12 02:26:29 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> I should ne able to open 4 warframe and still run fine
2021-07-12 02:27:20 +0200 <cjb> yeah, pretty much. what distro are you using? does it start a compositor automatically at login? (using systemd user services for example)
2021-07-12 02:27:28 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> it's Gentoo
2021-07-12 02:27:35 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> but it does the same on all distro
2021-07-12 02:27:50 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> I always had that with xmonad, that made me leave it once
2021-07-12 02:27:51 +0200 <cjb> yeah Gentoo doesn't do anything you don't tell it to
2021-07-12 02:27:56 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> yea
2021-07-12 02:28:25 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> Gentoo Hardened OpenRC SELinux + ClamAV Root-On-ZFS w/ Linux kernel 4.19
2021-07-12 02:28:30 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> to be precise
2021-07-12 02:30:47 +0200By_JumperX4[m]uploaded a video: (2535KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/kde.org/0f6aa9c3213cbc81bc510690dc90e597c248b4b3… >
2021-07-12 02:30:57 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> here's the same on i3
2021-07-12 02:30:58 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> works just fine
2021-07-12 02:35:39 +0200 <cjb> hm, IDK what the issue is sorry. Did a bit of a duckduckgo then google around and found nothing helpful.
2021-07-12 02:36:14 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> the problem with i3 is those horrible layouts
2021-07-12 02:41:11 +0200 <Nosrep> why do people hate compositors so much
2021-07-12 02:41:25 +0200 <Nosrep> mine hardly uses any resources and it has a fair bit of stuff on
2021-07-12 02:41:35 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> which one ? xcompmgr ?
2021-07-12 02:41:42 +0200 <Nosrep> picom
2021-07-12 02:41:46 +0200 <geekosaur> mine too but it's a noticeable slowdown
2021-07-12 02:42:02 +0200 <geekosaur> then again it's one I specifically asked for (visual fading)
2021-07-12 02:42:18 +0200 <Nosrep> i have minor fading, dual kawase blur, and transparency on
2021-07-12 02:42:33 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> well until there is a compiz-like compositor, I don't see why i'd use one
2021-07-12 02:43:07 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> technically there is one, zcomp aka XMoniz, but it's so old I couldn't get it to compile
2021-07-12 02:43:13 +0200 <geekosaur> there was one at one point but compiz kept changing too much for them to keep ip
2021-07-12 02:43:21 +0200 <geekosaur> yeh, that
2021-07-12 02:43:25 +0200 <geekosaur> been dead for years
2021-07-12 02:43:40 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> would be cool to see it live again
2021-07-12 02:44:44 +0200 <Nosrep> what's so great about compiz
2021-07-12 02:45:05 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> wobbly windows ?
2021-07-12 02:45:09 +0200 <cjb> more candy
2021-07-12 02:45:16 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxpzNGppcbs
2021-07-12 02:45:27 +0200 <Nosrep> ooh wobbly windows
2021-07-12 02:45:27 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> look. at. this.
2021-07-12 02:45:29 +0200 <Nosrep> very nice
2021-07-12 02:46:48 +0200 <Nosrep> also
2021-07-12 02:47:03 +0200 <Nosrep> picom is xcompmgr's great grandson/daughter
2021-07-12 02:47:18 +0200 <Nosrep> picom is a fork of compton which is a fork of xcompmgr-dana which is a fork of xcompmgr
2021-07-12 02:47:56 +0200 <Nosrep> also isn't compiz still around
2021-07-12 02:47:59 +0200 <Nosrep> barely
2021-07-12 02:48:13 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> compiz is still maintained
2021-07-12 02:48:55 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> even if many sources says it's not
2021-07-12 02:49:08 +0200 <cjb> some was trying to make a wayland equivalent too, is it wayfire?
2021-07-12 02:49:17 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> yea
2021-07-12 02:49:42 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> I think when the new nvidia driver with proper wayland support gets out soon, i'll switch to wayland
2021-07-12 02:50:21 +0200 <Nosrep> i would switch to wayland but a lot of stuff is missing
2021-07-12 02:50:32 +0200 <cjb> can't wait for proper wayland support from nvidia + games running native under wayland, going to be awesome.
2021-07-12 02:50:45 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> <cjb "can't wait for proper wayland su"> it's coming with the 470
2021-07-12 02:50:51 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> it's already in beta and working
2021-07-12 02:50:56 +0200 <cjb> nice!
2021-07-12 02:51:38 +0200 <cjb> sadly wine is a little behind though :/ maybe steam's proton might support it at some point?
2021-07-12 02:51:59 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> already does
2021-07-12 02:52:09 +0200 <cjb> there is this: https://github.com/varmd/wine-wayland
2021-07-12 02:52:13 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> even supports DLSS now
2021-07-12 02:52:27 +0200 <cjb> By_JumperX4[m]: proton supports wayland? awesome!
