2021-05-13 00:00:00 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 00:00:16 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:00:33 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 00:00:53 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 00:00:59 +0200 | ubert | (~Thunderbi@p200300ecdf005e54e6b318fffe838f33.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 00:01:08 +0200 | olligobber | (olligobber@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/olligobber) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 00:01:28 +0200 | chasmonad | (9d83a8ce@157-131-168-206.fiber.dynamic.sonic.net) (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 00:01:32 +0200 | <Cale> | xaxaxixax: Pattern synonyms are equal parts nice and horrible. :) |
2021-05-13 00:01:39 +0200 | <Cale> | They're a cool idea, but the way they interact with the type system is a bit cringey. |
2021-05-13 00:01:50 +0200 | <Cale> | You end up with weird-looking types with multiple => contexts that can't be combined, because there's a distinction to be made between what needs to be true to use the pattern synonym and what you learn when you use it. |
2021-05-13 00:02:28 +0200 | <Cale> | -- and even that doesn't really get you the full generality you might want, since there's still one big forall quantifying the variables |
2021-05-13 00:02:28 +0200 | <ski> | some kind of version of mode declarations, a la Mercury, could be helpful |
2021-05-13 00:03:11 +0200 | Xyberista | (~tonyc@ ("""") |
2021-05-13 00:03:17 +0200 | <Cale> | Or maybe there ought to be a type constructor for patterns |
2021-05-13 00:04:15 +0200 | nvmd | (~nvmd@ |
2021-05-13 00:04:26 +0200 | <ski> | (or, i suppose one could possibly phrase them as a sort of functional dependency / injectivity constraints, hmm .. although how would one specify which constraints are learned ?) |
2021-05-13 00:04:29 +0200 | <Cale> | There's this distinction between required and provided stuff when it comes to classes, but not for arguments to the pattern, and I think it makes sense to want that sometimes |
2021-05-13 00:04:49 +0200 | <ski> | yes, it definitely does |
2021-05-13 00:05:21 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:05:35 +0200 | <ski> | e.g. imagine being able to match on `xs ++ ys', `xs' being an expression, and `ys' a pattern |
2021-05-13 00:05:43 +0200 | `slikts | (~nelabs@wikipedia/reinis) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:05:44 +0200 | <Cale> | yeah |
2021-05-13 00:05:57 +0200 | mikoto-chan | (~mikoto-ch@gateway/tor-sasl/mikoto-chan) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:06:01 +0200 | <Cale> | Or if you wanted to implement c*n + k patterns :) |
2021-05-13 00:06:48 +0200 | ski | was sketching some examples, another time, of a syntax in which such expression-parameterized pattern-synonyms could naturally be specified/defined |
2021-05-13 00:07:28 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ |
2021-05-13 00:08:11 +0200 | Guest9827 | (~textual@zrcout.mskcc.org) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 00:08:13 +0200 | bitdex | (~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex) |
2021-05-13 00:08:34 +0200 | <Iceland_jack> | https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/pattern-families |
2021-05-13 00:08:55 +0200 | <ski> | (hm, also reminds me i should continue thinking about specifying bijections / type equalities directly, since that ties into these syntactical matters about patterns as well ..) |
2021-05-13 00:09:01 +0200 | Rudd0 | (~Rudd0@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:09:25 +0200 | <Cale> | I was thinking it might be nice to have, instead of Req => Prov => t1 -> ... -> tn -> t, have all the "required" stuff occur outside the Pattern type constructor, and provided stuff inside it, like Req => Pattern (Prov => t1 -> ... -> tn -> t) |
2021-05-13 00:09:46 +0200 | <ski> | oh, i forgot to ask what you mean by "type constructor for patterns" |
2021-05-13 00:10:07 +0200 | <ski> | Iceland_jack : unfortunately seems to time out atm. hopefully it'll work later ? |
2021-05-13 00:10:08 +0200 | <Cale> | Yeah, just a sort of wired-in thing |
2021-05-13 00:10:42 +0200 | <ski> | could you give an example of how it might look, for a concrete example ? |
2021-05-13 00:11:23 +0200 | <deejaytee> | stopped timing out for me about a minute ago |
2021-05-13 00:11:53 +0200 | <geekosaur> | it's been having problems all afternoon, just retry until it works |
2021-05-13 00:13:19 +0200 | rond_ | (531cde7e@bmc126.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 00:14:27 +0200 | Rudd0 | (~Rudd0@ |
2021-05-13 00:14:55 +0200 | <Cale> | Sure, so we could have something like... pattern Is :: (Eq a) => a -> Pattern a; pattern Is x y = (True <- x == y) |
2021-05-13 00:14:58 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 00:15:47 +0200 | <ski> | Cale : <https://paste.tomsmeding.com/Qa0bDI6k> was some scribbles (experimenting with several alternative syntaces) on this that i did |
2021-05-13 00:15:53 +0200 | <Cale> | er... something like that |
2021-05-13 00:19:49 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) |
2021-05-13 00:20:04 +0200 | nut | (~nut@roc37-h01-176-170-197-243.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:20:59 +0200 | Varis | (~Tadas@unaffiliated/varis) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 00:21:30 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 00:21:50 +0200 | jao | (~jao@pdpc/supporter/professional/jao) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 00:21:50 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 00:22:00 +0200 | renzhi | (~renzhi@2607:fa49:6500:bc00::e7b) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:22:29 +0200 | <ski> | Cale : how about `pattern Req => psyn ParamType0 ... :: Prov => BindType0 -> ... -> MatchType', in that case. so `pattern Eq a => Is a :: a; pattern Is x = ((x ==) -> True)' (or with a different style of doing the concrete defining equation, if you prefer) ? |
2021-05-13 00:23:30 +0200 | <ski> | hmm |
2021-05-13 00:24:15 +0200 | <Cale> | Oh, yeah, I kind of fucked up my example there, but you got the idea of it :) |
2021-05-13 00:24:21 +0200 | gehmehgeh | (~ircuser1@gateway/tor-sasl/gehmehgeh) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:24:30 +0200 | <ski> | (yea, `Is x y' didn't make sense to me ..) |
2021-05-13 00:25:11 +0200 | <Cale> | Yeah, it should have been Is x = (True <- (x ==)) indeed |
2021-05-13 00:25:28 +0200 | jao | (~jao@pdpc/supporter/professional/jao) |
2021-05-13 00:25:34 +0200 | <ski> | i suppose with `data Foo = Prov => Mk T U', `T' and `U' would be "bind types", not "param types" .. hm. making the analogy less appealing |
2021-05-13 00:26:43 +0200 | gehmehgeh | (~ircuser1@gateway/tor-sasl/gehmehgeh) |
2021-05-13 00:27:53 +0200 | bitmapper | (uid464869@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-adzrjzdemregudmd) |
2021-05-13 00:29:23 +0200 | <ski> | (one could also perhaps imagine wanting the param types to sometimes come after the bind ones. like with `n + k' (rather than `k + n' that i did in the paste above). something like `pattern Integral a,Ord a,k :: a |- n + k :: a -| n :: a', hmm ..) |
2021-05-13 00:32:56 +0200 | <ski> | as for definitions, i had the notion of `pattern case <pattern application definiendum> of <implementing body pattern (definiens)> -> <list of bindings to make>; ...' (see e.g. `(/\/)' in the paste) |
2021-05-13 00:35:40 +0200 | <ski> | however, instead of having the pattern definiendum be of the form `psyn param0 ... subpattern0 ...' (where `param0',.. are ordinary patterns that you can match on, like the left parameter of `++'. effectively `[] ++ ys' is a different pattern synonym to `(x:xs) ++ ys', and `xs ++ ys' is a pattern synonym that will dispatch to one of the former, after matching on `xs') |
2021-05-13 00:36:58 +0200 | <ski> | and where `subpattern0',.. are identifiers referring to the subpatterns that we actually apply the pattern synonym to, where we must mention all those identifiers once, in the definiens / body pattern (the expansion of the pattern synonym) |
2021-05-13 00:39:11 +0200 | elfets | (~elfets@ip-37-201-23-96.hsi13.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:39:20 +0200 | <ski> | instead of doing this, we could allow `subpattern0',.. to be arbitrary *expressions* (using variables bound by the definiens / body pattern). then `pattern case psyn param0 ... subpattern0 ... of <body pattern> -> <additional bindings for subpatterns>' reduces to `pattern psyn param0 ... subpattern0 ... = <body pattern>' |
2021-05-13 00:40:26 +0200 | gehmehgeh | (~ircuser1@gateway/tor-sasl/gehmehgeh) (Quit: Leaving) |
2021-05-13 00:42:04 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 00:42:21 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) |
2021-05-13 00:42:55 +0200 | <ski> | this should explain the alternate definition of view patterns (in terms of this imagined generalized pattern synonyms definition syntax), from `pattern case f -> b of a -> b = a', to `pattern f -> f a = a'. e.g. if you want to match the pattern `last -> x' with a list `xs', this amounts to binding `x' to `last x', since then the pattern is `last -> last xs', which by definition is equal to `xs', which |
2021-05-13 00:43:01 +0200 | <ski> | trivially matches the `xs' input scrutinee |
2021-05-13 00:44:54 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 00:48:46 +0200 | Gurkenglas | (~Gurkengla@unaffiliated/gurkenglas) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:49:34 +0200 | xaxaxixax | (4c0eef26@76-14-239-38.or.wavecable.com) (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 00:49:39 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 00:50:03 +0200 | hiroaki | (~hiroaki@2a02:908:4b18:8c40:f4d0:64dc:32c0:7b34) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:51:01 +0200 | <ski> | (i guess `f ->' formally looks like it was a post-inverse to `f', like if the pattern was ⌜last⁻¹ x⌝ rather than `last -> x'. but it's not like ⌜last⁻¹⌝ is actually a retraction of ⌜last⌝. if ⌜last⁻¹⌝ would (e.g.) generate a singleton list, it would in fact be a section of ⌜last⌝ (you can imagine that `xs' is a `NonEmpty a' rather than a `[a]', to avoid the unrelated issue of |
2021-05-13 00:51:07 +0200 | <ski> | `last' being partial). but it rather appears like ⌜last⁻¹⌝ is *copartial*, iow ⌜last⁻¹ x⌝ doesn't stand for any specific list with ⌜x⌝ as last element, but rather ambiguously stands for them all (matches with all of them)) |
2021-05-13 00:51:54 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ |
2021-05-13 00:52:10 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Excess Flood) |
2021-05-13 00:53:24 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) |
2021-05-13 00:53:53 +0200 | Kneiva_ | (kneiva@raah.fi) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:54:00 +0200 | Kneiva | (kneiva@raah.fi) |
2021-05-13 00:54:10 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:56:21 +0200 | Alleria | (~textual@2603-7000-3040-0000-c4a1-9300-65ca-16c5.res6.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 00:56:22 +0200 | alx741 | (~alx741@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 00:56:45 +0200 | Alleria | Guest88435 |
2021-05-13 00:58:16 +0200 | <ski> | Iceland_jack,deejaytee : works now, ty |
2021-05-13 00:59:07 +0200 | apache8080 | (~rishi@wsip-70-168-153-252.oc.oc.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:00:46 +0200 | Rudd0 | (~Rudd0@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:03:52 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:08:54 +0200 | alx741 | (~alx741@ |
2021-05-13 01:12:26 +0200 | Kneiva | (kneiva@raah.fi) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:12:33 +0200 | Kneiva | (kneiva@raah.fi) |
2021-05-13 01:16:59 +0200 | geekosaur | (930099da@rrcs-147-0-153-218.central.biz.rr.com) (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 01:17:17 +0200 | xcmw | (~textual@cpe-69-133-55-43.cinci.res.rr.com) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 01:17:21 +0200 | geekosaur | (930099da@rrcs-147-0-153-218.central.biz.rr.com) |
2021-05-13 01:20:15 +0200 | xcmw | (~textual@2603-6011-2200-f103-e9cf-0f11-7f01-6470.res6.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 01:20:15 +0200 | dariof4 | (~dario@ (Quit: WeeChat 3.1) |
2021-05-13 01:21:23 +0200 | mouseghost | (~draco@wikipedia/desperek) (Quit: mew wew) |
2021-05-13 01:22:26 +0200 | __monty__ | (~toonn@unaffiliated/toonn) (Quit: leaving) |
2021-05-13 01:26:34 +0200 | Kneiva | (kneiva@raah.fi) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:26:40 +0200 | Kneiva | (kneiva@raah.fi) |
2021-05-13 01:30:19 +0200 | ukari | (~ukari@unaffiliated/ukari) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 01:31:01 +0200 | ukari | (~ukari@unaffiliated/ukari) |
2021-05-13 01:33:14 +0200 | dsrt^ | (dsrt@ip98-184-89-2.mc.at.cox.net) () |
2021-05-13 01:34:01 +0200 | nerdypepper | (znc@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:34:18 +0200 | geowiesnot | (~user@87-89-181-157.abo.bbox.fr) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:37:01 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 01:38:27 +0200 | garFF | (~garff@0x3e2c86d9.mobile.telia.dk) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 01:38:38 +0200 | corvusdev | (~corvusdev@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:40:36 +0200 | rj | (~x@gateway/tor-sasl/rj) (Quit: rj) |
2021-05-13 01:41:37 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:45:11 +0200 | xcmw | (~textual@2603-6011-2200-f103-e9cf-0f11-7f01-6470.res6.spectrum.com) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 01:49:21 +0200 | deejaytee | (~deejaytee@cpc91196-cmbg18-2-0-cust215.5-4.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:50:17 +0200 | nerdypepper | (znc@ |
2021-05-13 01:52:29 +0200 | jb55 | (~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 01:54:09 +0200 | EvilMagix | (~aVikingTr@2001:8003:340d:d00:b2de:b98:7a93:b0ea) |
2021-05-13 01:55:20 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 01:56:26 +0200 | DavidEichmann | (~david@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:56:33 +0200 | elliott_ | (~elliott_@pool-108-18-30-46.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:56:50 +0200 | sm2n | (~sm2n@bras-base-hmtnon143hw-grc-13-70-54-76-176.dsl.bell.ca) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 01:57:23 +0200 | finn_elija | (~finn_elij@gateway/tor-sasl/finnelija/x-67402716) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 01:58:21 +0200 | xcmw | (~textual@2603-6011-2200-f103-e9cf-0f11-7f01-6470.res6.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 02:00:05 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 02:01:00 +0200 | finn_elija | (~finn_elij@gateway/tor-sasl/finnelija/x-67402716) |
2021-05-13 02:01:16 +0200 | elliott_ | (~elliott_@pool-108-18-30-46.washdc.fios.verizon.net) |
2021-05-13 02:05:07 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 02:06:00 +0200 | cyclosa | (~cyclosa@2603-6011-4a41-8ada-3d44-ff2a-130a-5b15.res6.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 02:08:05 +0200 | jb55 | (~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55) |
2021-05-13 02:14:01 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 02:17:01 +0200 | bennofs_ | (~quassel@dynamic-078-055-133-039.78.55.pool.telefonica.de) |
2021-05-13 02:17:41 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ |
2021-05-13 02:18:49 +0200 | MidAutumnHotaru | (~MidAutumn@unaffiliated/midautumnhotaru) |
2021-05-13 02:18:52 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 02:21:11 +0200 | bennofs__ | (~quassel@dynamic-077-011-002-207.77.11.pool.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 02:27:13 +0200 | sm2n | (~sm2n@bras-base-hmtnon143hw-grc-14-70-54-77-172.dsl.bell.ca) |
2021-05-13 02:28:34 +0200 | xcmw | (~textual@2603-6011-2200-f103-e9cf-0f11-7f01-6470.res6.spectrum.com) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 02:34:01 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 02:34:06 +0200 | Synthetica | (uid199651@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-yluktxymatxbguna) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2021-05-13 02:35:30 +0200 | xcmw | (~textual@2603-6011-2200-f103-e9cf-0f11-7f01-6470.res6.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 02:38:40 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 02:39:02 +0200 | Cajun | (62a3d370@ip98-163-211-112.no.no.cox.net) (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 02:41:24 +0200 | rajivr | (uid269651@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aelfljififmrzyjq) |
2021-05-13 02:41:36 +0200 | ryanbooker | (uid4340@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ipaioypvtkpwqeps) |
2021-05-13 02:45:26 +0200 | apache8080 | (~rishi@wsip-70-168-153-252.oc.oc.cox.net) |
2021-05-13 02:45:53 +0200 | falafel | (~falafel@2603-8001-ca00-f555-b4a5-fa93-bc1a-b3d6.res6.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 02:48:24 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 02:49:31 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 02:50:53 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) |
