
2021-07-21 11:42:16 +0200contrapunctus(a75f5b1571@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1)
2021-07-21 11:42:21 +0200 <contrapunctus> o/
2021-07-21 11:45:52 +0200 <contrapunctus> I'm looking for a way to issue `()<left arrow>` when Shift is pressed and released by itself. Is this possible with kmonad? Didn't see anything in the tutorial document or issues that looked related.
2021-07-21 11:47:29 +0200 <Solid> as in, shift works as normal shift and only when you press, then release it it issues these commands?
2021-07-21 11:49:34 +0200 <contrapunctus> Yes, Shift works as usual if used as a modifier, i.e. in combination with other keys, but issues `()<left arrow>` if pressed and released by itself.
2021-07-21 11:56:19 +0200 <Solid> Sounds like a tap-next to me
2021-07-21 11:56:53 +0200 <Solid> something like `(tap-next #( \( \) left) sft)' perhaps
2021-07-21 11:59:47 +0200 <contrapunctus> Thanks, I'll give that a shot :D