2021-07-12 02:52:42 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> at least Proton-GE does
2021-07-12 02:52:48 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> not sure for regular proton
2021-07-12 02:53:15 +0200 <cjb> yeah ok, close enough :)
2021-07-12 03:01:07 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> okay this time i'm becoming crazy
2021-07-12 03:01:31 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> i'm on i3 trying to play and watch video, everything is fine BUT the mouse lags in the game
2021-07-12 03:01:56 +0200 <geekosaur> o.O
2021-07-12 03:02:16 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> aaaaaaaaaa
2021-07-12 03:02:21 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> my next gpu won't be nvidia
2021-07-12 03:02:59 +0200 <cjb> my feelings exactly. I love/hate my 1070.
2021-07-12 03:03:50 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> my 1060 is actually the weak point of my computer, I have 2 Xeons X5680, 108 GB of ram 2 + 2 + 4 TB of storage, ...
2021-07-12 03:05:43 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> Can't AMD's cards get cheaper ? god 1k € for a card...
2021-07-12 03:06:20 +0200 <cjb> wow, for me it is my CPU, an i5-4670k, which doesn't support VT-d 🤬
2021-07-12 03:06:34 +0200 <cjb> wish I didn't buy the 'k' version
2021-07-12 03:07:25 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> God i'm fucking compiling stuff with 20 threads, it works fine, can still play warframe, but I can't play a damn video
2021-07-12 03:07:36 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> got 200 fps while compiling
2021-07-12 03:47:55 +0200Core7908(~Core7908@2804:18:47:52d3:1:0:b31:60e7)
2021-07-12 03:57:06 +0200 <Nosrep> nouveau or proprietary drivers
2021-07-12 04:04:50 +0200banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2021-07-12 04:19:23 +0200td_(~td@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2021-07-12 04:21:21 +0200td_(~td@
2021-07-12 04:22:20 +0200banc(banc@gateway/vpn/airvpn/banc)
2021-07-12 04:24:19 +0200 <Nosrep> nоsrep
2021-07-12 04:24:21 +0200 <Nosrep> nosrep
2021-07-12 04:24:22 +0200 <Nosrep> hm
2021-07-12 06:44:32 +0200 <sagaracharya[m]> <By_JumperX4[m] "my 1060 is actually the weak poi"> 108GB of RAM, damn!
2021-07-12 06:45:13 +0200 <sagaracharya[m]> What do u use that for?
2021-07-12 06:45:25 +0200 <sagaracharya[m]> Weather simulations?
2021-07-12 07:01:22 +0200jmct(sid160793@id-160793.tinside.irccloud.com) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:01:23 +0200jmct_(sid160793@id-160793.tinside.irccloud.com)
2021-07-12 07:06:13 +0200amenonsen(~amenonsen@pitta.toroid.org) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:06:13 +0200piele(~piele@tbonesteak.creativeserver.net) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:06:25 +0200piele(~piele@tbonesteak.creativeserver.net)
2021-07-12 07:06:26 +0200amenonsen(~amenonsen@pitta.toroid.org)
2021-07-12 07:11:26 +0200rieper(~riepernet@sxbeta1.geo.uni-leipzig.de) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:11:26 +0200lisq(~quassel@lis.moe) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:11:26 +0200pl(sid98063@id-98063.brockwell.irccloud.com) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:11:26 +0200meowray(MaskRay@user/meowray) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:11:26 +0200dexterfoo(dexter@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe86:59ec) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:11:26 +0200T_X(~T_X@diktynna.open-mesh.org) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:11:33 +0200T_X_(~T_X@diktynna.open-mesh.org)
2021-07-12 07:11:34 +0200\u(~MaskRay@li683-166.members.linode.com)
2021-07-12 07:11:45 +0200lis(~quassel@lis.moe)
2021-07-12 07:11:46 +0200dexterfoo(dexter@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe86:59ec)
2021-07-12 07:12:00 +0200pl(sid98063@id-98063.brockwell.irccloud.com)
2021-07-12 07:13:16 +0200rieper(~riepernet@sxbeta1.geo.uni-leipzig.de)
2021-07-12 07:14:58 +0200matijja(~matijja@ (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:14:58 +0200codedmart(~codedmart@li335-49.members.linode.com) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:14:58 +0200mudri(sid317655@id-317655.brockwell.irccloud.com) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:14:59 +0200Solid(~slot@xmonad/slotThe) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:14:59 +0200burp(~quassel@hedgewars/sysadmin/burp) (*.net *.split)
2021-07-12 07:15:12 +0200codedmart(codedmart@2600:3c01::f03c:92ff:fefe:8511)
2021-07-12 07:15:16 +0200burp(~quassel@hedgewars/sysadmin/burp)
2021-07-12 07:15:54 +0200mudri(sid317655@id-317655.brockwell.irccloud.com)
2021-07-12 07:16:14 +0200Solid(~slot@xmonad/slotThe)
2021-07-12 07:17:11 +0200matijja(~matijja@
2021-07-12 08:00:39 +0200 <Solid> people complaining about compositors and then saying they'll soon switch to wayland
2021-07-12 08:00:47 +0200 <Solid> that's going to be fun I imagine :P
2021-07-12 08:05:10 +0200 <cjb> Solid: the wayland compositor I've used performs as good as X without a compositor (on the hardware I've tested on), AFAICT this is because of the way wayland is designed.