2021-05-13 02:52:51 +0200 | dedz | (~ubuntu@unaffiliated/dedz) |
2021-05-13 02:53:20 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 02:54:11 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 02:54:54 +0200 | ukari | (~ukari@unaffiliated/ukari) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 02:55:38 +0200 | ukari | (~ukari@unaffiliated/ukari) |
2021-05-13 02:57:55 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 03:05:46 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ |
2021-05-13 03:09:01 +0200 | zebrag | (~inkbottle@aaubervilliers-654-1-87-61.w86-212.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
2021-05-13 03:10:10 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 03:11:21 +0200 | nighmi | (~felix@port-92-196-83-28.dynamic.as20676.net) |
2021-05-13 03:12:54 +0200 | whataday | (~xxx@2400:8902::f03c:92ff:fe60:98d8) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 03:13:14 +0200 | bennofs_ | (~quassel@dynamic-078-055-133-039.78.55.pool.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 03:13:30 +0200 | bennofs_ | (~quassel@dynamic-078-055-133-039.78.55.pool.telefonica.de) |
2021-05-13 03:14:01 +0200 | whataday | (~xxx@2400:8902::f03c:92ff:fe60:98d8) |
2021-05-13 03:16:06 +0200 | acarrico | (~acarrico@dhcp-68-142-39-249.greenmountainaccess.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 03:16:07 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 03:16:27 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 03:17:22 +0200 | geekosaur | (930099da@rrcs-147-0-153-218.central.biz.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 03:20:40 +0200 | olligobber | (olligobber@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/olligobber) |
2021-05-13 03:24:46 +0200 | Guest87676 | (~laudiacay@ |
2021-05-13 03:25:24 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 03:28:44 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 03:30:23 +0200 | falafel | (~falafel@2603-8001-ca00-f555-b4a5-fa93-bc1a-b3d6.res6.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
2021-05-13 03:33:11 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 03:36:12 +0200 | olligobber | (olligobber@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/olligobber) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 03:40:10 +0200 | nighmi | (~felix@port-92-196-83-28.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: WeeChat 3.0.1) |
2021-05-13 03:43:01 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 03:44:44 +0200 | cyclosa | (~cyclosa@2603-6011-4a41-8ada-3d44-ff2a-130a-5b15.res6.spectrum.com) (Quit: computer broke) |
2021-05-13 03:45:00 +0200 | m0rphism | (~m0rphism@HSI-KBW-085-216-104-059.hsi.kabelbw.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 03:45:57 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 03:47:08 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 03:52:32 +0200 | shiraeeshi | (~shiraeesh@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 03:53:36 +0200 | chimera | (~chimera@120-192-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) |
2021-05-13 03:53:51 +0200 | mcglk | (~textual@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 03:56:56 +0200 | <Iceland_jack> | ski: Seeing this first now, my proposal never went anywhere because it needed some sigil to distinguish the argument passed to a pattern and a part of the pattern. Let me know if you figure it out |
2021-05-13 04:00:32 +0200 | drbean_ | (~drbean@TC210-63-209-188.static.apol.com.tw) |
2021-05-13 04:01:35 +0200 | xff0x | (~xff0x@2001:1a81:523e:f300:f7bd:d435:471d:3982) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:02:12 +0200 | urodna | (~urodna@unaffiliated/urodna) (Quit: urodna) |
2021-05-13 04:02:32 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 04:03:33 +0200 | apache8080 | (~rishi@wsip-70-168-153-252.oc.oc.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:03:43 +0200 | xff0x | (~xff0x@2001:1a81:527b:7200:224e:16c9:1ab4:ffaa) |
2021-05-13 04:04:06 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 04:05:13 +0200 | oxide | (~lambda@unaffiliated/mclaren) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:06:46 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 04:07:13 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:07:29 +0200 | oxide | (~lambda@unaffiliated/mclaren) |
2021-05-13 04:07:44 +0200 | zebrag | (~inkbottle@aaubervilliers-654-1-87-61.w86-212.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 04:07:52 +0200 | nbao | (~nbao@ |
2021-05-13 04:09:32 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 04:10:52 +0200 | nineonin_ | (~nineonine@2604:3d08:777e:900:3c49:5975:3fc2:6871) |
2021-05-13 04:12:16 +0200 | nbloomf | (~nbloomf@2600:1700:ad14:3020:9d88:fa76:8cb0:666d) |
2021-05-13 04:12:41 +0200 | tzh | (~tzh@c-24-21-73-154.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:13:33 +0200 | nineonine | (~nineonine@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:14:22 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:15:19 +0200 | Sheilong | (uid293653@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-icphufxyhvaabbaa) () |
2021-05-13 04:24:30 +0200 | Deide | (~Deide@ (Quit: Seeee yaaaa) |
2021-05-13 04:25:42 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:26:09 +0200 | FinnElija | (~finn_elij@gateway/tor-sasl/finnelija/x-67402716) |
2021-05-13 04:26:09 +0200 | finn_elija | Guest9973 |
2021-05-13 04:26:09 +0200 | FinnElija | finn_elija |
2021-05-13 04:26:12 +0200 | renzhi | (~renzhi@2607:fa49:6500:bc00::e7b) |
2021-05-13 04:29:06 +0200 | tzh | (~tzh@c-24-21-73-154.hsd1.or.comcast.net) |
2021-05-13 04:29:33 +0200 | Guest9973 | (~finn_elij@gateway/tor-sasl/finnelija/x-67402716) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:30:52 +0200 | notzmv | (~zmv@unaffiliated/zmv) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:33:05 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 04:36:51 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 04:38:15 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ |
2021-05-13 04:38:38 +0200 | werneta | (~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 04:38:47 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:43:00 +0200 | werneta | (~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 04:43:11 +0200 | shutdown_-h_now | (~arjan@2001:1c06:2d0b:2312:591c:cf3a:df6d:ebe7) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:43:12 +0200 | plutoniix | (~q@node-uom.pool-125-24.dynamic.totinternet.net) (Quit: Leaving) |
2021-05-13 04:44:37 +0200 | nbao | (~nbao@ (Quit: leaving) |
2021-05-13 04:45:13 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:47:41 +0200 | machinedgod | (~machinedg@135-23-192-217.cpe.pppoe.ca) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:48:20 +0200 | ozzymcduff | (~textual@81-234-151-21-no94.tbcn.telia.com) |
2021-05-13 04:49:10 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 04:49:24 +0200 | shutdown_-h_now | (~arjan@2001:1c06:2d0b:2312:9164:4bfe:a653:ddb6) |
2021-05-13 04:49:34 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 04:49:46 +0200 | theDon | (~td@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:51:55 +0200 | theDon | (~td@muedsl-82-207-238-236.citykom.de) |
2021-05-13 04:52:57 +0200 | olligobber | (olligobber@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/olligobber) |
2021-05-13 04:53:08 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 04:54:31 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:58:06 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 04:58:13 +0200 | olligobber | (olligobber@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/olligobber) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 04:58:28 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 04:58:28 +0200 | hololeap | (~hololeap@gateway/tor-sasl/hololeap) |
2021-05-13 04:58:33 +0200 | sm2n | (~sm2n@bras-base-hmtnon143hw-grc-14-70-54-77-172.dsl.bell.ca) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:00:02 +0200 | haasn | (~nand@mpv/developer/haasn) (Quit: ZNC 1.7.5+deb4 - https://znc.in) |
2021-05-13 05:00:39 +0200 | xelxebar | (~xelxebar@gateway/tor-sasl/xelxebar) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 05:00:58 +0200 | xelxebar | (~xelxebar@gateway/tor-sasl/xelxebar) |
2021-05-13 05:01:03 +0200 | mayleesia | (~mayleesia@x4dbfe091.dyn.telefonica.de) |
2021-05-13 05:01:09 +0200 | nyd | (~nyd@unaffiliated/elysian) |
2021-05-13 05:02:04 +0200 | haasn | (~nand@mpv/developer/haasn) |
2021-05-13 05:02:59 +0200 | Xxxxxxx | (6dc32326@ |
2021-05-13 05:03:55 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 05:04:34 +0200 | maylee | (~mayleesia@dynamic-077-011-198-038.77.11.pool.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:04:36 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 05:05:07 +0200 | Xxxxxxx | (6dc32326@ (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 05:07:10 +0200 | sw1nn | (~sw1nn@host86-188-65-1.range86-188.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:08:58 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:09:45 +0200 | deviantfero | (~deviantfe@ |
2021-05-13 05:11:42 +0200 | olligobber | (olligobber@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/olligobber) |
2021-05-13 05:14:33 +0200 | wei2912 | (~wei2912@unaffiliated/wei2912) |
2021-05-13 05:15:41 +0200 | deviantfero | (~deviantfe@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:15:46 +0200 | Guest87676 | (~laudiacay@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:18:50 +0200 | spatchkaa | (~spatchkaa@S010600fc8da47b63.gv.shawcable.net) |
2021-05-13 05:20:16 +0200 | sw1nn | (~sw1nn@2a00:23c7:622f:2c00:b3c5:5aba:31d5:7216) |
2021-05-13 05:21:02 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) |
2021-05-13 05:23:46 +0200 | coot | (~coot@ |
2021-05-13 05:25:27 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 05:26:59 +0200 | ozzymcduff | (~textual@81-234-151-21-no94.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 05:27:57 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 05:30:16 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:32:04 +0200 | cr3 | (~cr3@192-222-143-195.qc.cable.ebox.net) (Quit: leaving) |
2021-05-13 05:32:32 +0200 | rdivyanshu | (uid322626@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vjqtfwrecllquhqt) |
2021-05-13 05:32:59 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 05:36:08 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 05:37:12 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:37:41 +0200 | jao | (~jao@pdpc/supporter/professional/jao) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:39:55 +0200 | bitmapper | (uid464869@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-adzrjzdemregudmd) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2021-05-13 05:40:26 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:42:50 +0200 | alx741 | (~alx741@ (Quit: alx741) |
2021-05-13 05:45:00 +0200 | Guest87676 | (~laudiacay@ |
2021-05-13 05:45:56 +0200 | ozzymcduff | (~textual@81-234-151-21-no94.tbcn.telia.com) |
2021-05-13 05:47:23 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 05:49:55 +0200 | justanotheruser | (~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:50:22 +0200 | xkapastel | (uid17782@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tetrcihgsohjyxmd) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2021-05-13 05:50:40 +0200 | werneta | (~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 05:51:44 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:52:14 +0200 | justanotheruser | (~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser) |
2021-05-13 05:52:56 +0200 | jiribenes | (~jiribenes@rosa.jiribenes.com) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 05:53:05 +0200 | werneta | (~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 05:53:51 +0200 | cmburnett | (~Charlie_B@c-73-37-184-31.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
2021-05-13 05:55:01 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:57:00 +0200 | horatiohb | (~horatiohb@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:58:14 +0200 | <cmburnett> | I'm reading through the haskell standard- I'm sorry if this a stupid question but as someone coming from C/C++ (mainly C), module in effect is similar to namespace right? Please go easy on me :-D |
2021-05-13 05:58:57 +0200 | olligobber | (olligobber@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/olligobber) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 05:59:13 +0200 | qbshill | (~ian@cpe9050cac7da83-cm9050cac7da80.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
2021-05-13 06:00:26 +0200 | Rudd0 | (~Rudd0@ |
2021-05-13 06:00:46 +0200 | drbean_ | (~drbean@TC210-63-209-188.static.apol.com.tw) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 06:01:20 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 06:02:42 +0200 | takuan | (~takuan@178-116-218-225.access.telenet.be) |
2021-05-13 06:03:20 +0200 | <monochrom> | module is both namespace and import/export-control. On actual compilers, is furthermore file organization --- one file per module, though the standard doesn't require it. |
2021-05-13 06:04:54 +0200 | proofofkeags | (~proofofke@97-118-239-55.hlrn.qwest.net) |
2021-05-13 06:04:57 +0200 | <monochrom> | C and C++ have no modules. You will never find a correct analogy there. |
2021-05-13 06:05:46 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 06:07:04 +0200 | <monochrom> | The way real people organize their *.c files has a correspondence to modules, but it is by self discipline not language requirements. |
2021-05-13 06:08:16 +0200 | <pavonia> | Wait, you could have several Haskell modules in one file? |
2021-05-13 06:08:22 +0200 | Guest87676 | (~laudiacay@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 06:08:43 +0200 | <monochrom> | Haskell 2010 (or 98, or 1.4, or ...) makes no commitment either way. |
2021-05-13 06:08:49 +0200 | <monochrom> | No compiler has allowed it yet. |
2021-05-13 06:09:10 +0200 | <monochrom> | But one day some mad scientist might. |
2021-05-13 06:09:15 +0200 | <pavonia> | Ah okay |
2021-05-13 06:09:44 +0200 | cmburnett | (~Charlie_B@c-73-37-184-31.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 06:10:01 +0200 | Techcable | (~Techcable@ (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) |
2021-05-13 06:10:08 +0200 | <monochrom> | If mad scientists can invent whitespace languages, |
2021-05-13 06:10:26 +0200 | <monochrom> | then mad scientists can invent Haskell compilers that allow multiple modules per file |
2021-05-13 06:10:43 +0200 | Techcable | (~Techcable@ |
2021-05-13 06:10:56 +0200 | <monochrom> | and perhaps finally also support mutual importing without user intervention too. |
2021-05-13 06:11:05 +0200 | olligobber | (olligobber@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/olligobber) |
2021-05-13 06:11:18 +0200 | renzhi | (~renzhi@2607:fa49:6500:bc00::e7b) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 06:11:56 +0200 | shailangsa | (~shailangs@host86-186-196-136.range86-186.btcentralplus.com) () |
2021-05-13 06:12:01 +0200 | cmburnett | (~Charlie_B@c-73-37-184-238.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
2021-05-13 06:12:16 +0200 | qbshill | (~ian@cpe9050cac7da83-cm9050cac7da80.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: WeeChat 3.1) |
2021-05-13 06:16:01 +0200 | pfurla_ | (~pfurla@ |
2021-05-13 06:16:07 +0200 | qbshill | (~ian@cpe9050cac7da83-cm9050cac7da80.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
2021-05-13 06:17:08 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 06:17:24 +0200 | <qbshill> | >whitespace languages |
2021-05-13 06:17:30 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 06:17:44 +0200 | <qbshill> | are those hard to make? is it not the same as any other language but now with whitespaces? im not actually familiar with bf |
2021-05-13 06:18:41 +0200 | <monochrom> | I don't know about hard. |
2021-05-13 06:18:41 +0200 | pfurla | (~pfurla@ool-182ed2e2.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 06:19:03 +0200 | <monochrom> | I know about mad scientists having no life and making things no one actually use in anger. |
2021-05-13 06:19:31 +0200 | <davean> | qbshill: no, just whitespace |
2021-05-13 06:20:03 +0200 | <qbshill> | lol ah that makes sense, ty |
2021-05-13 06:20:19 +0200 | <qbshill> | but then again whats the fun in making things people actually use |
2021-05-13 06:23:55 +0200 | <davean> | Users are the worst |
2021-05-13 06:24:02 +0200 | <cmburnett> | bf languages? sorry my computer wigged out and had to restart |
2021-05-13 06:26:06 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 06:26:20 +0200 | <qbshill> | sorry i was thinking of whitespace, not brianf***, i thought it was implied writing a whitespace character only language was hard so i was curious |
2021-05-13 06:26:26 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 06:27:56 +0200 | <cmburnett> | as in... only using space, tab, and newline instead of letters? I imagine it'd be pretty rough |
