
2021-10-02 01:08:07 +0200 <contrapunctus> artefact: try using `tap-hold-next-release`
2021-10-02 01:34:36 +0200 <contrapunctus> artefact: I'm sure the docs say something about it, but here are my notes on it for the very usecase you mention - https://contrapunctus.tilde.team/blog/keyboard-machinations-kmonad.html
2021-10-02 10:23:25 +0200 <artefact> contrapunctus: thanks for the suggestion. i've tried all variants and none seem to suit me. might just be my keyboard's too slow and/or it has laggy switches. i've disabled it for now
2021-10-02 10:24:22 +0200 <artefact> i've had good success using (around-next-timeout 50 ralt (tap-next ret ralt)) for merging ret and iso level3 shift
2021-10-02 10:24:50 +0200 <artefact> any other combination will not register ret pressed quickly after a word
2021-10-02 10:27:53 +0200 <artefact> cool article, i'm guessing you don't use smartparens? i considered using lsft/rsft as ( ) but they are easy enough as is on my layout
2021-10-02 10:32:03 +0200 <contrapunctus> artefact: I do use Smartparens (see https://tildegit.org/contrapunctus/dotemacs/src/branch/production/init.org ), but this autopair thing (sort of) works in all applications. (I might prefer an EXWM+EXIM based setup, but I couldn't get that to work.)
2021-10-02 10:34:18 +0200 <artefact> i use exwm myself. it has a few quirks but it was a mostly painless transition
2021-10-02 10:35:25 +0200 <artefact> anyway i've ordered a keyboard that runs qmk so hopefully i can configure the polling interval/latency. i will also try its own dual key features, so i'm not giving hope just yet
2021-10-02 11:00:09 +0200stitesOld[m](~stitesmat@2001:470:69fc:105::40c1) (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)
2021-10-02 18:40:33 +0200artefact_(~artefact@
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