2021-07-12 08:13:18 +0200cjb(~cjb@user/cjb) (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 28.0.50)
2021-07-12 08:53:18 +0200lislisq
2021-07-12 08:59:40 +0200Core7908_(~Core7908@2804:14c:8793:8e2f:c580:1df5:d4d4:84b3)
2021-07-12 09:03:30 +0200Core7908(~Core7908@2804:18:47:52d3:1:0:b31:60e7) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2021-07-12 10:17:30 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-07-12 10:17:55 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2021-07-12 11:18:17 +0200beaker106[m](~beaker106@2001:470:69fc:105::ab9)
2021-07-12 12:40:22 +0200Core7908_(~Core7908@2804:14c:8793:8e2f:c580:1df5:d4d4:84b3) (Quit: ...)
2021-07-12 13:00:28 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> <sagaracharya[m] "What do u use that for?"> originally wanted 48 GB of ram, then had extra ram so I filled everything to get triple channel
2021-07-12 13:00:32 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> ended up with 108
2021-07-12 13:00:51 +0200 <By_JumperX4[m]> could have used bigger sticks to go to 288, the max my mobo supports
2021-07-12 13:18:29 +0200berberman(~berberman@user/berberman) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2021-07-12 13:19:31 +0200berberman(~berberman@user/berberman)
2021-07-12 13:21:11 +0200smtnet3(~asdfasdfa@ (Quit: Leaving)
2021-07-12 13:36:06 +0200tremon(~tremon@217-63-61-89.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl)
2021-07-12 13:36:13 +0200tremontremon_
2021-07-12 14:03:48 +0200M-NIX-[m](~gilganixm@2001:470:69fc:105::3d09) ()
2021-07-12 14:21:00 +0200 <Nosrep> that's a lotta ram
2021-07-12 14:24:55 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by allbery_b)))
2021-07-12 14:24:57 +0200geekosaur(~geekosaur@xmonad/geekosaur)
2021-07-12 15:31:57 +0200 <davve_> are you guys using waymonad?
2021-07-12 15:34:59 +0200 <Nosrep> no
2021-07-12 15:35:20 +0200 <Nosrep> https://github.com/waymonad/waymonad ?
2021-07-12 15:36:34 +0200 <Nosrep> it looks to be dead tho
2021-07-12 15:38:41 +0200 <Nosrep> i think this is the active f ork https://github.com/L-as/waymonad
2021-07-12 15:38:49 +0200 <Nosrep> pr 28 minutes ago kek
2021-07-12 15:44:20 +0200 <davve_> cool
2021-07-12 15:46:25 +0200 <davve_> yeah, was just pondering trying it
2021-07-12 15:47:03 +0200 <davve_> will give the fork a try instead
2021-07-12 17:29:59 +0200seschwar(~seschwar@user/seschwar)
2021-07-12 20:04:29 +0200 <nova> What linux distributions do you all use? I am looking to experiment without investing much too time
2021-07-12 20:16:29 +0200 <backleet> nova: voidlinux, xmonad doesn't work well from official packages, setting up with Stack is easy.
2021-07-12 20:17:15 +0200 <nova> ooh. I used arch for many years (first distro basically - every time I try to switch, I can't). I considered void a few years ago. I was leaning towards gentoo, but many recommended Sid Debian.
2021-07-12 20:17:15 +0200 <Solid> void on the laptop and nix on the desktop
2021-07-12 20:17:23 +0200 <backleet> nova: nixos supposed to roll well with xmonad/haskell well. Void/Nixos are my preferred distros
2021-07-12 20:17:29 +0200 <nova> nix is a distro? I thought it was a pkg manager?
2021-07-12 20:17:41 +0200 <backleet> nova: nix is pm, nixos is distro of it
2021-07-12 20:17:48 +0200 <nova> ohh yeah I heard about nixos.. dope. I even know the guy who made it *bonks head*
2021-07-12 20:18:24 +0200 <nova> hmm. I might start there first. Do you think it's reasonable to use on a laptop?