2021-05-13 06:29:43 +0200 | <qbshill> | yeah... lol... it'd be pretty tough but then at the same time I feel like actually making the language itself wouldn't be so bad, maybe you need to add new rules to whatever linter you're using |
2021-05-13 06:32:21 +0200 | <qbshill> | I'd imagine debugging will be a massive nightmare though. I'm kind of intrigued though but I should probably learn asm first |
2021-05-13 06:34:31 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 06:35:10 +0200 | wroathe | (~wroathe@c-68-54-25-135.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 06:35:25 +0200 | xcmw | (~textual@2603-6011-2200-f103-e9cf-0f11-7f01-6470.res6.spectrum.com) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 06:36:26 +0200 | <cmburnett> | I mean it'd basically be like programming in binary so probably not fun |
2021-05-13 06:36:36 +0200 | <cmburnett> | trinary i guess if you include newlines |
2021-05-13 06:36:44 +0200 | xchg111 | (~xchg111@pool-71-245-243-39.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) |
2021-05-13 06:36:45 +0200 | carlomagno | (~cararell@ (Quit: Leaving.) |
2021-05-13 06:36:57 +0200 | <Axman6> | ternary |
2021-05-13 06:37:30 +0200 | <Axman6> | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitespace_%28programming_language%29 for your reference |
2021-05-13 06:38:12 +0200 | <cmburnett> | ah yes sorry bad at english |
2021-05-13 06:38:17 +0200 | proofofkeags | (~proofofke@97-118-239-55.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 06:38:18 +0200 | <cmburnett> | I mean it's my first language |
2021-05-13 06:38:23 +0200 | <cmburnett> | I'm just bad at it |
2021-05-13 06:38:41 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 06:39:07 +0200 | shailangsa | (~shailangs@host86-186-196-136.range86-186.btcentralplus.com) |
2021-05-13 06:39:30 +0200 | <Axman6> | all good, it's a logical extension of binary, you're far freom being the first person to do it |
2021-05-13 06:39:37 +0200 | olligobber | (olligobber@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/olligobber) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 06:39:55 +0200 | <Axman6> | wait, Whitespace was invented by Edwin Brady??? crazy |
2021-05-13 06:40:15 +0200 | tsaka__ | (~torstein@2a02:587:3724:1a75:aca:df22:9d82:969f) |
2021-05-13 06:41:18 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 06:41:59 +0200 | pfurla | (~pfurla@ool-182ed2e2.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 06:42:15 +0200 | notzmv | (~zmv@unaffiliated/zmv) |
2021-05-13 06:42:59 +0200 | waleee-cl | (uid373333@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gdqogcpuvytwnnml) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2021-05-13 06:43:00 +0200 | erayo | (94426938@ |
2021-05-13 06:44:17 +0200 | <erayo> | I know you can get runtime statistics about the GC in GHC.Stats, is there a way to get additional metrics from the RTS ? I'd be really interested in active lightweight thread count, specifically |
2021-05-13 06:44:36 +0200 | pfurla_ | (~pfurla@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 06:45:46 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 06:46:41 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 06:46:45 +0200 | <Axman6> | have a look at the ekg package |
2021-05-13 06:48:07 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 06:48:27 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 06:48:36 +0200 | <erayo> | I'll take a look, ty Axman6 |
2021-05-13 06:49:14 +0200 | <Axman6> | I can't remember if it has any thing more than GHC.Stats, but poking around in its code might be helpful |
2021-05-13 06:53:24 +0200 | ram19890 | (~ram@ |
2021-05-13 06:55:26 +0200 | Tario | (~Tario@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 06:55:34 +0200 | Tario | (~Tario@ |
2021-05-13 06:56:37 +0200 | bitmagie | (~Thunderbi@200116b8063274004dbaea6bd427ccca.dip.versatel-1u1.de) |
2021-05-13 06:58:11 +0200 | geowiesnot | (~user@i15-les02-ix2-87-89-181-157.sfr.lns.abo.bbox.fr) |
2021-05-13 06:58:18 +0200 | mayleesia | (~mayleesia@x4dbfe091.dyn.telefonica.de) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 06:59:36 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ |
2021-05-13 07:01:07 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 07:01:27 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 07:01:48 +0200 | <jackdk> | Question: `Void` is to `Either` as ??? is to `Data.Functor.Sum.Sum`? |
2021-05-13 07:01:58 +0200 | xchg111 | (~xchg111@pool-71-245-243-39.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving) |
2021-05-13 07:02:16 +0200 | <jackdk> | Axman6: Yeah whitespace is by far his best-known work. Not sure what else he's done ;-) |
2021-05-13 07:02:22 +0200 | <Axman6> | '[Void] >_> |
2021-05-13 07:02:29 +0200 | <Axman6> | ha |
2021-05-13 07:02:49 +0200 | <jackdk> | I'm not sure that's true. I think I want `data Void1 a` |
2021-05-13 07:03:27 +0200 | <jackdk> | does it exist anywhere already? |
2021-05-13 07:07:16 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 07:11:33 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 07:17:30 +0200 | <Axman6> | https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-lens-core-… |
2021-05-13 07:18:44 +0200 | bitmagie | (~Thunderbi@200116b8063274004dbaea6bd427ccca.dip.versatel-1u1.de) (Quit: bitmagie) |
2021-05-13 07:22:20 +0200 | texasmynsted_ | (~texasmyns@ |
2021-05-13 07:24:06 +0200 | <jackdk> | so not in a canonical place |
2021-05-13 07:24:14 +0200 | texasmynsted | (~texasmyns@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 07:24:40 +0200 | Rudd0 | (~Rudd0@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 07:32:04 +0200 | zaquest | (~notzaques@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 07:33:58 +0200 | zaquest | (~notzaques@ |
2021-05-13 07:35:24 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 07:37:07 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 07:38:48 +0200 | plutoniix | (~q@cm-119-76-33-155.revip17.asianet.co.th) |
2021-05-13 07:39:32 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 07:40:26 +0200 | Sgeo | (~Sgeo@ool-18b9875e.dyn.optonline.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 07:40:57 +0200 | ryanbooker | (uid4340@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ipaioypvtkpwqeps) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2021-05-13 07:41:41 +0200 | johannes_ | (~johannes@mue-88-130-62-129.dsl.tropolys.de) |
2021-05-13 07:41:41 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 07:41:49 +0200 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) |
2021-05-13 07:42:17 +0200 | solidus-river | (~mike@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 07:42:23 +0200 | johannes_ | kenran |
2021-05-13 07:42:26 +0200 | nbloomf | (~nbloomf@2600:1700:ad14:3020:9d88:fa76:8cb0:666d) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 07:43:57 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 07:45:01 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 07:45:52 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 07:45:53 +0200 | mounty | (~mounty@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 07:47:25 +0200 | viluon | (uid453725@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mitaxlcfeovagyrl) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2021-05-13 07:48:52 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 07:52:19 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) |
2021-05-13 07:52:30 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 07:53:16 +0200 | pfurla_ | (~pfurla@ool-182ed2e2.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 07:55:31 +0200 | pfurla | (~pfurla@ool-182ed2e2.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 07:56:07 +0200 | <edwardk> | jackdk: GHC.Generics.V1 |
2021-05-13 07:56:27 +0200 | <edwardk> | that is the version i use whenever i need it |
2021-05-13 07:57:02 +0200 | erayo | (94426938@ (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 07:57:05 +0200 | <jackdk> | edwardk: thanks. I'm probably going to have to derive Eq1 Show1 etc, so I might make my own -- I'm allergic to orphans |
2021-05-13 07:57:10 +0200 | <edwardk> | though I tend to pair it with (:+:) rather than Sum |
2021-05-13 07:57:21 +0200 | <edwardk> | i think those are in base-orphans |
2021-05-13 07:57:23 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ |
2021-05-13 08:00:47 +0200 | <jackdk> | Hm, doesn't look like it. |
2021-05-13 08:02:38 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 08:04:24 +0200 | alexander | (~alexander@2a02:587:dc01:3b00:3556:2d31:d0c8:431a) |
2021-05-13 08:04:33 +0200 | Shuppiluliuma | (~shuppilul@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 08:04:54 +0200 | alexander | Guest47744 |
2021-05-13 08:05:28 +0200 | mikoto-chan | (~mikoto-ch@gateway/tor-sasl/mikoto-chan) |
2021-05-13 08:07:05 +0200 | killsushi | (~killsushi@2607:fea8:3d40:767:1ced:a9b2:1ba9:5b56) |
2021-05-13 08:16:13 +0200 | <edwardk> | ah, maybe they never made it into base? |
2021-05-13 08:16:16 +0200 | <edwardk> | yeah looks like it |
2021-05-13 08:16:17 +0200 | <edwardk> | https://github.com/ekmett/hkd/blob/main/src/Data/HKD/Orphans.hs#L26 |
2021-05-13 08:16:31 +0200 | <edwardk> | i have a few of them myself with an intention to move them to base and base-orphans |
2021-05-13 08:17:38 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 08:18:01 +0200 | cole-h | (~cole-h@c-73-48-197-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 08:18:14 +0200 | <jackdk> | you don't happen to have a n-way functor sum type kicking around, like HList's `Variant` lifted to `Variant1` or something? |
2021-05-13 08:21:53 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 08:21:56 +0200 | <edwardk> | https://github.com/ekmett/hkd/blob/main/src/Data/HKD/Index/Internal.hs is the index part. https://github.com/ekmett/distributive/blob/a606a9efd2f3e0458fb5808c70445333fdaae34b/src/Data/Rep/… is the variant |
2021-05-13 08:22:20 +0200 | <edwardk> | i could make it a separate type, but haven't yet |
2021-05-13 08:23:08 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 08:23:58 +0200 | <edwardk> | FVariant (Rec '[a,b,c]) f sounds kind of like what you are hunting for? which is a DSum (Index '[a,b,c]) f |
2021-05-13 08:26:36 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 08:27:11 +0200 | Tario | (~Tario@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 08:27:22 +0200 | kenran | (~johannes@mue-88-130-62-129.dsl.tropolys.de) (Quit: Lost terminal) |
2021-05-13 08:27:58 +0200 | johannes_ | (~johannes@mue-88-130-62-129.dsl.tropolys.de) |
2021-05-13 08:28:08 +0200 | johannes_ | kenran |
2021-05-13 08:29:01 +0200 | geowiesnot | (~user@i15-les02-ix2-87-89-181-157.sfr.lns.abo.bbox.fr) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 08:29:11 +0200 | nerdypepper | (znc@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 08:29:28 +0200 | Tuplanolla | (~Tuplanoll@91-159-68-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
2021-05-13 08:34:03 +0200 | nut | (~gtk@roc37-h01-176-170-197-243.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) |
2021-05-13 08:34:25 +0200 | jiribenes | (~jiribenes@rosa.jiribenes.com) |
2021-05-13 08:34:48 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 08:38:43 +0200 | danvet | (~Daniel@2a02:168:57f4:0:efd0:b9e5:5ae6:c2fa) |
2021-05-13 08:38:45 +0200 | hypercube | (~hypercube@2603-6011-f901-9e5b-0000-0000-0000-08cf.res6.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 08:38:54 +0200 | echoreply | (~echoreply@unaffiliated/echoreply) (Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1) |
2021-05-13 08:39:21 +0200 | echoreply | (~echoreply@unaffiliated/echoreply) |
2021-05-13 08:40:26 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 08:46:17 +0200 | EvilMagix | (~aVikingTr@2001:8003:340d:d00:b2de:b98:7a93:b0ea) (Quit: WeeChat 3.1) |
2021-05-13 08:51:10 +0200 | MrMobius | (~MrMobius@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 08:56:43 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 08:57:08 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 08:57:28 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 09:00:25 +0200 | petersen | (~petersen@redhat/juhp) (Quit: petersen) |
2021-05-13 09:01:05 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 09:03:32 +0200 | wonko7 | (~wonko7@ |
2021-05-13 09:03:46 +0200 | ram19890 | (~ram@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 09:05:01 +0200 | howdoi | (uid224@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vnlzmngtivqzgqpc) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2021-05-13 09:07:13 +0200 | <jackdk> | I think so, but it may be too wild for colleagues. I may do `data Variant1 (fs :: [Type -> Type]) a = Variant1 !Int Any` |
2021-05-13 09:07:41 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 09:07:46 +0200 | Varis | (~Tadas@unaffiliated/varis) |
2021-05-13 09:11:31 +0200 | Varis | (~Tadas@unaffiliated/varis) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 09:13:35 +0200 | thunderrd | (~thunderrd@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 09:14:13 +0200 | dorkside1 | (~tdbgamer@ |
2021-05-13 09:14:14 +0200 | bennofs_ | (~quassel@dynamic-078-055-133-039.78.55.pool.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 09:14:36 +0200 | bennofs_ | (~quassel@dynamic-078-055-133-039.78.55.pool.telefonica.de) |
2021-05-13 09:14:47 +0200 | dorkside | (~tdbgamer@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 09:14:47 +0200 | dorkside1 | dorkside |
2021-05-13 09:19:34 +0200 | thomasjm | (~thomasjm@c-76-103-226-2.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2021-05-13 09:20:58 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ |
2021-05-13 09:22:07 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 09:22:30 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 09:24:13 +0200 | Meh | (ca0e785e@ |
2021-05-13 09:24:35 +0200 | Meh | Guest53521 |
2021-05-13 09:25:00 +0200 | Guest53521 | (ca0e785e@ (Client Quit) |
2021-05-13 09:25:32 +0200 | Nobita | (ca0e785e@ |
2021-05-13 09:26:30 +0200 | ozzymcduff | (~textual@81-234-151-21-no94.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 09:26:35 +0200 | Nobita | (ca0e785e@ (Client Quit) |
2021-05-13 09:26:41 +0200 | cgfbee | (~bot@oc1.itim-cj.ro) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 09:26:44 +0200 | ulidtko|k | (~ulidtko@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 09:27:03 +0200 | hyperisco | (~hyperisco@d192-186-117-226.static.comm.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 09:28:22 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 09:30:09 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) |
2021-05-13 09:32:25 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ |
2021-05-13 09:32:56 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 09:34:49 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 09:35:02 +0200 | cgfbee | (~bot@oc1.itim-cj.ro) |
2021-05-13 09:35:13 +0200 | RusAlex | (~Chel@unaffiliated/rusalex) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 09:38:24 +0200 | <ixlun> | Hi all, can anyone remeber the language extension that allows a record to be constructed in do-notation by binding variables with the same name as those in the object? |
2021-05-13 09:39:06 +0200 | <jackdk> | it doesn't require do-notation but you may be thinking of RecordWildCards |
2021-05-13 09:40:15 +0200 | hexo- | (~hexo@2a01:430:17:1::ffff:328) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 09:40:20 +0200 | Adluc | (~Adluc@2a01:430:17:1::ffff:328) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
2021-05-13 09:42:05 +0200 | <ixlun> | Yeah, I think that's it. It means you don't have to write code like R { a = a, b = b, c = c } |
2021-05-13 09:42:55 +0200 | thomasjm | (~thomasjm@c-76-103-226-2.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
2021-05-13 09:43:29 +0200 | <jackdk> | `let { a = ...; b = ...; c = ... } in R{..}` |
2021-05-13 09:43:54 +0200 | <jackdk> | I think it's NamedFieldPuns that lets you write `... in R{ a, b, c }` |
2021-05-13 09:44:03 +0200 | <jackdk> | which some people like better because it's explicit |
2021-05-13 09:45:12 +0200 | <ixlun> | I didn't know about NamedFieldPuns, I'll do some reading. Thanks! |
2021-05-13 09:46:19 +0200 | Varis | (~Tadas@unaffiliated/varis) |
2021-05-13 09:52:25 +0200 | Adluc | (~Adluc@ |
2021-05-13 09:52:29 +0200 | <jackdk> | I gave up, I think I'm just going to use classy prisms instead for my colleagues' sanity, and because I can't make the typechecker accept instance (i ~ ElemIndex f fs, AsFoo (f a) b) => AsFoo (Variant1 fs a) b |
2021-05-13 09:56:44 +0200 | olligobber | (olligobber@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/olligobber) |
2021-05-13 09:57:33 +0200 | thc202 | (~thc202@unaffiliated/thc202) |
2021-05-13 09:57:59 +0200 | berberman_ | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) |
2021-05-13 09:58:24 +0200 | tzh | (~tzh@c-24-21-73-154.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: zzz) |
2021-05-13 09:58:39 +0200 | berberman | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
2021-05-13 09:59:05 +0200 | hexo_ | (~hexo@2a01:430:17:1::ffff:328) |