2021-07-12 20:19:29 +0200 <backleet> nova: sure, but it requires some learning, things don't work as in traditional distros. FHS is different etc
2021-07-12 20:20:27 +0200 <nova> I don't care. I'm a honey badger.
2021-07-12 20:20:40 +0200 <backleet> Solid: hi, so is there way to pull hidden windows when using LimitWindows? Or do they come up only when you free up space by closing one of the visible windows? I saw there's Layout.Minimize, gonna try that. I am thinking of only keeping 2 windows on workspace, to minimize distractions.
2021-07-12 20:21:14 +0200 <backleet> nova: nixos feels different in a good way
2021-07-12 20:23:37 +0200 <Solid> backleet: the windows are still "there", so anything that e.g. gets the n'th window in the stack should be able to handle them just fine
2021-07-12 20:26:56 +0200 <backleet> Solid: I was thinking of way to visualize them before pulling them, I see now that I can see hidden window's title in bar when cycling through windows.
2021-07-12 20:30:59 +0200 <backleet> Solid: I hate switching workspaces, would like to keep many windows in one workspace and pulling them as needed. I see I can go to window with rofi -show window, then pull it with Mod+Enter to master window. This is nice. Can it pulled to first stack window instead of master window
2021-07-12 20:31:29 +0200 <Solid> mh probably
2021-07-12 20:31:55 +0200 <backleet> Solid: sort of like hybrid of floating wm + tiling wm. I like that part of floating wms, that they are all in one workspace.
2021-07-12 20:32:44 +0200 <backleet> Solid: no such thing in libraries to pull to first stack window?
2021-07-12 20:33:02 +0200 <Solid> nono there is, I just can't remember what the module is called :)
2021-07-12 20:33:59 +0200 <backleet> Solid: for now I can cycle the hidden window up until it comes up to visible stack window
2021-07-12 20:34:39 +0200 <Solid> ah found it
2021-07-12 20:34:41 +0200 <Solid> X.A.FocusNth
2021-07-12 20:34:43 +0200 <Solid> fitting name
2021-07-12 20:36:09 +0200 <backleet> Solid: in my case I will have to use swapNth right? "Swap current window with nth. Focus stays in the same position"
2021-07-12 20:36:27 +0200 <Solid> yeah exactle
2021-07-12 20:36:33 +0200 <Solid> s/le/ly/
2021-07-12 20:40:03 +0200 <backleet> Solid: thanks, so the reason I want to do this, I feel like spacing out windows across workspaces breaks my workflow. I like staying in one place rather than jumping back and forth. Plus I have hard time remembering where I opened what so I keep Mod+ until I visually see the window I need out of habit. I tried named workspaces and sticking everything statically, but my mind is too jumpy
2021-07-12 20:40:05 +0200 <backleet> for that lol. Does that make sense?
2021-07-12 20:44:05 +0200 <Solid> if it fits your workflow then that seems like a good enough reason to do it
2021-07-12 20:44:14 +0200 <Solid> xmonad is _your_ window manager, after all :)
2021-07-12 20:45:16 +0200 <Solid> I would guess those two steps (rofi + switchNth) could also be combined with a small modification to X.P.Window
2021-07-12 20:45:42 +0200 <Solid> it currently only allows to bring windows to master, but I don't see a reason it couldn't allow arbitrary switch operations
2021-07-12 20:54:15 +0200 <backleet> Solid: thanks, I binded swapNth 1 to M-/ it puts selected hidden window on top of stack. And I can swap the previous window back by pressing the same key binding again. This is fun!
2021-07-12 20:55:40 +0200 <backleet> it also works as mirror/reflect on master window, swapping 0th and 1st windows.
2021-07-12 20:56:01 +0200 <backleet> Thanks a lot~
2021-07-12 20:56:05 +0200 <backleet> !
2021-07-12 22:52:33 +0200 <yuu[m]> backleet: Is this a sort of scratchpad? It's also cool if you're able to bind a key to show/hide the window by their class, instead of needing to cycle trough them.
2021-07-12 23:08:33 +0200 <diaspora[m]> backleet: Funny how people vary. My large physical desktop is a piled-up mess several layers thick, totally out of control, Perhaps because of this hopeless situation, my computer desktops are the exact opposite --- they each have the same 39 named workspaces (on the IceWM w/m) regardless of the distro I'm using, with all applications living in whichever workspace is most appropriate to their task. It would probably drive you nuts. :P
2021-07-12 23:09:40 +0200 <diaspora[m]> Looking at how to replicate the 39 workspaces on xmonad now. Hope it's possible.
2021-07-12 23:12:16 +0200tremon_(~tremon@217-63-61-89.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) (Quit: getting boxed in)
2021-07-12 23:13:58 +0200xacktm(xacktm@user/xacktm) (Remote host closed the connection)
2021-07-12 23:35:03 +0200xacktm(xacktm@user/xacktm)