2021-05-13 10:01:50 +0200 | RusAlex | (~Chel@unaffiliated/rusalex) |
2021-05-13 10:02:29 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 10:03:31 +0200 | _ht | (~quassel@82-169-194-8.biz.kpn.net) |
2021-05-13 10:05:08 +0200 | qbshill | (~ian@cpe9050cac7da83-cm9050cac7da80.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:05:37 +0200 | oxide | (~lambda@unaffiliated/mclaren) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:06:22 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:07:21 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:09:19 +0200 | wonko7 | (~wonko7@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:09:24 +0200 | oxide | (~lambda@unaffiliated/mclaren) |
2021-05-13 10:09:33 +0200 | hendursaga | (~weechat@gateway/tor-sasl/hendursaga) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:10:33 +0200 | deejaytee | (~deejaytee@cpc91196-cmbg18-2-0-cust215.5-4.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 10:11:08 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 10:11:53 +0200 | rdivyanshu | (uid322626@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vjqtfwrecllquhqt) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2021-05-13 10:12:02 +0200 | hendursaga | (~weechat@gateway/tor-sasl/hendursaga) |
2021-05-13 10:13:45 +0200 | geowiesnot | (~user@87-89-181-157.abo.bbox.fr) |
2021-05-13 10:15:06 +0200 | Guest47744 | (~alexander@2a02:587:dc01:3b00:3556:2d31:d0c8:431a) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 10:18:41 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 10:18:43 +0200 | geowiesnot | (~user@87-89-181-157.abo.bbox.fr) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:18:57 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 10:24:02 +0200 | deejaetee | (~deejaytee@193.46-255-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) |
2021-05-13 10:24:22 +0200 | garFF | (~garff@0x3e2c86d9.mobile.telia.dk) |
2021-05-13 10:25:23 +0200 | fendor | (~fendor@ |
2021-05-13 10:25:38 +0200 | kuribas | (~user@ptr-25vy0i87sxakfqtxjgf.18120a2.ip6.access.telenet.be) |
2021-05-13 10:26:26 +0200 | <kuribas> | why is composition better? It is often assumed f = g . h is better than f x = g $ h x, but why is that? |
2021-05-13 10:26:26 +0200 | deejaytee | (~deejaytee@cpc91196-cmbg18-2-0-cust215.5-4.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:27:11 +0200 | <Rembane> | I think it's prettier and fewer characters to type and read, but that's my very subjective and non-scientific take on composition vs. application. |
2021-05-13 10:27:26 +0200 | <kuribas> | It's nice in a HOF |
2021-05-13 10:27:51 +0200 | <kuribas> | I prefer (g . h) over (\x -> g (h x)), however for a declaration I am not convinced. |
2021-05-13 10:28:18 +0200 | <Rembane> | What's a HOF? |
2021-05-13 10:29:07 +0200 | shad0w_ | (~shad0w@ |
2021-05-13 10:29:12 +0200 | <Rembane> | I'm feeling way too clever when I do it in declarations which I suppose adds to you not feeling convinced. :) |
2021-05-13 10:29:14 +0200 | shad0w_ | (~shad0w@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 10:29:25 +0200 | <kuribas> | higher order function |
2021-05-13 10:29:56 +0200 | <Rembane> | Got it. |
2021-05-13 10:30:26 +0200 | deejaetee | (~deejaytee@193.46-255-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) ("Leaving") |
2021-05-13 10:32:48 +0200 | deejaytee | (~deejaytee@193.46-255-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) |
2021-05-13 10:33:50 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:34:22 +0200 | kiweun | (~sheepduck@cpe98524a8cef7c-cm98524a8cef7a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
2021-05-13 10:34:37 +0200 | sheepduck | (~sheepduck@2607:fea8:2a62:9600::9ba6) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:35:41 +0200 | wz1000 | (~wz1000@static. (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:36:20 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 10:36:54 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 10:40:50 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:42:35 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:46:15 +0200 | xenon- | (~bc817c21@ |
2021-05-13 10:47:39 +0200 | nut1 | (~nut@roc37-h01-176-170-197-243.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) |
2021-05-13 10:47:52 +0200 | jamm_ | (~jamm@unaffiliated/jamm) |
2021-05-13 10:47:58 +0200 | <xenon-> | hi. how do I support arbitrary number of arguments in optparse-applicative? so myprog <arg1> <arg2> .. <argN> should be stored to progOptionsArguments :: [String] |
2021-05-13 10:48:22 +0200 | <xenon-> | I only see argument Parser, not arguments or something similar |
2021-05-13 10:48:27 +0200 | <Taneb> | :t many |
2021-05-13 10:48:28 +0200 | <lambdabot> | Alternative f => f a -> f [a] |
2021-05-13 10:48:37 +0200 | <xenon-> | oh? nice |
2021-05-13 10:48:49 +0200 | mrus | (~mrus@ (Quit: Surfing the great wave off Kanagawa) |
2021-05-13 10:49:00 +0200 | mrus | (~mrus@2001:19f0:5:3fd4:5400:3ff:fe48:1820) |
2021-05-13 10:49:19 +0200 | <xenon-> | that's many from base, not from optparse-aplicative, right? |
2021-05-13 10:49:25 +0200 | <Taneb> | Yes |
2021-05-13 10:50:20 +0200 | <Taneb> | If you want at least one, you can use 'some' instead |
2021-05-13 10:50:57 +0200 | NinjaTrappeur | (~ninja@unaffiliated/ninjatrappeur) (Quit: WeeChat 3.1) |
2021-05-13 10:51:47 +0200 | NinjaTrappeur | (~ninja@unaffiliated/ninjatrappeur) |
2021-05-13 10:52:13 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 10:56:24 +0200 | wz1000 | (~wz1000@static. |
2021-05-13 10:57:28 +0200 | <xenon-> | it worked nicely |
2021-05-13 10:57:32 +0200 | <xenon-> | I love this library |
2021-05-13 11:00:10 +0200 | ram19890 | (~ram@ |
2021-05-13 11:00:13 +0200 | M9ndres[m] | (m9ndresmat@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-uatuolvhgiuajapn) (Quit: Idle for 30+ days) |
2021-05-13 11:00:34 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 11:00:40 +0200 | vchlup_ | (~vchlup@nat.brnet.cz) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 11:01:56 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ |
2021-05-13 11:03:16 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 11:03:20 +0200 | vchlup | (~vchlup@nat.brnet.cz) |
2021-05-13 11:06:28 +0200 | ulidtko | (~ulidtko@ |
2021-05-13 11:07:27 +0200 | larsan1 | (~larsan@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 11:07:58 +0200 | wz1000 | (~wz1000@static. (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 11:10:41 +0200 | ulidtko | (~ulidtko@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 11:11:42 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 11:12:11 +0200 | neiluj | (~jco@unaffiliated/neiluj) (Quit: leaving) |
2021-05-13 11:13:58 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 11:14:07 +0200 | wz1000 | (~wz1000@static. |
2021-05-13 11:16:14 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 11:17:02 +0200 | DavidEichmann | (~david@ |
2021-05-13 11:17:14 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 11:17:44 +0200 | DavidEichmann | (~david@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 11:18:41 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 11:19:57 +0200 | DavidEichmann | (~david@ |
2021-05-13 11:21:34 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 11:22:51 +0200 | jamm_ | (~jamm@unaffiliated/jamm) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 11:25:41 +0200 | pagnol | (~user@014198154145.ctinets.com) |
2021-05-13 11:26:07 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 11:28:53 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 11:29:12 +0200 | guest5 | (5619784f@cpc143846-cosh20-2-0-cust78.6-1.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 11:29:35 +0200 | guest512 | (561c8089@cpc143858-cosh20-2-0-cust136.6-1.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 11:30:19 +0200 | <guest512> | data City = City String Int Int [Int] |
2021-05-13 11:30:20 +0200 | <guest512> | deriving Show |
2021-05-13 11:30:20 +0200 | <guest512> | testData :: City |
2021-05-13 11:30:21 +0200 | <guest512> | testData = [ City "Amsterdam" 52 5 [1158, 1149, 1140, 1132] |
2021-05-13 11:30:21 +0200 | <guest512> | City "Athens" 38 23 [3153, 3153, 3154, 3156] |
2021-05-13 11:30:22 +0200 | <guest512> | City "Berlin" 53 13 [3567, 3562, 3557, 3552] |
2021-05-13 11:30:22 +0200 | <guest512> | City "Brussels" 51 4 [2096, 2081, 2065, 2050] |
2021-05-13 11:30:23 +0200 | guest512 | (561c8089@cpc143858-cosh20-2-0-cust136.6-1.cable.virginm.net) (Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))) |
2021-05-13 11:30:36 +0200 | <Uniaika> | bwahaha |
2021-05-13 11:30:48 +0200 | <Uniaika> | that's why we ask to paste code in a dedicated service |
2021-05-13 11:30:49 +0200 | <deejaytee> | oof |
2021-05-13 11:31:08 +0200 | gehmehgeh | (~ircuser1@gateway/tor-sasl/gehmehgeh) |
2021-05-13 11:31:10 +0200 | <guest5> | where's that? |
2021-05-13 11:31:19 +0200 | <deejaytee> | in the topic |
2021-05-13 11:31:34 +0200 | <deejaytee> | paste.tomsmeding.com |
2021-05-13 11:32:23 +0200 | <guest5> | got you cheerrs |
2021-05-13 11:32:27 +0200 | <Uniaika> | let it be a reminder of proper IRC etiquette to read the topic before speaking :P |
2021-05-13 11:33:49 +0200 | Kaeipi | (~Kaiepi@ |
2021-05-13 11:34:09 +0200 | <guest5> | what do you do with the |
2021-05-13 11:34:15 +0200 | <guest5> | paste once you've made it? |
2021-05-13 11:34:25 +0200 | Merfont | (~Kaiepi@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 11:34:46 +0200 | Kaeipi | (~Kaiepi@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 11:35:11 +0200 | pera_ | (~pera_@ |
2021-05-13 11:35:16 +0200 | Kaeipi | (~Kaiepi@ |
2021-05-13 11:36:00 +0200 | <deejaytee> | Copy the link into chat, it has an identifier in the link so it'll point to your paste and not someone else's |
2021-05-13 11:37:52 +0200 | <xenon-> | I have a function that returns IO, can I just stick error in there, or should I use throwIO? |
2021-05-13 11:38:42 +0200 | son0p | (~ff@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2021-05-13 11:40:29 +0200 | elfets | (~elfets@ip-37-201-23-96.hsi13.unitymediagroup.de) |
2021-05-13 11:41:05 +0200 | Kaeipi | (~Kaiepi@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 11:41:30 +0200 | Kaiepi | (~Kaiepi@ |
2021-05-13 11:42:27 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ |
2021-05-13 11:43:45 +0200 | <deejaytee> | I'm not terribly familiar with *all* the ways to throw errors in IO, but my assumption is that `error` ought to be used only for situations that cannot happen - if your use case is "rare but normal issue that should abort computation but be handled / recovered from later" use something else, e.g. throwIO |
2021-05-13 11:44:28 +0200 | Rembane | agrees with deejaytee |
2021-05-13 11:44:45 +0200 | Iceland_jack | (~user@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 11:45:27 +0200 | <xenon-> | is there some exception in base that I can already use to report invalid program options (using two options that shouldn't be used together)? or some generic function that accepts a string? or should I just create my own exception |
2021-05-13 11:45:54 +0200 | <pagnol> | xenon-: you mean on the command line? |
2021-05-13 11:46:00 +0200 | <xenon-> | yes |
2021-05-13 11:46:05 +0200 | rond_ | (531cdf3e@bmd62.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) |
2021-05-13 11:46:06 +0200 | shiraeeshi | (~shiraeesh@ |
2021-05-13 11:47:32 +0200 | <pagnol> | can't you just have a branch in your main and abort further execution if both options are present? |
2021-05-13 11:47:39 +0200 | jjhoo | (jahakala@dsl-trebng21-b048b5-171.dhcp.inet.fi) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 11:47:48 +0200 | <pagnol> | I don't see why you would need to work with exceptions at all |
2021-05-13 11:48:20 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 11:48:21 +0200 | <xenon-> | I guess I can report error and call exitFailure |
2021-05-13 11:49:23 +0200 | mikoto-chan | (~mikoto-ch@gateway/tor-sasl/mikoto-chan) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 11:50:07 +0200 | mikoto-chan | (~mikoto-ch@gateway/tor-sasl/mikoto-chan) |
2021-05-13 11:51:26 +0200 | jjhoo | (~jahakala@dsl-trebng21-b048b5-171.dhcp.inet.fi) |
2021-05-13 11:51:32 +0200 | mrchampion | (~mrchampio@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 11:52:33 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 11:56:46 +0200 | shiraeeshi | (~shiraeesh@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 11:56:50 +0200 | nut1 | (~nut@roc37-h01-176-170-197-243.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) |
2021-05-13 11:57:54 +0200 | <guest5> | https://paste.tomsmeding.com/R6DugDL9#file-1 |
2021-05-13 11:58:04 +0200 | <guest5> | have I used the right custom class in this? |
2021-05-13 11:58:33 +0200 | <guest5> | custom data type* |
2021-05-13 12:01:31 +0200 | <deejaytee> | There are two issues with your code, and neither of them have to do with your data type. 1. You need commas between the elements in your array. 2. The type annotation `testData :: City` is wrong - testData is a list of City, not a City |
2021-05-13 12:01:35 +0200 | bitdex | (~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex) (Quit: = "") |
2021-05-13 12:01:57 +0200 | m0rphism | (~m0rphism@HSI-KBW-085-216-104-059.hsi.kabelbw.de) |
2021-05-13 12:03:17 +0200 | <guest5> | thank you so much |
2021-05-13 12:03:19 +0200 | raehik1 | (~raehik@cpc95906-rdng25-2-0-cust156.15-3.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 12:04:35 +0200 | guest5 | (5619784f@cpc143846-cosh20-2-0-cust78.6-1.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 12:04:36 +0200 | Rudd0 | (~Rudd0@ |
2021-05-13 12:04:54 +0200 | shiraeeshi | (~shiraeesh@ |
2021-05-13 12:05:12 +0200 | <deejaytee> | welp and they're gone before I can tell them about compiler error messages :/ |
2021-05-13 12:06:39 +0200 | guest5 | (5619784f@cpc143846-cosh20-2-0-cust78.6-1.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 12:09:25 +0200 | <deejaytee> | quest5: the giant error message you were getting was because of the lack of commas - Haskell was trying to pass everything after your first use of the `City` word to it, which was a lot of arguments, so it gave that big function type |
2021-05-13 12:10:11 +0200 | ozzymcduff | (~textual@81-234-151-21-no94.tbcn.telia.com) |
2021-05-13 12:10:19 +0200 | Gurkenglas | (~Gurkengla@unaffiliated/gurkenglas) |
2021-05-13 12:10:31 +0200 | nerdypepper | (znc@ |
2021-05-13 12:10:34 +0200 | plutoniix | (~q@cm-119-76-33-155.revip17.asianet.co.th) (Quit: Leaving) |
2021-05-13 12:13:06 +0200 | malumore_ | (~malumore@ |
2021-05-13 12:14:04 +0200 | killsushi | (~killsushi@2607:fea8:3d40:767:1ced:a9b2:1ba9:5b56) (Quit: Leaving) |
2021-05-13 12:15:40 +0200 | cole-h | (~cole-h@c-73-48-197-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
2021-05-13 12:15:53 +0200 | <guest5> | I've added all the commas but i'm getting a message still about the type. this is the updated code and the error - the error is repeated loads for each element |
2021-05-13 12:15:56 +0200 | <guest5> | https://paste.tomsmeding.com/jom2DyA2 |
2021-05-13 12:17:37 +0200 | Varis | (~Tadas@unaffiliated/varis) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 12:19:05 +0200 | <deejaytee> | you've added too many commas now :P In Haskell, arguments to functions do not need to be separated by commas. Only elements in lists need to be. |
2021-05-13 12:22:39 +0200 | <guest5> | deejaytee ahh I've got you, so no commas at the end of each line? |
2021-05-13 12:22:56 +0200 | shiraeeshi | (~shiraeesh@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 12:23:58 +0200 | xft0 | (~xft0@ |
2021-05-13 12:24:26 +0200 | <deejaytee> | The opposite - you have a list of Cities here, each one being created by invoking the `City` function on five arguments. Currently, you're separating the five arguments from those function calls |
2021-05-13 12:24:47 +0200 | <deejaytee> | with commas, so to fix that those commas need to go |
2021-05-13 12:26:18 +0200 | <deejaytee> | If you don't mind my asking, how are you going about learning Haskell? |
2021-05-13 12:27:52 +0200 | kenran | (~johannes@mue-88-130-62-129.dsl.tropolys.de) (Quit: leaving) |
2021-05-13 12:28:42 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 12:30:15 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) |
2021-05-13 12:30:36 +0200 | <guest5> | university, but the resources we've been given aren't very good |
2021-05-13 12:30:43 +0200 | <guest5> | that's worked though, thank you very much for your help |
2021-05-13 12:30:52 +0200 | <deejaytee> | No worries, but before you leave... |
2021-05-13 12:31:11 +0200 | ozzymcduff | (~textual@81-234-151-21-no94.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 12:31:19 +0200 | <guest5> | yes |
2021-05-13 12:31:52 +0200 | <deejaytee> | Maybe pick up Learn You a Haskell for Great Good (online free textbook) and learn Haskell from there - it seems that you're having trouble with syntax and it'll probably fill you in on that |
2021-05-13 12:32:31 +0200 | <guest5> | okay, thanks very much |
2021-05-13 12:32:35 +0200 | <guest5> | good idea probably |
2021-05-13 12:33:12 +0200 | ppmdo | (~ppmdo@2a01:c22:7604:4200:b94d:c153:2823:9259) |
2021-05-13 12:33:13 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 12:33:14 +0200 | <deejaytee> | pretty important that you get the syntax first :) The compiler's messages can get very confusing if you have syntax errors |
2021-05-13 12:35:15 +0200 | <guest5> | yeah definitely, thanks again |
2021-05-13 12:35:20 +0200 | <deejaytee> | np |
2021-05-13 12:35:56 +0200 | martin02 | (silas@hund.fs.lmu.de) |
2021-05-13 12:38:03 +0200 | nut | (~gtk@roc37-h01-176-170-197-243.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) (Quit: WeeChat 2.8) |
2021-05-13 12:38:56 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 12:38:59 +0200 | __monty__ | (~toonn@unaffiliated/toonn) |
2021-05-13 12:39:56 +0200 | shiraeeshi | (~shiraeesh@ |
2021-05-13 12:41:33 +0200 | a6a45081-2b83 | (~aditya@ |
2021-05-13 12:43:10 +0200 | Xnuk | (~xnuk@ (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) |
2021-05-13 12:43:28 +0200 | Xnuk | (~xnuk@ |
2021-05-13 12:43:43 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 12:44:36 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 12:46:08 +0200 | pagnol | (~user@014198154145.ctinets.com) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 12:49:28 +0200 | guest5 | (5619784f@cpc143846-cosh20-2-0-cust78.6-1.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) |
2021-05-13 12:49:42 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ |
2021-05-13 12:49:42 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 12:51:10 +0200 | waleee-cl | (uid373333@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wurzaxiwxfwflzzd) |
2021-05-13 12:53:34 +0200 | oxide | (~lambda@unaffiliated/mclaren) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 12:54:11 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 12:54:38 +0200 | oxide | (~lambda@unaffiliated/mclaren) |
2021-05-13 12:56:27 +0200 | wei2912 | (~wei2912@unaffiliated/wei2912) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 12:56:38 +0200 | Rudd0^ | (~Rudd0@ |
2021-05-13 12:59:01 +0200 | Rudd0 | (~Rudd0@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 13:00:13 +0200 | Guest88435 | (~textual@2603-7000-3040-0000-c4a1-9300-65ca-16c5.res6.spectrum.com) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 13:02:56 +0200 | shiraeeshi | (~shiraeesh@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 13:04:27 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 13:05:05 +0200 | gemmaro | (~Thunderbi@240f:74:d1f0:1:1bf:3730:3a54:b192) |
2021-05-13 13:05:38 +0200 | hyiltiz | (~quassel@unaffiliated/hyiltiz) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 13:05:50 +0200 | hyiltiz | (~quassel@ |
2021-05-13 13:05:51 +0200 | hyiltiz | (~quassel@ (Changing host) |
2021-05-13 13:05:51 +0200 | hyiltiz | (~quassel@unaffiliated/hyiltiz) |
2021-05-13 13:06:28 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 13:06:33 +0200 | Alleria_ | (~AllahuAkb@2603-7000-3040-0000-a19f-b6a7-57ef-17ab.res6.spectrum.com) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com) |
2021-05-13 13:10:01 +0200 | <xenon-> | windows has additional timestamp for each file, created time. does any package have this function, or do I have to resort to winapi? System.Directory only has setAccessTime and setModificationTime |
2021-05-13 13:11:08 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 13:11:34 +0200 | Alleria_ | (~AllahuAkb@2603-7000-3040-0000-d8dd-a59c-b7cb-51fa.res6.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 13:12:46 +0200 | Rudd0^ | (~Rudd0@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 13:14:43 +0200 | a6a45081-2b83 | (~aditya@ (Quit: Konversation terminated!) |
2021-05-13 13:16:54 +0200 | nerdypepper | (znc@ (Quit: bye) |
2021-05-13 13:16:57 +0200 | olligobber | (olligobber@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/olligobber) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 13:17:48 +0200 | hiroaki | (~hiroaki@2a02:908:4b18:8c40:4cef:b6bf:385e:9b4c) |
2021-05-13 13:19:03 +0200 | ppmdo | (~ppmdo@2a01:c22:7604:4200:b94d:c153:2823:9259) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 13:19:51 +0200 | nerdypepper | (znc@ |
2021-05-13 13:23:37 +0200 | mrchampion | (~mrchampio@ |
2021-05-13 13:23:38 +0200 | fryguybob | (~fryguybob@cpe-74-65-31-113.rochester.res.rr.com) (Quit: leaving) |
2021-05-13 13:23:52 +0200 | Aquazi | (uid312403@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-usvcyuofqnageprn) |
2021-05-13 13:26:43 +0200 | machinedgod | (~machinedg@135-23-192-217.cpe.pppoe.ca) |
2021-05-13 13:26:44 +0200 | Varis | (~Tadas@unaffiliated/varis) |
2021-05-13 13:26:47 +0200 | fryguybob | (~fryguybob@cpe-74-65-31-113.rochester.res.rr.com) |
2021-05-13 13:31:47 +0200 | Lycurgus | (~niemand@cpe-45-46-140-49.buffalo.res.rr.com) |
2021-05-13 13:33:23 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 13:34:38 +0200 | malthe_ | (~mborch@ (Quit: leaving) |
2021-05-13 13:36:34 +0200 | nbloomf | (~nbloomf@2600:1700:ad14:3020:dd6b:deda:26b:d21e) |
2021-05-13 13:37:46 +0200 | hypercube | (~hypercube@2603-6011-f901-9e5b-0000-0000-0000-08cf.res6.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2021-05-13 13:37:56 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 13:40:02 +0200 | reactormonk1 | (~reactormo@mehl.schokokeks.org) (Quit: WeeChat 2.7.1) |
2021-05-13 13:43:04 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 13:47:03 +0200 | raehik1 | (~raehik@cpc95906-rdng25-2-0-cust156.15-3.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: WeeChat 3.1) |
2021-05-13 13:47:15 +0200 | son0p | (~ff@ |
2021-05-13 13:47:22 +0200 | raehik | (~raehik@cpc95906-rdng25-2-0-cust156.15-3.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 13:47:48 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 13:48:53 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 13:49:37 +0200 | nbloomf | (~nbloomf@2600:1700:ad14:3020:dd6b:deda:26b:d21e) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 13:50:46 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 13:53:41 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 13:58:06 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 13:59:24 +0200 | Qwerky | (~qwerky@ |
2021-05-13 14:00:02 +0200 | Alleria | (~textual@2603-7000-3040-0000-c4a1-9300-65ca-16c5.res6.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 14:00:26 +0200 | Alleria | Guest82178 |
2021-05-13 14:01:06 +0200 | rond_ | (531cdf3e@bmd62.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 14:03:02 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:03:03 +0200 | yaroot | (~yaroot@ (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) |
2021-05-13 14:03:04 +0200 | slacko64_7930 | (~puppy@ |
2021-05-13 14:03:43 +0200 | yaroot | (~yaroot@ |
2021-05-13 14:03:49 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ |
2021-05-13 14:04:08 +0200 | Qwerky | (~qwerky@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 14:04:47 +0200 | Guest82178 | (~textual@2603-7000-3040-0000-c4a1-9300-65ca-16c5.res6.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:05:34 +0200 | slacko64_7930 | (~puppy@ (Quit: Leaving) |
2021-05-13 14:12:03 +0200 | yaroot4 | (~yaroot@ |
2021-05-13 14:14:25 +0200 | yaroot2 | (~yaroot@ |
2021-05-13 14:14:46 +0200 | yaroot | (~yaroot@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:14:46 +0200 | yaroot2 | yaroot |
2021-05-13 14:16:18 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 14:17:06 +0200 | yaroot4 | (~yaroot@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:18:47 +0200 | lawid | (~quassel@2a02:8109:b5c0:5334:265e:beff:fe2a:dde8) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:18:52 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ (Quit: Caught exception) |
2021-05-13 14:18:53 +0200 | ukari | (~ukari@unaffiliated/ukari) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 14:18:57 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 14:19:08 +0200 | lawid | (~quassel@2a02:8109:b5c0:5334:265e:beff:fe2a:dde8) |
2021-05-13 14:19:15 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) |
2021-05-13 14:19:16 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ |
2021-05-13 14:19:57 +0200 | ukari | (~ukari@unaffiliated/ukari) |
2021-05-13 14:20:38 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:23:53 +0200 | Iceland_jack | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 14:24:50 +0200 | MrMobius | (~MrMobius@ |
2021-05-13 14:28:41 +0200 | <xenon-> | should I be using {-# Language Safe #-} in every module that can get away with it? |
2021-05-13 14:29:03 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Excess Flood) |
2021-05-13 14:29:34 +0200 | Iceland_jack | (~user@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:30:02 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) |
2021-05-13 14:32:41 +0200 | elfets | (~elfets@ip-37-201-23-96.hsi13.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:33:13 +0200 | garFF | (~garff@0x3e2c86d9.mobile.telia.dk) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 14:33:40 +0200 | <deejaytee> | If you're making a package for others to consume, or an executable that needs to be safe, I don't see why not. |
2021-05-13 14:34:27 +0200 | <xenon-> | what exactly does this do, besides not allowing unsafePerformIO, or importing modules that are not flagged as Safe? |
2021-05-13 14:35:00 +0200 | acarrico | (~acarrico@dhcp-68-142-39-249.greenmountainaccess.net) |
2021-05-13 14:35:27 +0200 | <deejaytee> | https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/8.10.2/docs/html/users_guide/safe_haskell.html |
2021-05-13 14:36:03 +0200 | <int-e> | xenon-: Note that the former is one of the goals, not a feature. The latter (restricting imports) is the main mechanisms through which it is accomplished. |
2021-05-13 14:37:45 +0200 | romesrf | (~romesrf@ |
2021-05-13 14:39:10 +0200 | Lycurgus | (~niemand@cpe-45-46-140-49.buffalo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Exeunt) |
2021-05-13 14:39:49 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Excess Flood) |
2021-05-13 14:39:57 +0200 | zaquest | (~notzaques@ (Quit: Leaving) |
2021-05-13 14:41:14 +0200 | zaquest | (~notzaques@ |
2021-05-13 14:41:50 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) |
2021-05-13 14:42:55 +0200 | gemmaro | (~Thunderbi@240f:74:d1f0:1:1bf:3730:3a54:b192) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:42:58 +0200 | deejaetee | (~deejaytee@cpc91196-cmbg18-2-0-cust215.5-4.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 14:45:14 +0200 | Lord_of_Life_ | (~Lord@unaffiliated/lord-of-life/x-0885362) |
2021-05-13 14:45:29 +0200 | deejaytee | (~deejaytee@193.46-255-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:46:21 +0200 | poljar1 | (~poljar@93-139-21-8.adsl.net.t-com.hr) |
2021-05-13 14:46:23 +0200 | Alleria | (~textual@zrcout.mskcc.org) |
2021-05-13 14:46:48 +0200 | Alleria | Guest1217 |
2021-05-13 14:47:13 +0200 | poljar | (~poljar@78-3-21-158.adsl.net.t-com.hr) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:47:56 +0200 | Lord_of_Life | (~Lord@unaffiliated/lord-of-life/x-0885362) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:47:58 +0200 | Axman6 | (~Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 14:48:17 +0200 | Lord_of_Life_ | Lord_of_Life |
2021-05-13 14:49:23 +0200 | <xenon-> | my question basically is, do you go out of your way to use Safe in every module possible? |
2021-05-13 14:49:47 +0200 | <xenon-> | or rather, is it a good style to do this? |
2021-05-13 14:51:28 +0200 | <int-e> | Well... hmm. What does it accomplish. Basically it means that the module can be inferred to be safe (so it's kind of redundant), so the benefit you as a developer get is that you'll be alerted when that changes, either because of a new import or because a dependency's "safety" property changed. |
2021-05-13 14:51:50 +0200 | urodna | (~urodna@unaffiliated/urodna) |
2021-05-13 14:52:39 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 14:53:29 +0200 | deejoytee | (~deejaytee@193.46-255-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) |
2021-05-13 14:53:53 +0200 | deejoytee | (~deejaytee@193.46-255-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) (Client Quit) |
2021-05-13 14:55:07 +0200 | mrchampion | (~mrchampio@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:55:46 +0200 | deejaetee | (~deejaytee@cpc91196-cmbg18-2-0-cust215.5-4.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:57:02 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 14:57:12 +0200 | <int-e> | It's sad. I'm a user of SafeHaskell (because of lambdabot), but I find it hard to wholeheartedly recommend the practice. One big part of it is that there really isn't much support for it. |
2021-05-13 14:57:22 +0200 | <int-e> | For example, consider http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dlist- |
2021-05-13 14:57:54 +0200 | ram19890 | (~ram@ (Quit: Konversation terminated!) |
2021-05-13 14:58:16 +0200 | <int-e> | That's a module that should be Safe; there's nothing in it to ring any alarm bells. But it provides an IsList instance, and IsList comes from GHC.Exts (and only from there), and GHC.Exts is Unsafe for very good reasons. |
2021-05-13 14:58:24 +0200 | ram19890 | (~ram@ |
2021-05-13 15:00:05 +0200 | berberman_ | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) |
2021-05-13 15:00:29 +0200 | berberman | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) |
2021-05-13 15:00:51 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) |
2021-05-13 15:01:36 +0200 | <xenon-> | int-e.. I see. still seems like a good idea to try to use it whenever we can, instead of giving up. IsList issue may be fixed in the future |
2021-05-13 15:02:02 +0200 | gemmaro | (~Thunderbi@240f:74:d1f0:1:1bf:3730:3a54:b192) |
2021-05-13 15:05:21 +0200 | <romesrf> | can someone tell me how this syntax is called so i can search for it ? https://paste.tomsmeding.com/Zekc0aFr ty |
2021-05-13 15:05:37 +0200 | <romesrf> | the " | " and function declaration without the " = " |
2021-05-13 15:06:14 +0200 | <romesrf> | definition* |
2021-05-13 15:06:14 +0200 | carlomagno | (~cararell@ |
2021-05-13 15:06:24 +0200 | <xenon-> | | are guards, but I've never seen <- being used with them |
2021-05-13 15:06:36 +0200 | <romesrf> | i got it from http://okmij.org/ftp/papers/LogicT.pdf |
2021-05-13 15:07:24 +0200 | <romesrf> | (section 7. A Larger Example: Tic Tac Toe) |
2021-05-13 15:07:31 +0200 | <int-e> | > let f x xs | Just i <- elemIndex x xs = i | otherwise = -1 in f 3 [1..3] |
2021-05-13 15:07:33 +0200 | <lambdabot> | 2 |
2021-05-13 15:07:52 +0200 | mrchampion | (~mrchampio@ |
2021-05-13 15:08:06 +0200 | <int-e> | romesrf: it's a "pattern guard", it does pattern matching |
2021-05-13 15:08:49 +0200 | <ndn76kxuwwy2848s> | ^ https://wiki.haskell.org/Pattern_guard |
2021-05-13 15:08:53 +0200 | <int-e> | > let twice x | x <- 2*x = x in map twice [0..3] -- it can be abused in funny ways |
2021-05-13 15:08:55 +0200 | <lambdabot> | [0,2,4,6] |
2021-05-13 15:09:02 +0200 | <romesrf> | thank you int-e ndn76kxuwwy2848s :) |
2021-05-13 15:10:14 +0200 | <romesrf> | wow nice |
2021-05-13 15:10:58 +0200 | neiluj | (~jco@91-167-203-101.subs.proxad.net) |
2021-05-13 15:10:58 +0200 | neiluj | (~jco@91-167-203-101.subs.proxad.net) (Changing host) |
2021-05-13 15:10:58 +0200 | neiluj | (~jco@unaffiliated/neiluj) |
2021-05-13 15:11:26 +0200 | ppmdo | (~ppmdo@2a01:c23:bc1f:6d00:831a:c82b:c346:558f) |
2021-05-13 15:12:00 +0200 | Axarva | (6e2c7d8c@ |
2021-05-13 15:12:30 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 15:12:43 +0200 | Axarva | snappyotter |
2021-05-13 15:13:55 +0200 | wei2912 | (~wei2912@unaffiliated/wei2912) |
2021-05-13 15:15:51 +0200 | berberman | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
2021-05-13 15:16:01 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 15:16:23 +0200 | berberman | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) |
2021-05-13 15:16:52 +0200 | snappyotter | (6e2c7d8c@ (Client Quit) |
2021-05-13 15:16:54 +0200 | romesrf_ | (~romesrf@ |
2021-05-13 15:19:01 +0200 | romesrf | (~romesrf@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 15:19:40 +0200 | romesrf_ | (~romesrf@ (Client Quit) |
2021-05-13 15:19:57 +0200 | Tario | (~Tario@ |
2021-05-13 15:20:34 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 15:22:08 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 15:22:30 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 15:25:08 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 15:25:31 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 15:26:08 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 15:26:31 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 15:31:09 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 15:32:03 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 15:32:17 +0200 | gentauro | (~gentauro@unaffiliated/gentauro) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 15:35:18 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 15:36:15 +0200 | hiroaki | (~hiroaki@2a02:908:4b18:8c40:4cef:b6bf:385e:9b4c) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 15:36:33 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 15:38:04 +0200 | gentauro | (~gentauro@unaffiliated/gentauro) |
2021-05-13 15:39:54 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 15:41:32 +0200 | unyu | (~pyon@unaffiliated/pyon) |
2021-05-13 15:43:34 +0200 | deviantfero | (~deviantfe@ |
2021-05-13 15:44:00 +0200 | malumore_ | (~malumore@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 15:44:30 +0200 | malumore | (~malumore@ |
2021-05-13 15:44:48 +0200 | malumore | (~malumore@ (Client Quit) |
2021-05-13 15:45:08 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 15:45:10 +0200 | Sheilong | (uid293653@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rhpyeuwtpcwsiaqx) |
2021-05-13 15:45:29 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 15:47:08 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 15:47:29 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 15:48:10 +0200 | hiroaki | (~hiroaki@2a02:908:4b18:8c40:c4d8:bb94:7495:fe3c) |
2021-05-13 15:49:43 +0200 | leonardo1 | (~leonardo@ |
2021-05-13 15:49:47 +0200 | geekosaur | (930099da@rrcs-147-0-153-218.central.biz.rr.com) |
2021-05-13 15:51:26 +0200 | elliott_ | (~elliott_@pool-108-18-30-46.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 15:52:32 +0200 | xcmw | (~textual@cpe-69-133-55-43.cinci.res.rr.com) |
2021-05-13 15:53:31 +0200 | elliott_ | (~elliott_@pool-108-18-30-46.washdc.fios.verizon.net) |
2021-05-13 15:56:36 +0200 | thunderrd | (~thunderrd@ |
2021-05-13 15:57:35 +0200 | nbloomf | (~nbloomf@2600:1700:ad14:3020:dd6b:deda:26b:d21e) |
2021-05-13 15:59:26 +0200 | <cheater> | tomsmeding: around? :-) |
2021-05-13 15:59:47 +0200 | chimera | (~chimera@120-192-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net) |
2021-05-13 16:03:22 +0200 | zweije[m] | (zweijematr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ywuqrzwxuzjwmwkh) |
2021-05-13 16:07:08 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 16:07:11 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 16:07:29 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 16:08:26 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 16:09:52 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 16:11:34 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 16:13:41 +0200 | raehik | (~raehik@cpc95906-rdng25-2-0-cust156.15-3.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 16:14:38 +0200 | totoro2021 | (~t@unaffiliated/totoro2021) |
2021-05-13 16:14:51 +0200 | totoro2021 | (~t@unaffiliated/totoro2021) (Client Quit) |
2021-05-13 16:15:18 +0200 | totoro2021 | (~t@unaffiliated/totoro2021) |
2021-05-13 16:16:31 +0200 | jakalx | (~jakalx@base.jakalx.net) () |
2021-05-13 16:16:32 +0200 | son0p | (~ff@ (Disconnected by services) |
2021-05-13 16:17:27 +0200 | geowiesnot | (~user@87-89-181-157.abo.bbox.fr) |
2021-05-13 16:18:01 +0200 | son0p | (~ff@ |
2021-05-13 16:18:59 +0200 | jakalx | (~jakalx@base.jakalx.net) |
2021-05-13 16:21:04 +0200 | jpds | (~jpds@gateway/tor-sasl/jpds) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 16:21:25 +0200 | cr3 | (~cr3@192-222-143-195.qc.cable.ebox.net) |
2021-05-13 16:23:55 +0200 | son0p | (~ff@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 16:25:15 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 16:25:29 +0200 | <tomsmeding> | cheater: yes |
2021-05-13 16:25:43 +0200 | <cheater> | i got criterion to run :) |
2021-05-13 16:25:57 +0200 | jpds | (~jpds@gateway/tor-sasl/jpds) |
2021-05-13 16:26:13 +0200 | lionel1 | (~lionel@bb121-7-199-246.singnet.com.sg) |
2021-05-13 16:26:52 +0200 | <lionel1> | hi |
2021-05-13 16:27:20 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 16:27:29 +0200 | <cheater> | hi lionel1 |
2021-05-13 16:28:44 +0200 | bitmapper | (uid464869@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xclibgeojditrbpt) |
2021-05-13 16:28:56 +0200 | <lionel1> | new to the chat. |
2021-05-13 16:29:09 +0200 | <lionel1> | loooking for info on haskell and xmonad on arch |
2021-05-13 16:29:41 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 16:31:04 +0200 | lionel1 | (~lionel@bb121-7-199-246.singnet.com.sg) ("WeeChat 3.1") |
2021-05-13 16:31:55 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 16:32:06 +0200 | alx741 | (~alx741@ |
2021-05-13 16:32:47 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 16:33:09 +0200 | son0p | (~ff@ |
2021-05-13 16:33:33 +0200 | undvrainbowvita8 | (~egp_@128-71-13-3.broadband.corbina.ru) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 16:35:52 +0200 | defroll | (~androirc@ |
2021-05-13 16:36:23 +0200 | ixlun` | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 16:36:24 +0200 | undvrainbowvita8 | (~egp_@128-71-13-3.broadband.corbina.ru) |
2021-05-13 16:36:27 +0200 | sm2n | (~sm2n@bras-base-hmtnon143hw-grc-13-70-54-76-149.dsl.bell.ca) |
2021-05-13 16:36:47 +0200 | defroll | (~androirc@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 16:37:46 +0200 | Shuppiluliuma | (~shuppilul@ |
2021-05-13 16:38:05 +0200 | Sgeo | (~Sgeo@ool-18b9875e.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 16:38:28 +0200 | gemmaro | (~Thunderbi@240f:74:d1f0:1:1bf:3730:3a54:b192) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2021-05-13 16:38:46 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 16:40:30 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ |
2021-05-13 16:40:36 +0200 | xft0 | (~xft0@ (Quit: leaving) |
2021-05-13 16:40:37 +0200 | ram19890 | (~ram@ (Quit: Konversation terminated!) |
2021-05-13 16:41:08 +0200 | xft0 | (~xft0@ |
2021-05-13 16:42:21 +0200 | undvrainbowvita8 | (~egp_@128-71-13-3.broadband.corbina.ru) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 16:43:02 +0200 | kingswim | (~kevinying@ |
2021-05-13 16:43:15 +0200 | undvrainbowvita8 | (~egp_@128-71-13-3.broadband.corbina.ru) |
2021-05-13 16:43:44 +0200 | chris__ | (~chris@ |
2021-05-13 16:44:07 +0200 | <kingswim> | why Just 9 >>= return Just 5 --- result is Just 9. but [6] >>= return [8] ---result is [8] |
2021-05-13 16:45:19 +0200 | <kingswim> | newbie help |
2021-05-13 16:46:20 +0200 | <Taneb> | kingswim: there's a few things going on here. Firstly, return is a function, not a statement. |
2021-05-13 16:46:34 +0200 | chris__ | (~chris@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 16:46:58 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 16:47:04 +0200 | phaul | (~phaul@ruby/staff/phaul) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 16:47:08 +0200 | chris__ | (~chris@ |
2021-05-13 16:47:26 +0200 | chris__ | (~chris@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 16:47:30 +0200 | <Taneb> | Secondly, the way you're using "return" here isn't in the monad you're intending to use. Because the RHS of >>= should be a function, it uses the ((->) e) monad instance, so "return [8]" is the same as "\e -> [8]" |
2021-05-13 16:47:42 +0200 | chris__ | (~chris@ |
2021-05-13 16:48:30 +0200 | <Taneb> | Because return is a function, "return Just 5" is the same as "(return Just) 5", and we need this to have type "Integer -> Maybe something". |
2021-05-13 16:48:52 +0200 | <Taneb> | So "return Just" needs type "Integer -> Integer -> Maybe something" because we're passing it an integer |
2021-05-13 16:49:36 +0200 | wroathe | (~wroathe@c-68-54-25-135.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
2021-05-13 16:51:04 +0200 | <Taneb> | return in the ((->) e) monad is the same as const |
2021-05-13 16:51:17 +0200 | <Taneb> | So "return Just 5" ends up the same as "Just" which is of the right type |
2021-05-13 16:51:37 +0200 | <Taneb> | But note that that's entirely dropped the 5 |
2021-05-13 16:51:46 +0200 | <Taneb> | kingswim: are you managing to follow this? |
2021-05-13 16:51:51 +0200 | <kingswim> | Taneb:trying to understand |
2021-05-13 16:52:00 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 16:52:53 +0200 | <Taneb> | "[6] >>= return [8]" is the same as "[6] >>= \x -> [8]" |
2021-05-13 16:53:26 +0200 | <Taneb> | "Just 9 >>= return Just 5" is the same as "Just 9 >>= (\x -> Just) 5" is the same as "Just 9 >>= Just" is the same as "Just 9 >>= \x -> Just x" |
2021-05-13 16:53:43 +0200 | berberman | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 16:53:59 +0200 | wonko7 | (~wonko7@ |
2021-05-13 16:54:05 +0200 | kritzefitz | (~kritzefit@ |
2021-05-13 16:57:22 +0200 | berberman | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) |
2021-05-13 16:58:41 +0200 | jakalx | (~jakalx@base.jakalx.net) ("Error from remote client") |
2021-05-13 16:59:17 +0200 | jakalx | (~jakalx@base.jakalx.net) |
2021-05-13 17:00:16 +0200 | coot | (~coot@ (Quit: coot) |
2021-05-13 17:01:02 +0200 | <xenon-> | function monad is not the simplest one to grasp for beginners, so don't worry if you don't get it at this point |
2021-05-13 17:02:01 +0200 | berberman | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
2021-05-13 17:02:56 +0200 | xkapastel | (uid17782@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fkhouktirrkpcdzt) |
2021-05-13 17:03:16 +0200 | geowiesnot | (~user@87-89-181-157.abo.bbox.fr) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 17:05:24 +0200 | itai33 | (~itai@2a0d:6fc0:87d:b00:f50f:77b6:28be:b274) |
2021-05-13 17:05:25 +0200 | berberman | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) |
2021-05-13 17:05:44 +0200 | <itai33> | :q |
2021-05-13 17:06:01 +0200 | <xenon-> | > (do x <- (+10); y <- (*3); return $ x + y) 10 |
2021-05-13 17:06:03 +0200 | <lambdabot> | 50 |
2021-05-13 17:06:22 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 17:06:31 +0200 | itai33 | iyefrat |
2021-05-13 17:07:07 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 17:08:27 +0200 | iyefrat | (~itai@2a0d:6fc0:87d:b00:f50f:77b6:28be:b274) (Client Quit) |
2021-05-13 17:11:29 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 17:13:11 +0200 | berberman_ | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) |
2021-05-13 17:13:18 +0200 | deejaytee | (~deejaytee@193.46-255-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) |
2021-05-13 17:13:30 +0200 | jakalx | (~jakalx@base.jakalx.net) () |
2021-05-13 17:14:13 +0200 | berberman | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2021-05-13 17:15:13 +0200 | raehik | (~raehik@cpc95906-rdng25-2-0-cust156.15-3.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 17:17:33 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 17:17:45 +0200 | `slikts | (~nelabs@2a00:d880:5:395::37ca) |
2021-05-13 17:17:45 +0200 | `slikts | (~nelabs@2a00:d880:5:395::37ca) (Changing host) |
2021-05-13 17:17:45 +0200 | `slikts | (~nelabs@wikipedia/reinis) |
2021-05-13 17:19:28 +0200 | berberman_ | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 17:19:34 +0200 | berberman | (~berberman@unaffiliated/berberman) |
2021-05-13 17:19:43 +0200 | tzh | (~tzh@c-24-21-73-154.hsd1.or.comcast.net) |
2021-05-13 17:20:01 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 17:20:32 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) |
2021-05-13 17:20:36 +0200 | jakalx | (~jakalx@base.jakalx.net) |
2021-05-13 17:20:36 +0200 | chimera | (~chimera@120-192-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) |
2021-05-13 17:21:59 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 17:22:13 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 17:22:54 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 17:27:11 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 17:29:24 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ |
2021-05-13 17:30:01 +0200 | ixlun` | (~user@ (Quit: ERC (IRC client for Emacs 28.0.50)) |
2021-05-13 17:30:45 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 17:31:28 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) |
2021-05-13 17:32:59 +0200 | boxscape | (54a350dc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. |
2021-05-13 17:33:30 +0200 | proofofkeags | (~proofofke@ |
2021-05-13 17:38:15 +0200 | <boxscape> | I have a pattern that can't occur and get a warning no matter what I do - is there no way to make GHC happy here? |
2021-05-13 17:38:16 +0200 | <boxscape> | https://paste.tomsmeding.com/6nOwyiZb |
2021-05-13 17:39:01 +0200 | DavidEichmann | (~david@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 17:39:29 +0200 | zgrep | (~zgrep@ircpuzzles/2015/april-fools/sixth/zgrep) (Quit: It's a quitter's world.) |
2021-05-13 17:40:07 +0200 | <boxscape> | guess I should try to find an example without singletons and check if the same happens in HEAD... |
2021-05-13 17:40:11 +0200 | <boxscape> | (no pun intended) |
2021-05-13 17:40:46 +0200 | <monochrom> | I would blame -Wall. |
2021-05-13 17:40:54 +0200 | zgrep | (~zgrep@ircpuzzles/2015/april-fools/sixth/zgrep) |
2021-05-13 17:41:11 +0200 | <boxscape> | monochrom sure, but I *want* those warnings where they're appropriate, I just don't think non-exhaustive is appropriate here |
2021-05-13 17:41:40 +0200 | <monochrom> | I would not use -Wall. But if you insist, you have to locate the exact -W??? option that kills just the non-exhaustive-pattern warning. |
2021-05-13 17:41:54 +0200 | <geekosaur> | shouldn't it say? |
2021-05-13 17:42:06 +0200 | <geekosaur> | sadly it can't be applied just to that one place, at least not yet |
2021-05-13 17:42:06 +0200 | <boxscape> | -Wincomplete-patterns |
2021-05-13 17:42:18 +0200 | <geekosaur> | they'e still working over the errors/warnings system |
2021-05-13 17:43:22 +0200 | <dolio> | Warnings about incomplete patterns are desired in general, though, right? |
2021-05-13 17:43:26 +0200 | <boxscape> | yes |
2021-05-13 17:43:44 +0200 | <dolio> | The problem is that your type hackery is too complicated for the checker to figure out. |
2021-05-13 17:43:56 +0200 | <boxscape> | :( |
2021-05-13 17:44:42 +0200 | jao | (~jao@pdpc/supporter/professional/jao) |
2021-05-13 17:44:48 +0200 | <boxscape> | It seems as though if ghc can figure something out once I add a pattern, it should in principle be figure-outable before I add that pattern, as least if it's not a nested pattern, but I suppose ghc just doesn't do that |
2021-05-13 17:45:26 +0200 | _bin | (~bin@75-54-107-59.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 17:46:09 +0200 | waleee-cl | (uid373333@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wurzaxiwxfwflzzd) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2021-05-13 17:46:53 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 17:48:30 +0200 | <dolio> | At some point I remember some work to make the exhaustiveness checker better in that respect, but I'm not sure what all it incorporates. |
2021-05-13 17:48:36 +0200 | alexander | (~alexander@2a02:587:dc01:3b00:38f4:60b0:4dbb:46) |
2021-05-13 17:48:42 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@2607:fb90:7bc8:cdb:85b6:fc05:3196:93a7) |
2021-05-13 17:49:05 +0200 | alexander | Guest28161 |
2021-05-13 17:49:07 +0200 | <boxscape> | Yeah I saw SPJ's talk on youtube about that |
2021-05-13 17:49:44 +0200 | <dolio> | I would guess that maybe it isn't reducing the type functions or something, but I don't have enough experience to say definitively. |
2021-05-13 17:50:17 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@2607:fb90:7bc8:cdb:85b6:fc05:3196:93a7) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 17:50:22 +0200 | <boxscape> | mhm seems likely |
2021-05-13 17:50:49 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 17:54:43 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 17:56:21 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 17:56:28 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 17:56:45 +0200 | xft0 | (~xft0@ (Quit: leaving) |
2021-05-13 17:58:07 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ |
2021-05-13 17:58:22 +0200 | xcmw | (~textual@cpe-69-133-55-43.cinci.res.rr.com) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 17:58:54 +0200 | <boxscape> | Oh! |
2021-05-13 17:58:57 +0200 | <boxscape> | It works in HEAD |
2021-05-13 17:58:58 +0200 | <boxscape> | nice |
2021-05-13 17:59:13 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:00:57 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 18:00:58 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 18:01:23 +0200 | ddella___ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 18:01:51 +0200 | xcmw | (~textual@2603-6011-2200-f103-757c-c76e-ded5-d43b.res6.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 18:05:08 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:05:25 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:05:34 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:05:37 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:05:51 +0200 | jamm_ | (~jamm@unaffiliated/jamm) |
2021-05-13 18:07:19 +0200 | bermraj | (~azael@2a01:4f8:211:1349::2) |
2021-05-13 18:08:14 +0200 | Rudd0 | (~Rudd0@ |
2021-05-13 18:08:57 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 18:12:36 +0200 | Guest1217 | (~textual@zrcout.mskcc.org) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com) |
2021-05-13 18:16:20 +0200 | nbloomf | (~nbloomf@2600:1700:ad14:3020:dd6b:deda:26b:d21e) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 18:17:02 +0200 | Alleria | (~textual@zrcout.mskcc.org) |
2021-05-13 18:17:27 +0200 | Alleria | Guest95205 |
2021-05-13 18:18:31 +0200 | nbloomf | (~nbloomf@2600:1700:ad14:3020:dd6b:deda:26b:d21e) |
2021-05-13 18:18:44 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 18:18:54 +0200 | <dolio> | Actually, I think my guess above is wrong. I think it's more likely that what's happening is that when it considers cases that aren't covered, it doesn't incorporate the refinements they cause. |
2021-05-13 18:19:49 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 18:19:55 +0200 | <boxscape> | hm yeah that would make sense |
2021-05-13 18:22:08 +0200 | <boxscape> | dolio actually, I figured out how to make it work with ghc 8.10 as well now: https://paste.tomsmeding.com/hrqGCTTO |
2021-05-13 18:22:17 +0200 | <boxscape> | which conveniently has a nicer API, too |
2021-05-13 18:22:49 +0200 | coot | (~coot@ |
2021-05-13 18:22:58 +0200 | coot | (~coot@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 18:23:00 +0200 | <boxscape> | i.e., passing a SingI constraint instead of a singleton directly |
2021-05-13 18:23:49 +0200 | raehik | (~raehik@cpc95906-rdng25-2-0-cust156.15-3.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:24:26 +0200 | <boxscape> | all in one paste for easy comparison https://paste.tomsmeding.com/UxNIdVNY |
2021-05-13 18:25:34 +0200 | raehik | (~raehik@cpc95906-rdng25-2-0-cust156.15-3.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 18:25:41 +0200 | tzh | (~tzh@c-24-21-73-154.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:26:07 +0200 | ppmdo | (~ppmdo@2a01:c23:bc1f:6d00:831a:c82b:c346:558f) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:27:34 +0200 | wei2912 | (~wei2912@unaffiliated/wei2912) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 18:30:41 +0200 | poljar | (~poljar@93-143-170-103.adsl.net.t-com.hr) |
2021-05-13 18:31:17 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:31:43 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 18:32:41 +0200 | poljar1 | (~poljar@93-139-21-8.adsl.net.t-com.hr) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:35:01 +0200 | CrazyPyt_ | (~crazypyth@ |
2021-05-13 18:35:16 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 18:35:40 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:36:11 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 18:36:53 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:37:37 +0200 | _bin | (~bin@2600:1700:10a1:38d0:4da3:c080:c26c:e9d4) |
2021-05-13 18:38:24 +0200 | Deide | (~Deide@ |
2021-05-13 18:40:54 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:42:29 +0200 | nbloomf | (~nbloomf@2600:1700:ad14:3020:dd6b:deda:26b:d21e) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 18:43:19 +0200 | aiken | (~aiken@ |
2021-05-13 18:47:56 +0200 | kingswim | (~kevinying@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:48:14 +0200 | dumptruckman | (~dumptruck@li1287-148.members.linode.com) (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in) |
2021-05-13 18:48:35 +0200 | pavonia | (~user@unaffiliated/siracusa) (Quit: Bye!) |
2021-05-13 18:49:10 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:49:27 +0200 | danvet | (~Daniel@2a02:168:57f4:0:efd0:b9e5:5ae6:c2fa) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:50:06 +0200 | danvet | (~Daniel@2a02:168:57f4:0:efd0:b9e5:5ae6:c2fa) |
2021-05-13 18:50:09 +0200 | nbloomf | (~nbloomf@2600:1700:ad14:3020:dd6b:deda:26b:d21e) |
2021-05-13 18:51:53 +0200 | nyd | (~nyd@unaffiliated/elysian) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 18:52:21 +0200 | tzh | (~tzh@c-24-21-73-154.hsd1.or.comcast.net) |
2021-05-13 18:53:40 +0200 | seveg | (~gabriel@2a02-ab04-0249-8d00-dea6-32ff-fe17-0993.dynamic.v6.chello.sk) |
2021-05-13 18:54:54 +0200 | justsomeguy | (~justsomeg@unaffiliated/--/x-3805311) (Quit: WeeChat 3.0.1) |
2021-05-13 18:56:51 +0200 | howdoi | (uid224@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pdbhajqewdjsgghb) |
2021-05-13 18:57:24 +0200 | Rudd0^ | (~Rudd0@ |
2021-05-13 18:58:29 +0200 | asdgae33 | (497b7713@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. |
2021-05-13 18:58:44 +0200 | asdgae33 | (497b7713@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. (Client Quit) |
2021-05-13 19:00:28 +0200 | asdgae33 | (497b7713@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. |
2021-05-13 19:00:41 +0200 | Rudd0 | (~Rudd0@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:01:18 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ |
2021-05-13 19:01:34 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ |
2021-05-13 19:01:37 +0200 | deejaytee | (~deejaytee@193.46-255-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:01:41 +0200 | wroathe | (~wroathe@c-68-54-25-135.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:02:38 +0200 | deejaytee | (~deejaytee@cpc91196-cmbg18-2-0-cust215.5-4.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 19:02:48 +0200 | hypercube | (~hypercube@2603-6011-f901-9e5b-0000-0000-0000-08cf.res6.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 19:07:07 +0200 | wroathe | (~wroathe@c-68-54-25-135.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
2021-05-13 19:09:23 +0200 | wonko7 | (~wonko7@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:09:29 +0200 | jamm_ | (~jamm@unaffiliated/jamm) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 19:10:51 +0200 | wonko7 | (~wonko7@ |
2021-05-13 19:12:36 +0200 | wroathe | (~wroathe@c-68-54-25-135.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:13:29 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 19:16:31 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 19:18:31 +0200 | ddella___ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 19:20:21 +0200 | waleee-cl | (uid373333@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ahljnfmlpzcempts) |
2021-05-13 19:21:19 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:21:37 +0200 | tomku | (~tomku@unaffiliated/tomku) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:21:43 +0200 | tomku | (~tomku@unaffiliated/tomku) |
2021-05-13 19:22:32 +0200 | jakalx | (~jakalx@base.jakalx.net) () |
2021-05-13 19:23:03 +0200 | danvet | (~Daniel@2a02:168:57f4:0:efd0:b9e5:5ae6:c2fa) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:23:05 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 19:25:04 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 19:25:35 +0200 | kupi | (uid212005@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-elsgjtlywkhnglxq) |
2021-05-13 19:25:39 +0200 | rond_ | (5940206b@89-64-32-107.dynamic.chello.pl) |
2021-05-13 19:27:12 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:28:01 +0200 | ozzymcduff | (~textual@81-234-151-21-no94.tbcn.telia.com) |
2021-05-13 19:30:07 +0200 | jamm_ | (~jamm@unaffiliated/jamm) |
2021-05-13 19:31:11 +0200 | jakalx | (~jakalx@base.jakalx.net) |
2021-05-13 19:31:55 +0200 | ozzymcduff | (~textual@81-234-151-21-no94.tbcn.telia.com) (Client Quit) |
2021-05-13 19:32:59 +0200 | nineonine | (~nineonine@ |
2021-05-13 19:34:17 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) |
2021-05-13 19:34:33 +0200 | xcmw | (~textual@2603-6011-2200-f103-757c-c76e-ded5-d43b.res6.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:34:33 +0200 | jamm_ | (~jamm@unaffiliated/jamm) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:34:59 +0200 | nineonin_ | (~nineonine@2604:3d08:777e:900:3c49:5975:3fc2:6871) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:35:02 +0200 | CrazyPyt_ | (~crazypyth@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 19:35:31 +0200 | boxscape | (54a350dc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:35:37 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ |
2021-05-13 19:35:46 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 19:36:06 +0200 | gzj | (~gzj@unaffiliated/gzj) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 19:37:26 +0200 | defroll | (~androirc@ |
2021-05-13 19:39:08 +0200 | shiraeeshi | (~shiraeesh@ |
2021-05-13 19:39:14 +0200 | defroll | (~androirc@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 19:39:44 +0200 | fendor | (~fendor@ (Quit: Leaving) |
2021-05-13 19:41:33 +0200 | kritzefitz | (~kritzefit@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:42:00 +0200 | fendor | (~fendor@ |
2021-05-13 19:42:27 +0200 | justsomeguy | (~justsomeg@unaffiliated/--/x-3805311) |
2021-05-13 19:42:35 +0200 | geowiesnot | (~user@i15-les02-ix2-87-89-181-157.sfr.lns.abo.bbox.fr) |
2021-05-13 19:44:32 +0200 | danvet | (~Daniel@2a02:168:57f4:0:efd0:b9e5:5ae6:c2fa) |
2021-05-13 19:45:48 +0200 | deejaytee | (~deejaytee@cpc91196-cmbg18-2-0-cust215.5-4.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Leaving) |
2021-05-13 19:45:54 +0200 | Rudd0^ | (~Rudd0@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:49:51 +0200 | enya[m] | (enyaismatr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-vbxbmzfxfyfdzpkm) |
2021-05-13 19:51:38 +0200 | kuribas | (~user@ptr-25vy0i87sxakfqtxjgf.18120a2.ip6.access.telenet.be) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 19:51:44 +0200 | _ashbreeze_ | (~mark@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 19:53:31 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 19:54:48 +0200 | CuPenguin | (~CuPenguin@dyn-209-2-219-179.dyn.columbia.edu) |
2021-05-13 19:56:11 +0200 | jess | (jess@freenode/staff/jess) () |
2021-05-13 19:57:53 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 20:00:30 +0200 | wroathe | (~wroathe@c-68-54-25-135.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
2021-05-13 20:01:54 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 20:02:05 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) |
2021-05-13 20:02:26 +0200 | vicfred | (~vicfred@unaffiliated/vicfred) |
2021-05-13 20:06:19 +0200 | boxscape | (54a350dc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. |
2021-05-13 20:06:24 +0200 | <xenon-> | if I use getTimeZone to fetch timezone, and use it to convert LocalTime from the past to UTCTime, I won't necessarily get correct results, will I? for example, if daylight saving time is on today, but wasn't at the time of the old LocalTime |
2021-05-13 20:07:01 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 20:07:58 +0200 | <xenon-> | getCurrentTimeZone* |
2021-05-13 20:08:55 +0200 | qbshill | (~ian@cpe9050cac7da83-cm9050cac7da80.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
2021-05-13 20:09:52 +0200 | dme2 | (~dme2@ |
2021-05-13 20:09:52 +0200 | proofofkeags | (~proofofke@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 20:10:39 +0200 | danvet | (~Daniel@2a02:168:57f4:0:efd0:b9e5:5ae6:c2fa) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 20:14:30 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 20:16:07 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 20:16:14 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 20:17:17 +0200 | CuPenguin | (~CuPenguin@dyn-209-2-219-179.dyn.columbia.edu) (Quit: WeeChat 3.1) |
2021-05-13 20:18:01 +0200 | <geekosaur> | correct, you'd need the timezone that matched the time |
2021-05-13 20:18:19 +0200 | <geekosaur> | I'm tempted to point you to "falsehoods programmers believe about time" |
2021-05-13 20:19:21 +0200 | <xenon-> | is this the solution? https://hackage.haskell.org/package/tz- |
2021-05-13 20:19:58 +0200 | <xenon-> | timeZoneForUTCTime :: TZ -> UTCTime -> TimeZone "Returns the TimeZone for the TZ at the given UTCTime." |
2021-05-13 20:19:59 +0200 | <xenon-> | seems to be |
2021-05-13 20:20:54 +0200 | <geekosaur> | I think that will have problems across timezone changes? |
2021-05-13 20:20:57 +0200 | kritzefitz | (~kritzefit@ |
2021-05-13 20:21:59 +0200 | proofofkeags | (~proofofke@ |
2021-05-13 20:22:36 +0200 | <xenon-> | why? |
2021-05-13 20:22:59 +0200 | <xenon-> | you mean for future times, if daylight saving time rules change for a given location? |
2021-05-13 20:23:39 +0200 | <geekosaur> | your UTCTime if converted for the wrong timezone to begin with will be ~1h (usually) off if it's crossing a time change boundary |
2021-05-13 20:24:20 +0200 | <geekosaur> | I guess you can blindly hope nobody ever gives you a time around 0200 or whenever the timezone does its time changes |
2021-05-13 20:25:22 +0200 | <xenon-> | ah I see. 02:00 may not exist |
2021-05-13 20:25:29 +0200 | <xenon-> | or it may exist twice |
2021-05-13 20:27:56 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) |
2021-05-13 20:27:58 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 20:29:01 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 20:32:35 +0200 | <xenon-> | is that what you meant, or? |
2021-05-13 20:32:49 +0200 | <geekosaur> | mostly, yes |
2021-05-13 20:32:49 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 20:33:20 +0200 | <geekosaur> | you can't tell if 02:35 is the first or second one, in particular, during that change |
2021-05-13 20:33:27 +0200 | <xenon-> | yes |
2021-05-13 20:33:37 +0200 | <geekosaur> | it's all fairly tricky and possibly impossible to get right |
2021-05-13 20:36:11 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 20:36:55 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 20:38:08 +0200 | pera_ | (~pera_@ (Quit: leaving) |
2021-05-13 20:38:08 +0200 | DavidEichmann | (~david@ |
2021-05-13 20:38:36 +0200 | <xenon-> | it isn't perfect, but it is still a big improvement over naive getCurrentTimeZone used with localTimeToUTC |
2021-05-13 20:42:03 +0200 | <xenon-> | ah interesting, this library also comes with localTimeToUTCFull :: TZ -> LocalTime -> LocalToUTCResult |
2021-05-13 20:42:03 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 20:42:50 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 20:43:12 +0200 | <xenon-> | data LocalToUTCResult = LTUNone { ... } | LTUUnique { ... } | LTUAmbiguous { ... } |
2021-05-13 20:45:11 +0200 | Iceland_jack | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 20:46:29 +0200 | <xenon-> | LTUAmbiguous has two UTCTime and two TimeZone fields |
2021-05-13 20:49:11 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 20:50:40 +0200 | hypercube | (~hypercube@2603-6011-f901-9e5b-0000-0000-0000-08cf.res6.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
2021-05-13 20:50:47 +0200 | DavidEichmann | (~david@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 20:50:56 +0200 | rajivr | (uid269651@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aelfljififmrzyjq) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2021-05-13 20:51:11 +0200 | justsomeguy | (~justsomeg@unaffiliated/--/x-3805311) (Quit: WeeChat 3.0.1) |
2021-05-13 20:53:19 +0200 | mikoto-chan | (~mikoto-ch@gateway/tor-sasl/mikoto-chan) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 20:54:17 +0200 | mikoto-chan | (~mikoto-ch@gateway/tor-sasl/mikoto-chan) |
2021-05-13 20:55:02 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) |
2021-05-13 20:56:09 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 21:01:02 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 21:02:45 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 21:03:51 +0200 | bgamari | (~bgamari@2001:470:e438::1) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 21:04:22 +0200 | bgamari | (~bgamari@ |
2021-05-13 21:04:53 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Excess Flood) |
2021-05-13 21:05:26 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 21:05:42 +0200 | Lord_of_Life | (~Lord@unaffiliated/lord-of-life/x-0885362) (Quit: Laa shay'a waqi'un moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine) |
2021-05-13 21:05:42 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) |
2021-05-13 21:08:02 +0200 | Lord_of_Life | (~Lord@unaffiliated/lord-of-life/x-0885362) |
2021-05-13 21:08:47 +0200 | Aquazi | (uid312403@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-usvcyuofqnageprn) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
2021-05-13 21:09:46 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 21:14:24 +0200 | itai | (~itai@2a0d:6fc0:87d:b00:f50f:77b6:28be:b274) |
2021-05-13 21:15:31 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Excess Flood) |
2021-05-13 21:16:54 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) |
2021-05-13 21:18:28 +0200 | raehik | (~raehik@cpc95906-rdng25-2-0-cust156.15-3.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 21:19:28 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 21:22:30 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ |
2021-05-13 21:25:38 +0200 | dme2 | (~dme2@ ("WeeChat 3.1") |
2021-05-13 21:25:53 +0200 | DavidEichmann | (~david@ |
2021-05-13 21:26:03 +0200 | juuandyy | (~juuandyy@ |
2021-05-13 21:26:46 +0200 | raehik | (~raehik@cpc95906-rdng25-2-0-cust156.15-3.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 21:31:31 +0200 | Lord_of_Life | (~Lord@unaffiliated/lord-of-life/x-0885362) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 21:32:36 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 21:33:24 +0200 | Tops2 | (~Tobias@dyndsl-037-138-064-027.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
2021-05-13 21:36:34 +0200 | werneta | (~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 21:37:10 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 21:41:36 +0200 | werneta | (~werneta@70-142-214-115.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 21:42:40 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 21:43:54 +0200 | _ashbreeze_ | (~mark@ |
2021-05-13 21:44:41 +0200 | s00pcan | (~chris@075-133-056-178.res.spectrum.com) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 21:46:02 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 21:46:29 +0200 | Pickchea | (~private@unaffiliated/pickchea) |
2021-05-13 21:47:18 +0200 | Lord_of_Life | (~Lord@unaffiliated/lord-of-life/x-0885362) |
2021-05-13 21:47:26 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 21:47:31 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 21:50:51 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 21:50:54 +0200 | juuandyy | (~juuandyy@ (Quit: Konversation terminated!) |
2021-05-13 21:52:35 +0200 | chimera | (~chimera@120-192-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net) |
2021-05-13 21:53:11 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 21:53:21 +0200 | hypercube | (~hypercube@2603-6011-f901-9e5b-0000-0000-0000-08cf.res6.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 21:55:36 +0200 | CrazyPython | (~crazypyth@ |
2021-05-13 21:55:40 +0200 | bennofs_ | (~quassel@dynamic-078-055-133-039.78.55.pool.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 21:55:52 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 21:56:02 +0200 | bennofs_ | (~quassel@dynamic-078-055-133-039.78.55.pool.telefonica.de) |
2021-05-13 21:56:25 +0200 | star_cloud | (~star_clou@ec2-34-220-44-120.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 21:57:37 +0200 | wroathe | (~wroathe@c-68-54-25-135.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 21:57:49 +0200 | guest5 | (5619784f@cpc143846-cosh20-2-0-cust78.6-1.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 22:00:11 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:00:21 +0200 | hololeap | (~hololeap@gateway/tor-sasl/hololeap) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:00:43 +0200 | m_shiraeeshi | (~shiraeesh@ |
2021-05-13 22:01:34 +0200 | hololeap | (~hololeap@gateway/tor-sasl/hololeap) |
2021-05-13 22:02:02 +0200 | _ht | (~quassel@82-169-194-8.biz.kpn.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 22:02:22 +0200 | wroathe | (~wroathe@c-68-54-25-135.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
2021-05-13 22:02:26 +0200 | shiraeeshi | (~shiraeesh@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:02:33 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 22:05:06 +0200 | tromp_ | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 22:05:09 +0200 | xelxebar | (~xelxebar@gateway/tor-sasl/xelxebar) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:05:33 +0200 | xelxebar | (~xelxebar@gateway/tor-sasl/xelxebar) |
2021-05-13 22:05:57 +0200 | pavonia | (~user@unaffiliated/siracusa) |
2021-05-13 22:06:08 +0200 | wonko7 | (~wonko7@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:06:46 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:06:50 +0200 | wroathe | (~wroathe@c-68-54-25-135.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:07:33 +0200 | dedz | (~ubuntu@unaffiliated/dedz) ("WeeChat 2.8") |
2021-05-13 22:08:06 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | ebutleriv | (sid217783@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-axsaplaythlyhqvy) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | travv0 | (sid293381@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bgosnvmgywfhipga) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | natim87 | (sid286962@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-segjzaitfpijfgwt) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | caasih | (sid13241@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-cymkwsjxbflumclu) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | rodlogic__ | (sid214676@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-eoudvnsbeyqqlkat) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | zzz | (~zzz@2a03:b0c0:3:d0::3095:3001) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | Vq | (~vq@90-227-195-41-no77.tbcn.telia.com) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | noCheese | (~nocheese@unaffiliated/nocheese) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | Nikotiini | (~ubuntu@ec2-52-213-118-142.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | lpsmith | (~lpsmith@unaffiliated/lpsmith) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | xarian | (~xarian@ (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | dequbed | (~dequbed@yanduxian.paranoidlabs.org) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | orcus | (~orcus@unaffiliated/orcus) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | sigmundv | (~sigmundv@ (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | rookie101 | (~rookie@ (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | andjjj23_ | (~irc@ (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | [df] | (~ben@ (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | filwisher | (~filwisher@ (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | alp | (~alp@ (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | kosmikus | (~kosmikus@haskell/developer/kosmikus) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | bendo | (~bendo@ (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | emergence | (~emergence@vm0.max-p.me) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | duairc | (~shane@ana.rch.ist) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | peutri | (~peutri@ns317027.ip-94-23-46.eu) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | haveo | (~haveo@sl35.iuwt.fr) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | le_jonge | (jonge@kofferbomber.org) (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:24 +0200 | voidcontext | (~pgee@ (*.net *.split) |
2021-05-13 22:09:30 +0200 | voidcontext | (~pgee@ |
2021-05-13 22:09:31 +0200 | haveo | (~haveo@sl35.iuwt.fr) |
2021-05-13 22:09:32 +0200 | duairc | (~shane@ana.rch.ist) |
2021-05-13 22:09:34 +0200 | jonge | (jonge@kofferbomber.org) |
2021-05-13 22:09:34 +0200 | sigmundv | (~sigmundv@ |
2021-05-13 22:09:35 +0200 | travv0 | (sid293381@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-cqosycqhyqubbdmy) |
2021-05-13 22:09:36 +0200 | peutri | (~peutri@ns317027.ip-94-23-46.eu) |
2021-05-13 22:09:36 +0200 | ebutleriv | (sid217783@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kjtlrdrcmesdvdsb) |
2021-05-13 22:09:37 +0200 | natim87 | (sid286962@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-imszzbhqovbmpieq) |
2021-05-13 22:09:38 +0200 | lpsmith | (~lpsmith@unaffiliated/lpsmith) |
2021-05-13 22:09:38 +0200 | bendo | (~bendo@ |
2021-05-13 22:09:39 +0200 | filwisher | (~filwisher@ |
2021-05-13 22:09:40 +0200 | zzz | (~zzz@2a03:b0c0:3:d0::3095:3001) |
2021-05-13 22:09:41 +0200 | Vq | (~vq@90-227-195-41-no77.tbcn.telia.com) |
2021-05-13 22:09:43 +0200 | emergence | (~emergence@vm0.max-p.me) |
2021-05-13 22:09:43 +0200 | caasih | (sid13241@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-oiswgqyduhjrscso) |
2021-05-13 22:09:45 +0200 | [df] | (~ben@ |
2021-05-13 22:09:45 +0200 | orcus | (~orcus@unaffiliated/orcus) |
2021-05-13 22:09:45 +0200 | noCheese | (~nocheese@gw2.aibor.de) |
2021-05-13 22:09:46 +0200 | noCheese | (~nocheese@gw2.aibor.de) (Changing host) |
2021-05-13 22:09:46 +0200 | noCheese | (~nocheese@unaffiliated/nocheese) |
2021-05-13 22:09:46 +0200 | rodlogic__ | (sid214676@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-puengvpfylnuoiwr) |
2021-05-13 22:09:48 +0200 | Nikotiini | (~ubuntu@ec2-52-213-118-142.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com) |
2021-05-13 22:09:54 +0200 | dequbed | (~dequbed@yanduxian.paranoidlabs.org) |
2021-05-13 22:10:04 +0200 | andjjj23_ | (~irc@ |
2021-05-13 22:10:16 +0200 | rookie101 | (~rookie@ |
2021-05-13 22:10:38 +0200 | xarian | (~xarian@ |
2021-05-13 22:11:53 +0200 | <boxscape> | hehe I just tried --5 to see if it would negate it twice and then was briefly surprised when I got no output at all from ghci |
2021-05-13 22:12:36 +0200 | pounce | (~pounce@ns379743.ip-5-196-70.eu) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:12:42 +0200 | fendor | (~fendor@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 22:13:05 +0200 | ddellac__ | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:13:17 +0200 | <int-e> | boxscape: no comment... |
2021-05-13 22:13:43 +0200 | <boxscape> | :) |
2021-05-13 22:13:52 +0200 | guest5 | (5619784f@cpc143846-cosh20-2-0-cust78.6-1.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 22:13:58 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 22:14:04 +0200 | fendor | (~fendor@ |
2021-05-13 22:14:36 +0200 | kosmikus | (~kosmikus@haskell/developer/kosmikus) |
2021-05-13 22:15:08 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 22:15:43 +0200 | alp | (~alp@ |
2021-05-13 22:15:52 +0200 | pounce | (~pounce@ns379743.ip-5-196-70.eu) |
2021-05-13 22:17:05 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 22:20:41 +0200 | raehik | (~raehik@cpc95906-rdng25-2-0-cust156.15-3.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:23:18 +0200 | dme2 | (~dme2@ |
2021-05-13 22:25:38 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ |
2021-05-13 22:28:49 +0200 | aiken | (~aiken@ (Quit: Leaving) |
2021-05-13 22:29:19 +0200 | DavidEichmann | (~david@ (Quit: Leaving) |
2021-05-13 22:29:46 +0200 | ixlun | (~user@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:32:44 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) |
2021-05-13 22:34:23 +0200 | hiroaki | (~hiroaki@2a02:908:4b18:8c40:c4d8:bb94:7495:fe3c) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:36:14 +0200 | kristijonas | (~kristijon@78-56-32-39.static.zebra.lt) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 22:36:36 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 22:36:39 +0200 | kristijonas | (~kristijon@78-56-32-39.static.zebra.lt) |
2021-05-13 22:37:44 +0200 | kristijonas | (~kristijon@78-56-32-39.static.zebra.lt) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 22:38:11 +0200 | elfets | (~elfets@ip-37-201-23-96.hsi13.unitymediagroup.de) |
2021-05-13 22:40:53 +0200 | Varis | (~Tadas@unaffiliated/varis) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 22:41:18 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 22:42:16 +0200 | Taneb | (~Taneb@runciman.hacksoc.org) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 22:42:37 +0200 | deviantfero | (~deviantfe@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:43:04 +0200 | Taneb | (~Taneb@2001:41c8:51:10d:aaaa:0:aaaa:0) |
2021-05-13 22:43:43 +0200 | itai | (~itai@2a0d:6fc0:87d:b00:f50f:77b6:28be:b274) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:44:22 +0200 | deviantfero | (~deviantfe@ |
2021-05-13 22:45:57 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 22:46:18 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ |
2021-05-13 22:47:39 +0200 | hiroaki | (~hiroaki@2a02:908:4b18:8c40:d44f:a626:bffa:9622) |
2021-05-13 22:49:03 +0200 | sord937 | (~sord937@gateway/tor-sasl/sord937) (Quit: sord937) |
2021-05-13 22:49:07 +0200 | heatsink | (~heatsink@108-201-191-115.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) |
2021-05-13 22:50:21 +0200 | justanotheruser | (~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser) (Quit: WeeChat 3.1) |
2021-05-13 22:52:04 +0200 | justanotheruser | (~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser) |
2021-05-13 22:55:00 +0200 | tromp_ | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 22:55:27 +0200 | dsrt^ | (~hph@ip98-184-89-2.mc.at.cox.net) |
2021-05-13 22:57:07 +0200 | takuan | (~takuan@178-116-218-225.access.telenet.be) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 22:57:09 +0200 | rj | (~x@gateway/tor-sasl/rj) |
2021-05-13 22:59:04 +0200 | renzhi | (~renzhi@2607:fa49:6500:bc00::e7b) |
2021-05-13 22:59:10 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) |
2021-05-13 22:59:45 +0200 | nbloomf | (~nbloomf@2600:1700:ad14:3020:dd6b:deda:26b:d21e) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) |
2021-05-13 23:00:13 +0200 | son0p | (~ff@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 23:01:00 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 23:07:13 +0200 | merijn | (~merijn@83-160-49-249.ip.xs4all.nl) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
2021-05-13 23:08:47 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 23:10:16 +0200 | kritzefitz | (~kritzefit@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 23:10:45 +0200 | jumper149 | (~jumper149@ |
2021-05-13 23:11:52 +0200 | ddellac__ | (~ddellacos@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 23:12:00 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 23:12:57 +0200 | qbshill | (~ian@cpe9050cac7da83-cm9050cac7da80.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: WeeChat 3.1) |
2021-05-13 23:13:09 +0200 | s00pcan | (~chris@075-133-056-178.res.spectrum.com) |
2021-05-13 23:14:37 +0200 | jumper149 | (~jumper149@ (Client Quit) |
2021-05-13 23:17:18 +0200 | viluon | (uid453725@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jjwayfetbamsvluw) |
2021-05-13 23:17:44 +0200 | geekosaur | (930099da@rrcs-147-0-153-218.central.biz.rr.com) (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 23:17:55 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 23:18:02 +0200 | geekosaur | (930099da@rrcs-147-0-153-218.central.biz.rr.com) |
2021-05-13 23:18:06 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ |
2021-05-13 23:18:27 +0200 | ddellaco_ | (~ddellacos@ool-44c73afa.dyn.optonline.net) |
2021-05-13 23:18:43 +0200 | ddellacosta | (~ddellacos@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 23:21:03 +0200 | Guest28161 | (~alexander@2a02:587:dc01:3b00:38f4:60b0:4dbb:46) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 23:21:58 +0200 | jumper149 | (~jumper149@ |
2021-05-13 23:22:18 +0200 | itai | (~itai@2a0d:6fc0:804:3500:f50f:77b6:28be:b274) |
2021-05-13 23:22:37 +0200 | raehik | (~raehik@cpc95906-rdng25-2-0-cust156.15-3.cable.virginm.net) |
2021-05-13 23:23:03 +0200 | jumper149 | (~jumper149@ (Client Quit) |
2021-05-13 23:23:32 +0200 | chris__ | (~chris@ (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 23:24:00 +0200 | son0p | (~ff@ |
2021-05-13 23:24:08 +0200 | chris__ | (~chris@ |
2021-05-13 23:24:41 +0200 | Gurkenglas | (~Gurkengla@unaffiliated/gurkenglas) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 23:25:45 +0200 | elfets | (~elfets@ip-37-201-23-96.hsi13.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 23:26:22 +0200 | ukari | (~ukari@unaffiliated/ukari) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 23:27:14 +0200 | chris__ | (~chris@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
2021-05-13 23:27:29 +0200 | chris__ | (~chris@ |
2021-05-13 23:28:39 +0200 | justanotheruser | (~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser) (Quit: WeeChat 3.1) |
2021-05-13 23:30:05 +0200 | chenin | (bab72646@ |
2021-05-13 23:30:07 +0200 | rond_ | (5940206b@89-64-32-107.dynamic.chello.pl) (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 23:30:29 +0200 | hexfive | (~hexfive@ |
2021-05-13 23:30:36 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 23:32:45 +0200 | rj | (~x@gateway/tor-sasl/rj) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 23:32:53 +0200 | poljar1 | (~poljar@93-143-137-156.adsl.net.t-com.hr) |
2021-05-13 23:33:36 +0200 | {abby} | abbie |
2021-05-13 23:33:41 +0200 | abbie | {abby} |
2021-05-13 23:33:41 +0200 | poljar | (~poljar@93-143-170-103.adsl.net.t-com.hr) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 23:33:48 +0200 | chenin | (bab72646@ (Quit: Connection closed) |
2021-05-13 23:35:51 +0200 | chenin | (bab72646@ |
2021-05-13 23:35:57 +0200 | mounty | (~mounty@ |
2021-05-13 23:36:26 +0200 | raehik | (~raehik@cpc95906-rdng25-2-0-cust156.15-3.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 23:39:08 +0200 | {abby} | abbie |
2021-05-13 23:41:51 +0200 | tromp | (~tromp@dhcp-077-249-230-040.chello.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 23:42:31 +0200 | hexfive | (~hexfive@ (Quit: i must go. my people need me.) |
2021-05-13 23:42:55 +0200 | jao | (~jao@pdpc/supporter/professional/jao) (Remote host closed the connection) |
2021-05-13 23:43:13 +0200 | Guest95205 | (~textual@zrcout.mskcc.org) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 23:44:01 +0200 | isovector | (~isovector@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
2021-05-13 23:44:03 +0200 | stree | (~stree@ |
2021-05-13 23:44:53 +0200 | chenin | (bab72646@ () |
2021-05-13 23:48:52 +0200 | jao | (~jao@pdpc/supporter/professional/jao) |
2021-05-13 23:54:21 +0200 | mikoto-chan | (~mikoto-ch@gateway/tor-sasl/mikoto-chan) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
2021-05-13 23:55:00 +0200 | dxtr | (51e97910@81-233-121-16-no79.tbcn.telia.com) |
2021-05-13 23:57:55 +0200 | ddellacosta | (ddellacost@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ddellacosta) |
2021-05-13 23:58:18 +0200 | __monty__ | (~toonn@unaffiliated/toonn) (Quit: leaving) |
2021-05-13 23:59:31 +0200 | ukari | (~ukari@unaffiliated/ukari) |